Last modified 22 November 2022

for vocabulary of Australian languages

Voegelin | Alpher | AIATSIS | Dixon | Kendon | Picture Dictionary | beyond


Features of the physical and biological world
Physical attributes and activities of people
Intellectual and emotional expressions and values
People and interpersonal relations

Features of the physical and biological world

A Topography, soil and natural resources
.0 general (not in A.1,.2,.3), place names
 .1 eminences in the landscape
 .2 holes in the earth
 .3 types of landscape differing by growth and/or soil
 .4 soil and natural resources
B Environment
.1 Sky and heavenly bodies
 .2 Temperature
 .3 Wind
C Water
.1 precipitation and attending phenomena
 .2 cultural and natural sources of confined water
 .3 water sources which intermittently flow
 .4 types of immersion and application of water
D Animals and animal products
.0 general terms
 .1 mammals
 .2 large birds (emu, turkeys)
 .3 snakes
 .4 reptiles, amphibians
 .5 birds
 .5.01 owls
 .5.02 terrestrial hawks
 .5.03 ducks, teals and geese
 .5.04 pigeons and doves
 .5.05 parrots
 .5.06 bitterns and night-herons
 .5.07 herons, stilts, waders etc
 .5.08 beach birds
 .5.09 sea birds
 .5.10 quail
 .5.11 other birds
 .6 delicacies
 .7 insects
 .8 fish, shellfish, crustaceans
 .8.00 gropers, codfish
 .8.01 rays
 .8.02 sharks
 .8.03 catfish
 .8.04 mullets
 .8.05 perch
 .8.06 long-toms and garfish
 .8.07 parrotfish and tuskfish
 .8.08 toadfish
 .8.09 emperors, trevallies, darts, sweetlips
 .8.10 rock cods etc
 .8.11 batfish and butterfish
 .8.12 tuna, large jumping fish
 .8.13 gudgeons and muskippers
 .8.14 small freshwater fish
 .8.15 salmon
 .8.16 herring, anchovy, bony bream
 .8.17 other fish
 .9 introduced animals
E Plants and plant products
.0 general terms
 .1 tree parts
 .2 trees & bushes
 .3 plant foods
 .4 tubers
 .5 tobaccos
 .6 grasses
F Locations and Directions
.1 cardinal directions
 .2 demonstratives
 .3 location, distance
G Time
.1 diurnal
 .2 longer than a day, not related to diurnal cycle
H Quantification
.1 exact
 .2 qualitative

 .3 size, weight
 .4 distance
 .5 shape
 .6 arrangement
 .7 surface properties

Physical attributes and activities of people

I Body parts
.1 head
 .2 torso, internal organs
 .3 limbs
 .4 non-localised
 .5 hair
 .6 secretions and substances
J Physiological reactions
.1 semi-voluntary
 .2 sleep
 .3 alimentation
 .4 sex
 .5 fitness
K Disease and bodily afflictions
.1 aging
 .2 physical disability
 .3 mental disability
 .4 sickness
 .5 medicine
 .6 bodily discomfort
L Senses and perception, attention
.1 senses and attention
 .2 colours, light
 .3 Concealment
M Speech acts, vocal sounds, noises
.1 linguistic, speech acts
 .2 non-linguistic
N Stance, change of stance
O Motion
.0 general terms
 .1 horizontal motion
 .2 vertical motion, falling
 .3 walking
P Physical transfer and holding
.1 transfer
 .2 manipulation, induced motion
 .3 holding
Q Impact and concussion (as in Warlpiri roots:)
.1 /pu- ~ pi-/, etc.
 .2 /paka-/ striking, chopping
 .3 /paji-/ cutting
 .4 /panti-/ piercing
 .5 /luwa-/ throwing
 .6 /kati-/ pressing
R Activity tempo, manner

Intellectual and emotional expressions and values

S Mentation (incl. possibility, etc.)

 .1 sorrow
 .2 desire
 .3 hate
 .4 fear
 .5 anxiety
T Values
.1 goodness
 .2 excess

People and interpersonal relations

U Human classification
.1 peoples
 .2.1 age-grade terms
 .2.2 initiation
 .3 terms for females
V Kinship
.1 family
 .2.1 matrilines
 .2.2 /yikirrinji/ respect terms
 .3 subsections
 .4 age-mate terms
 .5.1 Ego's subsection
 .5.2 Fa subsection
 .5.3 Mo subsection
 .5.4 spouse subsection
 .5.5 cross-cousins
 .5.6 MoMo subsection
 .5.7 WiFa subsection
 .5.8 WiMo subsection
 .6 spouse pairs
 .7 father-child pairs
 .8 mother-child pairs
 .9.1 Fa-MoFa pairs
 .9.2 Ego-WiMo pair, Fa-MoMo pair
 .9.3 Ego-MoFa,MoMo pair
 .9.4 semi-patrimoiety terms
W Social satisfactions and displeasures
.1 play
 .2 fighting, bystanders' reactions
 .3 socially prescribed action
X Material culture
.1.1 tools, weapons esp. men's
 .1.2 tools, weapons esp. women's
 .2 clothing, adornments
 .3 shelter, camp
 .4 marine, riverine
Y Cooking, Fire
Z Ritual, Sorcery
.1 Mourning

Elaboration of birds and fish added by Jane Simpson. Slightly adapted by David Nash and Jane Simpson, 1984, from Kenneth L. Hale's typescript Warlpiri 'Introduction to Vocabulary and Domains' (1959), in turn based on Hopi domains; a lexical approach to the problem of selection, by Charles F. Voegelin & Florence M. Voegelin (Baltimore, Waverly Press, 1957. Series title: Indiana University publications in anthropology and linguistics. Memoir 14).

Also available as a FileMaker Pro v.3 file (MacBinary) (by Tony Williams).

Barry Alpher

Semantic domain codes, p.390 of Appendix 5.1, 'Proto-Pama-Nyungan etyma' in Claire Bowern and Harold Koch (eds). 2004. Australian languages: classification and the comparative method. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 249)  Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
A animal, fauna
B body part or product
C bugs (“crawlers”): arthropods--insects, arachnids, centipedes, crustaceans)
E earth: including fire, water, sky, geography
F fish
H human, including age categories, languages, dreams, ceremonies, songs
K kin
L location, direction, time
M maritime
O bird
P plant
Q quantifier
S (“shellfish”): molluscs
T (“thing”, “tool”, “technology”): artefact
V vegetable food
Z animal (“zoic”): the minya (“game animal”, excluding birds) and dog categories

March 2006 Revisions to the above list of domains for nouns:
A    animal, fauna (inclusive of birds; exclusive of fish) <<overlap with Z not noticed at time of publication in 2004>>
H    human, including gender categories, age categories, kinship categories, language, dreams, ceremonies, songs
O    bird (including the emu, not normally classed with the birds in the languages themselves)
Z    animal (“zoic”): the minya (‘game animal’, excluding birds) and dog categories <<see note at “A”>>


Semantic domains promoted by AIATSIS (formerly AIAS), and used in the Handbook of Australia Languages volumes (ed. by Dixon & Blake, OUP), and Macquarie Aboriginal Words (ed. by Thieberger & McGregor, paperback published by Macquarie Library, 1994).
Source: Wordlist for Australian languages / compiled by Peter Sutton and Michael Walsh. 2nd ed. Canberra:Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, 1987.
Note: The 1979 booklet also has numerical marking of individual items, not yet added here.
A: body parts and products
B: human classification
C: language, mythology, ceremony (and associated objects)
D: human artifacts (weapons, tools, clothing, etc.)
E: food, cooking and fire
F: water (fresh, salt, mud, current, etc.)
G: elements (weather, sky, topography, etc.)
H: mammals
I: reptiles (marine and land)
J: birds
K: marine life (except mammals and reptiles)
L: insects and spiders
M: plants

N: physical (bodily states, colours, dimensions, quantity)
O: non-physical (values, emotions, etc.)

P: motion
Q: state
R: vocalising and thought
S: bodily function
T: impact and violence
U: holding and transfer

V: locationals, temporals, directionals
W: interrogatives
X: interjections
Y: particles
Z: pronouns

Dyirbal thesaurus across ten dialects, Supplements (b) and (c) to A New Grammar of Dyirbal
R.M.W. Dixon (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022) Microsoft Word - Supplement 2 Nominals 2022 with map.doc
A Bodyparts1
B Human classification, etc. 37
C Kinterms50
D Mammals 64
E Reptiles and amphibians 72
F Birds 83
G Fishes and other water creatures 104
H Insects and other small creatures 110
I Language and noises 124
J Artefacts 134
K Fire, water and food 164
L Weather and celestial 176
M Geography and places 183
N Flora 199
Details of individual plants 208
Flowering plants 208
I Two-seed leaves 208
II One-seed leaves 254
Non-flowering vascular plants 266
Usnea (mosses), Algae, and Bracket fungi 272


OA Alone, possession 273
OB Quantity 275
OC Together, away 280
OD Orientation 286
OE Dimension 300
OF Physical property 312
OG Clean, colours 325
OH Age, value 331
OI Speed 341
OJ Corporeal 345
OK Noise 360
OL Human propensity 363
OM Adverbal-type adjectives 398
ON Loan adjectives - work, swear 401


YA Relative time 402
YB Concrete time 406
YC Duration 410
YD Too soon and not yet 411
YE Meanwhile 413

11 Simple motion 1
12 Simple Rest 24
13 Position in water 34
14 Follow 37
15 Induced motion 38
16 Induced rest 68
21 Strike 71
22 Rub 86
23 Wrap, tie 90
24 Obscure 91
25 Build, weave 95
26 Burn and shine 99
3—GIVING 108
41 Take no notice 114
42 Hear, imagine, believe, dream
43 Seeing 119
44 Show 127
5—SPEAKING ADVERBALS 51 Speaking and telling 129
52 Asking 137
53 Telling to do and not to do 139 54 Rouse 144
55 Calling 148
56 Sing 150
57 Other noises 151
61 Consume 157
62 Kiss, spit at, smell, blow 164 63 Feel, touch, and tickle 168
64 Sex 170
65 Grow up 173
66 Laugh, cry, cough, sneeze 174 67 Be ill 177
68 Recover, cure 185
69 Inanimate agent affecting
well-being 186 7—BREAK AND FALL 187 8—WANT AND LIKE 196 9—PROPENSITY 201 10—MISCELLANEOUS 207
AdA Start, do first 211 AdB Finish, stop 212 AdC Do too much 213 AdD Don't do enough 214 AdE Do too soon 214 AdF Delay 215
AdG Too fast 216
AdH Too slow 216
AdI Repeat 217
AdJ Do properly 218
AdK Do badly 219
AdL For no reason 220
AdM Shouldn't be done 220
AdN Can't do something 221
AdO Do something with the aid of a
light 222 AdP Join in 222
AdQ Do on one's own 223
AdR Interrogative (& indefinite)
verb 223
AdS Deictic verb 226

Kendon sign dictionaries

A=Body Parts
B=Human Classification
D=Camp and Dwellings
E=Artifacts, traditional
F=Artifacts, modern
G=Fire, cooking and consumables (food and tobacco)
H=Celestial bodies, weather, topography
L=Amphibians and reptiles
N=Plants and plant products
Q=General attributes
R=Human attributes

As used by Adam Kendon in his c1995 'Sign dictionaries for NT languages'
AIATSIS Library Call Number AILEC 0675

Picture Dictionary sections

    what skin are you?
    internal organs
country, place
time of day
    introduced animals
    ground birds
    birds that nest in trees
    birds that nest in hollow trees
    birds of prey
    night birds
    water birds
lizards and snakes
vegetable food
sweet things
edible grubs
going hunting
cooking and food preparation
what are you making?
what are you doing?
what's happening?
how are you feeling?
what's it like?

A domain scheme similar to the above is used in:

Central Anmatyerr picture dictionary compiled by Jenny Green with the communities of Ti Tree, Mount Allan and Laramba (Napperby)
Alice Springs, N.T.: IAD Press, 2003. ISBN 1864650524 (IAD Press picture dictionary series)

Kaytetye picture dictionary compiled by Myfany Turpin and Alison Ross with Kaytetye communities.
Alice Springs, N.T. : IAD Press, 2004. ISBN 1864650583 (IAD Press picture dictionary series)


Indo-European Semantic Fields as used in Carl Darling Buck's (1949) Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principle Indo-European Languages (Chicago: Chicago University Press).  These are the basis for the IDS (Intercontinental Dictionary Series) list, and in turn The Loanword Typology Meaning List (LWTML) used by the Loanword Typology project which contains 1460 lexical meanings (in HTML orWord format, around 2MB). 'The words have been divided into 24 "semantic fields" (the 22 domains from Buck, plus a domain called "modern world" and a domain called "function words"). … Some words have been added for particular ecoregions (Africa, Amazonia, Arctic, etc.), to balance the (Indo-)European bias of Buck.'

• Jorge Luis Borges' salutary remarks about any general system for the classification of archival entities (per Mark Liberman).
Levin, Beth. 1993 English Verb Classes and Alternations: A Preliminary Investigation. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. (Web-accessible version of the Index)

See also Notes for the computer assisted language worker

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© 1998  David Nash

Last modified: 122 November 2022