Gara, Tom. 1993. Early observations of the mammals of the Nullabor Plain and Great Victoria Desert in South Australia. Draft.77+[4]pp. McKenzie, N.L. & A.C. Robinson. 1987. A Biological Survey of the Nullarbor Region, South and Western Australia in 1984. SA Dept. of Environment and Planning, WA CALM, Aust. Nat. Parks and Wildlife Service. x+413pp. ISBN 724388850 Nash, David. 2002 Historical linguistic geography of south-east Western Australia, pp.205ff in Language and Native Title, ed. by John Henderson & David Nash. Canberra: AIATSIS Native Title Research Unit, Aboriginal Studies Press. O’Grady, Geoff. 2001. Two southern Australian vocabularies: Parnkalla (Barngarla) and Karlamayi, pp.291-303 in Forty years on: Ken Hale and Australian languages, ed. by Jane Simpson et al. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 512. two popular articles on the Nuytsland Reserve published in the now defunct journal Swans 6(3),55-56 and 9(2),47-48. Chanda, Mary. 2003. Reviving an endangered language: the case of the Mirning language, pp.109-112 in Maintaining the Links: Language, Identity and the Land, ed. by Joe Blythe & R. McKenna Brown. Proceedings of the Seventh FEL Conference. Broome. Western Australia. 22-24 September. Bath, UK: Foundation for Endangered Languages. ISBN 0-9538248-5-3
inter apico- apico- lamino- dorso- bilabial dental alveolar domal alveolar velar stops p th t rt tj k nasals m nh n rn ny ng laterals lh l rl ly flap rr glides w r yThe vowels are i, a, u. Long vowels are written ii, aa, uu. Word-initially, and after a hyphen, rl, rn, rt are written l, n, t respectively. Especially within roots, /lyj,nyj/ may be written /lj,nj/ respectively. Alphabetical order is normal, with composite letters regarded as broken into constituents, except that initial /n/ always precedes initial /ng/. Hyphen is regarded as ordered before /a/.
A more complex orthography is used in von Brandenstein's grammar. The main differences from the above are:
Date created: 19 October 1998
Last modified: 5 October 2003