/** aust.languages: 35.0 **/
** Topic: Comparative Linguistics Workshop P **
** Written  7:20 pm  Nov  2, 1992 by dnash in peg:aust.languages **
Date: 02 Nov 1992 16:46:29 +1000
From: Ilia Pejros 
Subject: None


We would like to hold a workshop to bring together people interested
in Australian historical linguistics.

We were thinking of holding this workshop over the weekend after
Easter in 1993  (17th-18th April) at one of the Melbourne
University's residences in the country.

We are not thinking of this as a workshop stuffed with formal
presentations, but rather as a time for collaborative work and
relaxed discussion.   However, we would like people to come prepared
to report on their work in progress but not necessarily in the form
of a paper.

Topics for discussion that we are interested in include:

*comparative dictionaries of Australian languages
* comparing correspondence sets
* different approaches to sub-grouping
* semantic change
* diffusion
* social conditions for language change in Australia

We plan to have the workshop at Strathfield (about 50k from
Melbourne) Shearers Quartes and Farmhands Cottage (build 1848) Cost
$12 per day for accommodation . B.Y.O. Sleeping bags and food - joint
cooking may be arranged later.

If you are interested in attending, you may return the form below to:

Nick Evans & Ilia Pejros
Dept Linguistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville VIC 3052






I am interested in discussing the following topics:

The languages I am most familiar with are:

Please distribute this notice to anyone who would be interested.

** End of text from peg:aust.languages **
© 1994