Last changed 12 May 2024

Motion pictures and multimedia relating to the Warlpiri

Ordered by year

Send additions and corrections to the compiler, David Nash

This listing focusses on recordings produced for distribution.

See also many PAW Media items at and embedded media on sites such as PAW / Warlpiri Media (WMA) (and previously WETT Youth and Media project); and linked at the iTalk site, and CAAMA, and ICTV's indigitube

This listing does not include all relevant items in previous video serials such as NT Government's Aboriginal Video Magazine, Central Land Council's CLC Video Magazine, or CAAMA's Nganampa/Anwernekenhe (Series I; for Series II see 2000 item).

There are complementary bibliographies on Warlpiri, a list of Endangered languages on film & video, and other ethnographic film catalogues such as HADDON. See also the NFSA catalogue.

Hint: To find a particular name, or key term, use your Web browser's Find command.

Board for Anthropological Research. 1931. Cockatoo Creek silent black & white cine film, with some titles. Includes 4 reels. About 35 minutes. Includes NB Tindale, Prof Campbell, Prof Wilkinson, HJ Gray (?). Held at SA Museum. * 1994 video copy * 2014 online excerpt
Board for Anthropological Research. 1936. The Granites silent black & white cine film. 5 reels. Produced by H.K. Fry & C.P. Mountford. Held at SA Museum.
AIATSIS summary: Shows Warlpiri wild currant totemic ceremony, including ground painting & body decorations.
In the Wake of the Wailbri. 1951. 16mm. colour. Director & Camera, Arnold Mars. Sydney: Australian Baptist Home Mission Board. * "A record of Baptist pioneer work amongst the Aborigines in the heart of Australia"
ScreenSound summary: Focuses on Yuendumu Native Reserve (northwest of Alice Springs) and the lifestyle of the Aboriginals who live there as well as the Baptist missionaries who are "introducing the Natives to the Saviour". The head of the Mission is Rev. Tom Fleming and he and his wife are shown distributing supplies, feeding children and performing other daily tasks.
AIATSIS summary: After scenes of Alice Springs the film goes on to show the work of the Baptist Missionaries at Yuendumu Settlement.
Board for Anthropological Research, University of Adelaide. Films on aspects of life in north-west Central Australia., produced by T.D. Campbell from material filmed in and around Yuendumu between 1951 and 1966. Colour, sound commentary, 16mm. * previous held at the University of Adelaide, transferred to SA Museum
Minjena's Lost Ground (540') In the Beginning (425') So They Did Eat (875') Nabarula The Boomerang (420') The Woomera (560') Stone Axes (400') ['Stone axe making'] Palya (420') ['Spinifex resin'] Aboriginal Spears (650') Aboriginal Hair String (900') ['Making hair string' (25 min.)]
As listed in '7. Cinema Films', p.221 of Aboriginal Man in South and Central Australia, ed. by B.C. Cotton. Handbook of the Flora and Fauna of South Australia, issued by the South Australian Branch of the British Science Guild Handbooks Committee. Part I. Adelaide: S.A. Government Printer.
'Cine Service Presents : Centralian Journey Photography by Ian Wood Being the personal acount of a visit to Central Australia by a Victorian family.' (beginning intertitles)
ScreenSound summary includes: "a group of aboriginal people at Yuendumu Baptist Mission - children playing, women washing young children in tubs, a man making and throwing a boomerang and other wooden tools." Home movies/Home recordings accompanied by ScreenSound Manuscript Collection item:
[Wood, Ian : Centralian journey : Home movie : self-published(?) article chronicling the trip]
Bjerre, Jens: see 1978
[Victor Carell, Beth Dean] 1953. Carrumbo : to take a long journey. 26 min. colour, voice over * one segment at Yuendumu
1965 (1966?)
Board for Anthropological Research, University of Adelaide. Films on aspects of life in north-west Central Australia., produced by T.D. Campbell from material filmed in and around Yuendumu between 1951 and 1966. Colour, sound commentary, 16mm.
Ngoora. 51 min. 1965. * Reviewed by John Greenway, American Anthropologist 69.6(1967),791-792.
AIATSIS Library annotation: Movement of Walbiri tribe to new camping site showing various activities on the journey and preparation of site; director: T.D. Campbell; photographer: M.J. Barrett. * previous held at the University of Adelaide, transferred to SA Museum
Emu Ritual at Ruguri. Filmed 1966 and 1967. 16mm., colour, sound. 35 min. Roger Sandall with Nicolas Peterson consultant. * Reviewed by Nancy Munn, American Anthropologist 72.5(1970),1201-2.
A Walbiri Fire Ceremony, Ngatjakula. [motion picture] 1977. Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies. 1 film reel (21 min.) : sd., col.; 16 mm. Additional credits: Producer, editor: Kim McKenzie; photographer: Roger Sandall; sound: Laurie Fitzgerald; commentary: Nicolas Peterson.
NLA summary: Ngatjakula is one of a number of ceremonies intended to settle disputes among the Walbiri of Central Australia. Anthropologist Nicolas Peterson provides a commentary on the structure of the ceremony which was performed at Yuendumu, Central Australia, in August 1967. Note: Not to be shown in Northern Territory. [NLA FLM <A10135855 B6822] [See 1977 video version.]
Walbiri Ritual at Ngama. 1967. 16mm., colour, sound. 24min. Director, Editor, Roger Sandall; Camera, Roger Sandall & M.J. Barrett; Sound, J. Branford; Advisors, T.D. Campbell & M.J. Barrett; Documentation; Nicolas Peterson. * Reviewed by Nancy Munn, American Anthropologist 72.5(1970),1202.
Walking in the sunlight, walking in the shadow. [motion picture] 1967. Department of the Interior: Australian Commonwealth Film Unit [production company]. 51 min. : col.
NLA summary: Education and social integration of Northern Territory Aborigines. [filmed at Warrabri Native Settlement (now Alekarenge)] [NLA FLM <A10110127 D317 D285]
Walbiri Ritual at Gunadjari. 1969. 16mm., colour, sound. 29min. Director, Editor, Roger Sandall; Camera, Roger Sandall & Nicolas Peterson; Sound, Ken Pounsett; Advisor, Nicolas Peterson. * Reviewed by WEH Stanner, American Anthropologist 72.1(1970),202-3.
Australian Information Service TV news footage. 1970. TF 70/102, [ABORIGINAL COPPER MINE]
Production Year: 1970 Episode Title No: 61596  Series: 138579
Colour Silent Reversal Release Print A-Type, Acetate, 16mm, Mute, 100', 00:02:40 @ 25fps
National Collection of Screen and Sound. Copyright Contact: Australian Overseas Information Service. Production Company: Australian News And Information Bureau. Film Division.
Screensound summary:
The Yuendumu Mining Company is about the smallest company reaping a mineral harvest in Australia's current mining boom. Located about 200 miles north-west of Alice Springs in Central Australia, the company's plant and equipment consist of little more than a truck, a tractor, a small ore-crushing plant and a few wheelbarrows. But the 16 shareholders in the Copper mining venture, all of them aboriginals, are more than content with the progress of their company since it was first formed five years ago. (taken from script)
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Irenäus. [cine film of human behaviour recorded at Yuendumu] Film Archive of Human Ethology of the Max-Planck-Society and Human Studies Center at the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich * "We also make spot checks of other cultures in Europe, central Australia (Walbiri, Pintubi) and Arnhemland (Gidjingali), … "
3+min 1971 movie by Pauline Clague's father. See 2014 Desert Yarns - Yuendumu Early Days.
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies. 1972. Larwari and Walkara. sound; colour; 45 mins. Director: F.R. Sandall; linguistic: L. Jagst; anthropologist; S. Wild; assistant: L. Parlette.
AIATSIS annotation: Shows Waljbiri and Gurindji Aborigines from Hooker Creek discussing and performing ceremonies at two sites.
Australian Broadcasting Commission. 1975. The Desert People. [motion picture] A Big Country, ser. 13, no.1. Sydney: Australian Broadcasting Commission (p.c.). 45 min. : sd., col.; 16 mm. Additional credits: Executive producer: John Spike; director, commentator: Bob Connolly; photographer: Preston Clothier; editor: George Pugh; sound: Brian Morris.
NLA summary: Looks at the introduction of Christianity and the European way of life to the Walbiri Tribe of Central Australia. [NLA FLM <A10138226 C4580] 13pp. typescript. 2 March 1975.
AIATSIS Library summary [call number p 11887]: Text of television programme; Traditional life of the Walbiri of Yuendumu Aboriginal settlement N.T., including initiation ceremonies; marriage, womens roles death & sorcery; Names the 8 local skin groups.
Wangka walytjalampa titu ngaranytjaku = Not to lose you my language: Bilingual education in the Northern Territory. [motion picture] 1975. Sydney: Film Australia [production company] : Department of Education, Northern Territory Division [sponsor]. 1 film reel (27 min.) : sd., col.; 16 mm. Producers, Timothy Read, Malcolm Otton; director, Greg Reading; photographer, John Hosking; editor, Richard Hindley; sound, David Glasser.
NLA summary: Presents aspects of Aboriginal bilingual education in the Northern Territory. Stresses the need for Aboriginal children to learn English, and also to learn and maintain their native Aboriginal language.
* includes a section on Yuendumu, with interviews with Wendy Baarda, Pam Harris; shows Warlpiri teachers in classrooms, Tess Naplajarri, Rex Japanangka Granites [NLA FLM <A10097880 C4759 C1049]
Aboriginal Legends - Part 2. 1976. [animated film] Melbourne: Educational Media Australia. Producer, Ken Widdowson; Camera & Editor, David Corke; Artists include Neville Jabangadi Poulson and Harry Djagamara Nelson. 10min sd. col. 16mm
Consists of three Aboriginal myths, the last two of which concern central Australia:
1. The Anteater and the Turtle 2. The Old Dingo who had Six Wives 3. How the Kangaroo got his Tail.
Djugurba: Tales from the Spirit Time, A.N.U. Press, Canberra, 1974. * AIAS L192
A Walbiri fire ceremony, Ngatjakula. [videorecording]. 1977. [Canberra]: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies. [see the video catalogue] 1 videocassette (VHS, U-matic) 20 min. [Director], photographer, Roger Sandall; editor, producer, Kim McKenzie. Commentator: Nicolas Peterson.
NLA summary: Originally shot in 1967, the footage in this film is re-examined ten years later by anthropologist Nicholas Peterson. He and filmmaker Roger Sandall had been working with Warlpiri (Walbiri) men in the desert away from the government settlement of Yuendumu in Central Australia. On their return to the settlement they observed the fire ceremony underway. One of the most spectacular ceremonies of Central Australia, it employs fire to inflict real and symbolic punishment on those responsible for a social transgression. In the course of the ceremony, one of the two main groupings (moieties) within Warlpiri society has the opportunity to exact from the other an acknowledgement of wrong-doing by some of its members. In his commentary Peterson explains this social division and the role the the ceremony plays in restoring order to the community. [NLA FLM <A12066656 H4062]
Resolution of conflict - Women's Ritual at Willowra. 1977 1 film reel (8mm) * AIATSIS Collection no. WAFER_FILM_01 deposited by Petronella Wafer * filmed in Willowra
Bjerre, Jens. 1978. Atomtidens stenalderfolk – Australiens aboriginals. * possibly includes scenes from Yuendumu filemed in 1953 'To Film Native Life' The Advertiser (Adelaide), 10 July 1953, p.3 * in
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1979. Warlpiri women's business (Kajirri). Film muet 16mm. Deposited at AIAS. xix+284pp. * fieldwork 1978-79 * parts included in her 2017 'Lajamanu --- 40 years with Warlpiri people'
Blekbala. 1980. Film Australia for Northern Territory Government. 'Looks at the lives and aspirations of Aboriginal people living in the Northern Territory.' 43min. 16mm. colour, sound. Peter Johnson; Director, Graham Chase; Camera, Mike Atkinson & Jim Ward; Sound, Bob Hayes; Editor, Bob Cogger. * includes Yuendumu Sports Day; Lajamanu (Hooker Creek) Community Government meeting and work in the Council Offices; manager of the Willowra cattle station * * AIATSIS call number  FILMAUSTRALIA_011
The Walpajirri dreaming. [videorecording] 1981. Written and produced by John Vandenbeld. The World We Share series. Sydney : Australian Broadcasting Commission. 1 videocassette 20 min. VHS. Broadcast 28 July 1982. Producer: John Vandenbell. Available for sale $150 from ABC TV Adelaide ph.(08)3434601 (contact: Nina Walker) [zoologist Ken Johnson, Darby Jampijinpa]
ANU Library summary: Describes the close association of the Warlpiri people of the Central Desert with the Walpijirri or bilby. The bilby is now an endangered species and work is being done to reintroduce them to their natural surroundings. * ANU LAW LIB audio-vis DU120.W35 1981
A Shifting Dreaming. 1982. Bob Plasto (Producer and Director). Associate Producer Dr David Millikan. [Television Film about Coniston killings, and the Kaititj/Warlpiri traditional land claim hearing.] Written by Bob Plasto and John Cribben. Research by Mal Anderson, Carolyn Newall. Narrated by Jack Thompson. 2 hours video (with commercials). Imago, in association with Endeavour. Broadcast on Nine Network, December 1982. * see Breen 1982 * clips
Black Sickness, Black Cure. 1983. ABC-TV Four Corners. 27min. VHS. Executive Producer, Jonathon Holmes; Camera, Michael Ewers; Sound, Paul Kuronya; Editors, Alec Cullen & Henrietta Clark; Reporter, Chris Masters. [ABC PN 83/281] * includes segment on Yuendumu Health Centre, Dr Dayalan Devanesen
Island of Light. 1983. Produced and directed by David Millikan. Camera David Haskins and Kim McKenzie. Sound Ian Wilson and Wayne Barker. Strider. 50min broadcast. * Easter Purlapa at Yuendumu; also filmed at Fregon and Canberra * "the story of a unique Walbiri corroboree filmed in Central Australia, which has celebrated the crucifixion of Christ for 40 years" (source)
Aboriginal Video Magazine. 1983-. NT Government. Office of Aboriginal Liaison, Dept of Chief Minister (nos.1-5, 1983-84); Aboriginal Development Division, Communications and Liaison Branch, Dept of Community Development (nos. 6-11, 1985-87); Communications Branch, Dept of Health and Community Services (no.12, 1987). * "The Aboriginal Video Magazine is a program containing stories about Aboriginal poeple produced for Aboriginal people. The aims of the programme are; to let Aboriginal communities know about the activities of other groups in the Northern Territory and to give information on Government services that are available."
The killing times. [videorecording] Australia: Imago. 1985. 1 videocassette (VHS) 49 min. + teacher notes (1 folded leaf). Producer, director, Bob Plasto; script, John Cribbin, Robin Judge, Bob Plasto. Distributed by Video Education Australasia.
NLA summary: Presents a dramatisation of the Coniston Massacre in August 1928, when seven white Australians murdered at least 31 members of the Walpiri people. Reconstructs, using transcripts, the 1929 federal inquiry into what was the last large scale massacre of Aborigines in Australia, and shows its contemporary relevance as Walpiri people who were scattered and driven off their land are given the opportunity to prove to the Aboriginal Land Commission their right to return and live where they were born. * NLA FLM <A12038067 H1747
Diabetes [videorecording] : how to prevent it. VHS videocassette, 16 min. Perth : Health Department of Western Australia, 1985.
Steller, Bill. 1985. Fight Fire with Fire. Yuendumu. 27 min., sd., col., Video (VHS). Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sydney. * AIATSIS Film and Video Archive Collection no. ABC_VIDEO_41, LV1928
Kamira Pina yanirlipa ngurrurakurra = Kamira : we're going back to our country / [videorecording] 1986. Kamira Outstation [production company] : distributed by Ngurrangka Video. 1 videocassette (VHS) 44 min. Photographers, Marlene Johnson Nampijinpa, Sadie James Napurrula Pulyangali, Penny McDonald Napurrula; editor, Nick Power. Narrators: Cecil Johnson Japangardi, Marlene Johnson Nampijinpa, Peter Ross Jangala. Warlpiri dialogue, English subtitles. Cassette cover title: Kamira : Pina Yanirlipa Ngurrarakurra. Sub-title on cassette cover: We're going back home. Assisted by the Creative Development Branch, Australian Film Commission; Aboriginal Arts Board, Australia Council and the Australian Film and Television School.
NLA summary: Traces the journey of a group of Warlpiri as they move from the government settlement at Lajamanu back to Kamira, their traditional homelands 250 kilometres into the Tanami Desert. During this journey on foot, horse-back and tractor the unique relationship between the travellers and their land unfolds. NLA FLM <A12019550 H451
Kendon, Adam. 1986. Warlpiri Sign Language Dictionary [Warlpiri sign language at Yuendumu : demonstrations for a Warlpiri sign language dictionary], by Ruby Nangala Robertson and Winnie Nangala. * 4 Betacam SP videocassettes, deposited at AIATSIS in KENDON_VIDEO_007 * Warlpiri sign language dictionary project : interim documentation, 1988, AIATSIS Library MS 2595 MS 3794 * associated pamphlet AIATSIS Library PMS 4887
Bush Tucker is Everywhere. Length 51:25. Nganampa Anwernekenhe series. CAAMA Productions * "this production both records Indigenous women gathering food for their families and teaches others the skills" * clips
Nganampa/Anwernekenhe series. 1988-. VHS. Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association (CAAMA), Alice Springs.
Fire in the Mind. No.5 in the series Voice of the Planet. Produced & directed by Jeremy Hogarth, for Maryland Public Television and ABC Natural History Unit. * includes segment based on approx. 3.5 hours recorded 29-30 June 1988 at Palparti, 170km west of Tennant Creek
Dreamings: The Art of Aboriginal Australia. [videorecording] Film Australia, [Lindfield, N.S.W.] 1988. 1 videocassette (VHS) 29 min. Producer, Janet Bell; director, Michael Riley; photography, Tony Wilson; script, Jennifer Isaacs, Michael Riley; Denise Hunter; editor, Denise Hunter; performer, Lydia Miller.
NLA summary: A journey around Australia to see traditional Aboriginal artists at work. Attempts to give meaning to a range of works, from the acrylic dot paintings of the Central Desert to the cross-hatched bark paintings and burial poles of Northern Australia. Many of the works shown were included in a two year touring exhibition in the United States and Australia between 1988 and 1990. Some Aboriginal dialogue with subtitles. FLM <A12062618 H3626 * includes Warlpiri artists, segment on Michael Jakamarra Nelson
Fred Myers & Faye Ginsburg. 1988. Short video on Yuendumu for use with the Dreamings exhibition in New York. Copy deposited with Warlpiri Media Association.
Françoise Dussart, David Kerr & Chris Anderson. 1988. Video for use in exhibition of Yuendumu art. Copy deposited with Warlpiri Media Association.
Jill McRae. 1988. Sand stories from Lajamanu. 1 videocassette (5 min.) (VHS). * accompanies her MA thesis, cf. McRae 1991 * at Lajamanu Oct-Nov 1988
c1989. Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act. [Title on container: Sacred sites.] Darwin : Produced for the Northern Territory Government by Delta Productions.
1 videocassette (VHS) 22 min. : sd., col.; 1/2 in. Credits: Group members: Daryl Manzie, Nahasson Ungwanaka, Helmut Pareroultja, Eric Pananka, Felix Holmes, Jeannie Herbert, Rosie Nelson. * Northern Territory. Aboriginal Areas Protection Act 1989.
Summary: Daryl Manzie, Northern Territory Minister for Lands and Housing, meets with senior Aboriginal custodians to talk about the Sacred Sites Act and the importance of dialogue between government and Aboriginal leaders on sacred sites issues. * Territory Health Service Library, Darwin, ABOR. HEALTH  342.0852 ABOR 1989
Starting a business. Adelaide, S. Aust. : the Centre, 1989. 1 videocassette (45 min.) (VHS).
Eleanor Bourke explains all the aspects of starting and running a business for the Aboriginal people. She also presents a case in the Yuendumu, where some makers have decided to form their own wholesale business, by interviewing some people involved such as Peter Toyne, Headmaster Yuendumu School; Russell Goldflam, IAD; Peter Yates, Maruka Arts and Crafts; Neville Poulson, Yuendumu; John Taylor, Mt. Allan. Module 1: The business. -- Module 2: Forms of businesses. -- Module 3: Financing the business. --Module 4: Basic business calculations. -- Module 5: Business calculations. -- Module 6: Keeping financial records. -- Module 7: Marketing the product. --module 8: Putting a price on your product. -- Module 9: Getting insurance. -- Module 10. -- Selling from a community. -- Module 11: Banking. * Main 658.022 STAR
Kendon, Adam. 1990. Sign languages of aboriginal Australia [videorecording] : a visual exposition. Canberra : Instructional Resources Unit, Australian National University. Includes signed narrative by Winnie Nangala. Betacam SP videocassette produced at IRU, ANU.  Deposited at AIATSIS AV. * KENDON_VIDEO_008 deposited at AIATSIS * 1 videocassette (V.H.S.) (47 min.) : sd., col. (PAL) ANU Library CHIFLEY audio-vis   PL7101.W3K46 1990
ANU Library annotation: Using the Warlpiri women as a case study, shows the use and structure of sign language as a means of manual communication at certain times, such as when there are taboos on speaking. "Location material recorded between 1978 and 1986 at Yuendumu, Northern Territory..."
Market of dreams "a documentary film on the Australian Aboriginal Art Movement" [videorecording]. A Kennedy White production, Adelaide. 1990. videocassette (VHS) 50 min. DVD. Producer, director, Kate Kennedy White; photography, James Grant; editor, Christopher Cordeaux. * 'Darby Jampijinpa telling Kate his Dreaming story' with photograph * includes Warlukurlangu Artists
NLA summary: Documents the story of the sale of Aboriginal art on the international market. Includes interviews with critics and dealers as well as the artists themselves from the Western Desert of Central Australia. The paintings continue a 40,000 year tradition of expressing the dreaming stories which were traditionally crafted on bodies or in the sand but are now also produced on canvas with acrylic paint. * NLA FLM <A1205464X H2798
Ways of thinking. [videorecording] "An exploration of Warlpiri language and identity" --Container. [Australia]: Digby Duncan. c1990. Copyright date on container: 1991. 1 videocassette (VHS) 29 min. Distributor: Ronin Films, PO Box 1005, Civic Square ACT 2608, ph. (02)6248-0851 fax (02)6249-1640. With some English subtitles.
NLA summary: Examines the Warlpiri community of Central Australia, with an emphasis on language, culture, customs and social problems. * NLA FLM <A12056928 H3006
'Both ways educations'. Aboriginal Video Magazine Ep. 21, May 1990. Re-released in Aboriginal Video Magazine, Ep. 25, June 1991.  Northern Territory. Dept of the Chief Minister. Office of Aboriginal Communications. Copy at National Film and Sound Archive, Segment Title No: 231106.
National Film and Sound Archive summary excerpt: "Jack Jakamarra telling stories of the past at Yuendumu School (NT); elders and children at Alekarenge (Ali Curung) School (Central Australia) where Valda Shannon says that the children learn about such things as names of body parts, hunting animals, relationships and skin names"
Central Land Council. 1991-. CLC Video Magazine. VHS cassette serial.
Tangentyere Council. Landcare and Environmental Health Unit. Aboriginal Land Care -- Let's Go. VHS video. With help from Pitjantjatjara Council and Central Land Council. Project Co-ordinator Mike Carmody. A Desert Pictures Production (David Batty). * parts recorded at Nyirrpi
Warlukurlangu - Artists of Yuendumu. cover1991. Desert Pictures. Directed and produced by David Batty. John Whitteron, camera. VHS video 28min. Available for $25 from Warlukurlangu, LPO Yuendumu via Alice Springs NT 0872. ph. 08 8956-4133, fax 08 8956-4003 * AIATSIS catalogue number WAAA_VIDEO_01 Accession no. LV2443
Teaching our way. Developing Aboriginal curricula in Aboriginal schools. Institute for Aboriginal Development, Alice Springs, N.T. : c1992.  1 videocassette (VHS) (10 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in.  Container subtitle: Development of Aboriginal curricula for Aboriginal schools.  In English, with short passages in Aboriginal languages.  For teachers involved with teaching Aboriginal children.  Project coordinator, Deborah Hartman.  Veronica Dobson, Bess Price.  This video will show you how appropiate language and culture curricula can be developed for your Aboriginal school, using methods of the Arrernte and Warlpiri curriculum development project.  * 8/10/93 Alice Springs library 371.979915 TEA
In our language now [videorecording] : dedication of translated scripture in Kriol, Burarra and Warlpiri languages, Northern Australia. Summer Institute of Linguistics, Australian Aborigines and Islanders Branch (SIL-AAIB). videodisc (VHS) (30 mins) : sd., col. ; 4 3/4 in. * 'Aboriginal and white Christians celebrate together the dedications of Scripture volumes in three languages: Kriol, Burarra and Warlpiri. Bible translation takes many years and is difficult work. Aboriginal translators speak of both the challenges and the privileges of their work.'
Jardiwarnpa - a Walpiri fire ceremony. [videorecording] 1993. Directed by Ned Lander; produced by Ned Lander and Rachel Perkins. Blood Brothers series. Australia Film Finance Corporation : City Pictures. 1 videocassette 56 min. VHS. Researcher/writer: Marcia Langton; editor: James Bradley; narrator: Kev Carmody. [Recorded at Yuendumu.] Dir. Rachel Perkins, Ned Lander & Trevor Graham. 55min. Part I in the series Blood Brothers about prominent Aboriginal men. * 3 clips (2:51, 1:11, 2:55) available at
ANU Library summary: This fire ceremony was filmed at the request of the tribal elders who were concerned that their young people would forsake their tribal customs and traditions. * ANU LAW LIB audio-vis DU120.J37 1993
Manyu-wana. 10 videorecordings. c1993-. approx. 25min each. Warlpiri language. Some versions with English sub-titles. Produced and directed by Warlpiri Media and David Batty. Funded by the National Aboriginal Languages Programme with additional funding from Central Television, London. Broadcast on SBS, c1994. * Sesame Street for Warlpiri with Liam Jarrah – Manyu Wana #10 10min 07sec, 1998, uploaded on Sep 22, 2007 * 'Bess Sims hunting West of Yuendumu Australia' 2min 51sec, 1998, uploaded on Feb 4, 2007 *out take? 'Manyu Wana',  8min 46sec, uploaded on Sep 21, 2007
My Country. 55.5 minutes colour film, 1993. A Ruth Berry & Bob Plasto Production. Written by Ruth Berry, Bob Plasto, and John Cribben. Research by Gayle Deel, Pam Laidlaw, Ruth Berry, and Bob Plasto. Narrated by Bob Plasto. Edited by Tim Litchfield. Filmed in Kodak Eastmancolour. Produced by BBC Bristol, and Dione Gilmour, ABC. Produced with Assistance from Film Victoria. © Mistpalm Pty Ltd & Australian Film Finance Corporation. Broadcast on ABC-TV c1994-95. * interviews at Mt Denison with Grant Martin, Thelma Martin, Harry Dixon, Jack Cook, Harry Jones, Lucy Napaljarri Kennedy * clips
Mission Accomplished?. 52 minutes video recording. Executive Producer: David White. Directed & written by Vivian Schenker. Credits include Greg Kung, Tim Litchfield, Kate Gunn. Archival assistance: Nick Richardson. © 1994 SBS Independent.
Interviews with Sol Bellear, Merv James (Finke River Mission, Alice Springs), Gus Williams (Hermannsburg), John Heffernan (Yirara College), Fr Leary (Daly River), Miriam Rose (Daly River), Pastor ? (Uniting Church Perth/Kelleberrin), Ivan Jordan (Yuendumu), John Henwood (Nyirrpi), Peter Toyne (Yuendumu).
Video copy of Board for Anthropological Research 1931 Cockatoo Creek film. [SA Museum?]
Warlpiri Pulka Pulka. Senior Traditional Owners of the Tanami Desert. Tennant Creek. 1995. [videorecording] Box note: "In January 1995 a meeting was organised by the Central Land Council at the request of the male senior traditional owners of the Tanami. Here men from Willowra, Yuendumu, Lajamanu, Nyirrpi, Alekarenge [sic] and Tennant Creek speak about Jukurrpa." [organised by Derek Elias] Alice Springs: CLC Land Tenure.
Searchinger, Gene (producer). 1995. Part One: Discovering the Human Language "Colorless Green Ideas". Part Two: Acquiring the Human Language "Playing the Language Game". Part Three: The Human Language Evolves "With And Without Words". (Human Language Series) 55min. videos. New York: Equinox Films, Inc. (200 W 72 St, NYC) * Warlpiri in Parts One and Two; interview with Mary Laughren (as in  * uploaded 12 May 2019 to
Boomerangs. 1996. CD-ROM (Mac, IBM). Adelaide: South Australian Museum. [Dynamic Computer Solutions. ph.(08)8272-7755 $59.95]
Sacred Journey. Mills Street Productions, Adelaide. Directed by Jim Roberts. Broadcast on ABC-TV in 'True Stories' series, 9:30pm Thursday 12 September 1996. * entry in AFC database * About return of sacred objects, recorded at Yuendumu, Adelaide, Bloomfield River. Interviews with Chris Anderson (SA Museum), and others including Rex Japanangka Granites, RG Kimber, Ushma Scales
Night Patrol. / Mungawardingkipatu. Narrated by Valerie Napaljarri Martin. Produced by Tom Kantor. Executive Producer Rachel Perkins. Warlpiri Media Association in association with SA Film Corporation, ATSIC, ABC. Broadcast on ABC-TV, 8:30pm-9:00pm Thursday 23 October 1997. Distributed as: Night Patrol (Munga Wardingki Patu). Pat Fiske & Valerie Napaljarri Martin. [videorecording].  [first of 5 in:] 5 Short Films from the National Indigenous Documentary Fund, videocassette (VHS) 130 min. © 1997 CAAMA Productions Pty Ltd. © 1998 Ronin Films, PO Box 1005, Civic Square ACT 2608, ph. (02)6248-0851 fax (02)6249-1640. * Recorded at Yuendumu, Mt Theo. Interviews with numerous women including Peggy Nampijinpa Brown, Wendy Nangala Baarda, and others including Ned Jampijinpa Hargraves
Tangentyere Council. Landcare and Environmental Health Unit. Aboriginal Land Care - Just Do It! A story in 5 parts. 45 min. VHS video cassette. Project co-ordinator: Jude Prichard. Project funding by National Landcare Program and Tangentyere Council.
Available for $50 from Media Liaison & Information Officer, Tangentyere Council Inc., PO Box 8070, Alice Springs NT 0871, ph. (08)8952-5855, fax (08)8953-2487, (08)8952-8521
Includes parts in Warlpiri.
Men Only. ? min. VHS video cassette. © Tristate Proejct. Commonwealth Department of Human Services & Health, NT Department of Health & Community Services, SA Health Commission, Health Department of WA.
Men's HIV testing information video. Warlpiri language. 9 min. VHS video cassette. Filmed 10/4/97 by Warlpiri Media Association. Translated by Jimmy Langdon & Andrew Nelson. Includes 2pp. script.
Warlpiri Women's Video about HIV test. ? min. VHS video cassette. © Territory Health Service. Congress Alukura. Warlpiri Media Association.
Nyrripi Women's Health Video. For Women Only. 21 min 57 sec. VHS video cassette. Nyrripi [sic] Grandmother's Project.
Speaking Up For Old People. 15 min. VHS video cassette. Central Australian Advocacy Service (PO Box 1608, Alice Springs, ph. (08)8952-7511 1800-277511, fax (08)8952-7032. Mardijah Simpson: script research. John Carroll & John Lochowiak. Interpreter: Pamella Sampson. Interviewer: Neville Khan. W Arrernte: Sylvester Renkaraka.Warlpiri: Audrey Kitson. Pitjantjatjara: Patricia Boko. Produced by Steve Peters.
Gestational Diabetes. Women Only. 15 min. VHS video cassette. Big Fat Productions. National Womens Health Program, Territory Health Service.
Night Patrol News. 2 hr. VHS video cassette. * scenes from Yuendumu, first aid animations in Warlpiri & English, the Tangentyere Wardens Video. Remote Area Night Patrol Coordinator, Tangentyere Council, Jennifer Walker, ph. (08)8952-5855.
The meaning behind Songlines. Harry Nelson. Warlpiri with English subtitles. RealVideo clip, 2min 57sec.  ABC Songlines series.
Yanardilyi: Cockatoo Creek. 1998. CD-ROM about the Yanardilyi canvas and Yuendumu community. Produced by Tanami Network - in conjunction with developer Magian Design Studio Pty Ltd, Melbourne. Yanardilyi (Cockatoo Creek) Jukurrpa. An acrylic painting on canvas, painted at Yuendumu in 1996. (300 by 400 cm.) Exhibited at SA Museum. * more information
Jijaji-kirli Luuku-jangka. 1998. Gospel of Luke in Warlpiri. [abridged version of the Gospel of Luke read by Teresa Ross Napurrula dubbed over video from 1975 The Genesis Project, Inc., New York NY 10012] Episodes 1-9, 2hr 39 min. Episodes 10-15, 1hr 37min. Duplicated by Wycliffe Media, Graham Road, Kangaroo Ground VIC 3097. Available for $50 from The Bible Place, 55a Gap Road (behind the Mbantua Store), PO Box 8794, Alice Springs NT 0871 Ph/Fax: 89533057; E-mail:
1998 Ingenious!. CD-ROM (Mac and PC). Ingenious Consortium © 1997 ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), Questacon - The National Science and Technology Centre, Radiant Productions. * also involves the Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA) * for 8-14 year olds *
'Ingenious! consists of five separate missions in which players work with two argumentative but brilliant special agents (codenamed Taurus and Red) to solve some of the hottest problems in Australian science today.'  * 1st mission The last tribe 'In the remote Tanami desert, the Warlpiri people and a team of rangers are in a desperate life and death struggle to save the last of a wallaby species known as the Mala. Practice wildlife conservation as you explore the greatest environmental; issues facing Australia's scientists today.'
Bush Mechanics. A story of the outback car trade. Dir. David Batty. Frances Jupurrula Kelly. Yuendumu. Warlpiri Media Association, AFC. Premiered at the Walungurru Video Festival, April 1999. $25 from Warlpiri Media Association. * see 2001
Glowczewski Barker, Barbara. Yapa. Peintures et conteurs Warlpiri de Lajamanu, Australie. Paris: Virtuel Bazaar. CD-ROM. A enregistré, intégré, mis en page et structuré les 14 heures de navigation de YAPA, version française/warlpiri anglaise/warlpiri. * multi-media recordings of Lajamanu area * superseded by Glowczewski 2001
Manyu Wana. 8min48sec. Uploaded on 21 Sep 2007
Sesame Street for Warlpiri with Liam Jarrah -Manyu Wana #10. 10min07sec Produced by Declan O'Gallagher. Uploaded on 22 Sep 2007
Manyu Wana [no. 11]  Audio Video Interactive ! (=avi! productions), Shop 5, Leichtodd Plaza, Alice Springs, ph.(08)8955-5662, fax (08)8953 5177. Produced by Declan O'Gallagher. Funded by the Warlpiri Media Association and Yuendumu School.  Broadcast on Imparja, September 1998.  $25 from Warlpiri Media Association.
'Bess Sims hunting West of Yuendumu Australia' in Manyu Wana. Uploaded on 4 Feb 2007
The Drunk Fight. The Fitting Petrol Sniffer. Animation. Developed by Blair McFarland, Tangentyere Council, Alice Springs. In English, Warlpiri, Luritja. * Night patrol video overcomes barriers. Centralian Advocate 1 September 1998, p.4
Marluku Wirlinyi. The Kangaroo Hunters. Running time 26~28 min. Co-directed by Timothy Japangardi Marshall and Craig Japangardi Williams. Produced by John Janson-Moore, Eight Gauge Productions. Line production by Warlpiri Media Association. © Nyirripi Community Council. Support from NIMAA, AFC, SBS Independent, ATSIC, CAAMA, Australia Council for the Arts, Department of Arts & Museums.
'a tale of kangaroo hunting that weaves it's way through dreamtime to the present and back again'
Broadcast 8pm Sunday 4 July 1999, SBS.
Yuendumu Doors. CD-ROM and exhibition information kiosk for the South Australian Museum. Produced partly by Hardlight Interactive, Adelaide.
'A law unto themselves'. 60 Minutes. Producer: Richard Andrews. National Nine Network. Broadcast Sunday 9 May 1999. * about a case of traditional punishment at Lajamanu; recorded at Lajamanu. Oct-Nov 1998.
Family Peace Our Way. 1999. (Warlpiri Language version). Video VHS Tangentyere Council 15 minutes.  Producer/Director: Steve Peters, Red Goanna Pty Ltd for Tangentyere Council inc. A teaching aid featuring traditional sound advice from Margaret Mary Turner, O.A.M. ."In Times of modern pressures, Alice Springs Town Camp people talk about peace the old way." Produced as part of an ongoing campaign by Alice Springs Town Camp residents including Kevin Wirri. Journalists: Jodie Kopp, Neville Khan. Cartoonist: Blair McFarland.
Warlpiri ngalipa-nyangu (Warlpiri - our language). VHS videocassette. 21 min. Lajamanu CEC (Community Education Centre). AIATSIS Accession no. V6299. * Pre production footage for Warlpiri ngalipa-nyangu, tapes 1-15, also held at AIATSIS, Accession nos. V6300, V6301, V6302, V6303
Derek Elias and Ian Bryson. 2000. Gold Stories from Lajamanu. [video recording] Interviews with Abie Jangala, Victor Simon Jupurrurla, Henry Anderson (Cook) Jakamarra, Ronnie Lawson Jakamarra and Doug Johnson Japanangka, interviewd by Derek Elias. In English. Centre for Cross-Cultural Research, ANU.
Program 4. Bilingual Program. Nganampa Anwernekenhe Series II. 30 mins. CAAMA Productions © 2000  Distributed by ABC Video Program Sales under national non theatric educational video distribution rights.
Bush Mechanics Part 2 (Motorcar Ngutji). Bush Mechanics Part 3 (Payback 26) Bush Mechanics Part 4 (The Chase) Film Australia [Lindfield, NSW] Screened on ABC Sept/Oct 2001. available through Marcom Projects * see 1998
Glowczewski Barker, Barbara. 2001. Dream trackers: Yapa art and knowledge of the Australian desert.  © Warnayaka Art Centre. UNESCO Publishing. (brochure) ISBN 92-3-088770-6  Mac/PC English/French. * multi-media recordings of Lajamanu area * brochure (jpeg file) * brochure (PDF file) * to receive an order form, contact: Editions UNESCO, 7 place Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France; fax +33 1 45 68 57 37, email * reviewed by Christine Nicholls 2005 * reviewed by Janet Dixon Keller News and Reviews Spring 2005
My Mother’s Country. (documentary, historical) Part 1 Trespass 25:06, Part 2 Coniston’s Destruction 24:35. Nganampa Anwernekenhe Series 11. Directed by Fayleen Lauder. DVD available from Ronin Films. * advertised at CAAMA * clips at Australian Screen
Newth, Tim & David McMicken (directors). 2001. Fierce. The Story of Olive Pink. A Tracks Production. A Festival of Darwin Event. Browns Mart Theatre. 22-26 August 2001. * includes 10 women performers from Lajamanu
Yuendumu-Philadelphia videoconference. Philadelphia; March 1, Friday, 8:00PM = Yuendumu: March 2, Saturday, 10:30AM. RealPlayer duration 1:05:08.1
Our Dreamings. CD-ROM. Dulwich Hill, NSW: Chrysalis Productions, 2002. Available from Chrysalis Productions Pty Ltd, PO Box 538 Mullumbimby, NSW 2482. Phone-Fax : (61 2) 6684 6710 * Includes Warlpiri dictionary (of about 30 words spoken written and illustrated) and 55 educational video clips.
Too Many Japaljarris? [about Yuendumu artist Paddy Japaljarri Sims]. 1 hour documentary. David Betz, Songlines Aboriginal Art Gallery, San Francisco.
Karli Jalangu – Boomerang Today. 26min. Nganampa Anwernekenhe series. CAAMA Productions * clips * making of the number seven boomerang
2005: Milpirri – Lajamanu Community, North Tanami Desert, NT. Produced by Tracks Inc and Lajamanu CEC. DVD, available for purchase. * promo (Quicktime Movie 3.4MB)
Aboriginal Interpreter Service. Kula-nyampuju ngaju-nyangu. DVD. 7 mins.  Featuring: Lizzie Ross, Hamish Townsend, Donovan Paddy, Lazarus Hargraves, Sarah Ross, Sherman Spencer and Roy Curtis. Director: Rodney Jakamarra Shannon. Camera: Ashley Jakamarra Hayes. Editors: Rodney Shannon and Ashley Hayes. Producer: Rita Cattoni. Production Advisor: David Vadiveloo. Technical Supervisor: Anna Cadden. Post-production Supervisor: Chris Patterson. Produced by Warlpiri Media Association Inc. in association with the Aboriginal Interpreter Service * "a humorous look at the role of the Aboriginal interpreter in the court system"
Singing the Milky Way [about Yuendumu artist Paddy Japaljarri Sims]. 62 minute documentary. DVD, with Director's Commentary. David Betz, Songlines Aboriginal Art Gallery, San Francisco and Amsterdam.
[Yuendumu] 'Living Black', Series 8 Episode 6, broadcast 11 Oct 2007, SBS TV * 7min segment by contributing video journalist Claudia Rowe, comment on the Federal Government Emergency Response
Aboriginal Rules. 55 minute documentary. Produced by Warlpiri Media Association Inc. * excerpts from preview available on YouTube: one two three four five six
Japu Japu - a football story. PAL 6m:30s
Jabanungga, Dennis. 2007. Warlpiri - an aboriginal language. Three parts. Videos posted to YouTube, 11 April 2007. * lessons for ESL teachers, Canberra
The Warlpiri people of Lajamanu. 2007 Milpirri Event, MILPIRRI 07 — Lajamanu, North Tanami Desert. Produced by Tracks Dance Company. DVD, available for purchase. * promo (Quicktime Movie 4.6MB)
Kuipers, Ludo. [2008?]. Warlpiri women's dance at Barunga Festival, Australia. 3min00sec * 'Uploaded on 26 Jul 2008'
Ngurra-kurlu. YouTube annotation: "Warlpiri educator and scholar Steve Jampijinpa explains the five pillars of Warlpiri culture. This film was made by Steve Jampijinpa, with Maxwell Tasman and Tristan Tasman from Lajamanu, Northern Territory, Australia."  Lajamanu, January 2008. * in (subtitled) Warlpiri
Two versions of statements to camera by Lajamanu men, Produced by Stewart Carter, Lajamanu, January 2008:
Lajamanu and the Law YouTube annotation: "Each year around december and January the Lajamanu Warlpiri community hold an important Men's Initiation Ceremony for the young men. It is called the Kurdiji and lasts for several weeks. It is a rite of passage where boys become men in accordance with Warlpiri Law. This year the ceremony was interupted when a women entered a restricted ceremony area. A place where women and children are forebidden under Warlpiri Law. Here some of the Warlpiri leaders and elders talk about what happened and how it has effected the community."
Lajamanu and the Police YouTube annotation: "Last week a female police officer walked into a restricted area, where young sons were waiting to go through a Warlpiri initiation ceremony." * as linked from Margaret Simons' article in Crikey!, 23 January 2008 * first statement by Jerry Jangala in (subtitled) Warlpiri, remainder in English
Rowe, Claudia. (in progress) We Are Yapa. Synopsis. Documentary Australia Foundation. * about Yuendumu's response to the Federal Government Emergency Response
‘Family Problems: Your Rights When Things Go Wrong’. A cross cultural legal education video in Warumungu and Warlpiri. Produced in 2007. DVD launched in mid-2008. NT Legal Aid Commission’s Indigenous Families Project. * Tennant Creek launch
Stories inLand: Yuendumu. 1. Honey ant hunting 2. Jardiwarnpa story 3. Walura (soak near Yuendumu) 4. Yuendumu bush medicine. © NINTI One Limited and PAW Mediatia and Communication * Stories inLand series on land management * Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre project in partnership with PAW Media, and was funded by the RIRDC through National Rural Issues Program. 2007-2008 * DVDs available at PAW Media online shop
Stories inLand: Willowra 1. Nyintjirri Tracks 2. Bush Foods 3. Ladies Day Out. © NINTI One Limited and PAW Mediatia and Communication * Stories inLand series on land management * Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre project in partnership with PAW Media, and was funded by the RIRDC through National Rural Issues Program. 2007-2008 * DVDs available at PAW Media online shop
Stories inLand : Lajamanu 1. Walya (Land) 2. Lajamanu Bush Medicine. © NINTI One Limited and PAW Mediatia and Communication * Stories inLand series on land management * Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre project in partnership with PAW Media, and was funded by the RIRDC through National Rural Issues Program. 2007-2008 * DVDs available at PAW Media online shop
Warlpiri Kids Games. Presented by Jeannie Herbert recounting her childhood story and the games of Warlpiri children. 1min24sec Uploaded on 5 Oct 2008.
Audio and video resource. ABC Hindsight's Holding our tongues site * audio: Kenny Martin Jangala; video: Yuendumu portion excerpted from Not to lose you my language (1975)
Fleming, Adrian. See 2020.
Going Back to Lajamanu - 2009. ABC Four Corners. Reporter DebbieWhitmont. Producer Michael Doyle. Published 24 May 2013 at  45m13s * on bilingual education * includes excerpts from Four Corners 1986, and from 1975 film Not to lose you my language
Warlpiri Education and Training Trust (WETT) [promotional video]. Produced by WETT Youth and Media project. April 2009. DVD. 25min. © Central Land Council on behalf of Kurra Aboriginal Corporation.
Bush Law. DVD. Half-hour documentary produced and directed by Danielle Loy. Launched 6:30pm 27 November at Araluen Cinema, Alice Springs * trailer 2m18s posted on YouTube 29 July 2009 * Danielle Loy talks about her film Bush Law. Posted on YouTube 16 November 2009 * Bush Law Documentary Forum 27 November 2009, Alice Springs. Posted on YouTube 27 November 2009, in about 13 parts: Part 2 Participants, etc * Bush documentary brings out the crowds.  NT News December 1st, 2009 * review 'Should tribal law become part of Australian law?' by Erwin Chlanda. Alice Springs News, 3 December 2009
Animating Jukurrpa. Young people telling Warlpiri stories through Animation. 10 segments: Walyka, Juka Juka, Marjirdi, Ngapa puru kalu nyinami yujukurla, Ngapangka kapala manyu kartami (sc. karrimi), My Name is Danny, Turkey, Kinki kinki, Crow Jukurrpa. 33min DVD. * funded in 2009/2010 through the Indigenous Culture Support program of the Dept of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, as well through the Granites Mines Affected Area Aboriginal Corporation. Training support for some of the participants was funded through the WETT Youth and Media program. * DVDavailable at PAW Media online shop
Bush Law. ABC Message Stick Sunday 28 March 2010, 1:30pm ABC1. Transcript, MP4 * Lajamanu
'Yuendumu looks after its elderly at home.' 8min08sec FaHCSIA video
'Lajamanu keeps culture alive and builds business.' 7min40sec FaHCSIA video * Warnayaka Art Centre in Lajamanu
'Emu Dreaming'. 7min47sec * Lajamanu
Mt Theo. 8 uploads to YouTube.
'Walpiri counting'. From The Story of 1, a look at the Walpiri and how they make do without counting.' 2min03sec
Yuendumu: legacy of a longitudinal growth study in Central Australia. University of Adelaide Press E-book (PDF) includes a video extract from Chapter 6  31sec
'You Me Unity Introduction - Walpiri [sic]' * compare English version You Me Unity Introduction with Panel member, Alison Page 4min26sec
Handing Down Knowledge: Intergenerational Transfer of Indigenous Ecological Knowledge (IEK) – Southern NT 2008-2010. Interactive DVD-Rom showcasing projects. Alice Springs: Central Land Council. * contains an audio-visual record of 44 of the 49 projects supported by the Handing Down Knowledge Intergenerational Transfer of Indigenous Ecological Knowledge (IEK) Program across the southern region of the Northern Territory * includes '3 Yinapaka - Lake Surprise', '6 Wiriwiri Manu Kamina',  '14 Lander River / Yinapaka Lake Surprise', '33 Willowra Yawulyu'
Willowra Claypans. 2min01sec. Published on 5 Jun 2012 by indigitube1.
Southern Tanami Indigenous Protected Area. 6min 44sec Published on 10 Jul 2012. landcouncilmedia * also: chris tangey
Coniston. Director Francis Jupurrurla Kelly and David Batty Production Company PAW Media & Communications, Rebel Films (Co-Production Partners). 57 mins. Language English, Warlpiri and Anmatyerre with English subtitles. * Premiere at Sydney Film Festival, June 2012. * available from the ABC Shop online * trailer on Vimeo * reviewed by Owen 2013
Global Recordings Network. Audio recordings available in Warlpiri. * 'These recordings are designed for evangelism and basic Bible teaching to bring the gospel message to people who are not literate or are from oral cultures, particularly unreached people groups. ' * latest: The Sower - Warlpiri - Audio Bible stories and lessons. Program Number: C63911 * 'The Sower parable from Mark 4:1-9, and explanation from Mark 4:13-20' * 'Warlpiri - Luke 6 27-38.mp3'
Warnayaka Art & Cultural Aboriginal Corporation. 2013. Warnayaka Art Centre: Life in the Digital Desert. Lajamanu. DVD, produced by Gretta Louw for Warnayaka Art & Cultural AC. 5 items. * accompanying book with the same title *

Warlpiri celebrate return of their land  Published on 11 Jul 2013 * 'Warlpiri traditional owners four hundred kilometres west of Alice Springs are celebrating the return of their land. The Federal Court has confirmed the community's title rights to Mt Doreen Station.'
Carmel O'Shannessy. YouTube channel with Light Warlpri videos
Jangala, Jerry. 2013. Jangala and the Warlpiri Bible (English). 16:03
Published by AboriginalBibles on 1 Dec 2013 * "Jerry Jangala, a Walpiri pastor, tells his story and talks about the Warlpiri Bible. Dubbed into English."
Power & Water Corporation. Use less water. [8 animated videos with Warlpiri sound track, e.g. 'P1 Inland water cycle'] Published on 2 Sep 2013.
Annotation: 'Power and Water is working with remote community residents to conserve our precious water resources.There are simple measures we can all take to help, including spreading the word on ways to save. For more information go to'
DEEWRmedia. Remote Jobs and Communities Program in the Northern Territory (Warlpiri). 11min04sec. Published on 3 Sep 2013. * 'outlines the Remote Jobs and Communities Program in the Northern Territory. Australians in remote communities are better placed under the Remote Jobs and Communities Program to find work and get the skills they need to become work ready.'
ABC News in Warlpiri. Daily, Monday to Friday. ABC Darwin's Soundcloud site * old reports are available, and can be downloaded as MP3
Sniffing Story. [Warlpiri version]
* 'made in collaboration with the Volatile Substance Abuse team at the NT Department of Health'
'Desert Yarns - Yuendumu Early Days' (presented by Pauline Clague, NITV)
An oral history from Connie Nakamarra White - Fisher 5:52 2014
Milpirri. SBS On Demand Aired on 1 November 2014 on NITV Expires on 15 November 2014, 8:30pm * 'Wanta is an initiated Warlpiri man who shares a deeply refreshing perspective on the challenges for his remote community in Central Australia.'
Excerpt from Board for Anthropological Research 1931 Cockatoo Creek film. 2m44s Online 13 Apr 2014 via British Pathé FILM ID:1305.2
Central Land Council. 2015. 6 – Warlpiri governance structures explained. 20:16 Published on 23 Oct 2015
Milpirri. SBS On Demand 54min 'Airs Monday 22 February NITV' 19 October 2015'
Lajamanu 'One Mob' - IHHP | NAAJA. Indigenous Hip Hop Projects (‘IHHP’) & North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency’s (‘NAAJA’)
5:08 Published on 26 Aug 2015
A place called Walapunpa. 47min 34sec. (Rankin family and others at Mungkarte.) Directed by Lincoln Mackinnon. Produced by Barkly Regional Arts, Tennant Creek. * Walapanpa
Teddy Jangala Egan. Our Stories Season 1 Episode 43, SBS. 14min 28sec. Producers Viviana Petyarre, Christopher Fitzpatrick. Directors Christopher Fitzpatrick, Micha Bartlett, Viviana Petyarre. Mentor and Producer Nicole Ogilvie. © CAAMA Productions. * "Warlpiri man Teddy Jangala Egan is posthumously awarded the NT Police Valour Medal - the highest award any member of the force can receive tracking and apprehending escaped killer, Bily Ben." (Awarded October 2015 to Teddy Jangala Egan 1947–2011)
Water Is Life. PowerWaterCorp. 5:50 PAW Media. Published on 20 Oct 2016 *
 “Power and Water teamed up with the Yuendumu community and PAW Media to create a documentary entitled ‘Water is Life’, educating Northern Territory communities about the importance of reducing water use.”
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2018. Lajamanu – 40 years with the Warlpiri people.
Climate Change in Central Australia - Warlpiri Translation. AridlandsEC Published on 17 Feb 2019 12:17 from from
Watiya Parla-kurlu. Plants. Northern Tanami Indigenous Protected Area (IPA). 5m26s PAW Media.
Kuyu. Animals. Northern Tanami Indigenous Protected Area (IPA). 6m15s PAW Media.
Fleming, Adrian [producer and narrator]. [2009] Yarripirri: a Warlpiri Songline. 7m31s Uploaded 29 April 2020 at 6:19 AM EST
Japanangka, Maxwell Walma Tasman & Carmel O'Shannessy. 2020. Kaja-warnu-jangka ‘From The Bush’. 1hr 09 min, PAW Media. * "about two senior Warlpiri leaders, Jerry Patrick Jangala and Henry Cook Jakamarra" * 1m35s trailer
Elkins, Cam (writer, director, cinematographer and editor). 2021. Stories Of Bike Ep. 6. Featuring Liam Campbell. 2nd camera and drone pilot Hayden Griffith. Elkmark Films Pty Ltd. 22 minutes. Airdate 20 Jun 2021  * Darby Jampijinpa's biographer * "As Liam rides from his home in Alice Springs to Yuendumu, a remote aboriginal community, he recounts how his motorcycle helped him to explore and understand Warlpiri country."
MacDonald, Arran. 2021. Brit Speaks Aboriginal Australian Language / Warlpiri karna wangkami. 2m58s
Jerry Jangala Patrick. Kuyu Pungu. With Dione Jangala Kelly, Maxwell Japanangka Tasman and Liam Jampijinpa Alberts. Translator: Theresa Napurrurla Ross. in the Our Way series. Duration: 00:12:45. Lajamanu. Genre: Hunting © Central Land Council ( Reading the Country Project) ICTV Play
Nyarrpararla Malaju? 9m53s. Screen Territory, ABC, and PAW Media. Director: Anna-Marie Harding. Executive Producer Teri Calder.  Released 17 June 2023. * "Mala (the Rufous Hare-Wallaby) are very important ancestors in Warlpiri people's Jukurrpa (Dreaming). So what happens when there are no more Mala"
Penelope McDonald (director and producer). 2023. Audrey Napanangka. Co-written with McDonald’s son Dylan River. * includes scenes at Yuendumu and Puturlu (Mount Theo) * reviewed by Hannah Kothe, Arts Hub 10 July 2023
Jukurrpa Stories. NITV Radio podcasts. 7 episodes, uploaded 06/09/2023
Jinjiwarnu Rdukurduku-tirirtiri-kirli: The red breasted Crimson Chat 03:41
Lungkarda-kurlu: The Blue Tongue Lizard 01:50
Yajarlu-kurlu: How the Yajarlu water source came to be 04:07
Warna Kurlu: Snake Story 01:38
Warnayarra-Kurlu: The giant water snake 06:30
Marlungku karla warrirni ngurraku: The kangaroo is looking for a home 01:23
Purlka Pampa-kurlu: The Old Blind Man 04:35
What is Urgent Care – First Nations animation (Warlpiri).
When do I visit a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic – First Nations animation (Warlpiri)
5 August 2024. Medicare Urgent Care Clinics
Warlpiri main page
©  2019 David Nash