Last changed 9 July 2023

References about Warlmanpa language (ISO639-3 WRL)
or references in linguistics works —
published and unpublished

Ordered by year, and alphabetically by author within each year.

Send additions and corrections to the compiler, David Nash.

The primary grammatical reference is Browne 2021 and 2023. A brief overview is avaialble in Nash's (1979, revised 1981, revised 2018–) vocabulary with grammatical preface.

Many of the items listed below have just a passing reference to Warlmanpa.

See also is a partially complementary list of non-linguistic references, and of films and video recordings.

Hint: To find a particular author's name, or key term, use the browser's Find command.

Hill, Gerald F. Field diary of the Northern Territory Survey 1911. National Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Birdwood Avenue, South Yarra VIC 3141 * see Strong 2016 Part Two (pp85-163) * end of the Diary ('Notes from 1910') has vocabulary items, including two plant names from about 80 miles west of Powell Creek (published in Strong 2016:89), mē´ăgga miyaka (specimen 443) and wal´inda walanja (specimen 446)
Stanner, WEH. 1934 notebooks. Deposited at AIATSIS. * see Stanner 1979
Capell, A. 1952-53. Warlmanpa field notes, Banka Banka etc. In Capell Papers deposited at AIATSIS.
Capell, A. 1952. The Wailbri through their own eyes. Oceania 23.2,110-132. * first published mention, as 'Walmanba' * p.112: brief comparative vocabulary in six languages * reprinted in Capell 1962
Hale, Kenneth L. n.d. Warlmanpa (Warnmanpa), and Eastern Warlpiri. Jack Walker. Warrabri. Vocabulary, sentences. 3pp. Short text. * * Hale tape 701.29.10.11 =  tape Nos A4547-8a in AIATSIS audio collection HALE_K06 (AIATSIS finding aid) * transcription archived in 'Miscellaneous Australian notes of Kenneth L. Hale' AIATSIS MS 4114 Series 2 Item 9 'Miscellaneous lexical lists.'
Hale, Kenneth L. 1960. [Warlmanpa transcription.] Elliott. Lofty [Japaljarri] (Powell Crk.) 27pp. [interspersed with Mutpurra] * Hale tape 701.29.10.10 = AIATSIS archive tape LA4555 Track B * AIATSIS PMS 3035
Capell, A. 1962. Waljbiri grammar, pp.15-50 in Some linguistic types in Australia. Handbook of Australian Languages, Part II. Oceania Linguistic Monographs No. 7. Sydney: University of Sydney. * reprints Capell 1952
West, Lamont. 1963. A terminal report outlining the research problem, procedure of investigation and results to date in the study of Australian Aboriginal sign language. [Sydney] various pagings , maps; tbls. * AIATSIS Call number: MS 2456/1 (Item 3) * Brief mention of West's records of spoken Warlmanpa in his:
Exhibit 1 - Map showing sign language and details of distribution of data collected by other workers;
Exhibit 4 - Spoken language - map shows groups from which material was elicited, list of languages by area;
Hale, Kenneth L. 1966. [Warlmanpa recording and transcription.] Donald Spencer [Graham] Tyupurrula. Tennant Creek. late 1966. 57+13pp. / 71, 3 l. * elicited using Warlpiri and Warumungu * AIATSIS MS 1293 * Hale tapes Warlmanpa 1 and 2, in AIATSIS audio collection HALE_K01 tapes LA 505b-506b, 4548
Hale, Kenneth L. 1973. Person marking in Walbiri, pp.308-344 in A Festschrift for Morris Halle, ed. by Stephen R. Anderson & Paul Kiparsky. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc.
Hale, Kenneth L. 1973. Deep-surface canonical disparities in relation to analysis and change: an Australian example, pp.401-458 in Diachronic, areal, and typological Linguistics. Current Trends in Linguistics, v.11,  ed. by Thomas A. Sebeok. The Hague: Mouton. * 1965 mimeo. AIATSIS MS 541 * republished 2019 in eBook ISBN 9783111418797 * p453n54 mentions 'Walmanpa (/waḷmanpa/)'
Voegelin, C.F. and F.M. 1977. Classification and index of the world's languages. New York: Elsevier. * pages 261–2: NGARGA group
Nash, David. 1978. Flora terms in the Warlpiri, Warlmanpa, and Warumungu languages. iii+16pp. ts. Tennant Creek, August 1978. [Updated as machine-readable database file, with Alyawarr and Kaytej added. Work in progress.]
Chadwick, Neil. 1978. Markers of ergative and transitive function: some Australian examples. Working Papers in Language & Linguistics 7,1-7.
Stanner, W.E.H. 1979. Report on field work in north central and north Australia 1934-5. 102pp. ts. Microfiche No. 1. ISBN 0855750936 Canberra: AIAS. * includes Warlmanpa vocabulary, ngurlu * cf. Stanner 1934
Austin, Peter. 1981. Switch-reference in Australia. Language 57,309-34. * compares many languages including Warlmanpa
Nash, David. 1981. Preliminary Vocabulary of the Warlmanpa Language. 64pp., M.I.T., May, revised December l979 (1979 introduction), June 1981. [with grammatical preface, and Capell text] Photocopied and distributed. AIAS Library. Revised as machine-readable data files. Deposited at ASEDA, AIATSIS.
Nash, David. (ed.) 1981. Sourcebook for Central Australian Languages. Compiled by Kathy Menning. Pilot edition, November. Alice Springs: I.A.D. Machine-readable version deposited at ASEDA, AIATSIS, including vocabularies in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Nash, David & Jane Simpson. 1981. "No-name" in central Australia, pp. 165-77 in Papers from the Parasession on Language and Behavior , ed. by Carrie S. Masek et al. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.
Heath, Jeffrey, Francesca Merlan and Alan Rumsey (eds.) 1982. Languages of Kinship in Aboriginal Australia. Oceania Linguistic Monographs No. 24. Sydney: Oceania (University of Sydney).
Nash, David. 1982. An etymological note on Warlpiri kurdungurlu. Heath et al., eds. 1982:141-159.
Nash, David. 1982. Warlpiri preverbs and verb roots, pp.165-216 in Papers in Warlpiri grammar: in memory of Lothar Jagst, ed. by Stephen Swartz. Work Papers of SIL-AAB, Series A Volume 6. Berrimah, N.T.: SIL-AAB. June 1982. [lists Warlmanpa verb roots]
Hale, Kenneth. 1983. A lexicographic study of some Australian languages: project description, pp.71-107 in Papers in Australian Linguistics No. 15: Australian Aboriginal Lexicography , ed. by Peter Austin. Pacific Linguistics A-66.
Glasgow, David. 1984. Report on survey of the central Northern Territory, pp.113-152 in Language Survey, ed. by J. Hudson & N. Pym. Work Papers of SIL-AAB Series B Volume 11. June 1984. xi+167pp. Darwin: Summer Institute of Linguistics Australian Aborigines Branch. ISBN 0 86892 312 5
Kendon, Adam. 1984. Tennant Creek Sign Language. 13 Videocassettes (VHS): sd., col.  * Warumungu and Warlmanpa handsigns, demonstrated by senior women * deposited at AIATSIS AV  KENDON_VIDEO_003
Breen, Gavan. 1986. Warlmanpa graded wordlists. * graded by syllable complexity *
Chadwick, Neil. 1984. Reasons for language decline in the east central Northern Territory, Australia. Working Papers in Language & Linguistics (of the Tasmanian State Institute of Technology) 18 (December 1984) [published 1986?], 1-27 [37?].
AIATSIS Library annotation: When Aboriginal stockmen worked on cattle stations in their territories, their language and traditional way of life survived; where tribes mixed, Kriol developed; now with shifts to towns following mechanization of pastoral industry, English dominates; young people, educated in English, lose traditional language; Mudburra, Yanyuwa, Warumungu, Warlpiri, Alyawarra, Gurindji, Jingulu, Garawa still used; Wambaya, Warlmanpa, Alawa declined 1966-1984; Wagaya, Gudanji, Binbinga, Waanyi declined
Foster, May Napanangka. 1986. Warlmanpa ngayurna yarnu jaru Warlmanpa : [I wrote Warlmanpa language]. Tennant Creek. [10] l.  * AIATSIS call number: L W432.007/1 Annotation: "Partly picture dictionary of flora and fauna"
Hendrie, Timothy R. 1990. Initial apicals in Nuclear Pama-Nyungan, pp.15-77 in Studies in Comparative Pama-Nyungan, ed. by D. Tryon & G.N. O'Grady. Pacific Linguistics C-111. xxii+279pp.
Nash, David. 1990. Patrilects of the Warumungu and Warlmanpa and their neighbours, pp.209-220 in Language and History: Essays in honour of Luise Hercus, ed. by Peter Austin, R.M.W. Dixon, Tom Dutton and Isobel White. Pacific Linguistics C-116. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, RSPacS, ANU.
Watts, Lisa (compiler). 1990. Aboriginal languages and communities of the Northern Territory. Produced by Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association (CAAMA). 154 leaves. * AIATSIS Library MS 2861
AIATSIS Library annotation: Listing of languages and communities in the Northern Territory; includes addresses, approximate locations and population numbers of communities and attached outstations
Whitehead, Oscar.1990. Which way is up? A preliminary comparative study of compass point direction terms in Australian languages. Honours thesis, University of Melbourne, December 1990. v+98+xi pp.
Fishman, Joshua A. 1992. Prospects for Reversing Language Shift (RLS) in Australia: evidence from its Aboriginal and immigrant languages. Vox 6,48-62. Reprinted from his Reversing Language Shift: theoretical and empirical foundations of assistance to threatened languages (Clevedon ; Philadelphia: Multilingual Matters, 1991) [mentions Warlmanpa, Warumungu]
Nash, David. 1992. An Australian kinship affix *-rti. Memorial volume for Steve Johnson, ed. by Nicholas Evans & Cliff Goddard. Australian Journal of Linguistics 12.1,123-144.
Nash, David. 1992 (submitted 1994). Warlmanpa language and country. To have been in Can Aboriginal and Islander languages survive?, ed. by P. McConvell & R. Amery (as 'Warlmanpa lost and found'). * unpublished, book abandoned in 1996 * 1992 draft
Noyer, Rolf. 1994. Mobile affixes in Huave: optimality and morphological wellformedness, pp.67-82 in Proceedings of the Twelfth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, edited by Eve V. Clark, Erin Duncan, Donka Farkas, Philip Spaelti. Stanford: CSLI.  * * p.80: comments on Western Desert and Warlmanpa clitics
Nash, David. 1996. Pronominal clitic variation in the Yapa languages: some historical speculations, pp.117-138 in Studies in Kimberley Languages in Honour of Howard Coate, ed. by William McGregor. München: Lincom Europa. ix+332pp. ISBN 3 89586 054 9 * scan of published version * pronominals excerpted (Word file); 1995 preprint (PDF)
: In Table 4 (p.121), the footnote superscripts in the '2' row should all be 4 (and not 5 and 6); and delete the superscript 6 in the '12' row.
McConvell, Patrick. 1997. Long lost relations: Pama-Nyungan and Northern kinship. Chapter 13, pp.207-235 in Archaeology and Linguistics. Aboriginal Australia in Global Perspective, edited by Patrick McConvell & Nicholas Evans. Melbourne: Oxford UP. * grew out of a conference, 8-12 July 1991, NTU, Darwin * Warlmanpa kin terms in Table 13.2 pp.218-9
Nash, David. 1997. Warlmanpa grammar, in Language Tutorial, Spring meeting of the Language Association of Great Britain (LGB), Edinburgh, 6-9 April.
Nash, David. 1997. Comparative flora terminology of the central Northern Territory. Chapter 12, pp.187-206 in Archaeology and Linguistics. Aboriginal Australia in Global Perspective, edited by Patrick McConvell & Nicholas Evans. Melbourne: Oxford UP. * grew out of a conference, 8-12 July 1991, NTU, Darwin
Campbell, Bessie [Napangarti?]. 1997. Palka. Body parts. 1997 ALF. 40 pages. [Aboriginal Language Fortnight, 5-16 May, Tennant Creek]
Kruse, Pierre D. 1998. Cambrian palaeontology of the eastern Wiso and western Georgina basins. Northern Territory Geological Survey. Report 9. Darwin. iv+68pp. 43MB PDF
Includes type record of fossils with species name derived from Warlmanpa: Eospencia wita, Karathele kurtuju, Helcionella kumpu, Bemella wiri
Harvey, Mark. 1999. Place names and land-language associations in the western Top End. Australian Journal of Linguistics 19.2,161-195. * p168 Warlmanpa etc patrilects, p169 discusses place name Manuwangu
Laughren, Mary. 2000. Reconstructing a shared innovation in the Yapa verbal paradigm. [abstract] Presented 8 July to the annual meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, 7-9 July, Trinity College, University of Melbourne. 9pp. handout. * Warlpiri and Warlmanpa inceptive
Brown, Gladys. 2001. [includes:] Warlmanpa Kinship. / Pulkapulka-na jana wiliny-kapungura 'Following the old men hunting' Toprail Japaljarri. Work submitted as part of the requirements for the Stage 1 unit Own Language Varieties, in the Diploma of Arts - Language Studies,Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education.
Riemer, Nick. 2002. Verbal polysemy and the vocabulary of percussion and impact in central Australia. Australian Journal of Linguistics 22.1(April),45-96. * WLM in Table 1 (p.67), Table 2 (p.75), Table 3 (p.81), Table 4 (p.85)
McConvell, Patrick and Mary Laughren. 2004. The Ngumpin-Yapa subgroup, pp.151-178 in Claire Bowern and Harold Koch (eds.) Australian languages: Classification and the Comparative Method. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Karnta Karntalu panangu Wirlinyi.  = Four women are hunting. Story and translations by Mary Rankine & Judy Nakkamarra Nixon. Tennant Creek: Papulu Apparr-kari Aboriginal Corporation. * "Karnta Karntalu Panangu Wirlinyi is a children's story of four women who go hunting. It is 8 pages long and comes with a CD that includes an audio pdf of the story told in both Warlmanpa and English." * AIATSIS call number L KIT W342.007/3 PT 1 BOOK
Simpson, Jane. 2009. Bush School: The Warlmanpa and the Bakers. Posted on Endangered Languages & Cultures 28 September 2006, 11:32 pm
Foster, May Napanangka. Muru/Nguru Nruru: Environment a basic reader in Warlmanpa. Illustrated by John Henry Raymond. 24 pages. ISBN 9780947154080 Tennant Creek: Papulu Apparr-kari Aboriginal Corporation * CD with an audio pdf accompanies this book
Wirlinyi-lu Panya Papirta-ku / Hunting for Bush Potato. By Jean Jones & Linda Benson. Tennant Creek: Papulu Apparr-kari Aboriginal Corporation * AIATSIS call number L KIT W342.007/1 PT 1 BOOK
Jirrama Minija Jarra. / Two Wild Cats. Story by Judy Nakamarra Nixon & Mary Rankine. Tennant Creek: Papulu Apparr-kari Aboriginal Corporation * CD with an audio pdf accompanies this book * AIATSIS call number L KIT W342.007/4 PT 1 BOOK
Larrpa Nyirri. / Long Time Ago. Story and translations by Mary Rankine & Judy Nakkamarra Nixon. Tennant Creek: Papulu Apparr-kari Aboriginal Corporation * CD with an audio pdf accompanies this book * AIATSIS call number L KIT W342.007/5
Jirrama Warralya-jarra. / Story about Two Joeys. Story and translations by Mary Rankine & Judy Nakkamarra Nixon. Tennant Creek: Papulu Apparr-kari Aboriginal Corporation * CD with an audio pdf accompanies this book * AIATSIS call number L KIT W342.007/2 PT 1 BOOK
Nash, David. 2008. Warlpiri verb roots in comparative perspective, pp. 221–234 in Morphology and language history: In honour of Harold Koch, edited by Claire Bowern, Bethwyn Evans and Luisa Miceli. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 298. John Benjamins Publishing Company. * mention of Warlmanpa
Harvey, Mark. 2011. Lexical change in pre-colonial Australia. Diachronica 28.3, 345–381. DOI 10.1075/dia.28.3.03har * mention of Warlmanpa, map
Body Parts - A Basic Reader in Warlmanpa. By Bessie Graham & Selina Grant, Dick Foster & members of the Warlmanpa Community. Tennant Creek: Papulu Apparr-kari Aboriginal Corporation * with audio CD (25 October 2011)
Nash, David. 2014. The value of scientific names from (Australian) indigenous languages, pp37-42 in FEL XVIII Okinawa: Indigenous Languages: Value to the Community. Proceedings of FEL XVIII, Naha, Okinawa, 17-20 September 2014, edited by Patrick Heinrich and Nicholas Ostler. Bath, England: Foundation for Endangered Languages. * mention of Warlmanpa words in scientific name of some fossils
Nash, David. 2014. Reviving unique words: The niche of scientific names. Endangered Words, Signs of Revival, AustraLex, edited by Ghil'ad Zuckermann, Julia Miller and Jasmin Morley. (Papers from Australex 2013, The University of Adelaide, Australia, 25–28 July 2013.) ISBN 978-0-646-92900-2 * 26 page PDF * mention of Warlmanpa words in scientific name of some fossils
Macklin-Cordes, Jayden Luke. 2015. Phylogeny and phonotactics: Quantifying historical signal in sequences of sound. A dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Linguistics, University of Queensland. * Ngumpin-Yapa phonologies  *
Ennever, Thomas & David Osgarby. 2016. Inflecting verbs and conjugation classes in Ngumpin-Yapa languages. Poster presented at CoEDL Fest 2016, 9 February, Western Sydney University, Bankstown.
Strong, B[ruce] W. 2016. Gerald Freer Hill (1880-1954). Deniliquin: Deniliquin Newspapers Pty Ltd. * page 89 published Hill's 1911 diary note
Nash, David. 2016. Warlmanpa verb roots in comparative perspective. Presented to Ngumpin-Mirndi Language Contact Workshop, 8 April 2016, St Leo's College, University of Queensland.
Browne, Mitch. 2017. Warlmanpa nasal clusters. Presented to Ngumpin-Yapa workshop, 10 August 2017, St Leo's College, University of Queensland.
Laughren, Mary. 2017. A comparative study of sentential negation in Ngumpin-Yapa languages. Presented to Ngumpin-Yapa workshop, 10 August 2017, St Leo's College, University of Queensland.
Nash, David. 2017. High vowels in Ngumpin-Yapa. Presented to Ngumpin-Yapa workshop, 10 August 2017, St Leo's College, University of Queensland.
Nash, David. 2017. ‘*iCu’ in Australia: Phonotactics beyond the syllable level. Poster presented 13 December 2017 at ALT2017 12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), ANU, Canberra. * expanded from 1990 presentation
Browne, Mitch & David Osgarby. 2018. The morphosyntax of apprehension in Ngumpin-Yapa languages. Presented at Workshop 4: 'Lest we miss them', 4 September 2018, in Syntax of the World's Languages 8, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris
Browne, Mitch, David Osgarby (and Thomas Ennever). 2018. Strategies for apprehension in three Ngumpin-Yapa languages (Australia). 2:30-3pm, 7-8 November 2018. Linguistic discoveries: The CoEDL Shape of Language Showcase, University of Melbourne.
Browne, Mitch. 2018. Now then: another analysis of =lku in Warlpiri and Warlmanpa. Presented at the 2018 meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, University of SA, 10am Tuesday 11 December. * see Browne 2020
Mikić, A. 2018. Lexicon of pulse crops. Boca Raton: CRC Press. * includes a Warlpiri term wabidi incorrectly assigned to Warlmanpa
Osgarby, David, Mitchell Browne, and Thomas Ennever. 2018. Comparing form, ordering and neutralisations of complex bound pronouns in Ngumpin-Yapa languages. Poster presented Wednesday 7 February, CoEDL Fest 2018. * Walmajarri Ngardi Jaru Wanyjirra Gurindji Mudburra Warlmanpa Warlpiri Warumungu *
Browne, Mitch. 2019. A description of tense in Warlmanpa. Presented to the 18th Australian Languages Workshop 15–17 March 2019, University of Melbourne, at Marysville
Pensalfini, Rob, and Felicity Meakins. 2019. Gender lender: Noun borrowings between Jingulu and Mudburra in northern Australia. Journal of Language Contact 12.2, 440–478. * mentions Warlmanpa as a neighbouring language
Browne, Mitchell. 2020. Contrast and retroactive implicatures: An analysis of =lku ‘now, then’ in Warlpiri and Warlmanpa. Australian Journal of Linguistics 40.2(May),218–245.
Koch, Harold and Jane Simpson. 2020. Junior skin names in Central Australia: Function and origin, pages 165–190 in 'Part 3: Language in historical and cultural context' in More than mere words: Essays on language and linguistics in honour of Peter Sutton, edited by Paul Monaghan and Michael Walsh (and Julie Finlayson Frances Morphy). ISBN 978 1743057551 Adelaide: Wakefield Press. *
Nash, David. 2020. Wheeled vehicle terminology in Australian languages, pages 214–234 in 'Part 3: Language in historical and cultural context' in More than mere words: Essays on language and linguistics in honour of Peter Sutton, edited by Paul Monaghan and Michael Walsh (and Julie Finlayson Frances Morphy). ISBN 978 1743057551 Adelaide: Wakefield Press.
Meakins, Felicity & Rob Pensalfini. 2020. Holding the mirror up to converted languages: Two grammars, one lexicon. International Journal of Bilingualism 0(0). 1367006920922461. * about Mudburra and Jingilu, with reference to neighbouring languages including Warlmanpa
Browne, Mitchell. 2021. A Grammatical description of Warlmanpa: A Ngumpin-Yapa language spoken around Tennant Creek (Northern Territory). PhD thesis, University of Queensland.
Browne, Mitchell. 2021. On the integration of dative adjuncts into event structures in Yapa languages. Languages Special issue `Australian languages today'  6, 136. 20 pages. * Warlpiri and Warlmanpa
Koch, Harold. 2021. Associated motion in the Pama–Nyungan languages of Australia. In Antoine Guillaume & Harold Koch (eds) Associated motion (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT] 64), chap. 7, 231–324. De Gruyter Mouton.
Osgarby, David. 2021. Mudburra associated motion in an areal perspective. In Antoine Guillaume & Harold Koch (eds) Associated motion (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT] 64), chap. 8, 325–356. De Gruyter Mouton.
2022 imprint, appeared March 2023. Bunny Nabarula†, Jessie Cooper Napangarti†, Donald Graham Jupurrula†, Norah Graham Napanangka†, Jimmy Newcastle Japaljarri†, Susannah Nelson Nakamarra†, Bessie Graham Nakamarra†, Daisy Weston Nakamarra†, Colin Freddie Japaljarri†, Lena Freddie Nakamarra†, Lucy Morrison Nakamarra†, Lady Benson Napangarti†, Penny Kelly Napaljarri, Elizabeth Newcastle, Penny Williams Namakili, William Graham Jakamarra, Louie Martin Nakamcoverarra†, Gladys Brown Nungarrayi, Selina Grant Nungarrayi, Vanessa Williams Ngampin, Jill Foster Namakili†, Dick Foster Jangala, David Nash and Glenn Wightman. Warlmanpa plants and animals. Aboriginal biocultural knowledge from Tanami desert country, central Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No. 55. (ISSN 0314-1810) Tennant Creek: Papulu Apparr-Kari Aboriginal Corporation / Palmerston: NT Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security. 256pp ISBN 978-1-74350-335-5
Meakins, Felicity, Thomas Ennever, David Osgarby, Mitchell Browne, and Amanda Hamilton-Hollaway. 2023. Ngumpin-Yapa languages, Chapter 76, pp.918-932 in The Oxford guide to Australian languages, edited by Claire Bowern. OUP
in press
Ennever, Thomas B & Mitchell Browne. 2023. Cross-referencing of non-subject arguments in Pama-Nyungan languages. Australian Journal of Linguistics 43.1,1–32.
in press
Browne, Mitchell, Thomas Ennever, David Osgarby. Apprehension as a grammatical category in Ngumpin-Yapa languages (Australia). In Apprehensional constructions in a cross-linguistic perspective, edited by E. Schultze-Berndt, M. Vuillermet, and M. Faller. Berlin: Language Science Press. * 43pp. draft chapter, August 2020 * October 2021 preprint
in press
Browne, Mitchell. 2023. A grammar of Warlmanpa. Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguitics, ANU.

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© 2023  David Nash
Last changed 27 June 2023