Warumungu land: a partial history of land title

The key references are reports of the Aboriginal Land Commission; see especially the List of Exhibits in each:
[Maurice J] 1991. Warumungu Land Claim. Report by the Aboriginal Land Commissioner to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and to the Administrator of the Northern Territory. Report no. 31. xxiii+280pp. ISBN 0 644-13737 1. 91/20025 Cat. No. 91 0019 0. [UPC:] 9 780644 137379 Canberra: A.G.P.S. 
[Olney J.] 1991. McLaren Creek Land Claim. Report No. 32, AGPS, Canberra.
and also
[Toohey J] 1982. Warlmanpa, Warlpiri, Mudbura and Warumungu Land Claim. Report by the Aboriginal Land Commissioner to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and to the Administrator of the Northern Territory. No. 11. R81/663 Cat. No. 8122481. Canberra: A.G.P.S.
Aboriginal Land Commissioner (ALC) reports are available at http://webarchive.nla.gov.au/gov/20140213022801/http://www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/indigenous-australians/publications-articles/land-native-title/aboriginal-land-commissioners-reports

The CLC compiled a chronology
chronology of events relating to land title
1892 Aboriginal Reserve gazetted east of Telegraph Station

Map published in Australian Aboriginal Studies 1984/1,2-16.
1934 1892 Reserve revoked and Aboriginal Reserve (Warramunga) gazetted further east around Gosse River floodout
1946? Phillip Creek reserve (Manga-Manda) gazetted
1962 Aboriginal Reserve (Warramunga) revoked
1978 November 20 Warumungu land claim application lodged
1979 May NT Government enlarges Tennant Creek Town to 710 (750?) km2 to frustrate claim
1982 November Hearing begins at Tennant Creek. Some areas alienated to NT Land Development Corporation.
1983 August  High Court hearing
1984 February  High Court rules that Warumungu claim hearing should proceed
1985 March CLC Tennant Creek office opens
1985 March  land claim hearing starts afresh
1985 April McLaren Creek PL purchased for traditional owners
1986 Federal Court of Australia Re: The Attorney-General for The Northern Territory of Australia and: The Minister for Aboriginal Affairs; George Brown Jungarrayi; Lawrence Kelly Jakamarra; In the Matter of the Kaytej, Warlpiri and Warlmanpa Land Claim; In the Matter of the Warlmanpa, Mudbura, Warlpiri and Warumungu Land Claim No. NSW G11 of 1986 Administrative Law
1987 February claim hearing resumes after legal challenges, halted by unsuccessful NTG application for Commissioner to disqualify himself
1987 April-June  claim hearing concludes; final submissions in August
1988 July Aboriginal Land Commissioner's report recommends grant of 6400km2; repeat claims lodged to excluded areas
1988 September broad lease-back or land swap arrangements adjacent to town proposed to Town Council and NTG; almost all agreed by 1996
1988 September McLaren Creek hearing begins at the homestead
1991 May Title to 2852 km2 (northern part of Area 1) returned at Pinjinja
1992 May 12  Title to McLaren Creek former PL returned at Karlanjarrangi outstation
1992 July Kanturrpa-Kanttaji land claim to 150km2 negotiated settlement without hearing evidence
1992 December Titles to 3090 km2 returned by Hon. Robert Tickner at Kurraya for Whistleduck, Phillip Ck reserve, southern part of Area 1, and Mungkarta 2 (around Wauchope)
1993 March Title to 290 km2 near the town returned at Tennant Creek racecourse
1993 July Title to 190 km2 (No.7 Dip) and 150km2 (Kanttaji) is returned at Cabbage Gum Bore
1996 October 30 NT freehold titles to 75km2 north of town (Partta, Kunjara, Tennant Ck Conservation Reserve, downstream from Maryann Dam) returned at Maryann Dam to Partta Land Aboriginal Corporation (a land holding Aboriginal Corporation set up under the Aboriginal Councils and Association Act 1976 (Cmth)
1999 December Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill (No.3) 1999 "provides for 3 parcels of land at Frewena and Rockhampton Downs totalling just over 8000ha to be added to Schedule 1 of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act"
2000 June Titles to 80.8km2 is returned by Sen. Herron at Kurnturlpara outstation for Kurnturlpara, Kalumpitja and Kalumpitja 2 (added to Schedule 1 of ALRA)
2007 September
Patta Warumungu People v Northern Territory of Australia [2007] FCA 1386 for claim to 65 administrative parcels of land, covering approximately 42.1 sq km in and around the town of Tennant Creek; consent determination that "native title exists in 18 of those parcels, which are relatively large and surround, but are within, the declared township. Those parcels comprise around 80% of the total claim area" http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/AUIndigLawRw/2007/87.pdf

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Last changed 11 August 2016

© 2016 David Nash
URL: http://www.anu.edu.au/linguistics/nash/aust/wru/land.html