Last changed 16 December 2021

1961 NTA traverse

July-August 1961 NT Administration traverse from Wave Hill to Powell Creek
Vern T O’Brien (surveyor)
Dave Renehan (survey driver, Alice Springs)
Rod Dixon (stock inspector)
in two vehicles

Subsequently the placenames Renehan Ridges and Dixon Ridge were officially recognised.

On 24 July 1961 the party chanced upon the remains of the Kookaburra aircraft.
Senior Surveyor V.T. O'Brien, accompanied by Stock Inspector Dixon and driver Renehan were penetrating lonely country when they made the discovery.
Earlier, Alice Springs Supervising Surveyor, Mr. H.M. Hocking, Senior Surveyor O'Brien and Stock Inspector Dixon had made an aerial reconaissance of the country bteween Powell Creek and the Wave Hill-Hooker Creek road. (NT News 3/8/1961, 4
An expedition has failed to locate the remains of the Westland Widgeon G–AUKA Kookaburra lost during 1929 during the search for the Southern Cross. The expedition, led by Dr. C.J. Hilton of the Museum and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory hoped to recover the wreckage for exhibition in the Darwin Military Museum. A dispute has arisen as to whether the aircraft should be recovered and where it should be shown and who has actual title to it. The aircraft was relocated in 1961 but has since not been able to be discovered by several expeditions mounted. (AHSA 1975:69-70)
Davis (1980:115) summarises the 1961 discovery.

The previous year O'Brien made a similar traverse.


Ellis, Lindsay. 1961. Ghost plane of the dead heart. Australasian Post 28 September 1961, 2–4.

Surveyors find crash remains. NT News Thursday 3 August 1961, page 4

AHSA. 1975. Monthly notes — Museum. Aviation Historical Society of Australia Journal 16.5(November–December 1975),69-70.

Davis, Pedr. 1980. Kookaburra.  The most compelling story in Australia's aviation history. Research by Dick Smith. Story by Pedr Davis.  [Cataloguing-in-Publication Data has different subtitle: Australian aviation's most compelling story.] Sydney, Auckland, London, New York: Landsdowne Press.

O'Brien, V.T. 1961. Proposed road - Wave Hill to Stuart Highway.  Instruction 61/10. [Report to Surveyor General, Darwin.]  Folios 17-20 of L757.  10th August 1961.  4 pages ts.

O'Brien, V.T. 1961. Exploratory Survey west of Tennant Creek. Map 1:1000000 [REB 1.6.60] 41/60

Letters from VT O’Brien: 6 July 1984, 2p. (S76/1090 L757); 19 March 1992 (S76/1090), 1p.

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© 2021 David Nash
Created 11 December 2021
Modified 16 December 2021