David Nash. [review of] Scott Cane, Pila Nguru: The Spinifex People. (Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 2002). Australian Aboriginal Studies 2002/2.97-100.

Errata and addenda, not published with review:

p.1,p.247: November 2001 > November 2000 (cf. p.48)

p.7, index map: should also cover part of SA

p.8: Pauplya > Paupiya (cf. p.16 map)

pp.8,84: Tuntala on map cf. Tjuntala pp.73,76

p.33 l.5: WEG Stanner > WEH Stanner

p.43 l.8: Government

p.54 l.12: nguru > ngurra (as in Cane 2000)

p.57 l.8 up: synchronous > collinear

p.58n17 p.250: Nicholson and Cane 1994 not in References

p.65 l.7: the subsection system has 8 classes not 16 (even when there are 16 terms if gender is distinguished)

p.65: "there is no formalised classificatory system of kinship: there is in the kinship terminology even in the absence of a subsection or section system

p.68: -tja here is a nominaliser

p.67 l.9 up: "Hayden ... late 1970s"; and p.74 l.8 up: "Hayden went to Cundeelee in 1978": Hayden's visit to Cundeelee was in mid 1971 (Hayden 1979:173)

p.70: tjaka is irrelevant

p.70: Berndt map not sourced; sc. Berndt and Berndt 1942a:308-9

p.72: "next thirty five years"-- from 1942 to 1984 is 42 years

p.77: Ben Anderson > Bert Anderson (cf. pp.184-5)

p.92n52: Cane 2001 > Cane 2001b

p.95: southern > northern

p.98 l.2 up: missing )

p.143 l.6 up: space after "or"

p.144n67: Cane 2001c not in References

p.159 l.12 up: insert "thousand"after "twenty three"

p.169 mid: Kennady > Kennedy

p.172: 'Indian-Pacific' is anachronistic for Transcontinental

pp.172,175,184,185: Bert Anderson not named until pp.184-5

p.176 photo: the building was the school cum church; standing at right is teacher Robert Capp

p.184n116 p.252: Carlisle 1960 is Carlisle 1985 in References

p.189 l.9 up: were > where

p.191: "A Reverend Sopher"> "The Reverend Albert Sopher"

p.196n138 p.253: Clarke 1984 > Clarke 1985

p.206 l.8: the Americans > a USA agency

p.206 l.9: happing > happening

p.254: Berndt and Berndt 1942a pagination is [305]-330

p.254: Berndt and Berndt 1944 is 14(1) not 13(4)

© 2002 David Nash

URL http://www.anu.edu.au/linguistics/nash/papers/cane-errata.html