Last changed 14 September 2021

References about Warlpiri song

Ordered by year, and alphabetically by author within each year.

Send additions and corrections to the compiler, David Nash.

There are numerous recordings of Warlpiri song deposited in the recorded sound archive at AIATSIS and by no means all listed here.

For wider references, see:

There is a complementary list of films and video recordings, a number of which record song, and linguistic references, literature in Warlpiri; and also a (non-uniform) list of non-linguistic references
Hint: To find a particular author's name, or key term, use your Web browser's Find command.

TO BE CHECKED: Basedow, H. 1926. Sound recordings by the Mackay Exploring Expedition in Central Australia. Macdonnell Ranges, NT. Songs, originally recorded on wax cylinder. "2. Aknullia. Alburra". * Disc Columbia HA261 at National Museum of Victoria. (Moyle 1966:8) * AIATSIS archive tape A8758 item 1 * "Alburra" may be a reference to 'the Centralian "trumpet" or "ilpirra"' (Moyle 1966:xiv)
Tindale, Norman B. 1931. Wax cylinders sound recording at Cockatoo Creek, August 1931. Includes songs of "Yardi Yardu Ilpirra tribe" [sc. Warlpiri]. Wax cylinders (Edison). Held at SA Museum, SAM 140-151. Transcription tape 10, records 1-12. Archive group AA 338. Copy at AIATSIS archive tape LA9572.
Fry, Henry Kenneth. Ilpinja or Ilpitja songs : Notes collected at Cockatoo Creek, 1931. * 14p. Typescript [1938]. AIATSIS Library.
Campbell, Thomas D. & N.B. Tindale. 1932. Sound recording at Mt. Liebig, 1932. Includes "Ngalia tribe" [sc. Warlpiri]. Wax cylinders (Edison). Held at SA Museum. Copy at AIATSIS archive tape LA9564.
AIATSIS Library summary: Totemic songs, songs of Padiki ceremony; tree snake; water song; texts supplied in most cases
Pockley, FJA. 1933. [Journal of 1933 expedition Hermannsburg to Mt Liebig.] Published 1995 The Flight of Ducks. [includes references to Ngalia song]
Elkin, AP. 1953. Song recordings. Transferred to PRX 3644 - 3654 (12in Standard Play Groove, 33 1/3 rpm) recordings, 10min/side. Copied to cassettes. Phillip Creek recordings 33A-35B = cassette 8B; 36A-38B = cassette 9A. Cassette copies held at University of Sydney Music Library, call number SMC 789.912171 1/1 MU. * "totemic ceremonies (Discs 34B-36)" (Moyle 1966:44) * See also Elkin papers, Archives, Sydney University. * See Elkin 1957, Jones 1965.
Elkin, AP. 1957. Australian and New Guinea musical records: the University of Sydney series. Oceania 27.4,313-9. * pp.316-7 lists the cuts from the 1953 NT trip. See Jones 1965.
Elkin, AP. 1958. Sound recordings recorded at Warrabri April 1958. "Waljbiri Dog series (Disc 75B:1) Ilbindji series (Disc 75B:2)"  (A Moyle 1966) 12in discs in Sydney University Series PRX 4304 - 4306. * AIATSIS archive tape 11091 * see Jones 1965
Hale, Kenneth L. 1959. Wal.piRi field notes. Yuendumu, etc. 8 sections. Mss. Rewritten in practical orthography, 1979. Typed in practical orthography 1981-82. * includes a few song text transcriptions
Barrett, M.J. 1964. Walbiri customs and beliefs concerning teeth. Mankind 6.3(May),95-100. * pp.97-8, 'wilki ngarunu' song. Cf. Strehlow 1964.
Holmes, Sandra Le Brun. 1964. Field tape number  1 and 1a.  Recorded at Katherine, June. Warlpiri men singing Dingo and Wallaby songs * AIATSIS sound archive HOLMES_S04 - 00325B
Strehlow, Theodor George Henry. 1964. Commentary on the magic beliefs described in M.J. Barrett's "Walbiri customs and beliefs concerning teeth". Mankind 6.3(May),100-104.
AIATSIS Library annotation: Based on tape recordings brought back from Yuendumu by M.J. Barrett; The "Wilki ngarunu" myth; diffusion of beliefs and `cures' for toothache; meaning of `magic' songs sung
Jones, Trevor Alan. 1965. Australian Aboriginal music: the Elkin collection's contribution toward an overall picture, pp.[286]–374 in Aboriginal man in Australia: essays in honour of Emeritus Professor A.P. Elkin, ed. by Ronald M. Berndt and Catherine H. Berndt. Angus and Robertson. * descriptive analysis of recordings from many locations including Yuendumu and Phillip Creek; dates recorded, recordist, record numbers, instruments; includes music transcription of recordings of Warlpiri, examples 105–144, pp.325–332. * see Elkin 1957
Meggitt, Mervyn John. 1966. Gadjari among the Walbiri Aborigines of Central Australia. Oceania 36.3,[173]-213; no.4,[283]-315; 37.1,[22]-48; no.2,[124]-147. Oceania Monographs 14, 1967. [out of print]
Hale, Kenneth L & Alice M Moyle. 1967. Warlukurlangu, 4pp. Yurrampi, 64pp., 44pp. (Moyle 1973 sources 254-5). Notes on Yurrampi cycle, Hale tapes 4.13-14, 80pp. Children's songs. Recordings by Moyle & Hale, Yuendumu, February-May 1967. Song text transcriptions by Hale. Mss., Yuendumu. Copy deposited at AIAS.
Aboriginal Sound Instruments. Recordings by Alice M. Moyle. Aboriginal Studies Press AIAS 14. Now available only as cassette, $12.50. Recordings from various locations including Yuendumu. Accompanying booklet by A.M. Moyle (no longer available).
BANDS 2a (boomerang clapsticks alone, Dinny Djabaldjari [sc. Japaljarri] demonstrates beating techniques, giving the name of each in his own language), 2b (Dinny Djabaldjari sings 3 items of Pulapa Warlukurlangu) (notations 2 and 3, pp.32-4) (track notes p10-11) Recorded on LA2648a 6 (children's songs Tjukutjuku [sic] and Old Man) (track notes p.12-13 - 'play songs by two Walbiri boys aged about nine or ten years [Peter Djagamara and Teddy Djabangari] accompanied by full-sized boomerang clapsticks' Recorded on LA2650b at Yuendumu in 1967.
Australia: Aboriginal Music. Recording and liner notes by Alice M. Moyle. UNESCO Collection Auvidis Collection of Traditional Music of the World (reissue from the 'Musical Sources' series IICMSD Berlin). 1977/1992 AUVIDIS-UNESCO D8040. Available on CD. Recordings from various locations including Yuendumu. Brief but informative CD liner notes. A number of these tracks are also found on other recordings published by A.M. Moyle.
[extracts from pp.2 and 5 of CD liner notes]
track 1-3: Rain Dreaming ngapa ceremony (excerpts) - February 1967 - nganakudukudu 'women's night' of circumcision ceremony
track 4: Dinny Djabaldjari sings samples of the songs recorded during the performances * (Tracks 1 10:47 and 2 3:06)
Music and Dreamtime Stories of My People (presented by Bob Maza). Cassette, CD. Twintrack Productions TP-01-CD (GPO Box 17, Northbridge NSW 2063). Notes are no more than a listing of items.
track 9: "traditional song" from "Yuendumu community". [possibly from recording by Alice Moyle]
Musical items re-published on:
Music of My People: Australian Aboriginal Music (presented by Bob Maza). Larrikin AM002.
Mountford, Charles P. 1968. Winbaraku and the myth of Jarapiri. Rigby. xix+116pp.
See Wild 1979.
Shannon, Cynthia. 1971. Walpiri womens music - a preliminary study. [Clayton, Vic.] B.A. Thesis, Monash University * AIATSIS Library MS 354 * AIATSIS annotation: Based on fieldwork at Hooker Creek, N.T. 1970-1971 with mainly women; initiation and Gadjari rituals; role of women in mens rituals; symbolism and body painting; dance; song types and forms of ritual wailing; music notation and tape (Tape M22)
Shannon, Cynthia [recorder]. 1971. 16 reel to reel tapes of Warlpiri music. Held in the School of Music archive, Building 68 Performing Arts Complex, Monash University.
See Wild 1990.
Moyle, Alice M. 1973 [1978]. Songs by Young Aborigines: An Introduction to North Australian Aboriginal Music, pp. 238-68 (especially Tracks 4-6) in The Australian Aboriginal heritage: an introduction through the arts, ed. by RM Berndt & ES Phillips. 2nd ed. 1978, Sydney: Australian Society for Education through the Arts in association with Ure Smith. Parts A and B. Two LP gramophone discs accompanying Berndt and Phillips 1973, and illustrating various articles in the book (both recordings and book now out of print). Disc B side 1 "Songs by young Aborigines" contains recordings by A.M. Moyle at various locations, including "Tracks 3-6 8 play songs (boomerang sts). Yuendumu." * AIATSIS Library call number KIT B524.88/A1 AUDIO CD (Part 5, Copy 1)
Moyle, Alice M. [Song word index.] Computer printout, Monash University, February 1973. Deposited at AIAS.
Horne, James A. October 1973-1976 sound recordings made at Warrabri [sc. Alekarenge]. Deposited at AIATSIS, tapes A4417, A4418.
Horne, James A. 1975. Report on the 1975 Warrabri Pulapa Wirri. Developing Education 3.3(August),12-16. col. illus. incl. cover. *
AIATSIS Library annotation: The Pulapa Wirri [sc. Wiri], or "Big dance" is a festival of Aboriginal arts to encourage young Aboriginal people to participate in Aboriginal artistic Aboriginal artistic activities; Briefly outlines organization, participants, and future of Pulapa Wirri held at Warrabri [sc. Alekarenge]
Horne, James A. 1975. As a curriculum officer what does Aboriginal music and dance mean to me? Developing Education 3.4,7-8.
Wild, Stephen A. 1975. Walbiri music and dance in their social and cultural nexus. Indiana University dissertation. Xerox University Microfilms 1976 (Order No. 7517072).
Horne, James A. [1977] Handbook of Aboriginal Music & Dance. For use in Warrabri School. Department of Education, N.T. Division. 83pp. Mimeoed typescript, with photographs. [Release dated 24.4.77]. * photocopy held at Papulu Apparrkari, Tennant Creek; AIATSIS Library MS 3161

The First Australians. Aboriginal Artists Agency AAA-04. Vinyl, LP.  Includes traditional music from "Warlpiri community" / "Yapa from western central Northern Territory". Track B8 "Walbiri Singers – Wungulu: The Dancers Are Ready".
Wild, Stephen A. 1979. A Public Song Series of Central Australia. Paper presented to the Third National Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia, Monash University, 18-21 May 1979. [15pp.+ 3 musical transcriptions of Yam purlapa referring to the site Yumurrpa, recorded at Hooker Creek 12/11/69.] * published as Wild 1984
See Songs of Aboriginal Australia 1990.
Wild, Stephen Aubrey. 1979. Music notations of song series recorded at Lajamanu (Hooker Creek), N.T. Holograph (photocopy); Contents; [1.] Warlbiri yarla purlapa; Yam public ceremony, 11-12 Nov. 1969, 113 l.; [2.] Warlbiri yawulyu yangkirri; Womens emu, 30 July 1979, 23 l. * AIATSIS Library MS 1406
Koch, Grace. Women's awulya sung and danced for Justice Toohey during the Kaytej-Warlpiri-Warlmanpa Land Claim Hearing. November 1981, Alekarenge. Field tape numbers: KW1, KW2 * AIATSIS sound archive KOCH_G03, archive tapes 08597 - 08598
Hale, Kenneth L. 1984. Remarks on creativity in Aboriginal verse, in Problems and Solutions. Occasional essays in Musicology presented to Alice M. Moyle, ed. by Jamie C. Kassler & Jill Stubington. Sydney: Hale & Iremonger. ISBN 0 86806 148 4 416pp. $30.
Wild, Stephen. 1984. Warlbiri music and culture: meaning in a central Australian song series, in Problems and Solutions. Occasional essays in Musicology presented to Alice M. Moyle, ed. by Jamie C. Kassler & Jill Stubington. Sydney: Hale & Iremonger. ISBN 0 86806 148 4 416pp. $30. * published version of Wild 1979
Clunies Ross, Margaret, Tamsin Donaldson & Stephen A. Wild (eds). 1987. Songs of Aboriginal Australia. Sydney: University of Sydney. viii+199pp. Oceania Monographs 32. [out of print] Companion sound cassette (AIATSIS 1990).
Sutton, Peter. 1987. Mystery and change. Chapter 5. Clunies Ross et al 1987:77-96.
Wild, Stephen A. 1987. Recreating the JUKURRPA: adaptation and innovation of songs and ceremonies in Warlpiri society. Clunies Ross et al (eds.) 1987:97-120. * AIATSIS Library annotation: Song and ceremony innovation in relation to Lajamanu history, relationships to land and sites, religious taxonomy, ceremonial reorganisation and expressions of cultural identity
[Men singing Jardiwanpa.] Approx. 2 hours recorded 29 June 1988 at Palparti, 170km west of Tennant Creek, by sound recordist with ABC Natural History Unit (during filming of Fire in the Mind, produced & directed by Jeremy Hogarth).
Wapirra kangku wangka. [Father talks to you] Recorded at the Songwriter's workshop 1988. C-20 #262 ZR7. SIL-AAIB, Berrimah NT 0828. $8
North Tanami Band. 1988. Warlpiri Warlpiri People. Recorded in Alice Springs.
North Tanami Band. 19??. Travelling Warlpiri. CAAMA Music Catalogue No. CA250. Recorded in Alice Springs.
North Tanami Band. 19??. This Land. 1 Warlu 2:21, 2 Yampijapaju (Why did you leave me) 2:36, 3 Juu Juu (Devil storm) 3:42, 4 This Land 2:24, 5 Vision 2:49, 6 Kuu Kuu Man (Devil man) 3:14, 7 Kurtu Kids 2:24, 8 Jundala Yanu (Left her child) 4:22, 9 Thinking About You 2:38, 10 Lost it 2:10, 11 Yukurrpa [sc. Jukurrpa] (Dreaming) 3:21, 12 Baby Come Back 3:38. Total 35:06  CAAMA Music Cat. No. 331.
Rex Patterson, manager & vocalist; Hector Patterson, lead guitarist & vocalist; Zacharia Patterson, keyboard & rhythm guitar; Matthew Patterson, vocalist; Dwayne Gibson, drummer, Jarmin Joshua Kelly, base guitarist; Roderick Herbert, rhythm guitar. Engineer & mixed by: Steven Tranter and Stan Satour.
Songs of Aboriginal Australia. 1990. Audio cassette no. 17. Canberra: AIATSIS. Processed by EMI, Sydney. Reprinted 1994. To accompany Clunies Ross et al (eds.) 1987. Box also contains notes.
Item 5. Warlpiri women's Emu songs from central Australia. Singers Dora Nampijinpa, Mary Nangala, Maggie Nangala, Alice Nampijinpa, Maggie Napangardi, Annie Nungarrayi, Maisy Napangardi, recorded by Stephen Wild at Lajamanu, Northern Territory in 1979. Tape 6165. 03.28.
Item 6. Warlpiri men's love magic songs, central Australia. Singers Jimmy Robertson Jampijinpa and Jimmy Jangla, recorded by Stephen Wild at Lajamanu, Northern Territory in 1979. Tape 6148. 00.49-05.44.
Wild, Stephen A. 1990. Central Australian Men's Love Song (Yilpinji), pp.48-69 in The Honey-Ant Men's Love Song and other Aboriginal Song Poems, ed. by R.M.W. Dixon & Martin Duwell. St Lucia: UQ Press. ISBN 0 7022 2278 X May 1990. * Yurrampi Yilpinji / Honey-Ant Men's Love Song, recorded by Thomas Jangala at Lajamanu, 1971. Song said to be in Anmatjarra (Anmatyerr)
Yapa Music. 1990. Look at us! Warlpiri Mix. CAAMA Music, March 1990.
Side One: 1. Muljulparlu milyapungu. 2. Mount Doreen. 3. Mardaka nyanu. 4. Look at us. 5. Warlpiri Warlpiri People. Side Two: 1. Wanta Wirringka. 2. Milyapungu piturlukuru 3. Yuendumu 4. Yirraru jarrijalparlu 5. Wapirra pirlirrpaji 6. Mission Creek.
Moyle, Alice M. Auvidis ‎– D 8040, UNESCO Collection of Traditional Music of the World ‎– D 8040. Track 1 Rain Dreaming Ceremony, 10:47, recorded in Yuendumu, Northern Territory, February 1967. Track 2 A Re-singing Of Rain Dreaming Songs After The Ceremony, 3:06. In standard jewel case with 16 page booklet. Reissue Auvidis of the album Australia: Aboriginal Music realized by the International Institute for Comparative Studies and Documentation (IICMSD) Berlin for the International Music Council. ℗ Auvidis / UNESCO 1977 / 1992.
Yartulu Yartulu Band. 1994. Kangka Julu PinaCAAMA Music. Cat. No. 236.
Barwick, Linda. Yilpinji Maliki. Yilpinji Ngapa. Yawulyu Ngapa. Song recordings of Warlpiri men and women at Alekarenge, September 1996, August 1997. Part transcribed (with assistance from David Nash).
Lajamanu Teenage Band. 1997?. 'Luwarnulu Jana'.  ABC Songlines CD.
Lajamanu Teenage Band. 1998. vison. CAAMA Music. Cat. No. 314. * 1. Nguru 2. It's Going to Rain 3. Vision 4. Wiyappa Wanti Jalu 5. Part Tonight 6. Echo Voices 7. Nuwarnu Janu ['Luwarnulu Jana' on Songlines CD] 8. Baby! I Need You 9. Teenage Band 10 Baby Crying 11. Please Come Home 12. Where is my People 13. Ngapa.  Alfred Rose - Vocals, Kenneth Martin - Rhythm Guitar, Darren Penn - Bass Guitar, Manuel Herbet - Drums, Matthew Gibson, Bobby Kennedy, Amos Poulson.  Producers Allen Murphy & the Teenage Band. Engineering: Steve Tranter and Allen Murphy with additional engineering by Stan Satour. * "Second and still the most popular album by these rock star heroes. Songs relate to community and family issues. Sung in Warlpiri and English" * short review by Will Owen
Lajamanu Teenage Band. 199?. Dreamtime Hero. CAAMA Music Cat. No. 339. * 1. You are always on my mind 2. Wapakarra nyinami karna (No Mum or Dad) 3. Dreamtime Hero 4. Change your life 5. Jamagu (Land Rights Freedom Song Wave Hill Station 1966) 6. Jamirdi (My grandfather) 7. Mardakayarnu (Hold your child) 8. Don't go to town 9. Give our land back 10. Lajamanu 11. Nguru (Our land). Alfred Rose - Vocals & Rhythm Guitar, Kenneth Martin - Vocals, Darren Penn - Bass Guitar, Manuel Herbet - Drums, Terry Banjo - Lead & Rhythm Guitar.  Engineer and mixed by Steve Tranter. * "Third album by this hugely popular Northern Territory Band.  Everyone knows and sings along to these songs. Sung in Warlpiri and English" * short review by Will Owen
Lajamanu Teenage Band. 1999. Luwarnulu Jana. Track on Songlines CD.  [repeat of Track 7 of  Lajamanu Teenage Band. 1998. Vision]  ABC.
Yapaku Yunparninjaku. Warlpiri/English. © Yapaku Association, Alice Springs. ISBN 0727202480  $12. The Bible Place, 55a Gap Road (behind the Mbantua Store), PO Box 8794, Alice Springs NT 0871, Ph. (08)89533057; fax (08)89533047
Ali Curung Spinifex Band. Alyawarr, Warlpiri and English. C-30 cassette #499 7-050. * 1 Come O Lord 2 Ready 3 Judgement Day 4 There's a Song in my Heart 5 Father Up Above 6 He is Real 7 Holy Spirit in this Land (1) 8 Have a Saviour 9 I'm Sitting Alone 10 Holy Spirit in this Land (2) *  "recorded by the Alyawarr Singers, the Alekareng Ladies, with Jimmy Friday and a couple of his mates at Alekareng, NT. Noel Bachelor made the recording."  SIL, PO Berrimah NT 0828. ph. (08)89225700, fax (08)89225717
Lajamanu Singers. Wapirrakurliparla Yunparni. Singalong for the Father. Warlpiri. C-60 cassette WL 527. *  Holy Spirit we welcome you, Walking with Jesus, Healing waters, Nyurru (Ready) Jesus Christ is coming soon, Welcome Holy Spirit, Message in my dreams, Wapirra Nyuntujunpa, Ngurru-nyayirni, Jesus, I will follw you / He is Lord, Holy Ghost Power, Jijaji Ngalpa Parlija Wanta-wantarla, Wapirrarlu Yilyajarni Kajanyanu, Take up your cross, Jijaji Kapurlipa Purda-nyanyi, God's family, Wapirra Nyuntujunpa Wiri-nyayirni.  Audio Engineer: Noel Bachelor.  'SEEMA AUDIO'  CIMR (Christian Indigenous Media Resources), PO Box 1921, Humpty Doo NT 0836. ph. (08)89889139 <>
SPIN.fx. 2002. Uluparru. CAAMA Music  * Stanley Roberts, Amos Egan, Jason Butcher, Abraham Phillipus  * 14 tracks, mostly in Pintupi/Luritja;  track no.2 "Pina Yantani" by Amos J Egan "This song, in Warlpiri, is about people who leave the community and go into town for too long. Their family and friends always tell them to come back home." * related video SPIN.fx
Lajamanu Teenage Band. 2006. Prisoner.  CAAMA Music. Cat. No. 422. 1. Between Me & You 4:14 2. Bunbidee (Home Land Of Pigeon Hole) 5:17 3. Jamirdi (My Grandfather) 4:57 4. Kirdanyanu-Wanu (No Father) 3:38 5. Kurdu-Ka Yulami (Baby Crying) 3:12 6. Kurdu-Wiyappa (Lonely Child) 4:37 7. Lajamanu 3:10 8. Lord I Give You My Heart 3:32 9. My Home Lajamanu 4:07 10. Ngawarra-Kujaku (Big Flood Water) 4:09 11. Pina Yantani (Come Back) 2:34 12. Prisoner 4:30 13. Wapirra (Lord) 5:15 14. Yarrungkanyi (Homelands) 4:10 15. Yirraru-Jarri (Getting Lonely) 4:33 Alfred Rose – Lead Vocals/Rhythm Guitar, Kenneth Martin – Lead Vocals/Rhythm guitar, Terry Banjo – Lead Guitar/Rhythm Guitar, Asmen Pelasco – Keyboard, Cedric King – Bass Guitar/Keyboard, Mervyn Donald – Drums, Manual Herbert – Drums. “This album is dedicated to the memory of / Darren Penn / founding member of the Lajamanu Teenage Band.”
Lajamanu Teenage Band. 2006. Live in Katherine. CAAMA Music. Cat. No. 427. 1. Teenage Band 4:29 2. Jamirdi (My Grandfather) 4:30 3. Drinking & Driven 5:05 4. Jamagu (Wave Hill Strike in 1966) 3:22 5. Between me and you 5:58 6. Dreamtime Hero 4:05 7. Ngawarra Kujaku (Big Flood Water) 4:20 8. Mardaka yanu (Hold your Child) 4:13 9. Echo Voices 3:43 10. Lajamanu Teenage Band 11. Kurdu Ku Yulami (Baby Crying) 4:51 12. Bundibee (Home Land of Pigeon Hole) 4:24 13. Always On My Mind 4:00 14. Grandfather Tell Me More Stories 2:41 15. Yirraru Jarru (Getting Lonely) 4:35. Alfred Rose – Lead Vocals/RhythmGuitar, Kenneth Martin – Lead Vocals, Terry Banjo – Lead & Rhythm Guitar, Darren Penn – Bass Guitar, Manual Herbert – Drums, Cedric King –Keyboard. “This live recording of the Teenage Band was done at Kurbi’s in Katherine on their Northern Territory tour starting in Alice Springs – Tennant Creek – Katherine – Jabiru then to Darwin for the NAIDOC Festival and back to Ngukurr. This album is dedicated to the memory of Darren Penn one of the founding members of the Lajamanu Teenage Band.”
Lajamanu Teenage Band is also on Barunga Live 2006: Safe Tracks Home, New Indigenous music from the NT, track 11, Yarrungkani. Skinnyfish/North Territory Government, 2006 Cat. No BAR002CD
Gallagher, Coral Napangardi and Peggy Nampijinpa Brown, with Georgia Curran & Barbara Napanangka Martin. 2014. Jardiwanpa yawulyu: Women’s songs from Yuendumu. Darwin, NT: Batchelor Press. * launched 12 December 2014 at Yuendumu *  "produced with the technology of sound printing. On each song page there is an icon that indicates a code embedded in the page. If you have access to a ‘speaking pen’ you can point the pen to the icon and a recording of the song will then play" *
[Curran, Georgia et al]. 2017. Yurntumu-wardingki juju-ngaliya-kurlangu yawulyu: Warlpiri women’s songs from Yuendumu. 112pp. Accompanying CD set with songs Batchelor Press. * song audio at * publicity NT Writers' Centre, published on 3 Sep 2017 * Watiyawarnu yawulyu 'Acacia seed dreaming songs'
Vitality and change in Warlpiri songs, Juju-ngaliyarlu karnalu-jana pina-pina-mani kurdu-warnu-patu jujuku. Sydney: Sydney University Press / PAW Media and Communications. ISBN 9781743329061 * see wlp-eth-ref.html for chapter listing and other information
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© 2007 David Nash