Last changed 8 August 2024

Warlpiri non-linguistic referencesx
 incomplete coverage

Ordered by year, new to old, and alphabetically by author within each year.

This listing has a partial and non-uniform coverage. It shows its origins as a list of references about (or mentioning) Warlpiri that do not fit in the linguistics bibliography, song bibliography, or motion pictures and multimedia recordings (CD-ROMs).

Warlpiri Youth Development Aboriginal Corporation (previously Mt Theo – Yuendumu Substance Misuse Aboriginal Corporation): Newsletters and other documents at

There are many articles in Land Rights News Central Australia, only a few listed here.
A lot of postings (to 2014) at Friends of Bilingual Learning Google Group concerned Warlpiri schools.

Send additions and corrections to the compiler, David Nash.

A bibliography of Warlpiri ethnographic literature was available (on paper) from AIATSIS Library.

Hint: To find a particular author's name, or key term, use your Web browser's Find command.

Brennan, Dechlan. 2024. NT Police Commissioner should have apologised to Yuendumu community first, Warlpiri Elder says. National Indigenous Times August 7, 2024.
Baarda Nangala, Wendy. 2024. Lest they be lost: A lifetime of little ponderings. Clear Mind Press.
Cecily Napanangka Granites, Kathryn Thompsom-Ferry, 2024.Yawulyu from Yuendumu. Noel Ferry (photographer) Clear Mind Press * launched at Alice Springs 1st June 2024
Seyppel, Marcel G. 2024. Indigenous people make themselves heard through art  D+C * on exhibition “Revisions made by the Warlpiri of Central Australia and Patrick Waterhouse” Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum in Cologne until 7 April 2024
Yuupurnju, Yuupurnju: A Warlpiri song cycle. Sung by Henry Cooke Anderson Jakamarra 2013. PAW Media Uploaded 24 February 2024.
Bradley, John. 2024. Yuupurnju, A Warlpiri song cycle.[review]. Anthropological Forum 3pp. [23 April]
Yuupurnju, A Warlpiri song cycle. Sung by Henry Cooke Anderson Jakamarra with transcription and interpretation by Jerry Patrick Jangala, Steven Dixon Japanangka, Wanta Steven Patrick Pawu-Kurlpurlurnu Jampijinpa, Carmel O’Shannessy Nungarrayi and Myfany Turpin. Sydney University Press. * launched 12-1pm Thursday 11 July 2024, Lajamanu Learning Centre * launch 2.30pm Saturday 7 September 2024, Red Kangaroo Books, Alice Springs * reviewed by Bradley 2024
Georgia Curran, Linda Barwick, Valerie Napaljarri Martin, Simon Japangardi Fisher and Nicolas Peterson (eds) Vitality and change in Warlpiri songs, Juju-ngaliyarlu karnalu-jana pina-pina-mani kurdu-warnu-patu jujuku. Sydney: Sydney University Press / PAW Media and Communications. ISBN 9781743329061 * ARC Linkage Project LP160100743 2016-22

Chapter 1. Vitality and change in Warlpiri songs and ceremonies
Georgia Curran, Linda Barwick, Valerie Napaljarri Martin, Simon Japangardi Fisher and Nicolas Peterson
Rex Japanangka Granites
Harry Jakamarra Nelson
Otto Jungarrayi Sims

Chapter 2. Archiving documentation of Warlpiri songs and ceremonies on-Country at the Warlpiri Media Archive
Georgia Curran, Valerie Napaljarri Martin, Simon Japangardi Fisher, Elizabeth Napaljarri Katakarinja and Linda Barwick
Alice Nampijinpa Henwood
Paddy Japaljarri Sims

Chapter 3. A Warlpiri winter solstice ceremony: Performance, succession and the jural public
Nicolas Peterson
Tommy Jangala Watson
Thomas Jangala Rice
Barbara Nakamarra Gibson

Chapter 4. Dreaming to sing: Learning and dream creation in the Australian desert
Barbara Glowczewski and Barbara Nakamarra Gibson (translated by Georgia Curran and Nicolas Peterson from the original French)
Peggy Nampijinpa Brown
Ruth Napaljarri Oldfield
Coral Napangardi Gallagher

Chapter 5. Minamina yawulyu: Musical change from the 1970s through to the 2010s
Georgia Curran, Barbara Napanangka Martin and Linda Barwick
Fanny Napurrurla Walker
Nellie Nangala Wayne
Maisie Napurrurla Wayne

Chapter 6. Expert domains of knowledge in Ngurlu yawulyu songs from Jipiranpa
Fanny Walker Napurrurla, Linda Barwick and Mary Laughren, with contributions from Sarah Holmes Napangardi, Jessie Simpson Napangardi, Judith Robertson Napangardi and Theresa Ross Napurrurla
Peggy Nampijinpa Martin
Lucy Nampijinpa Martin

Chapter 7. Warnajarra: Innovation and continuity in design and lyrics in a Warlpiri women’s song set
Myfany Turpin, Megan Morais, Mary Laughren, Peggy Nampijinpa Brown and Helen Napurrurla Morton
Lorraine Nungarrayi Granites
Cowboy George Jungarrayi Ryder

Chapter 8. Reanimating Ngajakula: Lander Warlpiri songs of connection and transformation
Petronella Vaarzon-Morel, George Jungarrayi Ryder†, Teddy Jupurrurla Long, Jim Wafer and Luke Kelly
Dolly Nampijinpa (Daniels) Granites
Judy Nampijinpa Granites
Lynette Nampijinpa Granites

Chapter 9. To perform or not to perform the Ancestral Fire Dreaming from the Warlukurlangu ranges (Central Australia)
Françoise Dussart
Jerry Jangala Patrick

Chapter 10. Milpirri: A revitalisation movement, a purlapa or a festival?
Stephen Wild, Steven Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick and Yukihiro Doi

Earnshaw, Matt & Thomas Holder. 2023. Warlpiri kinship from a neo-Riemannian point of view  Presented 18 November 14h30-17h30 to Séminaire MaMuPhi (mathématiques - musique – philosophie), IRCAM (1 Place Igor Stravinsky, 75004 Paris).. * 'Movements of a ghostly minuet: Neo-Riemannian themes in Warlpiri kinship' duration 2:51:40 * "to bring out parallels with recent developments in transformational music theory"
Shepherd, Tory. 2023. ‘It’s Warlpiri identity’: Indigenous photos, drawings and sacred objects come home after 60 years. The Guardian Tue 14 Nov 2023 01.00 AEDT * Nancy Munn
Wilkie-Jans, Jack. 2023. Exhibition review: Pantini Kalijarrala Ngatiki, Wapami Kalijarra Wirliyala, Suzanne O’Connell Gallery. Arts hub 7 Sep 2023
Allison, Charmayne. 2023. Senior Yuendumu women work to heal families struggling with childhood trauma. 7 July 2023, ABC Alice Springs * Pirlirrpa Ngurrju-Maninjaku Healing the Spirit Resource Kit of Marlpa Jungu Jintangka (MJJ), Yuendumu * also: New Healing the Spirit Resource Kit created by Warlpiri women. The National Tribune 4 July 2023 / Warlpiri Women Create New Healing Spirit Resource Kit. Mirage.News 4 July 2023
Baarda, Frank. 2023. The richness and beauty of the Warlpiri language. Alice Springs News 28, 11 March 2023 * launch of Warlpiri Encyclopaedic Dictionary
Cunningham, Matt. 2023. Powerful portrayal of women's suffering. The Weekend Australian 23 Sep 2023 page 7 * 1982 disappearance near Yuendumu * about 'Yimi Junga' Sky News, 6pm Sunday 24 September 2023
Curran, Georgia and Enid Nangala Gallagher. 2023. Yawulyu Mardukuja-patu-kurlangu: Relational dynamics of Warlpiri Women’s song performance. Journal of Intercultural Studies 44.5(2023),716-733.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2023. Compte rendu du Warlpiri encyclopaedic dictionary de Mary Laughren et al. Journal de la Société des Océanistes 156 (2023-1),130-133 * placed online 30 June 2023
Ham, Anthony. 2023. The Tanami elder. For much of his life, Jerry Jangala OAM has bridged the gap between Warlpiri and mainstream Australia. Outback 147(Feb/March),94-97. * Lajamanu
Ham, Anthony. 2023. Tracking country. The Monthly (March), 12-14. * Lajamanu, Jerry Jangala, CLC Rangers
Landey, Jacqueline. 2023. Caring for the half-wild dogs of Yuendumu’s Aboriginal community. Aljazeera News | Arts and Culture, 30 Apr 2023
Mendes, Liam. 2023. Running scared in outback town held hostage by violence. Weekend Australian 11-12 February 2023, page 9. * Theresa Napurrurla Ross, Yuendumu
Nelson, K. A. 2023. Meaty bones. Watson, ACT: Recent Work Press. * poetry, a number set in Warlpiri country
Sauers, Craig. 2023. Australia's epic 1,077km road trip. / A 1.077km drive that demands respect. 16 March 2023. The Open Road. BBC Travel.
Whaler, Jess. 2023. Warlpiri/Warumungu interpreter Valda Warntaparri on the importance of language, culture and having a voice. National Indigenous Times 7 July 2023.
Glowczewski, Barbara and Barbara Nakamarra Gibson, 2022. Rêver pour chanter : apprentissage et création onirique dans le désert australien. Cahiers de Littérature orale 51,153-170 * Traduction sous presse : Dreaming to sing: learning and dream creation in the Australian desert, in G. Curran, L. Barwick, V. Napaljarri Martin, S. Japangardi Fisher, N. Peterson (eds) Vitality and change in Warlpiri songs, Sydney University Press
Hargraves, Ned Jampijinpa, Samara Fernandez-Brown, Harry Jakamarra Nelson, Robin Japanangka Granites, Eddie Jampijinpa Robertson, Valerie Napaljarri Martin, Margaret Napanangka Brown, Warren Japanangka Williams, Louanna Napangardi Williams & Georgia Curran. 2022. Justice for Walker: Warlpiri responses to the police shooting of Kumunjayi Walker. The Australian Journal of Anthropology ja.12446
Jordan, Ivan and Ed Kingston. 2022. Tom and Pat: The story of Tom and Pat Fleming, Centralian pioneers and missionaries to the Warlpiri people of Australia. Carlisle, WA: Hesperian Press. * Yuendumu
Kube, Paul. 2022. The task and problem of translating the bible into Australia's Indigenous languages.  Australian Journal of Mission Studies (AJMS) 16.1,2-12. * pp.8-10: interview with Eddie and Lottie about Warlpiri bible
Long, Jeremy and David Nash (edited and annotated). 2022. Diary -- Walker Bros Prospecting Expedition 1913. Western Australian Explorers’ Diaries series. Carlisle, WA: Hesperian Press. * includes traverse of southern Warlpiri country
Miller, Michael E. 2022. Acquittal in Aboriginal town stirs ghosts of Australia’s last massacre. Washington Post May 11, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
O’Shannessy, Carmel, Marlkirdi Napaljarri Rose, Elaine Nangala Johnson & Gracie Napaljarri White. 2022. ‘I could still be myself as a Warlpiri person’: How bilingual education achieves community development aims,pp. 163–188 in Deborah Hill & Felix K. Ameka (eds), Languages, linguistics and development practices. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3- 030-93522-1 7. 7
Peterson, Nicolas. 2022. Why hold a winter solstice ceremony once in 24 years and then never again? Presented in the Anthropology seminar series, ANU, 7 March.
Shorten, Kristin. 2022. (1) Out of Yuendumu: how violence seeps through generations. The Weekend Australian 28-29 May 2022, pages 1,10-11;  editorial page 14. (2) I didn't want dad jailed, but I was scared he would kill me.The Australian 30 May 2022, pages 1-2. (3) 'I want to go home but I don't feel safe there' The Australian 31 May 2022, pages 1,6
Baarda, Frank D. 2021. My Yuendumu story : Yurntumu ngaju-nyangu yimi. 396pp. Yuendumu, NT: Ngurra Publishing
Curran, Georgia & Otto Jungarrayi Sims. 2021. Performing purlapa: Projecting Warlpiri identity in a globalised world. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 22.2-3,203–219. Special issue 'The Value of Ethnographic Research on Music' edited by Georgia Curran & Mahesh Radhakrishnan. * about a purlapa at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra
Dowsett, Sudiipta Shamalii. 2021. Sampling ceremony: Hip-hop workshops and intergenerational cultural production in the central Australian desert. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 22.2-3,184–202. Special issue 'The Value of Ethnographic Research on Music' edited by Georgia Curran & Mahesh Radhakrishnan. * includes Milpirri festival 2018
Farrell, Jenny. 2021. Provenance, by Kate Thompson: fighting inequality and injustice to Aboriginal peoples [review of Thompson 2019]. Culture Matters 15 November 2021 09:42
Glowczewski, Barbara, Jerry Patrick Jangala, and Mary Laughren, 2021. Jurntu purlapa – Warlpiri songline for the Jurntu Fire Dreaming site (Australia), Cahiers de littérature orale 87, 225-231.
Ham, Anthony. 2021. The indigenous keepers of the Outback's secrets. 15th September 2021 In BBC Travel series '50 Reasons to Love the World' * "Located a remote corner of the Great Sandy Desert, Newhaven Wildlife Sanctuary is how the Outback used to look before European settlers arrived."
Hinkson, Melinda. 2021. See how we roll: Enduring exile between desert and urban Australia. Global Insecurities series. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. doi:10.2307/j.ctv1wdvx78 * "follows the experiences of Nungarrayi, a Warlpiri woman from the central Australian desert, as she struggles to establish a new life for herself in the city of Adelaide"
Mabin, Saskia. 2021. History-changing Yuendemu Doors lead Indigenous dreaming art to China and beyond. ABC News * based on 1981–82 with the Warlpiri women in Willowra
New Yuendumu enterprise takes everyone the extra mile. [Central Land Council] News, 18 October 2021. * XTRA MILE TRANSPORT
Jones Morais, Megan. 2021. Documenting the Dreaming: Designs and songs of the present, in the past, for the future. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 22.2-3,119–139. Special issue 'The Value of Ethnographic Research on Music' edited by Georgia Curran & Mahesh Radhakrishnan.
Presentations at Knowledge Intersections Symposium, 20 – 21 Sep­tem­ber 2021, Desert Knowl­edge Precinct, Alice Springs.
• Fiona Gibson, Barbara Martin, Louise Stanley, and Danielle Campbell: Yapa to Yapa research – the story of WETT Tracking and Learning
• Emma Browne and Fiona Gibson: Innovation and continuity: Using oral and written texts in the Warlpiri classroom
• Carmel O'Shannessy, Vanessa Davis, Denise Foster, Jessie Bartlett, and Alice Nelson: Little Kids' Word List
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2021. Same monster, different meanings: how Indigenous ideas about the PangkarlanguHairypeople have changed. The Conversation July 5, 2021 2.51pm AEST
Ovalsen, Brent. 2021. Yapa - Walking barefoot with Jangala: The universal conspiracy unifying religions and cultures. 16 May 2021. Woorinen North: Anahata Karma Pty Ltd * * also in Kindle Edition
Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella. 2021. Stormbird kin-making and interspecies care: ethnographic stories from Central Australia. Presented to the annual meeting of AAS, Friday 26 November, 12:30-14:15 * "This paper follows lines of flight of channel-billed cuckoos as they interweave multispecies beings in Central Australia. I link Warlpiri ethnography with my observations of crows caring for cuckoos to explore alternate possibilities to the domination and exclusion of unwanted species."
Yitaki mani: master trackers turn teachers. [Central Land Council] News, 18 November 2021.
Proud in Culture, Strong in Spirit – Yuendumu Doors Exhibition Launched. Solomon Times Tuesday, 3 August 2021
Stories Of Bike Ep. 6. : see wlp-film.html
Nash, David. 2021. Luther, Maurice Jupurrurla (c.1945–1985). Australian Dictionary of Biography. National Centre of Biography, ANU. * published online 19 January 2021
Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella. 2020. The silence of the donkeys: sensorial entanglements between people and animals at Willowra and beyond. The Australian Journal of Anthropology. Advance online publication. * presented to the AAS conference, Canberra
Reece, Reverend Laurie. 2020. We sat where they sat : the history of the commencement of Baptist missionary work amongst the Warlpiri of central Australia. Alice Springs: Friends of the Strehlow Research Centre. * available from Finke River Mission, ph. 08 8952 4666  Att: Michelle.
Park, William. 2020. What can different cultures teach about boredom? BBC - Travel 10 December 2020 * quotes Yasmine Musharbash
Lopez, Barry. 2020.  Barry Lopez: Love in a time of terror. On natural landscapes, metaphorical living, and Warlpiri identity. Literary Hub August 7, 2020 * Willowra * also mentions in his 2019 book Horizon.
Dilena, Marcus. 2020. Is there a future for Lajamanu? Thesis Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, College of Business, Government and Law, Flinders University. 309 pages.
Curran, Georgia, Myfany Turpin, and Mary Laughren. 2020. Ethnobiology resources for on-country learning in Central Australia. FEL24, 23–25 September. Online conference hosted by UCL, London.
This is Warlukurlangu, edited by Samara Fernandez. 130+ pages. Published by NORTH magazine. * announced in 'Inaugural NORTH publication celebrates Warlpiri creatives' by  Grace Crivellaro
14 September 2020
Patrick Waterhouse. ‘Restricted Images’ – made with the Warlpiri of Central Australia. September 3 – October 24, 2020
The Ravestijn Gallery,Westerdok 824, 1013 BV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. L'Œil de la Photographie
11 September 11 2020
Anon. [Sarah Butler?] 2020. IMW Scholarship: Willowra Community. 6 February [2020]. * Warlpiri participation in Indigenous Mapping Workshop (IMW), held in Perth in August 2019
Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella. 2020. Sutton's model of underlying and proximate customary title and the Lander Warlpiri region. Chapter 13, pages 213-231 in Ethnographer and contrarian: Biographical and anthropological essays in honour of Peter Sutton, edited by Julie Finlayson & Frances Morphy. ISBN 978 1743057568 Adelaide: Wakefield Press.
Swartz, Steve. 2020. Broken pot: The making of the Warlpiri Bible. Mona Vale: Ark House Press, a division of Initiate Media. the-warlpiri-bible/ * Standing on giants (excerpts), Chapter 15 of Broken Pot. * excerpts on the beginnings of SIL work at Hooker Ck (Lajamanu)
Stead, Jeffrey, Mary Laughren, and Robert Graham. 2020. The politics of suffering: some contrarian reflections. Chapter 10, pages 133-151 in Ethnographer and contrarian: Biographical and anthropological essays in honour of Peter Sutton, edited by Julie Finlayson & Frances Morphy. ISBN 978 1743057568 Adelaide: Wakefield Press.
Peterson, Nicolas. 2020. Culture, development and the future of remote Aboriginal communities. Chapter 9, pages 120-132 in Ethnographer and contrarian: Biographical and anthropological essays in honour of Peter Sutton, edited by Julie Finlayson & Frances Morphy. ISBN 978 1743057568 Adelaide: Wakefield Press. * Warlpiri p.126
Nicholls, Christine. 2020. Yanjilypiri Jukurrpa’ (‘Star Dreaming at Yarripirlangu’), pages 98-99 in ACU Art Collection : A new perspective, edited by Caroline Field. [Fitzroy, Victoria] : Australian Catholic University. * on artist Paddy Sims Japaljarri *
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2020. Indigenising anthropology with Guattari and Deleuze. Plateaus – New Directions in Deleuze Studies. Edinburgh University Press. * a collection of essays from Barbara Glowczewski’s 40 years of research with Aboriginal Australians in conversation with 20th-century philosophy
Gibson, Nakakut Barbara Nakamarra. 2020. Prelude: The Wooden Egg Made Me Sick. Glowczewski 2020:1–3
Thompson, Kate. 2019. Provenance. Liminal Books. * "Provenance is set in and around a fictional Warlpiri community at the western edge of the Tanami desert in central Australia. It is the story of an English doctor, whose love of the red desert country brings him to work in the remote community.  [...]"; acknowledgements: “Thanks also to the residents, yapa and kardiya, of the Warlpiri community of Yuendumu, who were so generous with their time and knowledge.” * reviewed by Farrell 2021
Yapa show Puliima conference how to keep Warlpiri strong. Land Rights News Central Australia 9.3, 11.
Willowra mapping project wins grant. Land Rights News Central Australia 9.3, 13. * 2019 Indigenous Mapping Workshop Australia, Perth
Emu Rock Hole rescue. Land Rights News Central Australia 9.3, 16. * "25 kilometres south-east of Lajamanu"
Nyirrpi art centre celebrates culture, creativity and employment. Land Rights News Central Australia 9.3, 23.
Olive Pink story to hit the big screen. Land Rights News Central Australia 9.3, 23.
Animal tracking app celebrates trail of success. 29 Nov 2019. CSIRO. * about Tracks App, in Warlpiri
Curran, Georgia. 2019. Sustaining indigenous songs: Contemporary Warlpiri ceremonial life in central Australia. Berghahn Books. ISBN  978-1-78920-607-4
Curran, Georgia, Simon Japangardi Fisher, and Linda Barwick. 2019. Engaging with archived Warlpiri songs, pp.167-174 in FEL XXI Proceedings,
Curran, Georgia, Linda Barwick, Myfany Turpin, Fiona Walsh, and Mary Laughren. 2020. Central Australian Aboriginal songs and biocultural knowledge: Evidence from women’s ceremonies relating to edible seeds. Journal of Ethnobiology 39.3,354-370 * Warlpiri and Anmatyerr *
Fleming, Joan. 2019. Kardiya as kindergartener: The poetics of ignorance in the Central Desert. Meanjin 78.1,114-121
KURDIJI 1.0 Aboriginal Resilience Building App is here!  Posted on February 28, 2019 by Judith Crispin. * see also
Mortimer, Lorraine. 2019. Roger Sandall’s films and contemporary anthropology: explorations in the aesthetic, the existential and the possible. Indiana: Indiana University Press. * a chapter on the Ngajakula and one about the ritual films (which she has not seen)
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2019. A Story in and on signs: Making resistance and acquiescence legible as forms of resilience, pp. 23– Pacific Realities: Changing Perspectives on Resilience and Resistance, edited by Laurent Dousset and Mélissa Nayral, 1st ed., vol. 6, Berghahn Books, * NTER signage in Yuendumu and Willowra area * 2017 preprint
Nicholls, Christine. 2019. A wild roguery: Bruce Chatwin’s The Songlines reconsidered. Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture (issue title 'Roguery & (Sub)Versions') 9,22-49. De Gruyter; published Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego * situates reviewer's background at Lajamanu
Presterudstuen, Geir Henning and Yasmine Musharbash (eds). 2019. Monster anthropology: Ethnographic explorations of transforming social worlds through monsters. Bloomsbury Academic. * *
Introduction: Monsters and change
3. Yasmine Musharbash. Pangkarlangu, wonder, extinction
5. Christine Judith Nicholls. Monster Mash: what happens when Aboriginal monsters are co-opted into the mainstream
7. Georgia Curran. Bird/Monsters and contemporary social fears in the central desert of Australia
8. Joanne Thurman. The nine-night siege: Kurdaitcha at the interface of Warlpiri/Non-Indigenous relations
Nicholls, Christine Judith. 2019. Monster mash: What happens when Aboriginal monsters are co-opted into the mainstream? In Geir Henning Presterudstuen & Yasmine Musharbash (eds) Monster anthropology: Ethnographic explorations of transforming social worlds through monsters, chap. 5, 89–112. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Tavendale, Olwyn. 2019. Painting country: Spatial, somatic and linguistic experience in central Australian Aboriginal art. Oceania 89.1,104–123. doi: 10.1002/ocea.5212
Seymour, Tom  and Brennavan Sritharan. 2019. Restricted Images by Patrick Waterhouse and the Warlpiri. British Journal of Photography. Published on 7 March 2019.
Morton 2019: see Jennings 2012
Watson, Mark K. 2019. [review of:] An Australian indigenous diaspora: Warlpiri matriarchs and the refashioning of tradition. Anthropological Forum 29.4,430–432. * Burke 2018
'Taking desert art to the world'. Conversations. Sarah Kanowski with Cecilia Alfonso. * Warlukurlangu Artists, Yuendumu
Anderson, Drew. 2018. The Global in the Local: Development and International NGO Practice in Central Australia. Anthropology, ANU thesis.
Anderson, Drew. 2017. New subjects or old categories? An ethnographic critique of the intercultural. Presented to 'Australian anthropology and post-colonialism' session, AAS/ASA/ASAANZ 2017 'Shifting States', Adelaide, 11-15 December 2017 * abstract in
Angel, Susan. 2018. Re-tracing the Tragedy Track. PhD thesis, Department of Media, Communication and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Arts, Macquarie University. 310pp.
Bellos, Alex. 2018. Can you solve it? An Aboriginal family puzzle. The Guardian 3 Dec 2018 * based on NACLO 2013
Burke, Paul. 2018. An Australian Indigenous diaspora: Warlpiri matriarchs and the refashioning of tradition. New York, Oxford: Berghahn. * reviewed by Watson 2019
Curran, Georgia. 2018. On the poetic imagery of smoke in Warlpiri songs. Anthropological Forum 28.2(June),183-196. DOI 10.1080/00664677.2018.1443794
Fleming, Megan Joan. 2018. The limits of imaginative sympathy: Reading and writing the incommensurable in ethnography and ethnopoetics.Doctor of Philosophy (Creative Writing), Faculty of Arts, Monash University  DOI: 10.26180/5be221574dc1c
Fleming, Joan. 2018. The limits of knowledge: A reflexive reading of Warlpiri poetics. JEASA | Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia 9.1 * * about Gallagher et al 2014 Jardiwanpa yawulyu
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2018. Lajamanu – 40 years with the Warlpiri people. Film screening, 8 November 2018, AIATSIS.
Gordon, Oliver, et al. 2018. Mapping the Coniston massacre. Saturday 8 September 2018 6:20PM
Interviewer: Oliver Gordon. Dwayne Ross, traditional owner of Yurrkuru waterhole east of Yuendumu. Petronella Vaarzon-Morel, anthropologist. Georgia Stewart, coordinates community development projects at the Central Land Council with audio
Gosford, Bob, and Frank Baarda. 2018. 10 more years of “beads and mirrors” – Yuendumu’s 2008 ‘Statement from the Heart’. The Northern Myth [blog] Mar 4, 2018
Gosford, Bob. 2018. Essential documents from Aboriginal Australia: 7 – the 2008 Yuendumu Petition. [includes Warlpiri petition text]
The Northern Myth [blog] Mar 4, 2018
Hinkson, Melinda & Eve Vincent. 2018. Shifting indigenous Australian realities: Dispersal, damage, and resurgence: Introduction. Oceania 88.3,240–253. doi:10.1002/ocea.5200 * Special Issue: Shifting Indigenous Australian Realities: Dispersal, Damage, and Resurgence
Hinkson, Melinda. 2018. In and out of place: Ethnography as ‘journeying with’ between central and south Australia. Oceania 88.3,254–268. doi:10.1002/ocea.5201 * Special Issue: Shifting Indigenous Australian Realities: Dispersal, Damage, and Resurgence
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2018. Yulyurdu: smoke in the desert. Anthropological Forum 28.2(June),116-125. DOI 10.1080/00664677.2018.1423038
Smith, Keith Vincent. 2018. The door is a painting the painting is a door. 6pp. PDF * about 'Big Yam' by Paddy Nelson Jupurrula, 1984 * "Updated from an essay in my 1999 course ‘Aboriginal Central Australia’ at Macquarie University, Sydney, tutored by Dr Jennifer Biddle"
Spillman, David. 2018. The brumby dance episode: On the value of cultural continuity within the localised complexity of remote Indigenous education [online]. Australian Aboriginal Studies No. 1, 2018, 19-28.;dn=719057751394997;res=IELIND * associated video * "The brumby dance episode occurred as a Warlpiri-inspired response to an emotionally charged conversation regarding the Northern Territory Emergency Response." Lajamanu * incorporated in 2018 Portfolio as CHAPTER 6: Journal Article 3 (JA3)
Spillman, David. 2018. Exploring transformative opportunities in the intercultural spaces of Indigenous education. Doctorate of Cultural Research Portfolio, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University.
Ward, Gillian. 2018. Olive Pink : artist, activist & gardener : a life in flowers. Richmond, Victoria : Hardie Grant Books. * includes Olive Pink at Thompson's Rockhole, and Papinya.
Cooper, Luke. 2017. Indigenous Elders Are Creating A Mobile App To Tackle High Suicide Rates. HuffPost   04/04/2017 6:49 AM AEST | Updated 04/04/2017 1:55 PM AEST
In People and change in Indigenous Australia edited by Diane Austin-Broos and Francesca Merlan. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press:
• Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella. 2017. Reconfiguring relational personhood among Lander Warlpiri.
• Burke, Paul. 2017. Bold women of the Warlpiri diaspora who went too far.
• Musharbash, Yasmine. 2017. Predicaments of proximity: revising relatedness in a Warlpiri town.
Fleming, Joan. 2017. ‘Seated between the eyes of two worlds’: The intercultural work of
Craig San Roque. PAN: Philosophy, Activism, Nature 13,36-45. DOI:10.4225/03/5ab86cbdd9223;dn=368217536040011;res=IELHSS  * refers also to Cataldi & Rockman
Paul, Mandy & Michaelangelo Bolognese (eds). 2017. Bush Mechanics: from Yuendumu to the world. Mile End, SA: Wakefield Press. * Foreword by Paul Rees, chapters by Georgine Clarsen, Melinda Hinkson, David Batty & Francis Jupurrurla Kelly, Michaelangelo Bolognese, and Mandy Paul * *  accompanied National Motor Museum’s Bush Mechanics exhibition 2020–22
Sherman, Louise and Christobel Mattingley (eds). 2017. Our mob, God's story : Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists share their faith. Art selection by Max Conlon, Gail Naden, Glenny Naden and Inawantji Scales. Sydney, NSW : Bible Society Australia * Warlpiri: Clarise Nampijinpa Poulson, pp32-34; Annette Nampijinpa Patrick, p120; Jenny Nakamarra Timms; Charmaine Napurrurla Brown; Pastor Jerry Jangala, pp214-5
[Curran, Georgia et al]. 2017. Yurntumu-wardingki juju-ngaliya-kurlangu yawulyu: Warlpiri women’s songs from Yuendumu. 112pp. Accompanying CD set with songs Batchelor Press. * song audio at * publicity by NT Writers' Centre, published on 3 Sep 2017
Turpin, Myfany & Nigel Fabb. 2017. Brilliance as cognitive complexity in Aboriginal Australia. Oceania 87.2,209–230.
Patrick, Wanta Jampijinpa. 2017. Wangkayarla Nguruku, Kapungku Nguruju Pina Wangkami-jarla. pp.183–189 in Australia : the Vatican Museum’s Indigenous collection, edited by Katherine Aigner. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press : Edizioni Musei Vaticani
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2017. Telling Warlpiri dog stories. Anthropological Forum 27.2, 95-113. Published online 23 Mar 2017
Hinkson, Melinda. 2017. Precarious placemaking. Annual Review of Anthropology 46.1, 49– 64. * Yuendumu
Hinkson, Melinda. 2017. Beyond assimilation and refusal: a Warlpiri perspective on the politics of recognition. Postcolonial Studies 20.1,86–100.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2017. Working with Warlpiri Cosmopolitics and Cultural Reappropriation: 1979-2017. Presented 10 April 2017 at the Conservatorium of Music, The University of Sydney.
• Chapter 1, pp3-24. Françoise Dussart and Sylvie Poirier. Knowing and managing the land: The conundrum of coexistence and entanglement.
• Chapter 9, pp.186-211. Petronella Vaarzon-Morel. Alien relations: Ecological and ontological dilemmas posed for Indigenous Australians in the management of “feral” camels on their lands.
• Chapter 11, pp.235-252. Nicolas Peterson. Is there a role for anthropology in cultural reproduction? Maps, mining and the ‘cultural future’ in central Australia. 
In Françoise Dussart and Sylvie Poirier, eds. 2017. Entangled Territorialities : Negotiating Indigenous lands in Australia and Canada. Toronto; Buffalo; London : University of Toronto Press. * from a session 'Relationships to the Land: Ontological Resistance and Entanglement in the 21st Century' at CHaGS 10 (10th Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies), Liverpool, June 2013
Eccles, Jeremy. 2017. Warlpiri Act of Memory. Larry Jungarrayi's famous drawing of 'The Malaka's House' in the Warlpiri Drawings Collection.  09.02.17 * Lajamanu * also many media items such as
Baarda, Frank. 2017. Law, disorder and CAALAS – the view from Yuendumu. The Northern Myth [blog]  14 Nov 2017
Warlpiri dancers to showcase Australia’s common ground. NIT (National Indigenous Times) October 4, 2016 * Milpirri Kurdiji, Lajamanu, 15 October
Ngurra Walalja Warra Warra Kanjaku Kurlulu-Warnu Tanami Yapa Marlpa Walyaku. / Southern Tanami Indigenous Protected Area Storybook Plan of Management  1 December 2016 at 18:18:40 AEDT
Digital storybook tells it the Warlpiri way. National Indigenous Times November 23, 2016. * Southern Tanami Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) plan of management
Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella and James Wafer. 2016. "Bilingual time" at Willowra: The beginnings of a community-initiated program, 1976–1977, In Brian Devlin, Nancy Devlin and Samantha Disbray (eds) History of bilingual education in the Northern Territory: People, programs and policies. Springer.
Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella. 2016. Continuity and change in Warlpiri practices of marking the landscape, pp.201–228, Chapter 10 in Marking the land: Hunter-gatherer creation of meaning in their environment, edited by William A. Lovis and Robert Whallon. Routledge Studies in Archaeology. Taylor & Francis.
Rennie, Ellie, Eleanor Hogan, Robin Gregory, Andrew Crouch, Alyson Wright and Julian Thomas. 2016. Internet on the Outstation: The Digital Divide and Remote Aboriginal Communities. No. 19. 228 pages. Print on Demand. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures. ISBN: 978-94-92302-07-6. * Mungalawurru is one of the 3 outstations studied; a preliminary survey included Ali Curung
[Patrick], [Steve] Jampijinpa and [Gretta] Louw. The Home Within: YAMA and Ngurra Kurlu. 15/07/2016. YAMA multimedia installation at Furtherfield Gallery [North London], Warnayaka Art Centre, Neil Jupurrurla Cooke, & Gretta Louw
Nicholls, Christine Judith. 2016. Friday Essay: land, kinship and ownership of ‘Dreamings’. The Conversation March 18, 2016 6.19am AEDT * includes sections 'Warlpiri kinship and the Jukurrpa', 'Kirda and Kurdungurlu'
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2016. The Postcolonial Dog, and other dog tales from Yuendumu, NT. Presented in Anthropology Seminar Series, ANU, 9:30am 23 March.
Munn, Nancy. 2016. The Walbiri sand story, chap. 9, pp.231–251 in The visual narrative reader, edited by Neil Cohn. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. * reprinted from 1963
Louw, Gretta, Lily Hibberd, Brook Andrew, Curtis Taylor, Jenny Fraser, Sharon Nampijinpa Anderson and the Warnayaka Art Centre. Networking the Unseen. [exhibition] 18 June – 14 August 2016, Furtherfield Gallery, McKenzie Pavilion, Finsbury Park, London N4 2NQ * reviewed
Laughren, Mary. 2016. Desert dreamers: With the Warlpiri people of Australia [book review]. Australian Aboriginal Studies 2016/2,132-135.;dn=522858250701947;res=IELIND * see Glowczewski 2016
Hinkson, Melinda. 2016. In the company of images. presented to Refiguring Techniques in Digital-Visual Research
9 September 2016, RMIT University, Melbourne.
'Dolly Nampijinpa Daniels (Granites): Warlpiri leader, teacher and artist.' Presented by Natalie Kestecher. PocketDocs, ABC Radio National. 4 March 2016 9:04AM
Finnane, Kieran. 2016. Trouble : on trial in central Australia. St Lucia, Queensland. University of Queensland Press. ISBN 9780702254031 * 'Trouble at the turn-off', pp.61–87 (Alekarenge); 'Warlpiri versus the Queen', pp.184–211 (Liam Jurrah trial)
Eickelkamp, Ute. 2016. Remembering the future: Warlpiri lives through the prism of drawing. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 17.1, 88-91 * review of Hinkson 2014
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2016. Desert dreamers. Minneapolis: Univocal Publishing. ISBN/Code: 9781937561963  322 pages * Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. * an updated translation of Les rêveurs du désert, Plon, 1989 * "An ethnographic adventure exploring the Warlpiri and their cultural practices of “the dreaming” in relation to their societal laws, ritual art, and connection with the cosmos" * reviewed by Laughren 2016
Crispin, Judith. 2016 [appeared 2017] The Lumen Seed: Records of a search in the Australian desert. Foreword by Juno Gemes. [United States] Daylight Books, [2017]. ISBN 9781942084242 * * contains photographs, drawings and poems about the indigenous Warlpiri people of Australia's Northern Tanami Desert [Lajamanu] * AIATSIS library B C932.72/L1
Brooks, Sally. 2016. Warlpiri people unite under desert skies for epic Indigenous dance performance. ABC News's-warlpiri/7936872 * Milpirri, 15 October, Lajamanu
Bevis, Steve. 2016. You can’t escape your origins: Exegeting the Jukurrpa in Warlpiri Christianity and the struggle over indigeneity, Chapter 6, pages 92-120 in Religious Categories and the Construction of the Indigenous, edited by Christopher Hartney and Daniel Tower. Supplements to Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, volume 7. Leiden, The Netherlands: xBrill. *
Bevis, Steve. 2016. New songs and old songlines: Aboriginal Christianity and post-mission Australia, chapter 7, pages 129-156 in Religion and non-religion among Australian Aboriginal peoples, edited by James L. Cox and Adam Possamai. Routledge. * includes Lajamanu and influence of Rev Graham Paulson
Biddle, Jennifer Loureide. 2016. Remote avant-garde: Aboriginal art under occupation. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. ISBN 978-0-8223-6071-1 * a chapter as well as Introduction are Warlpiri specific *
Rees, Sarah Lynn. 2015. Ngurra. Dwelling in the physical, social, political, environmental cultural and economic landscape of remote Australian Aboriginal communities. A design thesis submitted in Partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Mphil in architecture and urban design examination 2013–2015. University of Cambridge Kings College, 31st July 2015.
Rees, Sarah Lynn. 2015. Consultation: the 'Yapa Way'. Essay 5 Procurement essay, for MPhil, University of Cambridge. In
Doi, Yukihiro. 2015. Milpirri at Lajamanu as an intercultural locus of Warlpiri discourses with others. Thesis (PhD), ANU.
Peterson, Nicolas. 2015. Place, personhood and marginalization: ontology and community in remote desert Australia. Anthropologica 57.2,491-500.
Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella. 2015. Review of Melinda Hinkson Remembering the Future: Warlpiri Life Through the Prism of Drawing (Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press 2015) Aboriginal History 39
Patrick, Wanta Steve Jampijinpa. 2015. Pulya-ranyi: Winds of Change. Cultural Studies Review  Special Edition Same but Different (eds. Biddle and Stefanoff) 21.1,121–31.
Nicholls, Christine. 2015. Obituary: Jeannie Nungarrayi's skill in the Warlpiri language made her an advocate for bilingual programs. Sydney Morning Herald 5 February 2015 * Jeannie Herbert Punayi Nungarrayi 1953–2014
Newth, Tim, David McMicken, and Jennifer Biddle. 2015. Milpirri: Jennifer Biddle in Discussion with Tracks Dance Company. Cultural Studies Review Special Edition Same but Different (eds. Biddle and Stefanoff) 21.1,132–48.
Gosford, Bob. 2015. 37 – the only number that matters at the Yuendumu Sports Weekend.  Crikey! blog The Northern Myth Aug 01, 2015 5:29PM
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2015. Devires Totêmicos — Cosmopolítica do Sonho / Totemic Becomings  — Cosmopolitics of the dreaming. Translated by Jamille Pinheiro Dias e Abrahão de Oliveira Santos. São Paulo: N-1 publications. * title from separate title pages with text in English and Portugese on inverted pages ; bound back to back * includes photos taken at Lajamanu * reviewed by Gerko Egert Anthrovison 4.1 reproducing 3 photographs, online
Finnane, Kieran. 2015. Yuendumu writes new chapter on the beginnings of contemporary Western Desert art. Alice Springs News Posted: July 31, 2015 at 7:58 am
Dixon, Robyn. 2015. In Australia's outback, troubled youths find help in old traditions. Los Angeles Times 4 Jan 2015 * Yuendumu, Mt. Theo
Dixon, Robyn. 2015. Troubled youths find help, and traditions, in Australia’s outback. Los Angeles Times Published Jan 9, 2015 at 12:02AM * WYDAC, Yuendumu
[Dussart, Françoise] 2015. Lifelines. Indigenous Contemporary Art from Australia. 24 Oct 2015 to 5 Sep 2016. Musée de la civilisation production in collaboration with the University of Virginia's Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection.
[Dussart, Françoise] 2015. Exhibit of Australian Indigenous art displayed at Quebec City museum. The Canadian Press October 23, 2015 9:43 AM ET * includes 'The piece "Karrku Jukurrpa" is shown in a handout photo.'
Corn, Aaron Japangardi  and Wantarri Jampijinpa Patrick. 2015. Pulyaranyi: New educational contexts for transferring Warlpiri knowledge. MULTI-DISCIPLINARY JOURNAL IN THE ARTS e-JOURNAL 4.2 issue on 'Indigenous Education In Australia: Place, Pedagogy and Epistemic Assumptions'
Burke, Paul. 2015. Rupture and readjustment of tradition: Personal autonomy in the feminised Warlpiri diaspora in Australia, Chapter 10, pp.215-234 in Strings of Connectedness: Essays in Honour of Ian Keen, edited by Peter Toner. ANU Press, Canberra. ISBN 9781925022629 (pbk) * reviewed by Ingrid Slotte Aboriginal History 40(2016)
Bodey, Elisabeth. 2015?. Negotiating cross-cultural conversations in painting: How the vocal melodic descent form used in Warlpiri women’s ceremonies, in association with notational structures of western composition, can contribute to the formation of a new abstract visual language in a cross-cultural conversation about place and space in painting.PhD, Painting, School of Art, ANU. * Elisabeth Bodey, Small Songs No.3 (detail), 2013. Photograph: Matthew Stanton from
Biddle, Jennifer L. 2015. ‘”My Name is Danny”” Indigenous Animation as Hyper-realism’ Angelaki 20.3,105-113
Biddle, Jennifer and Lisa Stefanoff. 2015. ‘What is Same but Different and why does it matter’ Introduction to Cultural Studies Review Special Edition (eds. Biddle and Stefanoff) ‘Same but Different: experimentation and innovation in Desert Arts’ 21.1,97-120
Biddle, Jennifer with Tim Newth and David McMicken. 2015. ‘Milpirri: Jennifer Biddle in discussion with Tracks Dance Company’ Cultural Studies Review  Special Edition Same but Different (eds. Biddle and Stefanoff) 21.1,132-148
Bauer, Jan. 2015. The salty river. Ventnor, Vic.: Twelve Panels Press. * first published in German Der salzige Fluss (Avant-Verlag, Berlin, 2014) * an autobiographical comic book about a 450km walk along the Larapinta Trail and on to Papunya then Yuendumu
Chlanda, Erwin. 2014. Desert council money push leaves questions open. Alice Springs News online Posted: November 16, 2014 at 12:38 pm * Yuendumu Mediation & Justice Program (YMJP)
Daly, Anne & Greg Barrett. 2014. Independent cost benefit analysis of the Yuendumu Mediation and Justice Committee. 44 pp. PDF 03/11/2014,
Central Desert Regional Council. Yuendumu Mediation and Justice Committee  — Independent Cost Benefit Analysis.
Musharbash, Yasmine and Geir Henning Presterudstuen (eds). 2014. Monster anthropology from Australasia and beyond. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. * abstract *
Yasmine Musharbash. 'Introduction: monsters, anthropology, and monster studies', pages 1-24
Joanne Thurman. 'Cave Men, Luminoids, and Dragons: Monstrous creatures mediating relationships between people and country in Aboriginal northern Australia', pages 25-38
Yasmine Musharbash. 'Monstrous transformations: A case study from central Australia', pages 39-55
Rothwell, Nicolas. 2014. Warlpiri indigenous art and culture explored by Melinda Hinkson. The Australian, Review, 22 November 2014 12:00AM
Szyjewski, Andrzej. 2014. Australijskie ceremonie ognia - Gadjari i Buluwandi u Warlpiri. Studia Religiologica 47.3,197-210. * English abstract available Z
Waterford, Jack. 2014. S.A.L.V.A.T.I.O.N. at hand for hapless Aborigines. Canberra Times November 15, 2014 - 11:30PM * Yuendumu
South, Cath. 2014. Milpirri shows that black or white, we must understand the country we walk on. Guardian 1 November 2014 * "Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick, the creative director of Milpirri, Lajamanu’s biannual cross-cultural event, says only through ‘listening to country’ can all Australians feel at home in themselves"
Minutjukur, Makinti, Valerie Patterson, Sharon Anderson, Fiona Gibson, Maisie Kitson, Barbara Martin, Valerie Martin, Hamilton Morrison, Nancy Oldfield, Serena Shannon, Dorothea Randall, Merril Namatjira and Raelene Larry. 2014.  Voices from the ‘Red Dirt’ on education. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 17.4,158-163. * from 2014 Garma Festival
Hinkson, Melinda, 2014. Drawing Life: Warlpiri lines on a changing world. Public lecture, National Museum of Australia, 5pm 15 October 2014. * 'Warlpiri drawings connect past and present', 14 October 2014,
Eccles, Jeremy. 2014. Two senior artists lost to us. Aboriginal Art Directory 22.10.14 * Shorty Jangala Robertson, Yuendumu
Corn, Aaron and Wantarri Jampijinpa Patrick. 2014. Singing the winds of change: ethnomusicology and the generation of new collaborative contexts for the teaching of Warlpiri knowledge across generations and cultures,pp.147–168 in Katelyn Barney, ed. Collaborative ethnomusicology: new approaches to music research between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Volume 13 of Australasian music research, ISSN 1325-5266 Melbourne: Lyrebird Press. * reviewed by Henry Johnson,
SITES: New Series · Vol 12 No 2 · 2015
Austin, Calum Wilson. 2014. Lily Nungarrayi Hargraves’s canvases reflect her Warlpiri heritage. The Australian
September 02, 2014 12:00AM
Mills, Lyn. 2014. Capital airing for desert art. PS Social, page 1, in PS News online, 423. Updated Tuesday, 19 August   *
Hinkson, Melinda. 2014. Remembering the future : Warlpiri life through the prism of drawing. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. * * reviewed by Eickelkamp 2016
National Museum of Australia. 2014. Warlpiri Drawings. * 'This exhibition tells the story of an intriguing collection of Indigenous artworks created by Warlpiri people in Australia's Northern Territory in the 1950s ...'
Nicholls, Christine Judith. 2014. Clever women: three Warlpiri artists, now in Melbourne. The Conversation May 21, 2014 6.20am AEST
Sleath, Emma. 2014. Early Aboriginal drawings showcased at the National Museum. ABC Local 14 August, 2014 1:54PM ACST *
Murray, Duncan. 2014. Aboriginal artists speak from beyond the grave through crayon drawings. Canberra Times August 14, 2014 - 6:45PM
Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella. 2014. Pointing the phone: Transforming technologies and social relations among Warlpiri. (Special Issue: Communication Technology and Social Life: Transformation, Continuity, Disorder and Difference) TAJA 25.2,239–255 *
Keys, Cathy. 2014. Skin fabric iron shade, pp. 133–143 in Proceedings of the Society of  Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand: 31, Translation, edited by Christoph Schnoor. Auckland, New Zealand: SAHANZ and Unitec ePress; and Gold Coast, Queensland: SAHANZ, 2014.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2014. From academic heritage to Aboriginal priorities : anthropological responsibilities, in Australian Aboriginal Anthropology Today: Critical Perspectives from EuropeLes actes »). Musée du quai Branly (département de la recherche et de l’enseignement). [En ligne], mis en ligne le 13 juin 2014, * Lajamanu
Box, Lance. Report on Study Leave Semester II 2007: Perspectives on Education Issues in Lajamanu. 54 pages. <
Jinjilngali, Kurlukuku Minpiya, Yirdingali : Molly Tasman Napurrurla - Rosie Tasman Napurrurla - Lily Hargraves Nungarrayi. 7 May – 7 June 2014 exhibition Vivien Anderson Gallery, Caulfield North, Victoria * 18 page catalogue
2014 Milpirri Festival (Jarda-Warnpa), 1 November, Lajamanu
Jones, Philip. 2014. Behind the Doors: An art history from Yuendumu. Adelaide: Wakefield Press. ISBN 9781743052945. * 2nd edition of Yuendumu Doors. Kuruwarri (Warlukurlangu Artists 1987)
Disbray, Samantha. 2014. Evaluating the Bilingual Education Program in Warlpiri schools, pp.25–46 in Language description informed by theory, edited by Rob Pensalfini; Myfany Turpin; Diana Guillemin. Studies in Language Companion Series 147. Amsterdam : John Benjamins B.V.
Abstract: "The Bilingual Education Program in the Northern Territory was established in 1973 to deliver an effective education to students in remote Indigenous schools. In 2008, the NT Government closed the Program, citing low student achievement in English literacy as its rationale. This chapter evaluates the program according to a wider set of criteria, with particular focus on the Warlpiri schools. It considers the training of local staff, community involvement in schools, the development of curriculum, and extensive literature and linguistic documentation. These criteria are not prominent in government evaluations, yet are identified in national and international literature as key to achieving student outcomes (UNESCO 2008a, 2008b; Silburn et al. 2011) and echo priorities expressed by Indigenous adults involved in education."
Turpin, Myfany. 2014. Bibliography of Mary Laughren, pp.15–24 in Language description informed by theory, edited by Rob Pensalfini; Myfany Turpin; Diana Guillemin. Studies in Language Companion Series 147. Amsterdam : John Benjamins B.V.
Box, Lance. 2014. A Proposal to Deschool, then Unschool Australian Biblical Christian Education. Thesis submitted 30 August 2014 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Christian Education, The New Geneva Christian Leadership Academy, Appomattox, Virginia, U.S.A.  * draws on experience at Lajamanu
Campbell, Liam. 2014. [obituary for Paddy Japaljarri Stewart] Posted on Northern Myth blog, 18 February 2014.
Chapman, Robert, Miles Holmes, Linda Kelly, Diane Smith, Jayne Weepers and Alyson Wright. 2014. Yakarra-pardiji-pina: Insights from a Development Approach to Rebuilding Governance in Aboriginal Communities. 'for The Lajamanu Community and the Central Land Council' 100pp. May 2014.
NT. Department of Community Services. 2014.  Remote Service Delivery. Lajamanu » Profile.
Curran, Georgia. 2014. The dynamics of collaborative research relationships: Examples from the Warlpiri Songlines Project, in Special Section: Collaborative processes across and within disciplinary boundaries – Guest edited by Sandy Toussaint. Collaborative Anthropologies 6
Koch, Grace and Alexandra Crowe. 2014. Song, Land and ceremony: Interpreting the place of songs as evidence for Australian Aboriginal land claims, in Special Section: Collaborative Processes Across and Within Disciplinary Boundaries – Guest edited by Sandy Toussaint. Collaborative Anthropologies 6
Hinkson, Melinda. 2014. Warlpiri Drawings. The Museum 5 (March-August), 24-29. * exhibition opens August 2014; drawings collected by Meggitt at Hooker Creek 1953
Hinkson, Melinda. 2014. Remembering the Future: Warlpiri Life through the prism of Drawing. Centre for Creative & Cultural Research
Seminar, 1:15pm-2:15pm 31 March. Teaching Commons, Building 1, University of Canberra.
Newstead, Adrian, with Ruth Hessey. 2014. The dealer is the devil : an insider's history of the Aboriginal art trade. Blackheath, N.S.W.: Brandl and Schlesinger * Chapter 27 'Across the Tanami - the emerging Warlpiri artists' * launched Tuesday 4 February by Professor the Hon Marie Bashir, Governor of NSW at Australian Galleries, 15 Roylston Street, Paddington *
Desert school: teaching in the N.T. Monday 27 January 2014 9:05AM * interview with Yuendumu Principal Kylie Johnston
Nicholls, Christine. 2014. ‘Dreamtime’ and ‘The Dreaming’ – an introduction. The Conversation blog post 23 January 2014, 6.36am AEST * includes 4 Warlpiri artworks
Stewart, Alistair. 2014. Somersaults in the sand: Adventures in mapping the rocks of the outback. Sydney, Canberra: Halstead Press. * * geologist who mapped the Mt Theo and Mt Peake 1:250,000 map sheet areas * pp.81-82 about recording Warlpiri placenames
Barnes, Rodger Donald. 2013. Building an implementation framework for agreements with Aboriginal landowners: A case study of The Granites mine. MPhil thesis, School of Architecture, University of Queensland. x+192 pages.
Barwick, Linda, Mary Laughren & Myfany Turpin. 2013. Sustaining women's Yawulyu/Awelye: Some practitioners' and learners' perspectives. Musicology Australia 35.2,191-220. * postprint
Biddle, Jennifer. 2013. ‘Yapa-Kurlangu Jukurrpa (Proper Human Art)’ in Art in the Digital Desert: Warnayaka Arts Lajamanu: Warnayaka Arts and Craft.
Box, Lance. 2013. Warlpiri Business as Pedagogy: A Learning Journey. ED533 Major Research Thesis as part fulfilment of a Master of Education.  (Leadership). National Institute for Christian Education, Sydney NSW. 117 pages.
Burke, Paul. 2013. Warlpiri and the Pacific—Ideas for an intercultural history of the Warlpiri. Anthropological Forum: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Comparative Sociology 23.4, 414-427, DOI: 10.1080/00664677.2013.833893
Burke, Paul. 2013. Indigenous diaspora and the prospects for cosmopolitan ‘orbiting’: the Warlpiri case. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology Special Issue: Special Focus: Anthropology, Public Policy, and Social Process in Indigenous Australia, edited by Francesca Merlan & Nicolas Peterson.
Buchanan, Geoff. 2013. [Review of Eickelkamp (ed.) 2011.] Anthropological Forum: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Comparative Sociology 23.3,306- DOI: 10.1080/00664677.2013.755108 * includes review of Musharbash 2011
Harrison, Dan. 2013. Northern Exposure. The Age 6 September 2013 * includes photos at Lajamanu
Koch, Grace. 2013. We have the song, so we have the land: song and ceremony as proof of ownership in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land claims. AIATSIS Discussion Paper No. 33, July 2013. * mentions some Walpiri land claims
Louw, Gretta [Napanangka]. 2013. Warnayaka Art Centre: Life in the Digital Desert. Lajamanu: Warnayaka Art & Cultural Aboriginal Corporation. 100pp. [numerous contributors, listed on p.98] Concept, coordination, and design by Gretta Louw. ISBN  978-0-646-90318-7 * * accompanying DVD with the same title
Nicholls, Christine. 2013. Not even fame is better than family. [obituary of Dorothy Napangardi] Sydney Morning Herald 29 June 2013.
Nicholls, Christine. 2013. It’s time we draft Aussie Rules to tackle Indigenous mathematics. The Conversation 8 July 2013, 6.46am EST
Owen, Will. 2013. Coniston. Posted on July 14, 2013 on Aboriginal Art & Culture: an American eye * review of the documentary Coniston (PAW Media, 2012)
Peterson, Nicolas. 2013. Community development, civil society and local government in the future of remote Northern Territory growth towns. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 14.4,339-352. * Yuendumu
Paulson, Graham and Mark Brett. 2013. Five smooth stones: Reading the Bible through Aboriginal eyes. Colloquium 45.2(November), 199-214. * derived partly from conversations at Lajamanu
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2013. Embodied meaning: sleeping arrangements in central Australia, pp. 45-60 in Katie Glaskin, Richard Chenhall (eds), Sleep around the world: Anthropological perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Finnane, Kieran  'Warlpiri versus the Queen'. Griffith REVIEW Edition 41 * 'In Alice Springs, the trials of young Warlpiri men reveal the threads of anarchic Warlpiri resistance to Australian law. …'
[media reports of Native Title determination for Mount Doreen PL:]
[Petersen], Rachael. 2013. Federal court recognizes native title for Warlpiri. Posted on July 8, 2013 on global native networks * 'Ngaliya Warlpiri people native title over Mt. Doreen station'
Brain, Caddie. 2013. Native title recognised over NT cattle stations. ABC Rural news  Tue Jul 2, 2013 11:43am AEST * 'at Eight Mile Bore on Mount Doreen Station'
Warlpiri owners receive land back 11 July 2013, 6:40 PM  NITV item on SBS World News
Warlpiri celebrate return of their land 2m05s Published on 11 Jul 2013
NACLO. 2013. 'Walpiri Kinship Groups' North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad 2013 NACLO 2013 Problems and Solutions * repeated by Bellos 2018
Szalapski, Robert F. n.d. Warlpiri Kinship Relations and the Dihedral Group. Posted at * draws on Ascher 1991 [2010]
Carmichael, Bethune and Apolline Kohen. 2013. The forgotten Yuendumu Men’s Museum murals: Shedding new light on the progenitors of the Western Desert Art Movement (Research report) Australian Aboriginal Studies 2013/1,110-6. * abstract
Louw, Gretta, et al. 2013. Warnayaka Art Centre: Life in the Digital Desert. Lajamanu: Warnayaka Indigenous Art Centre. * 100-page, full colour, glossy book and an accompanying DVD. * YAMA - Multimedia Art Installation * 'collaboration between the art centre, its artists, Australian, German-based multidisciplinary artist Gretta Louw, … Dr Jennifer Biddle, Dr Barbara Glowczewski, photographers, and other international art professionals
Curran, Georgia. 2013. Associations amongst Aboriginal people, landscapes, species and ancestral beings: Examples from contemporary Warlpiri songs and rituals. Paper presented Session F: Religion, knowledge and mind, Rethinking Anthropology conference, University of Sydney Department of Anthropology symposium 13-14 June 2013.
Saethre, Eirik. 2013. Illness is a weapon: Indigenous identity and enduring afflictions. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press. * Amazon listing * cf. Sathre 2003 * Lajamanu
Nicholls, Christine. 2013. Desert Painter: Art born of the bush. [obituary] Dorothy Napangardi. West Australian Monday 29 July 2013, 61. PDF
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2013. Night, sight, and feeling safe: An exploration of aspects of Warlpiri and Western sleep. The Australian Journal of Anthropology 24, 48–63. * Yuendumu
Burke, Paul. 2013. Indigenous diaspora and the prospects for cosmopolitan ‘Orbiting’: The Warlpiri case. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 14.4 (August 2013) DOI: 10.1080/14442213.2013.804870
Aboriginal art goes to Croatia and Serbia. Flinders News. Posted on Wednesday, 30 January 2013. * 'Dr Christine Nicholls has curated two exhibitions of Indigenous art, which she escorted to eastern Europe'
Papers presented at the conference 'Culture and Contest in a Material World', Australian Anthropological Society Annual Conference, 26-28 September 2012, University of Queensland:
Biddle, Jennifer. 2012. ‘Literate Savages: Central Desert Painting as Writing’, in T. Berman (ed.) No Deal! Indigenous Art and the Politics of Possession. Santa Fe: SAR Press.
Nicholls, Christine. 2012. The 1989 Lajamanu ceramics project. A potted history. The Journal of Australian Ceramics July 2012,21-27.
Nicholls, Christine. 2012. Earth works : contemporary Indigenous Australian ceramic art. Adelaide: Flinders University Art Museum. ISBN
9780980520873 (pbk.) * exhibition 1 September – 14 October 2012 * includes a section on the Lajamanu ceramics programs of 1988 and 1989
Nicholls, Christine, and Tess Napaljarri Ross. 2012. Interlocked! Towards an understanding of the intercultural history of the Yuendumu Doors, 1983 – present. Presented to the National Visual Arts Education Conference 2012, 23, 24 and 25 January. Tuesday 24 January, 1.30 – 3.00pm. National Portrait Gallery, Terrace Room 2.
Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella. 2012. Tjampijinpa, ‘Stumpy’ Martin (1932–1986), pp. 512-513 in M Nolan (ed.) Australian Dictionary of Biography: Volume 18 1981-1990, L-Z. Australian National University. Carlton: Melbourne University Press.
Young, James and Karissa Preuss (compliers) and Central Land Council. 2012. Ngurra walalja warra warra kanjaku = Looking after our country : Southern Tanami Indigenous Protected Area Plan of Management 2012. Alice Springs : Central Land Council. 199pp. ISBN 9780646582894. June 2012. * presented as part of the declaration of the Southern Tanami IPA, 8 July 2012
2012 Milpirri Festival, 27-28 October, Lajamanu * previously
Jennings, Bradley. 2012. Central Desert Epistemology: Jukurrpa as Mode of Knowing -- Warlpiri Dreaming. Honours subthesis, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, School of Social Sciences, UWA. * summary in John Morton's obituary: Bradley Jennings 1964–2018, Anthropological Forum 2019
Dussart, Françoise. 2012. Artists and acrylics as agents of social change. In Kunga. Carry On. Paris, Flammarion-Skira Editions pp. 21-45.
Dussart, Françoise. 2012. Gestures of translation and activism. In Gestuelles: The Art of Transmission by Aboriginal Desert Women. Sydney, International Development for Australian Indigenous Art, pp. 8-12.
Dussart, Françoise. 2012. Mediating art: Painters of acrylics at Yuendumu (1983-2011). In Crossing Cultures: The Owen and Wagner Collection of Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art at the Hood Museum of Art. Gilchrist, S. (ed.). University Press of New England, pp. 65-74
Baarda, Frank. 2012. Yampiyalu-ngampa (Leave us alone) Arena Magazine 118 (June-July 2012),14-16. https//;dn=340166079304575;res=IELHSS
Hinkson, Melinda. 2013. The cultural politics of radio: Two views from the Warlpiri public sphere. Chapter 7, pp.142-58 in Radio fields: Anthropology and wireless sound in the 21st century, edited by Lucas Bessire and Daniel Fisher. New York: New York University Press. *
Gosford, Robert, and Ethnoornithology Research & Study Group. 2012. A tale of two Goatsuckers - Nightjars in Australian Aboriginal life. 11:40am-12pm Friday 13 April 2012, Ethnoornithology section, Society of Ethnobiology 35th Annual Meeting, Denver, 11–14 April 2012 * abstract Owlet-nightjar Aegotheles cristatus, 'the role of the bird in the religious life of the Warlpiri people'
Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella and Glenn Edwards. Incorporating Aboriginal people’s perceptions of introduced animals in resource management: insights from the feral camel project. Ecological Management & Restoration. Special Issue: Indigenous land and sea management in remote Australia (Guest edited by Dr Emilie Ens) 13.1(January 2012), 65–71. DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-8903.2011.00619.x
Preuss, Karissa and Madeline Dixon. 2012. ‘Looking after country two-ways’: Insights into Indigenous community-based conservation from the Southern Tanami. Ecological Management & Restoration. Special Issue: Indigenous land and sea management in remote Australia (Guest edited by Dr Emilie Ens) 13.1(January 2012), 2–15. DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-8903.2011.00631.x
Glowczewski, Barbara. [compiled and digitised 2007–11]. Archives de chercheurs: Barbara Glowczewski. 3858 documents. Photos, films, sound recordings of songs and stories, field note books from Lajamanu Warlpiri people, Central Australia. Photographies, films, enregistrements de chants et recits, carnets de terrain chez les Warlpiri de Lajamanu, Australie centrale. ODSAS (Online Digital Sources and Annotation System) * includes Lajamanu collections (1979-1984)
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2011. Between spectacle and politics: Indigenous singularities, Chapter 1 in The challenge of Indigenous peoples: Spectacle or politics?, edited by Barbara Glowczewski & Rosita Henry. Cumnor, Oxford, UK: The Bardwell Press. Hardback ISBN 978-1-905622-26-9, eBook ISBN 978-1-905622-40-5 * interview with Barbara Glowczewski on publication at Sorosoro
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2011. Guattari and anthropology: existential territories among Indigenous Australians, pp.99–112 in Eric Alliez & Andrew Goffey (eds), The Guattari effect. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Gosford, Bob. 2011. They took our culture – now there is no law. Overland literary journal 202 (Autumn 2011)
Rennie, Ellie. 2011. Home internet for remote Indigenous Communities. A consumer research report by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, the Centre for Appropriate Technology and the Central Land Council. 77 page PDF. Sydney: Australian Communications Consumer Action Network.
Rennie, Ellie. 2011. Internet on the outstation. Inside Story 9 May 2011. * Mungalawurru outstation; photo of Clinton Walker and Miles Lauder
West, Margie (ed.). 2011. Yulyurlu Lorna Fencer Napurrurla. Adelaide: Wakefield Press. * essays by Barbara Ambjerg Pedersen, Chips Mackinolty and Christine Nicholls * Louise Partos * about the Lajamanu artist
Walker, Jane. 2011. Processes for the effective management: Learning from agencies and Warlpiri People involved in managing the Northern Tanami Indigenous Protected Area. PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, Education, Business and Arts, Charles Darwin University. * "80,000-word thesis that examines the management of a large and fragile portion of the Northern Tanami Desert near Lajamanu"
Nicholls, Christine. 2011. Correspondence [response to Noel Pearson’s essay 'Radical Hope'] * response to Noel Pearson 'Radical Hope: education and equality in Australia', Quarterly Essay 35(Sept 2009),143–160
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2011. Warungka: becoming and unbecoming a Warlpiri person, Chapter 3 in Growing up in central Australia: new anthropological studies of Aboriginal childhood and adolescence, edited by in Ute Eickelkamp. Oxford, New York : Berghahn Books. * reviewed by Buchanan 2013
Morvan, Arnaud. 2011. “You can’t keep it to yourself” : Indigenous Australian artistic strategies in France, 1983–2006. In Barbara Glowczewski & Rosita Henry (eds), The challenge of Indigenous peoples : spectacle or politics?, chap. 6, 101–121. Cumnor, Oxford: The Bardwell Press. Adapted and translated from Le défi indigène : entre spectacle et politique, originally published by Éditions Aux Lieux d’Être, 2007.
Mackinnon, Bruce Hearn. 2011. The Liam Jurrah story: from Yuendumu to the MCG. Carlton, Vic.: Melbourne University Publishing. * also an e-book
Peterson, Nicolas. 2011. Is the Aboriginal landscape sentient? Animism, the New Animism and the Warlpiri. Oceania 81.2,167-179. * cf Peterson 2007
Dussart, Françoise. 2011. Women's acrylic paintings from Yuendumu. In How Aborigines invented the idea of contemporary art (ed.) Ian McLean, Sydney, Power Publications. pp. 189-192.
Brown, Tasman, Grant C Townsend, Sandra K Pinkerton and James R Rogers. 2011. Yuendumu: legacy of a longitudinal growth study in Central Australia. University of Adelaide Press. A$35.00 Paperback ISBN 978-0-9807230-9-0 327 pp E-book (PDF) ISBN 978-0-9870730-0-6 * launched 30 June 2011 * longitudinal study of human growth, commenced 1951; includes many photographs from 1950s-60s and background on Yuendumu
Musharbash, Yasmine  & Marcus Barber (eds). 2011. Ethnography & the Production of Anthropological Knowledge: Essays in honour of Nicolas Peterson. ISBN 9781921666971  ISBN 9781921666964 (Online) ANU EPress.

Angel, Susan. 2011. Re-tracing the Tragedy Track. ABC Radio documentary, 54 minutes * see * Angel 2018
Stojanovski, Andrew. 2010. Dog Ear Café : how the Mt Theo program beat the curse of petrol sniffing. Melbourne : Hybrid Publishers. * blogged 25 July 2010 Life among the Warlpiri by Jane Simpson
Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella and Glenn Edwards. 2010. From beast of burden to symbol of the desert / Feral animal: the metamorphoses of the camel in central Australia. In 'The Heartland: Voices from Central Australia Part 2' issue, Dialogue 29.1
Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella. 2010. Changes in Aboriginal perceptions of feral camels and of their impacts and management.  The Rangeland Journal 32,73-85. doi:10.1071/RJ09055 * communities surveyed include Willowra, Yuendumu, Nyirrpi
Purdon, Ailsa. 2010. Living in the mainstream. Ngoonjook: Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 35,[31]-43.
AIATSIS Library Annotation: Outlines the activities of the incorporated association Warlpiripatukurlangujaru, which is an association of Warlpiri teachers and Elders interested in supporting the development of curriculum and material for Warlpiri bilingual programs in schools attended by Warlpiri children
Owen, Will. 2010. A brief history in Yuendumu. Posted on July 17, 2010. * review of Raynal 1990
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2010. Warlpiri fears/whitefella fears: Ways of being in Central Australia seen through an emotion. Emotion, Space and Society 3.2(December), 95-102. DOI: 10.1016/j.emospa.2009.12.001
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2010. Marriage, love magic, and adultery: Warlpiri relationships as seen by three generations of anthropologists. Oceania 80.3(Nov), 272-288.
MacNeill, Kate. 2010. Identity and the political: (Im)possibilities of collaboration. Third Text 24.3,319-330. * on collaboration between Dolly Nampijinpa Daniels and Anne Mosey
la fabrique des images = the image factory. du mardi 16 février 2010 au dimanche 11 juillet 2011. commissariat : Philippe Descola. the quai Branly Museum * includes art from Yuendumu
Holmes, Miles. 2010. Law for Country: The structure and application of Warlpiri ecological knowledge. PhD Thesis. School of English, Media Studies and Art History, The University of Queensland.  
Hinkson, Melinda. 2010. Seeing more than black and white: Picturing Aboriginality at Australia's National Portrait Gallery. AUSTRALIAN Humanities Review 49,5-28. Edited by Monique Rooney and Russell Smith *
Gosford, Robert. 2010. Sources, material and methodology: Warlpiri bird knowledge research, presented to Rangeland Biology and Ecology Seminars, 12.30pm Friday 5 February, CDU Lecture Theatre HE, Alice Springs.
Dussart, Françoise and Carolyn Schwarz. 2010. (Guest editors) Christianity in Aboriginal Australia revisited. The Australian Journal of Anthropology 21.1(April),1-13 * draft 'Engaging Christianity in Aboriginal Australia'
Dussart, Françoise. 2010. De la terre à la toile. Peintures acryliques de l’Australie centrale [From the ground to the canvas. Acrylic paintings from central Australia] pp.138-145 in La fabrique des images, ed. by Philippe Descola. Paris: Le Musée du Quai Branly and Somogy Editions.
Dussart, Françoise. 2010. “It is hard to be sick now”: Diabetes and the reconstruction of indigenous sociality. Anthropologica 52.1,77-87. * data from 2006 and 2007
Dickson, Greg. 2010. No Warlpiri, no school? A preliminary look at attendance in Warlpiri schools since introducing the first four hours of English policy. Ngoonjook: Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 35, [97]-113.
Curran, Georgia. 2010. Contemporary ritual practice in an Aboriginal settlement: the Warlpiri Kurdiji ceremony. Thesis (Ph.D.), Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National University.
Watts, Lisa Patricia. 2009. A political ecology of Warlpiri water rights : a denial of access and land alienation to perennial water sources on leased lands in the Western Desert. Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Melbourne, Faculty of Land and Food Resources. * AIATSIS Library MAR12/061 * Uni Melbourne library record
Trofimov, Yaroslav. 2009. 'Tough Love' in the Outback : Australia's push to help Aborigines is upending tribal customs -- and giving women an unlikely boost. World News section. Wall Street Journal, 17 January 2009. * with gallery of 8 colour photographs * * almost all about Yuendumu
Gabrys, K and Petronella Vaarzon-Morel. 2009. Aboriginal burning issues in the southern Tanami: towards understanding tradition-based fire knowledge in a contemporary context, Chapter 3,pp.79–186 in Desert Fire: fire and regional land management in the arid landscapes of Australia, edited by GP Edwards and GE Allan. DKCRC Report 37. Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre, Alice Springs. * presented to ‘Global Desert Opportunities’, Desert Knowledge Symposium, Alice Springs, November 2006
Dussart, Françoise. 2009. Warlpiri women and acrylics. Essay/catalogue for Yuru-yururla: Women's Painting from Yuendumu exhibitions at Kluge Ruhe Museum, January-May 2009; and The Australian Embassy, Washington DC, May-Sep 2009.
Dussart, Françoise. 2009. Diet, diabetes, and relatedness in a central Australian Aboriginal settlement: Some qualitative recommendations to facilitate the creation of culturally-sensitive health promotion initiatives. Health Promotion Journal of Australia 20.3,202-207.
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2009. Anything new? Marriage, love magic, and adultery: Warlpiri relationships as seen by three generations of anthropologists. Presented 17 September 2009, Department of Anthropology Research Seminar Series, University of Sydney.
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2009. Yuendumu everyday. Produced by Catherine Zengerer.  Stories for Thursday, 28 May 2009. MP3 audio, The Wire [a daily current affairs program broadcast on Community and Indigenous radio stations around Australia] * "Yasmine Musharbash […] found was a contradiction between the Warlpiri way of living and organising their lives around their extended families and the type of dwellings that suit their values… and what the Australian government is trying to impose upon them in terms of how they should live and what their houses should look like."
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2009. 'Only whitefella take that road': Culture seen through the prism of the Intervention at Yuendumu, pp. 212-25 in J. Altman and M. Hinkson (eds) Culture Crisis: Anthropology and Politics in Aboriginal Australia. Sydney: UNSW Press.
Morton, John. 2009. Splitting the Atom of Kinship: The Symbolic Economy of the Warlpiri Fire Ceremony. Presented 29 April to Department of Anthropology, RSPAS, The Australian National University. * abstract
Knight, Anneli. 2009. A Knight's tale. Toyota Driver's World 1:09,34-38. * p.37 Mt Theo Training workshop and Peter Malden; Francis Kelly; at Yuendumu
Knight, Anneli. 2009. A Knight's tale. 4x4 Australia, 304(May 2009),62-68. * p.68 overnight stay at Yuendumu, chat with Francis Kelly
Hinkson, Melinda. 2009. Media images and the politics of hope, pp. 229-47 in J. Altman and M. Hinkson (eds) Culture Crisis: Anthropology and Politics in Aboriginal Australia. Sydney: UNSW Press.
Goldsworthy, Peter. 2009. Australia's Aboriginal Art. T+L Travel and Leisure May 4, 2009. Time Inc. Affluent Media Group. * includes visit to Warlukurlangu, Yuendumu
Burke, Paul. 2009. Warlpiri diaspora - concepts and some initial impressions. ANU Anthropology Seminar, 21 October 2009.
Vaarzon-Morel, P & K. Gabrys. 2008. Fire on the horizon: Contemporary Aboriginal burning issues in the Tanami Desert, central Australia. GeoJournal (Springer Netherlands) DOI: 10.1007/s10708-008-9235-8
Vaarzon-Morel, P. 2008. Key stakeholder perceptions of feral camels: Aboriginal community survey. DKCRC Report 49. Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre, Alice Springs. * also as: Key stakeholder perceptions of feral camels: Aboriginal community survey (abridged), Chapter 5, pp.79-124 in Edwards GP, B Zeng B, WK Saalfeld, P Vaarzon-Morel & M McGregor. 2008. (eds). Managing the impacts of feral camels in Australia: a new way of doing business. DKCRC Report 47. *  Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre, Alice Springs.
Preuss, Karissa. 2008. Generating Aboriginal Livelihoods through Land Management?: A Warlpiri case study. Presentation 12-1pm Thursday 10 April, Fenner School of Environment and Society, WK Hancock Building 43, Australian National University. * relates to Livelihoods inLand™ project
Peterson, Nicolas. 2008. Just humming: The consequence of the decline of learning contexts among the Warlpiri, pp. 114-118 in J. Kommers and E. Venbrux (eds.) Cultural styles of knowledge transmission: Essays in honour of Ad Borsboom. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Askant Academic Publishers.
Pawu-Kurlpurlurnu (Steven Jampijinpa) WJ. 2008. Milpirri: Performance as a bridge that joins the ancient with the modern. Unpublished Paper Presented at symposium on Intangible Cultural Heritage, Australian National University, Monday 18 February, in association with the 3rd international conference of the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme. PDF at Tracks Dance
Pawu-Kurlpurlurnu, Wanta Jampijinpa (Steven Jampijinpa Patrick), Miles Holmes, and Lance (Alan) Box. 2008. Ngurra-kurlu: A way of working with Warlpiri people. DKCRC Report 41. Alice Springs: Desert Knowledge CRC. ISBN: 1 74158 087 0 (Print copy) ISBN: 1 74158 088 9 (Online copy) ISSN: 1832 6684 * 3.3MB PDF
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2008. Sorry business is Yapa way: Warlpiri mortuary rituals as embodied practice, in Mortality, mourning and mortuary practices in indigenous Australia / [edited] by Katie Glaskin, Myrna Tonkinson, Yasmine Musharbash & Victoria Burbank. Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate.
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2008. Yuendumu everyday : intimacy, immediacy and mobility in a remote Aboriginal settlement. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. * reviewed by Will Owen in 'Yuendumu nights' posted Monday, March 9, 2009 2:38 * reviewed by D. Lawrence-Zúñiga in Anthropological Forum 20.1 (March 2010)
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2008. Perilous laughter: examples of Yuendumu, Central Australia. Anthropological Forum 18.3 * Special Issue: You've got to be joking! Anthropological perspectives on Humour and Laughter from Australia (Guest Editors: Yasmine Musharbash and John Carty)
Granites, Cecily Napanangka. 2008. I remember when lots of white people took the children away. The Age [newspaper], 29 February 29 2008. * about Yuendumu in 1950s
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2008. Guattari et l’anthropologie: aborigènes et territoires existentiels. Multitudes 2008/3(34). 84–94. * English translation published 2011
Gibson, Paddy. 2008. Yuendumu opposes intervention measures. Solidarity 4 (June 2008),5. * cover image: Harry Nelson, president Yuendumu community council
Edwards, Glen P., G. E. Allan, C. Brock, A. Duguid, K. Gabrys and P. Vaarzon-Morel. 2008. Fire and its management in central Australia. The Rangeland Journal 30,109-121. doi: 10.1071/RJ07037 * covers southern Tanami region
Egan, Ted. 2008. Due inheritance : reviving the cultural and economic wellbeing of first Australians : a model for consideration. Nightcliff, N.T.: Niblock Publishing. * pp47-51 Willowra 1971-, pp83-95 alcohol, p100 AFL Yuendumu * Table of contents * Trove entry
Collingwood-Whittick, Sheila. 2008. Ways of seeing 'Country': Colonial, postcolonial, and Indigenous perceptions of the Australian landscape. LiNQ (Literature in North Queensland) 35.1 'Country Matters' * pp.61-62 quotes †Jeannie Herbert Nungarrayi on 'Dreaming'
Campbell, Liam. 2008. Darby Jampijinpa Ross : make it good for the people. Nathan, Qld : Griffith Artworks.
'A Griffith Artworks and Warlukurlangu Artists Aboriginal Association project' - t.p.
'Author/Editor: Simon Wright. With contributions by: Liam Campbell, Cecila Alfonso, Otto Jungurrayi Sims. Exhibited: DELL Gallery at Queensland College of Art, 226 Grey Street, South Bank Qld 4101, 23 August - 28 September 2008. Araluen Centre for the Arts, Larapinta Drive, Alice Springs …, 22 November – 25 January 2009.' - verso of cover. * AIATSIS Library call number Rp DAR (A)
Biddle, Jennifer L. 2008. Festering boils and screaming canvases: Culture, contagion and why place no longer matters. Emotion, Space and Society 1,97–101. doi: 10.1016/j.emospa.2009.02.006 * Lajamanu
Baarda, Frank. 2008. Money and respect. Posted on Transient Languages blog, 3 March 2008 * Yuendumu
Anthony, Thalia and Robert Chapman. 2008. Unresolved tensions: Warlpiri Law, Police powers and land rights. Indigenous Law Bulletin 7.5 (May 2008), 9-10, 16-18. * about events at Lajamanu, January 2008
Watts, Lisa Patricia and Simon Fisher. 2007. A Political Ecology of Warlpiri water rights: land alienation and denial of access to perennial water sources on leased lands, in session 'Engaged political ecologies: towards advocacy and policy relevance 2', Tuesday 17 April 2007 16:00 PM.  Association of American Geographers (AAG) 2007 Annual Meeting * abstract
Small, Meredith F. 2007. Boredom: A sinful, puzzling, modern thing. Live Science * Yasmine Musharabash's study at "Yuemdumu" [sc. Yuendumu]
Skelton, Russell. 2007. How hard is Howard's way? The Sunday Age 1 July 2007 * children interviewed at Yuendumu
Schwab, RG. 2006. Final report to the Warlpiri Education and Training Trust Advisory Committee: Options for Education and Training, 15 September 2006. CAEPR, ANU. Edited web version [PDF]. *  "A comprehensive report exploring a variety of options for remote education and training."
Saethre, Eirik. 2007. Close encounters: UFO beliefs in a remote Australian Aboriginal community. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 13.4,901-915. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9655.2007.00463.x * abstract
Saethre, Eirik. 2007. Conflicting traditions, concurrent treatment: medical pluralism in Aboriginal Australia. Oceania 77.1, 95-110.
Rose, Hélène. 2007. La place de l'animal dans la culture aborigène (Australie), des origines à nos jours. N-2007-026 thesis, L’Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Nantes (ENVN), France. * annexes draw on publications of Barbara Glowczewski
Peterson, Nicolas. 2007. Animism in Australia? A Warlpiri perspective on metaphor. Presented to ANU Anthropology Seminars, 9:30am Wednesday 30 May, Coombs Building, Seminar Room A, ANU. * see Peterson 2011
Owen, Will. 2007. Warlpiri woman: engaging the physical in Aboriginal art. [review of Biddle 2007].  Aboriginal Art & Culture: an American eye [blog]  Posted Sun, Apr 22, 2007 9:30
Nicholls, Christine. 2007. Reconciling accounts: An analysis of Stephen Gray's The artist is a thief, pp.75-104 in The pain of unbelonging: alienation and identity in Australasian literature, edited by Sheila Collingwood-Whittick. Amsterdam ; New York, NY: Rodopi. Print ISBN 9789042021877  eBook ISBN 9789401204279 * includes a summary of her time at Lajamanu school (1982–92), and an appreciation of †Maurice Luther Jupurrurla, and of †Peggy Rockman Napaljarri
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2007. Sleeping, emotions, and the body: an ethnographic analysis from Yuendumu, central Australia. Presented 5.15pm Wed 16 May, Seminar Room (B1.24), 221 Bouverie Street. Contemporary Societies & Cultures, Anthropology & Social Theory Program Seminars, Symposia and Debates, School of Social & Environmental Enquiry, The University of Melbourne.
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2007. Ideas and Images of Home: An ethnographic interpretation of photographs by Yuendumu youths. 19th October Seminar, Discipline of Anthropology and Sociology, School of Social and Cultural Studies, UWA.
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2007. Fuelling the Feud? An Analysis of Social and Institutional Engagement in a Feud and of the Limitations of Participant Observation. Presented Thursday 1 November in session 'Ethnographies of Governing and the Anthropology of States' of 'Transforming Economies, Changing States', Australian Anthropological Society Annual Conference, 30 October – 2 November, ANU, Canberra
Musharbash, Yasmin. 2007. Boredom, time, and modernity: An example from Aboriginal Australia. American Anthropologist 109.2,307–317. DOI: 10.1525/AA.2007.109.2.307. * Yuendumu
Littleton, Judith. 2007. The production of local biologies: Childhood development at Yuendumu to 1970. Current Anthropology 48.1 (February 2007),135-145. DOI: 10.1086/510462
Latz, Peter. 2007. The flaming desert : Arid Australia – a fire shaped landscape. Alice Springs: The author. * launched 19 December 2007, Olive Pink Botanical Gardens, Alice Springs
Griffiths, Jay. 2007. Wild: An elemental journey. Hamish Hamilton. ISBN 978 0 241 14152 6   ISBN-10: 158542403X * reviewed by Patrick Curry, TLS No.5471, February 8 2008, 26: 'One Warlpiri aboriginal man tells her, with grim acuity, "We say money is the whitefella Dreaming".'
Glowczewski, Barbara & Rosita Henry (sous la direction de). 2007. Le défi indigène : entre spectacle et politique [The challenge of Indigenous peoples : politics and the arts]. Montreuil: Aux lieux d’être. * Introduction : Entre spectacle et politique: les singularités autochtones / Barbara Glowczewski; Premiere partie : Le paradigme des Aborigènes d'Australie Nomades mais ancrés : ceux du désert et du Kimberley / Stéphane Lacam-Gitareu
Goldberg, Stephen J. 2007. Triangulating the Framing of East-West Engagement: Introducing the Art and Culture of the Warlpiri Aborigines into the Equation. Presented to the New York Conference on Asian Studies - Decentering Asia, SUNY Binghamton, 27 October. * 'argued for the importance of cross-cultural comparative studies while destabilizing the customary "dualistic global usage" of East-West opposition"' [source]
Elias, Derek J. 2007. The measure of dreams, Chapter 11 in Customary land Tenure and registration in Australia and Papua New Guinea
Anthropological perspectives, edited by James F. Weiner and Katie Glaskin
. Canberra: ANU E Press.
Davis, Michael. 2007. Writing heritage: The depiction of indigenous heritage in European-Australian writings. Australian Scholarly Publishing & National Museum of Australia Press. ISBN 1 74097 144 2 * launched 12 December * pp.274-5 on JB Cleland's advocacy following his 1936 visit to The Granites
Bradley, Donna. 2007. Kurdu Kurdu Kurlangu Childcare re-opens at Yuendumu. Kid's Tracks 6 (July), 1-4. * 23 August 2006 * a publication of NT DHCS
Biddle, Jennifer. 2007. Affect and interculture art: Why it matters. Presented to ANU Anthropology Seminars, 9:30am Wednesday 7 March, Coombs Building, Seminar Room A, ANU.
Biddle, Jennifer. 2007. Breasts, bodies, canvas: Central desert art as experience. Sydney: UNSW Press. * launch 23 March by Rosie Napurrurla Tasman and her daughter, Lynette Napangardi Tasman, at COFA Space Foyer College of Fine Arts Campus, Paddington * reviewed by Will Owen 2007
Voices from the Heart, The Australian, every second Monday from July; including
Yuendumu guardians, 12 October.
Jeeves, Jessica. 2007. Reaching mainstream the yapa way, 12 October.
Following the songlines. Researchers are working with Warlpiri elders to record, transcribe and interpret disappearing dreaming songs that are the basis of Warlpiri culture. ANU Reporter, Winter 2007
Dancers wow the Algiers desert people festival crowd. National Indigenous Times Issue 121, 25 Jan 2007 * "Artback NT Touring Arts presented the Warlpiri and Warumungu Dancers at the festival."
Bush tucker dreaming. Global Development, CSIRO. 2 page PDF * Chris Harwood and Jock Morse with Rosie Nangala and †Kay Napaljarri Ross visit Niger; photos * 28 Oct 2007 version at
Pawu-kurlpurlurnu (Steven Jampijinpa Patrick) WJ. 2006. Milpirri.  Unpublished paper presented at the Garma Festival, August 2006.
Shelley, Tony. 2006. Making native title mediation work: A practical example with the Walpiri people. (National Native Title Tribunal.) Presented as 'Future act mediations: components of the process and some tools that can help the parties (a case study)' to the NTRU annual conference, 24-26 May 2006, Darwin. 17 slides in PDF, 22 June 2006. * Yuendumu
Rothwell, Nicolas. 2006. Cultural tapestry of an extraordinary life. Weekend Australian 26-27 August 2006 Review, page R12. * review of Campbell 2006
Preuss, Karissa & Jean Napanangka Brown. Stopping petrol sniffing in remote Aboriginal Australia: key elements of the Mt Theo Program. Drug and Alcohol Review 25 (May 2006), 189–193.
Peterson, Nicolas. 2006. A Warlpiri winter solstice ceremony: Munn, Durkheim and indigenous exegesis. American Anthropological Association Abstracts of the Annual Meeting (San Jose, California) Volume 105, page 420. * about a 1972 ceremony
Nicholls, Christine. 2006. Yilpinji : love, art and ceremony. Fishermans Bend, Victoria: Craftsman House. * mainly about "Kukatja and Warlpiri people"
Nicholls, Christine. 2006. Yilpinji: The indigenous Australian visual art of love and its transgressions. Pacific and American Studies 6,211–227. Nicholls/publication/29779188 Yilpinji The Indigenous Australian Visual Art of The-Indigenous-Australian-Visual-Art-of-Love-and-its-Transgressions.pdf
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2006. Sleep, Emotions, and the Body: Reading Warlpiri sleeping arrangements as corporeal expressions of emotions. Presented Friday 20 October to Anthropology & Sociology Seminar, Discipline of Anthropology and Sociology, School of Social and Cultural Studies, University of Western Australia.
Gabrys, K., R. Tuckwell and P. Vaarzon-Morel. 2006. Aboriginal perceptions and practices concerning fire in the southern Tanami Desert: a report on a scoping study. * presented to ‘Global Desert Opportunities’, Desert Knowledge Symposium, Alice Springs, November 2006
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2006. Lines and Criss-crossings: Hyperlinks in Australian Indigenous Narratives. Presented in 'Patrimoine et nouvelles technologies', 27 March, Colloque du cinéma ethnographique à l'anthropologie visuelle : bilan, nouvelles technologies, nouveaux terrains, nouveaux languages. Le 25eme Bilan du Film, 25-27 March, Musée de l'Homme, Paris.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2006. Rêves encolère: Avec les aborig`enes australien. [Paris]: Pocket Terre Humaine, Poche. 2nd edition, without photographs and indices of 2004 1st edition
Edwards, Rebecca. 2006. Changing times for Darby Ross. Courier Mail 23 September. * review of Campbell 2006
Campbell, Liam. 2006. Darby: one hundred years of life in a changing culture. ABC Books for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Alice Springs, N.T. : Warlpiri Media Association. 230pp. * biography of Darby Jampijinpa late of Yuendumu * reviewed by Rothwell 2006 * excerpted in FATSIL Newsletter January 2007
Campbell, Liam. 2006. Journeying together [manuscript] : Darby, Warlpiri identities and sharing stories. Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Centre for Australian Indigenous Studies, Monash University. v. 1-2 + accompanying CD inside v. 2 (Darby : one hundred years of life in a changing culture. Published Sydney : ABC Books for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation ; Alice Springs, N.T. : Warlpiri Media Association, 2006)
Akuffo, Ferdinand. 2006. Zambia: Aboriginal Australian Media. The Post (Lusaka) 26 June 2006. * Warlpiri graphics
Gosford, Robert. 2006. A Warlpiri Ornithorium: Birds, Culture, and Religion in a Central Australian Desert. Presented to the Animal-Human Relationships session, 8 April 2006, in 'Exploring Religion, Nature and Culture' the Inaugural Conference of The International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature & Culture, April 6-9th 2006, University of Florida. * also presented as 'Warlpiri bird knowledge' to Rangeland Biology and Ecology Seminars, 12.30pm Tuesday 16 May, CSIRO Conference Room, Alice Springs * also presented as 'Ethno-biological source material for avian population histories: an assessment of material relevant to the avian population of three central Australian bioregions', 2-2:45pm, CRES Student Conference Day, 13 June 2006, CRES Seminar Room, ANU. * also presented as 'A central Australian ornithorium: birds, country and culture in a central Australian desert', Canberra Ornithologists Group Monthly Meeting, 8pm, 14 June 2006 * also presented to Alice Springs Field Naturalists, 12 October 2006 * 'A Central Australian Ornithorium: Birds, country and culture in a central Australian desert', 16pp. Word document posted to the Ethno-ornithology Research & Study Group 1 November 2006
Saethre, Eirik J. 2005. Nutrition, economics, and food distribution in an Australian Aboriginal community. Anthropological Forum 15,151-169.
Schwarz, Carolyn. 2005 (appeared May 2006). Review of Jordan 2004. Australian Aboriginal Studies 2005/2,83-85.
Rivett, Mary Irene. 2005. Yilpinji art 'love magic' : changes in representation of yilpinji 'love magic' objects in the visual arts at Yuendumu. Thesis (M.A.(St.Art.Hist.)) — University of Adelaide, Master of Arts (Studies in Art History), School of History and Politics, Discipline of History, January 2005.
Poirier, Sylvie. 2005. A world of relationships: Itineraries, dreams, and events in the Australian Western Desert. (Anthropological Horizons) University of Toronto Press. * focuses on Balgo, with mentions of Warlpiri * French version 1996
Paltridge, Rachel. 2005. Fire patterns and threatened species in the Tanami Desert.  The Web (Spring 2005), 8-9. * Nyirrpi area
Nicholls, Christine. 2005 (appeared May 2006). Review of Glowczewski 2001 Dream trackers [CD-ROM]. Australian Aboriginal Studies 2005/2,72-74.
Meyer-Rochow, V. Benno. 2005. Traditional food insects and spiders in several ethnic groups of northeast India, Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand. In Ecological implications of mini livestock: potential of insects, rodents, frog and snail edited by M G Paoletti Chap. 19, 385–409 / 389–414. USA: Science Publishers Enfiel / CRC Press.
Mann, Rosemary Helen. 2005. Look wide — searching for health in the borderlands: experiences of disease prevention and health promotion in a Central Australian indigenous settlement. PhD thesis, Centre for Health and Society, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences. PDF at University of Melbourne ePrints Repository * based at Yuendumu clinic
Littleton, J and GC Townsend. 2005. Linear enamel hypoplasia and historical change in a central Australian community. Australian Dental Journal 50.2,101-107.  DOI: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.2005.tb00348.x * Yuendumu
Lawrence, Rebecca. 2005. Governing Warlpiri subjects: Indigenous employment and training programs in the central Australian mining industry. Geographical Research 43.1(March),40–48 * see Lawrence 2002
Keller, Janet Dixon. 2005. Review of Glowczewski 2001 Dream trackers [CD-ROM]. News and Reviews Spring 2005
Hinkson, Melinda. 2005. A different invention: Beyond Eric Michaels and towards an understanding of inter-cultural engagement in media practice at Yuendumu. In Luke Taylor, Graeme Ward, Graham Henderson, Richard Davis & Lynley Wallis (eds) The Power of Knowledge, The Resonance of Tradition. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. * presented at AIATSIS conference, Canberra, November 2001
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2005. Returning Indigenous knowledge in central Australia: 'this CD-ROM brings everybody to the mind', pp.145-160 in The power of knowledge, the resonance of tradition : electronic publication of papers from the AIATSIS Indigenous Studies Conference, September 2001, edited by Graeme Ward and Adrian Muckle. * author's PDF copy * about making with 50 Warlpiri artists from Lajamanu the CD-ROM: Dream trackers. Yapa Art and Knowledge of the Australian Desert (Unesco 2000)
Eller, Jack David. 2005. Review of At home in the world. Anthropology Review Database. August 12. Electronic document,, accessed March 19, 2010 * review of Jackson 1995
Davidson, A.A. Journal. Facsimile edition 2005. Preface and notes by Valmai Hankel. Adelaide: State Library of SA. * notice
Biddle, Jennifer. 2005. Not so much cruising as kicking: the affective animation of Central Desert women’s art. Presented 27 May 2005 to Cruising Country symposium, Centre for Cross-Cultural Research, The Australian National University, Canberra.
Gosford, Robert. 2005. A Warlpiri Ornithorium: Birds, culture and language in an Australian desert. Presented  11:50am-12:10pm, 8 December in the Ethno-ornithology Symposium, Third Australasian Ornithological Conference, St Mary’s Parish Centre, Blenheim, New Zealand, December 2005. * Abstract form "I will present preliminary results of my research into extrinsic sources of data and information concerning the bird knowledge of the Warlpiri people, the traditional Aboriginal owners of much of the Tanami Desert in central Australia. I will investigate the potential that Aboriginal ornithological knowledge may have to contribute to avian conservation, management and knowledge of arid-zone biodiversity. The Tanami Desert is a good example of a well-defined region where local Aboriginal knowledge may be able to make such a contribution."
Yapakurlangu landcare rangers on the go in the Tanami. Land Rights News 6.2 (July 2004), 7.
Wild, Stephen. 2004. Warlpiri and Anbarra creativity: A comparison. * Presented to the CCR Summer Seminar Series, 30 March 2004 12:30-2pm, Theatrette, Old Canberra House * Presented to the Symposium of the International Musicological Society 2004, Wednesday 14 July, Monash University.
Traps for young rangers. Land Rights News 6.2 (July 2004), 17. * Wulaign Rangers, Lajamanu
Rothwell, Nicolas. 2004. Santiago dreaming Weekend Australian 1-2 May 2004 Review, pages R16-R17 * "Two glamorous Chileans have fetched up at the same art community 300km from Alice Springs" Yuendumu
Povinelli, Elizabeth A. 2004. Review of Dussart 2000. American Anthropologist 106.1,184-5.
Peterson, Nicolas. 2004. The myth of the 'walkabout': movement in the Aboriginal domain, pp. 223-238 in Population mobility and Indigenous peoples in Australasia and North America, ed. by John Taylor and Martin Bell. (Routledge Research in Population and Migration, 4) London: Routledge.
Nicholls, Christine. 2004. Dorothy Napangardi: une place sur la carte et une place dans l’histoire de l’art, pp. 163–169 in Théories et Pratiques de la Création II, la création au féminin, Cahiers Internationaux de symbolisme Numéros 107–108–109. Le Centre Interdisciplinaire D’Etudes Philosophiques de l’Université de Moin-Hainaut (Ciéphum), Belgium, ISSN 0008-0284.
New Warlpiri magazine hits the streets. Land Rights News 6.2 (July 2004), 11. * Junga Yimi May-Aug 2004
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2004. Bodies under blankets: on the cultural significance of sleeping with others. Presented to Session 5: 'Shiver and passage: Anthropological explorin comportment, culture and everyday life', Australian Anthropological Society Annual Conference 2004 'Moving Anthropology: Motion, Emotion and Knowledge', University of Melbourne, 28 September - 1 October 2004. * about Yuendumu
Musharbash, Yasmin. 2004. Red bucket for the red cordial, green bucket for the green cordial ... on the logic and logistics of Warlpiri birthday parties. The Australian Journal of Anthropology (TAJA)15.1,12-22 * presented to the AAS annual conference, La Trobe University, 2001.
Musharbash, Yasmin. 2004. On boredom and time at Yuendumu. Delivered at Joint Anthropology Seminar Series, ANU, 22nd October 2004
Minister Vanstone hands back title to Pawu Aboriginal Land Trust... [photo caption] Land Rights News 6.2 (July 2004), 2.
Jordan, Rev. Ivan. 2004. Their way: Towards an indigenous Walpiri Christianity. Darwin: CDU Press. 150pp. ISBN 1 376248 87 4 * reviewed by Schwarz 2005
Hinkson, Melinda. 2004. What's in a dedication? On being a Warlpiri DJ. The Australian Journal of Anthropology (TAJA) 15.2,143-162.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2004. Rêves encolère: Alliances aborigènes dans le Nord-Ouestaustralien. Paris: Editions Plon. 436pp. ISBN 2–259–19931–3(paperback) * covers Dampier Peninsula, Kimberley Plateau, Tanami Desert and Arnhem Land * also 2006 edition *  reviewed by Ghislaine van Maanen, Anthropological Forum 17.2,210-2. DOI: 10.1080/00664670701439934
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2004. Cultural Diversity and Indigenous peoples : oral, written expressions and new technologies Co-editors : Division of Cultural policies and INtercultural Dialogue, B. Glowczewski, L. Pourchez, J. Rotkowski, J. Stanton, CD-ROM, Paris, Unesco Publishing.
Fink Latukefu, Ruth. 2004. Review of Marcus 2001. The Australian Journal of Anthropology (TAJA) 15.2,238-9.
Dussart, Françoise. 2004. Montrés sans être Partagés; Présentés sans être Proférés: Redéfinition de l’identité rituelle chez les interprètes de rituels warlpiri. Anthropologie et Sociétés 24,67-87.
Dussart, Françoise. 2004. Shown but not shared, presented but not proffered: redefining ritual identity among Warlpiri ritual performers, 1990-2000. The Australian Journal of Anthropology (TAJA) 15.3(December),272-287. * abstract
Dussart, Françoise. 2004. An educator, artist and reformer. Dolly Nampijinpa Daniels, Artist, land rights advocate, 1936-2004. Sydney Morning Herald, 30 November 2004, page 17.
Country visits core to school activities. Land Rights News 6.2 (July 2004), 15. * Willowra, Panma Parnta (Smokey Bore)
Campbell, Liam. 2004. Looking for new Warlpiri identities. Presented to Dialogues Across Cultures Conference, Monash University. Sun 14 Nov 2004.
Campbell, L. 2004. Walking a different road : recording oral history with Darby Jampijinpa Ross. Oral History Association of Australia Journal 26,1-9. * PDF [689kB] available at Monash University Library  (v25 2003 ?) (2001?) * Artonview no. 40 (Summer 2004),p. 40-41 
Bush trips: an adventure. Land Rights News 6.2 (July 2004), 15. * Jangankurlangu, Yirrinirrli (sic), Munyapunji (sic)
Dussart, Françoise. 2004. Shown but not shared, presented but not proffered: redefining ritual identity among Warlpiri "businesswomen" 1990-2000. The Australian Journal of Anthropology (TAJA),  Dec, 2004. * forthcoming 2003 in a volume edited by Professor Sylvie Poirier (Université de Laval) to be published by Anthropologie et Sociétés, Montreal, Canada.
Spencer, Maxine and Nampijinpa Hargraves. 2001 [appeared 2003]. Juka-juka rain dreaming. "as told by Rosie Nangala Fleming" Yuendumu : Bilingual Resources Development Unit. ISBN 086751342X * first published in Warlpiri as Warlpiri 'Juka-juka ngapa jukurrpa', 2001.
Sathre, Eric. [= Eirik Saethre] 2003. Everyday illness : discourse, action, and experience in the Australian desert. PhD dissertation, Anthropology, Australian National University. vii+292 leaves. ANU Library catalogue entry * Lajamanu
Raffaele, Paul. 2003. The last tribes on earth: Journeys among the world's most threatened cultures. Macmillan, 322pp, $30. * includes desciption of experience with an Aboriginal (sc. Warlpiri) tracker * reviewed by Denise Leith, Sydney Morning Herald, 2 August 2003.
Nicholls, Christine. 2003. Yilpinji and the Visual Art of the Warlpiri and Kukatja peoples. Essay accompanying Yilpinji Love Magic and Ceremony: A collection of prints by artists from Balgo, Yuendumu and Lajamanu. Exhibition 1-31 January 2004. Also at * Yilpinji Love, Magic and Ceremony. ABC Radio National. Persective. Presented by Sandy McCutcheon 5:55pm on Thursday 24 July. transcript
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2003. Warlpiri sociality : an ethnography of the spatial and temporal dimensions of everyday life in a Central Australian aboriginal settlement. PhD thesis, School of Archaeology and Anthropology, The Australian National University. * abstract in the Australian Anthropological Society Newsletter Number 94, June 2004.
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2003. Slicing the day. On boredom and time at Yuendumu. Delivered at 2003 AAS Conference at Sydney University.
Keys, Catherine. 2003. Housing design principles from a study of Warlpiri women's jilimi, pages 64-70 in Take 2: Housing Design in Indigenous Australia, ed. by Paul Memmott. ISSN 1447-1167. Red Hill: The Royal Australian Institute of Architects.
Kelly, Kieran. Across the Tanami - on foot. 2003. Outback. The Heart of Australia 27 (Feb/Mar),20-28. * also cover 'Exclusive. The epic story of the first humans known to have walked the Tanami Desert' * Photos Kieran Kelly and Andrew Harper * Letters to Editor from John Kersh, Kay O'Neill, Paddy Cannon and Gary Hearle Outback 28(Apr/May),10. Letters to Editor from Kieran Kelly, and Marie Mahood Outback 29(Jun/Jul),11-12. * mentioned in Valmai Hankel's preface, p.xxv, to the 2005 facsmile edition of Davidson's Journal * 9 audio CDs (ca. 10 hr 45 min) "On foot across Australia's desert heart"--Container. Read by Peter Hosking. * "Australia's Tanami Desert is a waterless hell of dense scrub and spinifex-infested sand ridges, and in mid-2002 Kieran Kelly and Andrew Harper set out to cross the Tanami on foot. Without a support crew they pitted themselves and their five camels against the very worst the desert could throw at them."
Kelly, Kieran. 2003. Tanami - on foot across Australia's desert heart. Pan Macmillan. 317pp. $30 * Reviewed by Nicolas Rothwell 'Walking to wisdom', Weekend Australian (August 16/17) Review, 8-9.
Genocchio, Benjamin. 2003. Traditional abstracts. [review] 'Dorothy Napangardi, Dancing Up Country. Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, ends March 9, then tours to Hanoi, Manila and Kuala Lumpur.' Weekend Australian Review 25-26 January 2002, page R13 * Mina Mina
Clifton, Tony. 2003. A Hot Commodity with a 30,000-year lineage. In Australia, modern aboriginal art resembles its ancient predecessors, except for the prices. New York Times, April 24th 2003, 'The Arts' section. * transcription
Faulstich, Paul. 2003. Natural considerations: The human ecology of place-making. Presented 29 May in CRES Seminar Series, ANU * presentation of Faulstich 1998, with slides of Nyirrpi area
Warrki Jarrinjaku Jintangkamanu Purananjaku [sc. Purdanyanjaku] = "working together everyone and listening". Aboriginal child rearing & associated research : a review of the literature. Canberra : Dept. of Family and Community Services. ISBN 0642770360
Tamisari, Franca. 2002. Review of Dussart 2000. American Ethnologist 29.1,186-8.
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2002. "Too much sorry all the time": Warlpiri mortuary rituals as embodied practice. 13 September 3pm, HRC seminar Room, ANU. * see 2008
Lawrence, Rebecca. 2002. Governing Warlpiri subjects: indigenous employment and training programs in the Central Australian mining industry. Honours thesis, Department of Human Geography,  Division of Environmental & Life Sciences, Macquarie University. * see Lawrence 2005
Hinkson, Melinda. 2002. New media projects at Yuendumu: Inter-cultural engagement and self-determination in an era of accelerated globalisation. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 16.2,201-220.
Hansen, Ian V. 2002. The naked fish : an autobiography of belief. Kent Town, S. Aust: Wakefield Press. * pp.95-100 on January 1953 Yuendumu visit and Rev. Fleming * see Hansen 1954
Gibson, Michael Francis. 2002. Ces lois inconnues : Pour une anthropologie du sens de la vie. Collection Traversées. Paris: Éditions Métailié. * AIATSIS call number B G449.51/C1 * Warlpiri pp.124-8
Clarsen, Georgine. 2002. Still moving: Bush Mechanics in the central desertAustralian Humanties Review Issue 25: March – May 2002
Bell, Diane. 2002 (appeared March 2003). Review of Dussart 2000. Australian Aboriginal Studies 2002/2,86-87.
Biddle, Jennifer. Review of Dussart 2000. Oceania 72.3(March),232-3.
Biddle, Jennifer. 2002. Bruises that won't heal: melancholic identification and cultural difference. Mortality 7.1 (April 2002), Special Edition on 'Thanatographia'. * "Morbidity of the Anthropologist's Body", presented at Thanatographia: Figuring Death: Anatomies of Ritual, Representation and Culture, 1-2 October 1999
Dussart, Françoise. 2002. The Right to Know and the Right to Perform. Presented at the Ninth International Conference On Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS 9) Session 31. General Session II, Edinburgh, Scotland, 9-13th September 2002.
Dussart, Françoise. 2002 (appeared 2001). First impressions: diary of a French anthropologist in New York City, pp.139-147 in Distant Mirrors. America as a foreign culture, ed. by Philip R. DeVita and Kames D. Armstrong. 3rd edition. Belmont, CA, USA: Wadsworth Thomson Learning.
Yuendumu-Philadelphia videoconferences March 2002
Cruvant, Michèle. 2001/2. Bible stories are stories of place. Nelen Yubu 78 (2001/2), 1-6. [retells Jesus Meets the Woman at the Well]  p.2 Warlpiri-style iconography * the author has been a Little Sister of Jesus at Yuendumu for twelve years *
Waltja Tjutangku Palyapayi Aboriginal Association. 2001. Pipirri Wiimaku = "for the little kids". Innovative child care report 2000-2001. Alice Springs, N.T. : The Association. * Waltja's Child Care Steering Committee workshop at Yuendumu, pp.5-18
Verek, John. 2001. The silent hate. Glenunga, S. Aust.: J. Verek * NLA Summary: "Personal recollections of the author recounting the time he, his wife and their three children spent as the assistant managers of a general store in the Aboriginal community of Kintore; experiences with the local Aboriginal people; travels; managing the general store at Papunya; the author's personal views on a range of issues including different perspectives, discrimination, unemployment, beliefs, outmoded laws, land rights; black/white issues, the stolen generation, the apology, corruption in the community, the flags issue, ATSIC, misappropriation of funds; short stories related to reconciliation." * mentions of Yuendumu, Warlpiri at Papunya   
Toohey, Paul. 2001. Mothers of sorrow. The Weekend Australian, March 17-18, 24-25. * child removal from Phillip Creek
Stotz, Gertrude. 2001.  The colonizing vehicle, pp.223-244 in Car Cultures, edited by Daniel Miller, Oxford : Berg.
Paltridge, Rachel & Theresa Nano. 2001. Digging for frogs in the Tanami Desert. Australian Geographic 61(January-March), 25-26. * photos * mentions wardaranji 'desert spadefoot toad (Notaden nichollsi), Tanami toadlet (Uperoleia micromeles)', kurntulja 'Oat Kangaroo Grass', yarrajipawu 'edible grass sp.', at Yankirrikirlangu
Outback excursions vital to preserve culture. Australian Geographic 62 (Apr-Jun 2001),10. * with photo "Clasping wurrpardi - or dancing sticks - girls from Lajamanu learn ... yawulyu ..."
Ottosson, Ḁse-Britt. 2001. "Black Boys and Nice Coloured Girls". Presented to 'Subjectivities and identities' roundtable, July 7,  in 'Looking Back, Looking Ahead: Popular Music Studies 20 Years Later', Eleventh Biannual IASPM Conference, July 6-10, 2001, Turku, Finland. (IASPM-Norden = Nordic branch of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music)  * abstract linked from programme.
Nicholls, Christine. 2001. Risking linguistic genocide. Arena Magazine 2/1/2001 * closing of bilingual education programs in Northern Territory
Nicholls, Christine. 2001. The Closure of the Bilingual Education Programs in Australia's Northern Territory -- What Is at Stake? TESOL Matters Vol. 11 No. 4 (September/October/November 2001) * also in ICP Online with subtitle 'A Former School Principal's Perspective'
Musharbash, Yasmin. 2001. Yuendumu CDEP: The Warlpiri Work Ethic and Kardiya Staff Turnover, pp.153-65 in The Indigenous Welfare Economy and the CDEP Scheme. CAEPR Research Monograph No 20. F. Morphy and W. Sanders, eds. Canberra: Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, The Australian National University.
Musharbash, Yasmin. 2001. Indigenous families and the welfare system: the Yuendumu community case study, Stage Two. x+34pp. CAEPR Discussion Paper No. 217, Centre For Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, ANU, Canberra.
Marcus, Julie. 2001. The indomitable Miss Pink: a life in anthropology. ISBN 0-86840-547-0 340pp. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press.
Hinkson, Melinda. 2001. The Warlpiri Media Video Archive: A Report for the Warlpiri Media Association and the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. Unpublished report, AIATSIS, Canberra.
Hinkson, Melinda. 2001. New Media projects at Yuendumu: Towards a history and analysis of inter-cultural engagement. Paper presented at the AIATSIS conference 2001: 'The Power of Knowledge, the Resonance of Tradition', the ANU, 18-20 September 2001.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 2001. Returning Research through Multimedia and the Internet, presented to 'The Production and Reception of Contemporary Media Technology' symposium, AIATSIS conference 2001: '˜The Power of Knowledge, the Resonance of Tradition', the ANU, 18-20 September 2001. * demonstration of Yapa CD-ROM
Gibson, D.F. & Adrian Winwood-Smith. 2001. Michael Terry and the dancing hare without a body. Wildlife Australia 38.1(Autumn),16-19.
Elias, Derek J. 2001. Jukurrpa — Golden dreams, pp.207-221 in Gold: Forgotten histories and lost objects of Australia, edited by Iain MacCalman, Alexander Cook, Andrew Reeves. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0521805953
Elias, Derek J. 2001. Golden dreams : people, place and mining in the Tanami Desert. Thesis (Ph.D.), Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National University. vii+257pp.
Durand, Robert. 2001. Networking with new tools: Using the Super Hyway and distributed data spaces to bring the collections home, in Indigenous Cultures in an Interconected World, ed. by Claire Smith & Graeme K. Ward. Allen & Unwin Aboriginal Studies. ISBN 1-86448-926-X  Paperback - 284 pages (March 2001) University of Washington Press; ISBN: 0774808063  * from 1997 conference
Campbell, Liam and Andrew Stojanovski. 2001. Warlpiri elders work with petrol sniffers. Indigenous Law Bulletin 46 5.9 (July 2001)
Biddle, Jennifer. 2001. Inscribing identity: skin as country in the Central Desert. In S Ahmed & J Stacey (eds) Thinking Through the Skin, pp.177-193, London: Routledge.
Kirkby, David. (launch July 2001) Spinifex.  ("New Poets" series) Wollongong: Five Islands Press * mostly NT based writing, incl. 'Lajamanu Morning' which won the Bruce Dawe National Poetry Prize (awarded Dec 2000)
Dussart, Françoise. 2001. Warlpiri Public Events and the Projection of Social Identity. Presented to Symposium A Session 32, AIATSIS conference, Canberra, 18-21 September. [pdf]
Black cattle stations: far too many bosses! Alice Springs News November 28, 2001 * summary of Phillpot 2000
Watts, Lisa Patricia and Simon Fisher. 2000. Pikilyi water rights - human rights. xxiii, 268 leaves. Thesis (B.Sc. (Hons.))--Northern Territory University. "Embargoed until further instruction from the authors". * see Watts & Fisher 2007
Toyne, Peter Howard. 2000. The internal colonisation of the Warlpiri and its resistance through educational practice. PhD thesis. 205 leaves. Institute For Education, School of Arts and Education, Faculty at Bendigo, La Trobe University * AIATSIS Library microfiche MFE 254
Rover, G. J. (Genie Jean). 2000. My three lives. Cooltong, S. Aust. : G. R. Rover. xi+193pp. ISBN 0646397362 * includes experiences as wife of store manager at Lajamanu 1970-73
Pierroutsakos, Sophia L. 2000. Infants of the dreaming: a Warlpiri guide to child care. Chap. 6 in A world of babies : imagined childcare guides for seven societies, edited by Judy S. DeLoache and Alma Gottlieb (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) CUP. ISBN-10: 0521664756 | ISBN-13: 9780521664752) * book reviewed by Andrew Beatty, American Ethnologist 28.3(August 2001),679-680.
Phillpot, Stuart George. 2000. Black pastoralism : contemporary aboriginal land use : the experience of aboriginal owned pastoral enterprises in the Northern Territory 1972-1996. xiii+470 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.), Australian National University. *  Two detailed case studies: Ti-Tree Station, run by the Puraiya Cattle Company, and the Ngarliyikirlangu Pastoral Company at Yuendumu. * summarised in Alice Springs News Nov 2001
Peterson, Nicolas. 2000. An expanding Aboriginal domain: mobility and the initiation journey. Oceania 70.3(March),205-218. * cf. Peterson 1995.
Nicholls, Christine, and others. 2000. Educator stood for duality. [*Kay Napaljarri Ross, obituary]. Australian 27 Dec 2000, page 9. * also a longer version in Ngoonjook
Nicholls, Christine and Dorothy Napangardi. December 2000. Art Monthly Australia 136:8-11. * DN is a prominent Warlpiri artist from Mina Mina
Nicholls C. 2000. Warlpiri Grafiti. Rate, colour identity in Australia and New Zealand. John Docker J and Gerhard Fischer (eds) pp.79-94. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press. 0 86840 538 8
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2000. The Yuendumu Community Case Study. In Indigenous Families and the Welfare System: Two Community Case Studies. CAEPR Research Monograph No 17. D.E. Smith, ed. Pp. 53-84. Canberra: Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, The Australian National University.
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2000. Love & Death in Yuendumu. Seminar presented to Department of Archaeology & Anthropology, Arts, ANU. 9 June 2000.
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2000. [work ethic at Yuendumu] Presented to CAEPR conference on CDEP, ANU. 7 November 2000.
McConvell, Patrick. 'Born is nothing': Roots, family trees and other attachments to land in the Victoria River District and the Kimberleys.  Aboriginal History 22 1998 (appeared 2000),180-202.
Keys, Cathy. 2000. Warlpiri ethno-architecture and applied Aboriginal architectural design: Case studies from Yuendumu.
People and Physical Environment Research, 55–56, 54–68.
Keys, Cathy. 2000. The house and the yupukarra (married people's camp): a history of housing in Yuendumu 1950s-1990s, pp.118-129 in Settlement: A History of Australian Indigenous Housing, ed. by Peter Read. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. * from Keys 1998
Holledge, Julie & Joanne Tompkins. 2000. Women's intercultural performance. London and New York: Routledge. 0-415-17379-5 (pbk); 0-415-17378-7 (hbk)
Gibson, D.F. & Adrian Winwood-Smith. (to  appear) Michael Terry (1899-1981) and the mammals of central Australia. Australian Mammalogy. 18pp. MS
Donnan, Shawn. 2000. Granny patrol in the Australian outback. Special to The Christian Science Monitor Mar 06, 2000 edition (851 words) * Yuendumu
Musharbash, Yasmine. 2000. CAEPR lunchtime seminar (on research at Yuendumu). ANU. 17 May 2000.
Biddle, Jennifer. 2000. Writing without ink:  methodology, literacy and cultural difference, pp.170-187 in Lee, Alison and Poynton, Cate (eds) Culture and Text:  Discourse and methodology in social research and cultural studies. St. Leonards: Allen and Unwin
Tafler, David. 2000. The use of electronic media in remote Aboriginal communities. Australian Aboriginal Studies 2000/1&2,27-38.* published version of Tafler & Kirkby 1997
Dussart, Françoise. 2000. The politics of representation: Kinship and gender in the performance of public ritual, in Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture, ed. by S. Kleinert & M. Neale. Melbourne and London: Oxford Press.
Dussart, Françoise. 2000. The Politics of Ritual in an Aboriginal Settlement: Kinship, Gender, and the Currency of Knowledge. (Smithsonian Series in Ethnographic Inquiry) Smithsonian Press. ISBN 1560983930  288pp. * reviewed by Tamisari 2002, Bell 2002, Povinelli 2004
Nicholls, Christine. 1999. Art for the heart's sake: the genesis of the acrylic art movement at Lajamanu, NT. Crossings.  The Journal of the International Association of Australian Studies (InASA) 4.2(August 1999)
Warlpiri Teachers at Lajamanu. 1999. History of the Lajamanu School Bilingual Program. Ngoonjook: a journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 16,51-54.
Nicholls, Christine and Ross Shanahan. 1999. Learning not to labour: recent experiences of a central desert community, in Australian labour history reconsidered, edited by David Palmer, Ross Shanahan and Martin Shanahan. Adelaide: Australian Humanities Press, pp.162-176. ISBN 0 9585962 1 2
Keys, Catherine Ann. 1999. The architectural implications of Warlpiri jilimi. A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for a Doctorate of Philosophy. Department of Architecture. University of Queensland. March 1999.  x+320pp.
Jordan, Rev. Ivan. 1999. Brief History of Baptist Ministry to the Indigenous People of Central Australia. 8 Dec 1999.
Hinkson, Melinda. 1999. Warlpiri Connections: New Technology, New Enterprise and Emergent Social Forms at Yuendumu. Unpublished PhD thesis, Department of Sociology, Politics and Anthropology, La Trobe University, Bundoora.
Genocchio, Benjamin. 1999. Enter here for Dreaming. Weekend Australian November 6-7. Review, p.23 * about Unhinged: The Yuendumu Doors. Museum of Sydney until December 5.  National tour until 2001. "The arrival of the Yuendumu doors at the Museum of Sydney raises disquieting questions about the display of Aboriginal art"
Day, Mark (1943-). 1999. Pulse of the nation : a portrait of Australia. Sydney: Harper Collins. 276pp. ISBN 0732258634 * Yuendumu, pp.88-97
Buchtman, Lydia. 1999. Digital songlines: The use of modern communication technology by an Aboriginal community in remote Australia. In Session 2A: Human Interface, COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH FORUM, 27 September 1999, Canberra. [abstract] * about remote Aboriginal broadcasting, looking at the development of indigenous broadcasting at Yuendumu, and the effects of new technologies.
Nicholls, Christine. 1999. Ten common attitudes to, and myths about, the Northern Territory's bilingual education programs. Ngoonjook: Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 16 (Dec. 1999),77-88. * includes Lajamanu school
Musharbash, Yasmine. 1999. Life in the 'Hotbeds of Gossip': Facts, Facts, Facts. On the Significance of Sleeping Arrangements in a Jilimi. Seminar presented to Department of Archaeology & Anthropology, Arts, ANU. July 1999.
Kirkby, David. 1999. Waves. Lines from a Lakeside City: poems selected for the 1999 Roland Robinson Literary Award. [Speers Point, NSW]: Lake Macquarie City Council. * short story, drawn from Lajamanu
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1999. Négociations pour la fabrication et la distribution d’un cédérom: ‘Yapa - Art rituel du désert central australien’. Journal des Anthropologues 79,81–98.
Dussart, Françoise. 1999. What an acrylic can mean : on the meta-ritualistic resonances of a central desert painting, pp.193-218 in Art from the land : dialogues with the Kluge-Ruhe Collection of Australian Aboriginal art, edited by Howard Morphy & Margo Smith Boles. Charlottesville, Va.: University of Virginia ; Michelago: MSquared.  vi+266pp.; 29 cm. ISBN  1) 0957713509 2) 0646370871 (pbk.) * Karrku
Dussart, Françoise. 1999. The Warlpiri, pp. 363-66 in Foraging peoples: An encyclopedia of contemporary hunters and gatherers, ed. by Richard Lee and Richard Daly. Cambridge University Press. * in press 1996 * paperback edition first published in 2004
"Collins Review": Northern Territory. Dept. of Education. 1999. Learning lessons: an independent review of indigenous education in the Northern Territory.  Darwin, N.T.: The Dept. 218pp. © Northern Territory Department of Education 1999 ISBN 0 7245 3449 0
"For further information please contact Northern Territory Department of Education GPO Box 4821 Darwin NT 0801 Telephone (08) 8999 5511"
Warlukurlangu Artists. Yuendumu Doors. Collector's edition (25) of a full set of 30 etchings of the reknowned Yuendumu Doors by Paddy Japaljarri Stewart and Paddy Japaljarri Sims * sold out
Wright, Alexis (ed.) 1998. Take power like this old man here: an anthology of writings celebrating twenty years of land rights in Central Australia, 1977-1997. Edited for the Central Land Council. ISBN 1 86465 005 2. Alice Springs: Jukurrpa Books, IAD Press. * includes articles by Elias, Nash, Vaarzon-Morel
van Holst Pellekaan, Sheila M., Marianne Frommer, John A. Sved, & Barry Boettcher. 1998. Mitochondrial Control-Region Sequence Variation in Aboriginal Australians. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 62:35-449. 0002-9297/98/6202-0029 $02.00 The American Society of Human Genetics.
Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella. 1998. Revisiting the Willowra Land Claim, in Wright (ed.) 1998.
Safe, Mike. 1998. Flower power. Aboriginal and African cultures share a unique - and tasty - recipe for self-help. Photography Oliver Strewe. The Australian Magazine July 25-26, 21-23,25. * incl photos of Kay Napaljarri Ross, Rosie Nangala, Maggie Nakamarra; and Acacia coriacea
Reeves, John. 1998. Building on Land Rights for the Next Generation. Report of the Review of the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976. 2v. Canberra: ATSIC.
Nicholls, Christine. 1998. Nicknaming and Graffiti Writing Practices at Lajamanu N.T. ? A Post-ethnographic Sociological Fiction. Ph.D.thesis Macquarie University Sociology. * Dean's Commendation for best thesis in ten years from the Vice-Chancellor's office, Macquarie University
Nash, David. (in prep. 1998) Ethnocartography: understanding central Australian geographic literacy. Presented 22 April 1998 to Space seminar, Language and Cognition Group, MPI, Nijmegen. 4pp. handout.
Draft 2/10/1998, 30pp. Presented to Australian Anthropological Society annual conference, 2 October 1998, Canberra. * abstract
Mulvaney, Ken. 1998. The Granites: social contact and change trapped in stone. Paper presented to 'Making a Mark', AURA Inter-Congress Symposium, Canberra, 6 - 9 February 1998.
Maloney, Shane. 1998. Nice Try. Melbourne: Text Publishing. ISBN 1-875847-47-2 * page 24: "a voice joined in in an adenoidal Aboriginal chant Manuyangka nyiyarlangurlu, jarntungku marda, yankirrirli..."; repeated pages 83, 218. [this unattributed Warlpiri fragment occurs in the definition of jiwirli-jiwirli-wampami [PPJ 6/1987]  ] * page 105: "Tempus fugit, as they say in Walpiri." [sic]
Keys, Cathy. 1998. The house and the yupukarra (married people's camp): a history of housing in Yuendumu 1950s-1990s. Paper presented 18 February 1998 to a conference on The History of Australian Indigenous Housing, sponsored by the Urban Research Program, RSS, ANU. * published Keys 2000
Keys, Cathy. (submitted 1998) The Architectural implications of Warlpiri-speaking Aboriginal women living in jilimi (single women's camps). Doctoral thesis, Department of Architecture, University of Queensland.
Hinkson, Melinda. 1998. Yanardilyi - Cockatoo Creek: A CD-ROM from Yuendumu for a future of greater understanding. Metro Education 15,42-43.
Finnane, Kieran. 1998. They started with pick and shovel... Then they led the industry! Alice Springs News 5.27(August 5),4-5. * Sitzlers; includes aerial photograph of Yuendumu ca.1957, comment on shelters
Dobrez, Livio. 1996 [appeared 1998]. Ethnography -- Who needs it? Aboriginal History 20,201-210. * includes review of Michaels 1994, etc
Musharbash, Yasmine. 1998. Yapa Way: Processes of Transformation and Discourses of Continuity. Seminar presented to Department of Archaeology & Anthropology, Arts, ANU. Friday, 11 September 1998.
Burke, Paul. 1998. Anthropological Understanding of Warlpiri People. MLitt(Anthropology) subthesis. Department of Archaeology & Anthropology, Arts, ANU. *
Author's summary: an analysis of selected Warlpiri ethnographies in terms of Bohman's prescriptions for adequate explanation in his New Philosophy of Social Science: Problems of Indeterminacy including Meggitt, Munn, Dussart (cf Meyers), Michaels, Jackson; historical anthropology as an approach to Warlpiri Christian purlapa.
Kirkby, David. 1998. Junga Yimi (True Story). Lines from a Lakeside City : poems selected for the 1998 Roland Robinson Literary Award,ed. by Richard Kelly Tipping & Jean Kent. [Speers Point, NSW]: Lake Macquarie City Council. * poem
Kirkby, David. 1998. Japanangka's dog. Overland 152(Spring),53.;dn=034268590158706;res=IELAPA * Lajamanu, Parnta * = Kirkby 1997
Japaljarri (1924- ). c1998. Tribal elders : symbolic dreamings from the Australian aboriginal 'Walpiri' tribe. Canterbury, Vic. : EON International. * "Lajamanu : recent works by the Australian aborigines of Lajamanu" [checklist] (2 leaves), issued by the Robert Steele Gallery, New York, laid in
Faulstich, Paul. 1998. Geophilia: Landscape and Humanity. Wild Earth Journal 8.1,81-9.
Ginsburg, Faye. (in progress) Mediating culture: Indigenous identity in the age of electronic reproduction.
Winwood-Smith, Adrian. 1997. Yuendumu Mining Company N.L.: Hiring of rural Aborigines for the mineral exploration industry. Down to Earth: Journal of the Northern Territory Minerals Council, March. Darwin.
Widlok, Thomas. 1997. Traditions of transformation. Travelling rituals in Australia, pp.11-22 in Cultural Dynamics of Religious Change in Oceania, ed. by Ton Otto & Ad Borsboom. Leiden: KITLV Press. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- end Volkenkunde) ISBN 90-6718-119-6
Tafler, David & David Kirkby. 1997. The Use of Electronic Media in Remote Aboriginal Communities. Paper presented to the Rock Art Image -1997 Fulbright Symposium Indigenous Cultures in an Interconected World, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT), Darwin, 23-26 July 1997. * published as Tafler 2000
Simpson, Jane H. 1997. Perceptions of meteorology in some Aboriginal languages, pp.20-28 in Windows on Meteorology: Australian Perspective ed. by Eric K. Webb. ISBN 0-643-06038-3 Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing.
Nicholls, Christine. 1997. Aboriginal graffiti tradition. Convocation and Alumni Magazine of Flinders University, Spring, 5. * photograph of Lajamanu graffiti
Kirkby, David. 1997. Japanangka's dog. Ngoonjook 12 (July 1997), 76-77.;dn=034268590158706;res=IELAPA * Lajamanu, Parnta * = Kirkby 1998
Keys, Cathy. 1997. Unearthing ethnoarchitectural types. Transition (Collingwood, Vic) 54-55, 20-29. * "This paper describes yuntas or wind breaks which are created in the self constructed living environments of single Warlpiri speaking Aboriginal women in Central Australia"
Elias, D.J. 1997. The Fluctuation of the flock: People and place in the Tanami Desert. Seminar presented to Department of Archaeology & Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, Australian National University - 20 June 1997
Dussart, Françoise. 1997. Gender and ritual leadership in Central Australia. Presented to From Myth to Minerals: Place, Narrative, Land and Transformation in Australia and New Guinea. A conference held at Burton & Garran Halls, Australian National University, Canberra, July 17-20. * about yamparru
Dussart, Françoise. 1997. A body painting in translation, in Rethinking Visual Anthropology, ed. by Howard Morphy & Marcus Banks. ISBN 0300066910 New Haven: Yale University Press.
Durand, Robert. 1997. Networking with new tools: Using the Super Hyway and distributed data spaces to bring the collections home. Paper to be presented to the Rock Art Image -1997 Fulbright Symposium Indigenous Cultures in an Interconected World, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT), Darwin, 23-26 July 1997.  * published 2001
Congreve, Susan. 1997. Painting up big. Community painting at Yuendumu. Art and Australia Quarterly Journal 35.1,88-93.
Brady, Maggie, Stephen J. Kunitz & David Nash. 1997. WHO's definition? Australian Aborigines, conceptualisations of health and the World Health Organization, pp.272-290 in Migrants, Minorities and Health. Historical and contemporary studies, edited by Lara Marks & Michael Worboys. (Studies in the Social History of Medicine). London & New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-11213-3
Barker, R[uth] N. 1997. Linking with community development. An outsider working in remote Aboriginal communities of Central Australia, Unpublished Master of Arts (Aboriginal Studies) thesis, University of South Australia.  * [not yet seen]
Musharbash, Yasmine. 1997. "I am doing this, my Dreaming, and now you know." On Contemporary 'Totemism', Art, and Cosmology. M.A. thesis, submitted February 1997, Fachbereich Philiosophie und Sozialwissenschaften II der Freien Universität Berlin am Institut für Ethnologie. vii+121pp. * based on work at Yuendumu 1994, 1995, 1996
Biddle, Jennifer. 1997. Shame. Australian Feminist Studies 12.6,227-238.
Toyne, Peter, Robin Japanangka Granites & Smithie Zimran. 1996. Towards a bicultural regional water program in central Australia : consultations with Aboriginal community groups. Canberra: Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO), DoPIE. $25.00 32pp. Catalogue Number 23181. ISBN 0642249873 * NLA catalogue entry (with summary) * 1997 abstract (no longer available)
Sutton, Peter. 1996. The robustness of Aboriginal land tenure systems: underlying and proximate customary titles. Oceania 67.1(Sept),7-29.
Steer, Phillip J. 1996. It happened at Yuendumu. Published by the author, December 1996. ISBN 064630676-6 * Reminiscences of Phillip & Frances Steer, founding missionaries.
Richards, Dave. 1996. She of the Never-Never. HQ Magazine 49(Nov/Dec),68-75. * on current interest in Olive Pink
Poirier, Sylvie. 1996. Les Jardins du Nomade. Cosmologie, territoire et personne dans le désert occidental australien. (Studies in social and ritual morphology, 1) Münster: Lit Verlag. ISBN 3-8258-2482-9 xv+291pp. ca 68.80DM * focuses on Balgo, with mentions of Warlpiri * English version 2005
Munn, N.D. 1996. Excluded spaces: the figure in the Australian Aboriginal landscape. Critical Inquiry 22,446-465.
Morphy, Howard. 1996. Proximity and distance: representations of Aboriginal society in the writings of Bill Harney and Bruce Chatwin, pp.157–179 in Popularizing anthropology, edited by Jeremy MacClancy & Chris McDonaugh. Psychology Press. woC&pg=PA157
Lucich, Peter. 1996. Understanding Australian kinship: Rewrite rules or homomorphisms? Journal of Quantitative Anthropology 6.1-4 (1996),101-146. * pp128-9 Warlpiri in Table V
Keys, Cathy. 1996. Defining single Aboriginal women's housing needs in central Australia: dealing with issues of culture, gender and environment. Paper presented at the Gender, Difference and the Built Environment Forum (1995: University of Sydney)  Architectural Theory Review 1.1 (Apr), 69-77.
Hodges, Mark. 1996. Online in the Outback. Technology Review 99.3(April 1996),17-18.
Hinkson, Melinda. 1996. The circus comes to Yuendumu, again. - Global television comes up against the Warlpiri Media Association. Arena Magazine no. 25 (Oct/ Nov 1996),36-39.
Hinkson, Melinda. 1996. Making meaning of the Yuendumu doors. Arena Journal no. 5, 5-15.
Glowczewski, Barbara. Les Rêveurs du désert. Peuple warlpiri d'Australie (réédition avec nouvelle postface), Arles, Actes Sud (1e ed. 1989, Paris, Plon), 380p. * see also Glowczewski 2016
Fischer, Robert Andreas. 1996. Riviera - Hypermedia cadavres exquis. * Riviera is built along the lines of the surrealist game of the cadavres exquis - the exquisite corpse.
Fischer, Robert Andreas. 1996. Codes und Struzkturen der Informationsverwaltung - vom vertikalen zum horizontalen Denken. Lecture for the opening of an Internet Art-Project, Baden.
Elias, D.J. 1996. Golden Dreams: The Warlpiri and an Economy of Difference. Seminar presented to Department of Archaeology & Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, Australian National University - 23 August 1996
Dickins, J. 1996. Change and continuity in Central Australian Graphic Systems. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 15,20-40. * mainly about Munn's work and regional variation in Warlpiri-Arrernte designs
Cataldi, L. 1996. The end of the Dreaming? : understandings of history in a Warlpiri narrative of the Coniston massacres. Overland 144(Spring),44-47.
Biddle, Jennifer. 1996. When not writing is writing. Australian Aboriginal Studies 1996/1, 21-33.
AIATSIS Library annotation: Examines the relationship between the iconography of Warlpiri and other Central Desert paintings and writing; explores the meaning of literacy
Biddle, Jennifer Loureide. 1996. Festerings & Flirtations: on mimesis, writing and difference. PhD thesis, Dept of Anthropology, University of Sydney. ix+195pp. April 1996. * based on fieldwork at Lajamanu
AIATSIS Library annotation: Discussion of the construction of cultural difference in the authors experience of fieldwork in the Warlpiri community of Lajamanu; the process of mimesis in colonialism - correlation with primitivism and modernism; construction of the 'other'; conceptualisation of literacy among the Warlpiri - discussion of 'Warlpiri Letters' - orthography; inscription practices reflected in the use of the alphabet; naming practice and use of names - skin names, kumanjayi; Warlpiri writing and literacy- relationship to dot and sand painting; problems of translation in discourse about Warlpiri art - critique of Yuendumu Doors; the body in fieldwork - coping with Aboriginal and European corporeality - abjection, sociality, illness; shame and guilt in anthropological fieldwork
Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella. 1995. Warlpiri karnta karnta-kurlangu yimi = Warlpiri women's voices : our lives our history. Stories told by Molly Nungarrayi ... [et al.] ; compiled and edited by Petronella Vaarzon-Morel. Alice Springs: IAD Press. xv+118pp. ISBN 0949659754 * presentation "Warlpiri Women's Voices: an Overview", to 4th Australian Book Fair, Sydney Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, July 1995
Sutton, Peter. 1995. Country. Aboriginal boundaries and land ownership in Australia. (Aboriginal History monograph 3.) Canberra: Aboriginal History Inc. 201pp. 29 cm. ISBN 0731521463
Peterson, Nicolas. 1995. Reproducing an Aboriginal domain: mobility and the initiation journey. Presented at the symposium '(Post) foraging societies: social reproduction, identity politics, community viability' at the American Anthropological Association meetings, Washington DC, 16-19 November 1995. * Published 2000
Meadows, Michael. [c1995] Ideas from the Bush: Indigenous Television in Australia and Canada. Canadian Journal of Communication 20.2
Jackson, Michael. 1998. Minima ethnographica: Intersubjectivity and the anthropological project. University of Chicago Press. ISBN-13 978-0226389462 * pp.1-2 on Malikijarra; some passages set at Lajamanu
Jackson, Michael. 1995. At home in the world. Durham: Duke University Press. HarperCollins. 188pp. $16.95 * Reviewed by Billy Marshall-Stoneking, Weekend Review p.9, Weekend Australian 26-27/8/1995. * reviewed by Philip Morrissey 'Why this subject?' Australian Book Review 175(October 1995),42-43. * reviewed by Derek Elias & Harry Nelson Jakamarra in Land Rights Queensland Issue 6 (December 1995),15. [NLA catalogue number Nef 346.9430432 LAN] * reviewed by Eller 2005
Hinkson, Melinda. 1995. Making meaning of the Yuendumu doors. Arena Journal 5(New Series), 5-15.
Hinkson, Melinda. 1995. Culture versus Lifestylism: On the life-work of Eric Michaels. Arena Magazine 17, 51-52. * book review of Bad Aboriginal Art, a selection of essays by Eric Michaels
Fischer, Robert Andreas. 1995. The electronic caméra-stylo. Strategies of audio-visual textuality and indigenous media praxis. Lecture at NORDICIL conference of Finnish Film Foundation "New Technologies - New Narratives", Helsinki, August 1994. Unpublished manuscript, Zurich, 01.03.95 (Draft version 1.0). 12pp.
Fischer, Robert Andreas. 1995. Learning to fly. About savage phenomena, spiritual travelling and symbiotic man-machine evolution. Lecture at Fribourg "Festival du Belluard": Symposium "The Incident" - Art, Technology and Phenomena (01.07.95) Unpublished manuscript, Zurich, 30.06.95 (Draft version 2.0). 7pp.
Fischer, Robert Andreas. 1995. Protohistoric roots of the network self. On Wired Aborigines and the emancipation from alphabetic imperialism. Zurich, 17.03.95 / Draft version.
Dussart. See Swain 1993.
Desert art on show. Land Rights Queensland Issue 6 (December 1995),20. * Warlukurlangu Artists exhibition at Bellas Gallery, Brisbane. [NLA catalogue number Nef 346.9430432 LAN]
Coombs, H.C. 1995. Warlpiri land use and management, chapter 3 in his Aboriginal Autonomy. Issues and strategies. ISBN 0 521 44097 1. Cambridge UP. [CUP catalogue entry]
Glowczewski, Barbara. Les cartes mentales chez les Aborigènes d'Australie. Pp.59-78 in Les Cahiers du Collège iconique. INA (Institut National de l'Audiovisuel), direction de L'Inathèque de France (dépôt légal de la radio-télévision). Paris, 3 mai 1995. * audio transcript of a conference
Wild, Stephen A. 1994. Aboriginal use of narrative: the Warlpiri of northern-central Australia, pp.80-83 in Dance and narrative: the Green Mill Dance Project papers 1994 (Papers from the 1994 Green Mill Dance Project), ed. by Hillary Trotter. ISBN 0646191861 vi+132pp. Canberra: Australian Dance Council (Ausdance).
Toyne, Peter. 1994. The Potential Impact of Future Telecommunications Developments on Aboriginal People in Australia. © 1994 Tanami Network Pty Ltd. * "This paper is one of a series commissioned by Telecom as part of its consultation with customers about future services."
Tafler, David. 1994. Does the outback represent the centre? Tracing electronic art tracks across Australia. Continuum (Perth) 8.1,406-417.
Tafler, David. 1994. Meaning without mirrors: Mapping the margins of cyberspace. Presented at The 5th International Symposium on Electronic Art ISEA94 (University of Art and Design Helsinki UIAH, Helsinki, Finland.)
Rockman, Peggy Napaljarri & Lee Cataldi (transl.) 1994. Warlpiri Dreamings and Histories. Yimikirli. : Newly Recorded Stories from the Aboriginal Elders of Central Australia. (The Sacred Literature Series of the International Sacred Literature Trust in association with HarperCollins.) Sponsored by AIATSIS. HarperCollins Publishers. xxiv+193pp. ISBN 0-06-066125-9 US$20 dt 1994
Nakamarra, Liddy, Jeannie Nungarrayi Herbert, and Christine Nicholls. 1994. The little red hen and her friends: issues surrounding the Lajamanu School Bilingual Literacy Programme. [online]. New Literatures Review 28-29, Winter/ Summer 1994/ 1995,140-152.;dn=960404124;res=IELAPA ISSN: 0314-7495 * includes text of Warlpiri version of The Little Red Hen = Jukujukukurlangukurlu Mangarrikirli (SIL, 1983)
Morel, Petronella and J. Willis. 1994. Alekarenge Housing and Infrastructure Development Plan: Social Assessment Component Report for Centre for Appropriate Technology.
Michaels, Eric (1948-1988). 1994. Bad Aboriginal art: tradition, media and technological horizons. Foreword by Dick Hebdige; introduction by Marcia Langton. (Theory out of bounds v. 3.) xlix+203pp. ISBN 0816623414 Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 204pp. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
James, Bentley. 1994. Warlpiri Media Association Inc., pp. 139-140 in Film policy; an Australian reader, edited by Albert Moran. Brisbane: Institute for Cultural Policy Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Griffith University.
AIATS Library annotation: History, functions and importance of the Warlpiri Media Association (WMA); Broadcasting in Remote Aboriginal Communities Scheme (BRACS) and its lack of funding
Granites, Robin Japanangka & Toyne, Peter. 1994. The Tanami Network: Alleviating isolation through regional, national and global networking. Background discussion paper, Yuendumu. Unpublished manuscript.
Graham, Robert. See Bell 1993.
Ginsburg, Faye. 1994. Culture/media: a (mild) polemic. Anthropology Today 10.2,5–15. * page 8 cites Michaels (1986, 1987, 1991); page 12 mentions Manyu Wana 'circulating nationally and even internationally'
Dussart, Françoise. Exhibitions of Identity: Warlpiri women and the Performance of Public Ritual. Presented to European Society for Oceanists, Basel, Switzerland. * for Foragers to First Nations: Reproduction in Aboriginal Societies, ed. by Lee & David Trigger.
Daniels, Dolly Nampijinpa & Anne Mosey. 1994. ngurra (camp/home/country). Underdale: UniSA Art Museum, University of South Australia. ISBN 0-86803-081-3 32pp. 5 colour illustrations * exhibition held at UniSA Art Museum, Adelaide, 24 February – 26 March 1994 * some Warlpiri language text with English translation * essays by Petronella Vaarzon-Morel, Kerry Giles
Ascher, Marcia. 1994. Ethnomathematics: Multicultural view of mathematical ideas. Chapman and Hall/CRC; 2nd edition. * Warlpiri kinship, pp.70-77,81-82, drawing on Laughren 1982
Swain, Tony (1955-). 1993. A place for strangers: towards a history of Australian Aboriginal being. Cambridge England ; Melbourne : Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521430054 * reviewed by Françoise Dussart in American Ethnologist 22.4(1995),1041-2.
Stotz, Gertrude. 1993. "Kurdungurlu got to drive Toyota": differential colonizing process among the Warlpiri. vii+264 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Deakin University.
Peterson, Nicolas. 1993. Recent research on land tenure in the Central Desert of Australia. [5pp. ms.]
Peterson, Nicolas. 1993. [in Japanese] The Japanese Journal of Science 46.8(Aug. 1993),[39-45]745-751.
Morel, Petronella and Helen Ross. 1993. Housing design assessment for bush communities. Diagrams by Jane Dillon. Alice Springs: Tangentyere Council Inc.
Molnar, Helen. 1993. Indigenous use of small media: community radio, BRACS -Broadcasting for Remote Aboriginal Communities Scheme- and the Tanami network, pp.30-49 in Circit Conference (1993: Melbourne). Enhancing Cultural Value: Narrowcasting, Community Media and Cultural Development: Proceedings.
McGill, Graham. 1993. An Australian Aboriginal community's restraints on a school program : a case study. Thesis (M.Ed.), Northern Territory University. * Willowra School
Marcus, Julie (ed.) 1993. First in their field : women and Australian anthropology. ISBN 0522844669 xvi+189pp. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
Lowe, Hinton John. c1993. Jukurrpa wankaru juku = keeping the dreaming alive / [photography, Christopher Groenhout; ... written by Hinton J. Lowe] Melbourne: Australian Exhibitions Touring Agency. ISBN 1875296115 24pp.
Laughren, Mary. 1993. Social anthropology: Du rêve à la loi chez les Aborigènes: Mythes, rites et organisation sociale en Australie [Book review]. Australian Aboriginal Studies 1993/2,74–80.;dn=159426258100035;res=IELIND * see Glowczewski 1991
Fischer, R.A. 1993. The savage Media - A media-anthropological evaluation of the technologization of aboriginal communication-modes with special regard to the Warlpiri video-work in Yuendumu. Zurich, unpublished manuscript.
Faulstich, Paul. 1993. "You read 'im this country": landscape, self and art in an Aboriginal community, pp. (149)-161, 255-256 in Artistic Heritage in a Changing Pacific, edited by Philip J.C. Dark & Roger G. Rose. Bathurst, N.S.W.: Crawford House Press.  ISBN 1863330801 * Selected papers of the Pacific Arts Association's Fourth International Symposium on the Arts of the Pacific held in August 1989 in Honolulu. * AIATSIS Library annotation: Discusses how Warlpiri landscape contains personal and group identity and history; how art and ritual are extensions of mythology and landscape and how Warlpiri world view and values are expressed through their art
Dutton, Geoffrey. 1993. Aboriginal dance, Hooker Creek [poem], p.199 in his New and selected poems. Sydney: Angus & Robertson.
 * reprinted from 1984 * also reproduced in
Dussart, Françoise. 1994. Quelle [est l']'Evolution des Collections d'Art Aborigènes et Australiennes sous la Pression du Marche [Public], pp. 49-53 in Les Cahiers de Publics et Musées. Musée de France, Ministère de la Culture et de la Francophonie et College International de Philosophie. * how the market influenced the ways things were bought by museums in Australia, France, etc.
Dussart, Françoise. 1993. L'Australie: La peinture du centre et le colonialisme, pp.518-520 in Encyclopedia Universalis, ed. by Mme F. Flon-Granveaud. Paris.
La peinture des aborigènes d'Australie : catalogue édité à l'occasion de l'exposition Peinture des aborigènes d'Australie au Musée des arts d'Afrique et d'Océanie, Paris, mai-novembre 1993
Coombs, H. C. 1993. Willowra. Casuarina, N.T. : Published jointly by the North Australia Research Unit, Australian National University, and the Nugget Coombs Forum for Indigenous Studies, 1993. vi+15pp. ISBN 073151520X Discussion paper (Australian National University. North Australia Research Unit) ; no. 12.
Biddle, Jennifer. 1993. The anthropologist's body, or what it means to break your neck in the field. The Australian Journal of Anthropology (TAJA) 4.3,184-197. * following vehicle accident near Papunya
Bell, Diane. 1993. Daughters of the Dreaming. Allen & Unwin. 2nd edition of Bell 1983. * Reviewed by Robert Graham Australian Aboriginal Studies 1994/1,45-49. Discussion in Australian Aboriginal Studies 1995/2,34-37.
Bagshaw, Jean. 1993. Stores & stories. Northern Territory Aboriginal communities. Historical Society of the Northern Territory: in association with the North Australia Research Unit. ISBN 0-9599702-4-X [Yuendumu periods from May 1978 to October 1989]
Ginsburg, Faye. 1993. Indigenous media: Faustian contract or global village, pp.356]-[375] in Rereading cultural anthropology ed. by G. Marcus. Duke University.
AIATSIS Library annotation: First part of this paper addresses how indigenous media challenges the conventions and categories of both traditional culture and ethnographic film; the second part explores the specific cases of several media groups in Central Australia including Warlpiri Media Association and CAAMA
Watt, Ron. 1992. Bilingual education and self determination at Lajamanu in the Northern Territory. A research paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education. School of Education, Deakin University, February 1992. vii+74pp.
van Holst Pellekaan, Sheila. The process of consultation with Aboriginal communities regarding biomedical and anthropological research. Conf Proc Aust Bioethics Assoc Ann Conf 1992 3:17. Women's College, University of Sydney, Sydney.
Toyne, Peter. 1992. The Tanami Network: New uses for communications in support of social links and service delivery in the remote Aboriginal communities of the Tanami. Paper presented to Service Delivery and Communications in the 1990s Conference, Alice Springs, March.
Peterson, Nicolas. 1992. Warlpiri, pp.373-376 in Encyclopaedia of World Cultures Volume 2: Oceania, ed. by Terrence E. Hays. Boston: G.K. Hall.
O'Flynn, Luala/Nuala. 1992. Aboriginal painting, past and present: Reading direction and the unaboriginal eye. Australian and New Zealand Studies in Canada 8,33-58. * mentions Lajamanu women's acrylic paintings
Niblett, Michael. 1992. Text and context: Some issues in Warlpiri ethnography. MA thesis, Anthropology, Arts, ANU.
Morais, Meaghan Jones. 1992. Documenting dance: Benesh movement notation and the Warlpiri of central Australia, pp.130-144 (discussion pp.145-153) in Music and Dance of Aboriginal Australia and the South Pacific. The Effects of Documentation on the Living Tradition, ed. by Alice Marshall Moyle. Papers and Discussions of the Colloquium of the International Council for Traditional Music held in Townsville, 1988. Oceania Monograph 41. Sydney: The University of Sydney.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1992. YAPA: peintres Aborigènes de Balgo et Lajamanu / Aboriginal painters from Balgo and Lajamanu [French /English]. Paris: Galerie Baudoin Lebon editeur. 171pp. ISBN 2-87688-020-2 * link to Amazon
* AIATSIS Library annotation: Includes sections by Barbara Glowczewski, Christiane Senn, Michael Rae and Sylvie Poirier; historical and cultural context of acrylic art produced by Balgo and Lajamanu artists; brief biographies and discussion of individual artists; relation of law to dreaming and men's and women's art; skin names and subsections; substantial explanation of motifs and myths depicted; extended account of eight myths:- Digging Stick - single women, Wind - two men cannibals, Medicine-Men, Invincible - childhood of Wind Brothers, Rain - two transgressors, Rain and Rainbow snake, Stone Curlew - fire messenger, Birds, Plants and Animal Dreaming
Fischer, R.A. 1992. On the emergence of a cybernetic mass-culture and its implications for the making of art, pp.259-273 in Swiss Art, ed. by Heinz Horat. New York: Hudsons Hill.
Dussart, Françoise. 1992. Creation et innovation. Journal de la Societé des Oceanistes 94.1,25-34. * n1: "Cette communication a été présentée au séminaire de la Société des Océanistes en mars 1990."
Dussart, Françoise. 1992. Warlpiri paintings: symbols tell stories. Australia through Time, Faces series. American Museum of Natural History & Cobblestone Press. VIII (IX), 32-35.
Dussart, Françoise. 1992. The Politices of female identity: Warlpiri widows at Yuendumu. Ethnology 31.4,337-350.
Faulstich, Paul. 1992. Of Earth and Dreaming: Abstraction and Naturalism in Warlpiri Art. In M.J. Morwood and D.R. Hobbs (eds), Rock Art and Ethnography, pp. 19-23.  Melbourne: Archaeological Publications.
Read, Peter and Jay. 1991. Long time, olden time : Aboriginal accounts of Northern Territory history, collected and edited by Peter and Jay Read. Alice Springs, N.T. : Institute for Aboriginal Development. 3 sound cassettes + 1 book (xv+151pp.)
Peterson, Nicolas & Toshio Matsuyama (eds) 1991. Cash, commoditisation and changing foragers. Kokuritsu Minzokugaku Hakubutsukan. Osaka, Japan: National Museum of Ethnology. ii+294pp. (Senri ethnological studies 0387-6004 ; 30.)
McRae, Jill Frances Kealey. 1991. Story as sovereignty: a study of the relationship between the sand stories of the Warlpiri Aborigines and their country. [Lindfield, N.S.W.]: University of Technology Sydney, Kuring-gai Campus, School of Teacher Education. 110pp. (Kuring-gai studies in children's literature no. 3) * field visit at Lajamanu Oct-Nov 1988; pp.71-86: 9 stories in English translation; reprints English and graphics of Yawulyukurlu * NLA Call Number Nq 809.8928205 KUR
Hoogenraad, Robert (compiler). 1991. DRAFT Warlpiri language and culture curriculum: secondary level: years 8-10, prepared by NT Education Department Staff from material developed in the course of the Warlpiri Secondary Curriculum Workshops held during 1988/89. Unpublished MS, Alice Springs, N.T. Department of Education.
Harris, Pam. 1991. Mathematics in a cultural context: Aboriginal perspectives on space, time and money. 168pp. ISBN 0-7300-1209-3 Geelong: Deakin University.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1991. Entre Rêve et mythe : Roheim et les Australiens. L'Homme 118 31.2(avril-juin),125-132.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1991. Du Rêve à loi chez les Aborigènes. Mythes, rites et organisation sociale en Australie. Presses Universitaires de France. ISBN 2 13 0437451. * reviewed by Mary Laughren Australian Aboriginal Studies 1993/2,74-80.
Crumlin, Rosemary (ed.). 1991. Aboriginal Art and Spirituality. ISBN 0859249980 151pp. Collins Dove. * Foreword by Margaret Carnegie. 'Lajamanu', 59-62 by Judith Ryan. 'Yuendumu', 63-67 by Felicity Wright. 'Papunya', 76-93 by Gabrielle Pizzi. 'Of Myth and Symbol, and Art in the Everyday', 113-117, transcript of an interview with Chris Anderson.
Cowan, James. 1991. Sacred places in Australia. Text by James Cowan : photographs by Colin Beard. East Roseville, NSW: Simon & Schuster. * Chapter 8 'Jaripiri's Dreaming', pp.134-155 * Chapter 9 'The cave of Jukuita', pp.156-174
Bear-Wingfield, Rebecca (curator). 1991. Kuna Jarrayi Painters of Nyirrpi Community. An exhibition for NAIDOC Week 1991 presented by the Flinders University of South Australia, etc. Catalogue notes by Vincent Megaw. 37 items.
Biddle, Jennifer. [1991?] Dot, circle, difference: Translating Central Desert paintings, Chapter 3, pp.27-39 in Cartographies. Poststructuralism and the mapping of bodies and space, edited by Rosalyn Diprose & Robyn Ferrell. Allen & Unwin.
Avery, David. 1991. Duck Pond Toyota: The Northern Territory’s Liquor Act – Restricted areas and the seizure of vehicles: beneficial legislation? Aboriginal Law Bulletin 2.51 (August 1991), 14.
Ascher, Marcia. 1991. Ethnomathematics, a multicultural view of mathematical ideas. Hardcover edition (1991) from CRC Press Inc. Paperback edition (1994) from Chapman and Hall/CRC. CRC Press (2010) * In Chapter 3, pp66- 'The Logic of Kin Relations',  pp70-77 kinship relations of the Warlpiri of Australia. * link to view at Amazon
Wales, Roger. 1990. Children's pictures. Chapter 8, pp.140-155 in Understanding children: essays in honour of Margaret Donaldson, edited by Robert Grieve and Martin Hughes. Oxford: Blackwell. John Wiley and Sons Ltd (paperback) * p.148 'Figure 8.1 Drawing by Judith, a young Walbiri child' (Yuendumu) * pp.147-9 cites Munn 1973; paper summarised by editors on pp.8-9 of introduction
Ryan, Judith. 1990. Paint up big - Warlpiri women's art of Lajamanu. Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria. 80pp.  ISBN 0724101454  * on t.p.: This book is published with the generous support of the Reichstein Foundation.
Rowse, Tim. 1990. Enlisting the Warlpiri. Continuum 3.2. [see O'Reagan 1990] [41p. ts.]
Robson, Frank. 1990. The other games. The Australian Magazine (January 20-21) 30-33,36.
Raynal, Chris. 1990. Yuendumu: Betrayal of Black Rights. Blue Water Publishing. * reviewed by Will Owen 2010
Philips, Dorothea. 1990. Jukurrpa.  Artlink 10.1 & 2,23-24.
O'Reagan, Tim (ed.) 1990. Communication and Tradition: Essays after Eric Michaels. Special issue of Continuum: The Australian Journal of Media & Culture. Includes O'Reagan's TV as cultural technology: the work of Eric Michaels. Continuum 3.2,53-98; Hodge, R. Aboriginal truth and white media: Eric Michaels meets the spirit of Aboriginalism. Continuum 3.2,201-225.
Monty, Sharon. 1990. Abie Jangala. Artlink 10.1 & 2,15.
McKenzie, Peter. 1990. Magiciens de la Terre: "Paris is alright but it's not Yuendumu". Artlink 10.1 & 2,77-79.
McKenzie, Kim  and Carol Cooper. 1990. The Lajamanu drawings. 2pp. typescript. 'September 12, 1990' * AIATSIS Library call number pMS 6262. Restricted access.
Lennard, Christine. 1990. Warlukurlangu Artists. Artlink 10.1 & 2 (Autumn/Winter 1990),22.
Lennard, Christine. 1990. Two artists from Yuendumu. [F Bronson and Norah Nelson] Artlink 10.1 & 2 (Autumn/Winter 1990),16-17.
Kirkby, David. 1990. Journey to Kamirlunyu. Australian Short Stories 30,41-50.
Hoogenraad, Robert. 1990. A Warlpiri secondary level language and culture curriculum: a short description. N.T. Bilingual Education Newsletter 90-1,11-14. Darwin, N.T. Department of Education. * AIATSIS Library Annotation: Proposals for extending the Warlpiri Bilingual Education Program at Willowra, arising from Bess Nungarrayi Price's work at Yirara College
Dussart, Françoise. 1990. The choice of widowhood among Warlpiri women. Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (6th 1990; Alaska) - Sixth International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies, CHAGS 6; hunting and gathering societies changing peoples, changing theories; University of Alaska Fairbanks May 27 - June 1, 1990 - Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Crossman, Sylvie et Jean-Pierre Barrou. 1990. L'Été australien à Montpellier : 100 chefs-d'oevre de la peinture australienne.
Montpellier, France : Musée Fabre, Galerie Saint Ravy. 98 pages. * exposition, 30 juin-13 sptembre 1990; includes work by Paddy Sims Japaljarri
Cataldi, Lee. 1990. Language maintenance: bilingual education at Lajamanu school, pp.83-88 in Language Maintenance, Power and Education in Australian Aboriginal Contexts, ed. by Chris Walton & Willian Eggington. Darwin: NTU Press.
Cataldi, Lee. 1990. The women who live on the ground. Poems 1978-1988. Penguin Books. ISBN 0 14 058654 7. 55pp.
Faulstich, Paul Evan. 1990. Landscape perception and visual metaphor in Warlpiri world view. Ph.D. dissertation, Anthropology, East-West Center and the University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1990 * published 1991 by University Microfilms International,  Ann Arbor, Mich. 4 microfiches. Order number 91-18035. * NLA Call Number mc 252 91-18035
Giese, Harry C. 1990. Planning a program for Aborigines in the 1950s. Northern Territory Library Service Occasional Papers 16. Darwin. data/assets/pdf file/0005/241871/occpaper16.pdf * comments on settlements and some individuals including in Warlpiri region
Michaels, Eric. 1990. Unbecoming. An Aids Diary. EMPress Publising (PO Box 134, Rose Bay NSW 2029) 192pp. ISBN 0 646 01184 7 (pp.15-20: Introduction: Authenticity and AIDS, by Simon Watney) $19.95
Michaels, Eric. 1990. A model of teleported texts (with reference to Aboriginal Television).Continuum 3.2,8-31.
Swain, Tony. 1989. Dreaming, Whites and the Australian landscape: some popular misconceptions. The Journal of Religious History 15.3,345-350.
Ryan, Judith. 1990. Mythscapes: Aboriginal art of the desert from the National Gallery of Victoria. Melbourne : The Gallery.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1989. Les rêveurs du désert. Paris: Plon. * translated as Desert dreamers 1996, updated 2016.
Harris, Pam. 1989. Teaching the Space strand in Aboriginal schools. Mathematics in Aboriginal schools project: 4. Darwin: Northern Territory Department of Education, Curriculum Development Centre.
Peterson, Nicolas. 1989. [Western Desert land claim book.] A Central Land Council submission on behalf of the traditional owners of the land claimed.
Napaljarri, T. Matthews, C. Nicholls, J. Henssler & M. Prosser. 1989. The junior health worker program at Lajamanu. The Aboriginal Child at School 17.1,3–7. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 July 2015
Lucich, Peter. 1989. The rational in the real: explaining the symmetries of Australian kinship and cosmology. Mankind 19.3,241-259.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1989. A topological approach to Australian cosmology and social organisation. Mankind 19.3,227-240.
Dussart, Françoise. 1989. Rêves à l'acrylique. Australie noire / dirige par Sylvie Girardet, Claire Merleau-Ponty et Anne Tardy -- Paris : Autrement Revue 1989,104-111. ill.
Swain, Tony. 1988. The Ghost of Space. Reflections of Warlpiri Christian Iconography and Ritual. Swain & Rose 1988:452-469.
Swain, Tony & Deborah Bird Rose (eds). 1988. Aboriginal Australians and Christian Missions. Ethnographic and Historical Studies. ix+489pp. ISBN 0 908083 15 7 Bedford Park, SA: Australian Association for the Study of Religions, SACAE.
Roberts, Ainslie. 1988. Echoes of the Dreamtime. Melbourne: JM Dent Pty Limited. * painting "The Guardian of Owl Rock"
Michaels, Eric (1948-1988). 1988. Bad Aboriginal art. Art & Text 28,59-73. * reprinted in Michaels 1994
McClay, David JL. 1988. Surviving the whiteman's world: adult education in Aboriginal society. PhD thesis, Graduate School of Education, University of Queensland. xv+464pp. * based on work at Lajamanu * UQ Library THE6582 * AIATSIS Library Ms 2670
Lawson, S. 1988. Sons of the Kangaroo. An Analysis of the Warlpiri Initiation Complex. BA(Hons) thesis, Anthropology, Arts, ANU.
Hughes, Robert. 1988. Evoking the spirit ancestors. Time Australia 3.44(31/10/88),60,64.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1988. La loi du Rêve. Approche topologique de l'organisation sociale et des cosmologies des Aborigènes australiens. Thése d'Etat estevewoodfield51@gmail.comstevewoodfield51@gmail.comstevewoodfield51@gmail.comstevewoodfield51@gmail.comstevewoodfield51@gmail.coms-lettres et Sciences Humaines. Annexe II. Paroles de Warlpiri, 491-604. [20 sections.] 645pp. Mars 1988. Université de Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne. * abstract * published as Du Rêve. La loi chez les Aborigènes 1991
Dussart, Françoise. 1988. Women's acrylic paintings from Yuendumu. The Inspired Dream. [8pp., catalogue]. March 1988. [Brisbane:] Queensland Art Gallery.
Dussart, Françoise. 1988. Warlpiri women's Yawulyu ceremonies: a forum for socialization and innovation. xii, 283 leaves; ill., geneal. tables, maps. Thesis (Ph.D) - Australian National University.
Dussart, Françoise-F. 1988. Notes on Warlpiri women's personal names. Journal de la Societé des Oceanistes 86.1,53-60.
Clynes, Manfred. 1988. Generalized Emotion How it may be produced, and Sentic Cycle Therapy, pp.107–170 in Emotions and psychopathology, edited by Manfred Clynes and Jaak Panksepp. New York : Plenum Press * proceedings of a symposium on 'Emotions and Psychopathology', Department of Psychology of Bowling Green State University, September 26-27, 1986 * 'Walbiri' tested at Yuendumu pp.123–4
Bell, Diane. 1988. Choose your mission wisely. Christian colonials and Aboriginal marital arrangements on the northern frontier. Swain & Rose 1988:338-352. [Warlpiri 338-341,347-8]
Anderson, Chris & Françoise Dussart. 1988. Dreamings in Acrylic: Contemporary Western Desert Art, pp. 89-142 in Dreamings, ed. by Peter Sutton. New York: Braziller.
Faulstich, Paul. 1988. Representing Warlpiri: Art and Object in an Aboriginal World View. Presented to Australian Rock Art Research Assoc. Congress, Darwin.
Wild, Stephen A. 1987. Recreating the JUKURRPA: adaptation and innovation of songs and ceremonies in Warlpiri society. Clunies Ross et al (eds.) (1987:97-)
Waterman, Patricia Panyity. 1978. A tale-type index of Australian Aboriginal oral narratives. FF communications, no. 238. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia / Academia Scientiarum Fennica.
 * lists some published Warlpiri sources * published version of 1978 PhD thesis * reviewed by Margaret Clunies Ross The Journal of American Folklore v102 n405 (1989),377-378
Warlukurlangu Artists. 1987. Yuendumu doors. Kuruwarri. ISBN 0 85575 179 7 v+143pp. Canberra: AIAS. * 2nd edition: Jones 2014
Sutton, Peter. 1987. Mystery and change. Chapter 5. Clunies Ross et al 1987:77–96.
Miller, Daniel. 1987. Munn: Objectification as Culture, Chapter 4, pp.50–67 in Material culture and mass consumption by Daniel Miller. Social Archaeology series. Basil Blackwell. Reprinted with new epilogue, 1994.
Jones, Philip. 1987. South Australian anthropological history: the Board for Anthropological Research and its early expeditions. Records of the South Australian Museum 20,71–92.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1987. Totem, rêve et langage. Les Warlpiri du désert central australien. Annales de la Fondation Fyssen No.3 (3e trimestre 1987),59-67. [194, rue de Rivoli - Paris Ier Te/l.]
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1987. Lieux et liens en Australie. L'Homme 104:90-97.
Glowczewski, Barbara & F. Guattari. 1987. Espaces de rêves: Les Warlpiri. Exposé et discussion (18 janvier 1983, 26 février 1985) Chimères 1:4-37. * on the dreams of the Warlpiri
Glowczewski, Barbara & Charles-Henry Pradelles de Latour. 1987. La diagonale de la belle-mère. L'Homme 27.104:27-53. DOI : 10.3406/hom.1987.368893
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1987. La Peur de l'Autre chez les Warlpiri du désert central australien. Vers des sociétés pluriculturelles. Actes du Colloque de l'AFA, janv. 1986, Paris, Éd. de l'ORSTOM.
Clunies Ross, Margaret, Tamsin Donaldson & Stephen A. Wild (eds). 1987. Songs of Aboriginal Australia. Sydney: University of Sydney. viii+199pp. Oceania Monographs 32. [out of print] Companion sound cassette (AIATSIS 1990).
Cadzow, Jane. 1987. The art of the desert Dreaming. Weekend Australian 8-9/8/1987.
Brown, Jenny. 1987. Dreamings. Art from another world. Good Weekend (April 10-11, 1987),68-70,72. * with The Age 10/4/1987
Michaels, Eric. 1987. Hundreds shot at Aboriginal community: ABC makes documentary at Yuendumu. Media Information Australia 45,7-17.
Michaels, Eric. 1987. Hollywood iconography, a Warlpiri reading, pp.109-124 in Television and Its Audience: International Research Perspectives ed. by P. Drummond & R. Patterson. London: British Film Institute.
Michaels, Eric. 1987. Aboriginal content: Who's got it? -- who needs it? Art and Text 23/4 (March-May 1987),58-79. * see Michaels 1986
Turner, David H. 1986. Transformation and tradition : a report on Aboriginal development in/on the Northern Territory of Australia. [Darwin: Dept. of Community Development, 1986]. Collation 173, 19, 21, 19, 18 p., [4] p. of plates :ill., maps ;25 cm. * NT State Reference Library 305.89915 TRAN * includes Yuendumu
Swain, Tony. 1986. Wapirra Know 'im now: Reflections on spatial elements in Warlpiri Christian ritual and iconography. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the Australian Association for the Study of Religion, Adelaide, 1986. 17pp. ts.
Roche, Sandra, Ron Watt & Lee Cataldi. 1986. Transferring to English: Grade 3-4-5 at Lajamanu school. Aboriginal Child at School 14.5(Oct/Nov 1986),3-19.
Reece, Laurie.  1986. What the Warlpiri Aborigines believe about the origin of everything. Creation Magazine 8.2(March),34-36. * was at *
Poulson, Christopher, Tess Ross, Tim Shopen & Peter Toyne. [1986]. Warlpiri language and culture -- adaptation to contemporary needs. Language in Aboriginal Australia (Alice Springs) No.1, pp.7-12.

O'Connor, Coral. 1986. Down in the dumps.You can do more, Yuendumu. Melbourne Sun, circa August. * about Tidy Towns
Munn, Nancy D. 1986 [1973]. Walbiri Iconography. Graphic Representation and Cultural Symbolism in a Central Australian Society. Ithaca, London: Cornell U.P. ISBN 0-8014-0739-7 [1st ed. 1973] * "Afterword, 1986", pp.222-231 in 2nd ed. 1986, Chicago UP.

Michaels, Eric. 1986. Aboriginal media history: an inverted sequence. Paper presented to the 1986 International Television Studies Conference. ts. 28pp.
Michaels, Eric. 1986. Aboriginal content: who's got it — who needs it?. Keynote address: Documentary Sessions, Australian Screen Studies Association, Sydney, December 1986. 22pp. ts. Canberra. * see Michaels 1987
Michaels, Eric. 1986. Aboriginal invention of television. Central Australia 1982-86. The Institute Report Series. Canberra: A.I.A.S. xxiii+159pp.
Hamilton, Annette. 1986. Daughters of the imaginary. Canberra Anthropology 9.2,1-25. * [AIATSIS Librarty annotation: Discussion of divergent findings about position and powers of women in traditional society; critique of Bell's Daughters of the Dreaming [Bell 1983]; feminism and anthropology]
Hale, K, M. Honda & W. O'Neil & M Laughren. 1986. Bilingual-Bicultural Education in Nicaragua. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual International Native American Language Issues Institute, Oklahoma City.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1986. Les hommes du dessous et les femmes du haut. Ouvrage collectif, Côté femmes : approches ethnologiques, pp. 13-29. Paris: L'Harmattan.
Gibson, D[avid] F. 1986. A Biological Survey of the Tanami Desert in the Northern Territory Technical Report - Number 30. Alice Springs: Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory. ISBN 07245 0836 8 ISSN 0729 9990 xiii+258pp.
Fleming, Tom (-1990). 1986. [Interview with Reverend Tom Fleming and his wife, Baptist missionaries] [sound recording] Ray Aitchison (1923-). Recorded at Alice Springs 4 July 1986. 2 cassettes (ca. 135 min.) 1 7/8 ips. NLA summary: * "Reverend and Mrs Fleming speak about their work over a 25-year period at the Yuendumu Aboriginal settlement; beliefs of the Walbiri (Warlpiri) people; and problems of alcoholism and petrol sniffing. Reverend Fleming speaks about his time as a prisoner of war during World War II and his decision to become a missionary. * NLA Oral History R.R LG1 ORAL TRC 2076
Faulstich, Paul. 1986. Pictures of the Dreaming : Aboriginal rock art of Australia. Archaeol.  39.4,18-25. * p.19 mention of Warlpiri area
Australian Law Reform Commission. 1986. Recognition of Aboriginal Customary Laws (ALRC Report 31) * Aboriginal Customary Laws inquiry * 'The ALRC received terms of reference for this inquiry on 9 February 1977.'
Wafer, Petronella. 1985. Personhood among the Warlpiri: a question of gender? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington DC, December. 
Scheffler, H.W. 1985. Kin classes as cultural categories: the Walbiri case, pp.158-184 in Metaphors of Interpretation: Essays in Honour of WEH Stanner, ed. by Diane E Barwick, Jeremy Beckett, and Marie Reay. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1985. Droits territoriaux aborigène. pp.18-26. Les rêves en terre [Ngaripalang Nungarrayi], p.27. Ethnies. Droits de l'home et peuples autochtones. Revue de Survival International (France) 3(automne 1985). 40F ISSN 0295-9151
Bell, Diane. 1985. Topsy Napurrula Nelson, Teacher, philosopher and friend, Chapter 1, pp.1-18 in Fighters and Singers: The lives of some Australian Aboriginal women, ed. by Isobel White, Diane Barwick & Betty Meehan. Sydney, London, Boston: George Allen & Unwin.
Michaels, Eric. 1985. How video has helped a group of Aborigines in Australia. Media Development 1,16-18.
Michaels, Eric. 1985. Constraints on knowledge in an economy of oral information. Current Anthropology 26.4(August-October),505-510.
Michaels, Eric. 1985. Ask a foolish question. On the methodologies of cross cultural media research. Australian Journal of Cultural Studies 3.2(December),45-59.
Wild, Stephen. 1984. Warlbiri music and culture: meaning in a central Australian song series, in Problems and Solutions. Occasional essays in Musicology presented to Alice M. Moyle, ed. by Jamie C. Kassler & Jill Stubington. Sydney: Hale & Iremonger. ISBN 0 86806 148 4 416pp. * see Wild 1979
Stead, Jeff. A claim to Chilla Well Pastoral Lease by the Warlpiri. January 1984. Appendix by P. Wafer, July 1983. A Central Land Council submission on behalf of the traditional owners of the land claimed. [v]+96+vii+8pp.
Scheffler, Harold W. 1984. Review of Heath et al (eds.) 1982. American Anthropologist 86:149-150.
Rumble, John. 1984. Central Australian Aboriginal Child Care Agency. Research Report. 76+36pp. Funded by Department of Social Security 30th August, 1984. Chap.3 Alice Springs - Town Area. Chap.4 Yuendumu, pp.34-50. Chap. 5 Ayers Rock. Chap.6 Docker River.
Phipps, Jennifer. 1984. Entre Deux Mondes. Australians in Paris. The Age Monthly Review 3.9(January),11-13.
Jones, Megan Llinos. 1984. A culture in motion: a study of the interrelationship of dancing, sorrowing, hunting, and fighting as performed by the Warlpiri women of Central Australia. xvi+437pp. M.A. Thesis - University of Hawaii. * AIATSIS Library MS 2108 *
AIATSIS Library annotation: Comprehensive analysis of the formal movements of yawulyu (women's ritual), kankarlu (dances for boy initiates), initiation ceremonies and sorry business and the structurally similar non formal movements of hunting, camping out and fighting includes detailed ethnographic accounts of both sacred (open) and secular occasions focussing on relationships between participants, emic and etic meanings attached to movement and body transfiguration, techniques, implements (including ritual); the analysis focusses on the intercontextuality of movements (shared patterns) and the interrelationship of contexts (the role of movement in building up systems of environmental and cosmological meaning); Appendices include Benesh Movement Notation for dance, sign language, sorrowing, hunting and fighting movements; based on fieldwork at Willowra

Harris, Pam. 1984. Teaching about money in tribal Aboriginal communities. Mathematics in Aboriginal schools project: 3. Darwin: Northern Territory Department of Education, Curriculum Development Centre.

Harris, Pam. 1984. Teaching about time in tribal Aboriginal communities. Mathematics in Aboriginal schools project: 2. Darwin: Northern Territory Department of Education, Curriculum Development Centre.
Gumbert, Marc. 1984. Neither justice nor reason. A legal and anthropological analysis of Aboriginal land rights. St Lucia: University of Queensland Press. xvii+215pp. ISBN 0 7022 1746 8
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1984. Object Id: 83320. In Aerials 1984: Lajamanu and the Tanami desert. ODSAS: [accessed: 2012/8/7] * short history of Lajamanu Warlpiri
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1984. Viol et inviolabilité: un mythe territorial en Australie centrale. Cahiers de Littérature Orale 14,125-150.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1984. Les Aborigènes à Paris. Change International 2(May 1984), 112–114. * + Australian dance-troup performance *
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1984. III. Au pays du Dreamland et de la terre rouge: les aborigènes. Autrement Hors-série 7 (Avril 1984):133-183. (Sur la piste des droits à la terre 130-147; Le serpent Arc-en-Ciel veille sur l'Île Mornington 148-160; Les tribus du Rêve cybernétique 161-183.) 70F. ISSN 0336 5816
Dutton, Geoffrey. 1984. Aboriginal dance, Hooker Creek [poem]. In John Olsen, Mary Durack, Geoffrey Dutton, Vincent Serventy & Alex Bortignon. 1984. The land beyond time : a modern exploration of Australia’s north-west frontiers. South Melbourne: Macmillan * from visit one day in October 1982 * reprinted in Dutton 1993:199
Dubinskas, Frank A. & Sharon Traweek. 1984. Closer to the ground: a reinterpretation of Walbiri iconography. Man (N.S.) 19.1:15-30.
Cribbin, John. 1984. The killing times. The Coniston massacre 1928. 168pp. Sydney: Fontana Books. ISBN 0 00 636583 3 $6.95. * extract in Canberra Times 19/5/84
Combe, Colleen E. 1984. Making the curriculum your own: Report of a Total Curriculum Development Exercise in Lajamanu School. iii+76pp. ISBN 0-949887-10-2.
Combe, Colleen E. 1984. Lajamanu School Statement of Policy. [iv]+24pp. ISBN 0-949887-08-0.
Charlesworth, Max, Howard Morphy, Diane Bell & Ken Maddock (eds). 1984. Religion in Aboriginal Australia - an anthology. Queensland UP. * Mervyn Meggitt chapter 9 pp241–266
Michaels, Eric. 1984. Aboriginal Australians and the New World Information Order. Media Information in Australia 34,51-61. Paper presented to the ANU Public Affairs Forum on Aborigines and International Law, November 1984.
Michaels, Eric & Leonard Japanangka Granites. 1984. The cost of video at Yuendumu. Media Information Australia. The Quarterly Journal of Media Research and Resources. 32(May),17-25. Prepublication draft 'The costs of video in an Aboriginal community' submitted to CAAMA during the Second Conference of NAIBA, Alice Springs, 23-26 October 1983. 14pp.
Michaels, Eric & Frances Jupurrula Kelly. [1985]. The social organisation of an Aboriginal video workplace. Australian Aboriginal Studies 1984/number 1:26-34. [17+2pp. Working Draft, 19 April 1984. A.I.A.S.] Also pp.89-93 in Programme: 3rd International Video and Television Festival, ed. by M. Bongiovanni. (Montbeliard: Centre d'Action Culturelle de Montbeliard, 1986).
Young, Elspeth. 1983. Income and employment for women in remote communities: examples from the Northern Territory, Gale (ed.) 1983:126-135.
Young, Elspeth. 1983. Continuité et changement dans la mobilité des aborigènes: les Warlpiri du désert central australien. L'Espace Géographique no.1,33-45. [Doin, 8, place de l'Odéon, Paris-VIe.]
Stead, Jeffrey. 1983. A Report to the Central Land Council on Land Ownership in the Granites area. [Darwin]: [Aboriginal] Sacred Sites Authority. 1/8/83. 27pp.
Sawenko, Anatoly. 1983. Careless with the facts: land rights film. Land Rights News Central Australia 17 (Autumn), 16-17.
Peterson, Nicolas. 1983. Rights, residence and process in Australian territorial organisation, pp.134-145 in Aborigines, Land and Land Rights , ed. by Nicolas Peterson and Marcia Langton. A.I.A.S. New Series No.42. Canberra: A.I.A.S.
Nathan, Pam [Napurrula] & Dick Leichleitner Japanangka. 1983b. Settle Down Country. Pmere Arlaltyewele. Malmsbury, Vic.: Kibble Books & Alice Springs: Central Australian Aboriginal Congress. xiv+207pp. $8.50. ISBN 0 909150 05 9.
Nathan, Pam [Napurrula] & Dick Leichleitner Japanangka. 1983a. Health Business: a report for the Central Australian Aboriginal Congress. xv+216pp. $10 (from Congress)/$13 (bookshops). ISBN 0 85859 286 X
Myers, Fred R. & Bette E. Clark. A claim to areas of traditional land by the Warlpiri, Kukatja, and Ngarti. First draft, 72pp. Central Land Council, May 1983.
Miller, Maria [Nampijinpa]. 1983. Changes in the Games and Pastimes of Australian Aborigines. M.A. thesis in Ergonomics, University of California at Santa Barbara. January 1983. 152pp. 21 photos.
[Millikan, David ?] 1983. Island of light. Cover title; Catalogue for 1 hour TV documentary. Production House, Lyneham, ACT. * AIATSIS Library call number p ISL * annotation: Brief description of the film Island of Light.
Millikan, David. 1983. [poster] Island of light premiere, Nova Theatre, Monaro St. Queanbeyan, Tues 28 June 8 pm * AIATSIS Library call number M 823
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1983. Manifestations symboliques d'une transition économique: le 'Juluru', culte intertribal du 'cargo'. (Australie occidentale et centrale). L'Homme 23(2)(avr.-juin 1983):7-35
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1983. Death, women, and 'value production': the circulation of hair strings among the Walpiri of the Central Australian Desert. (Maisons des Sciences de l'Homme). Ethnology. An International Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology. Pittsburgh. 22(3) July 1983:225-239.
Gale, Fay (ed.) 1983. We Are Bosses Our-selves. The status and role of Aboriginal women today. x+175pp. Canberra: A.I.A.S. New Series No. 41. ISBN 085575 138 X (from 1980 ANZAAS Congress, Adelaide)
Drillon, Jacques?? . 1983. Des shows cachés depuis la création du monde. pp.107-108. de Gubernatis, Raphael. 1983. Le Geste-fossile. p.107. Huser, France. 1983. Monna Lisa, Warhol at les Warlpiris. p.108. Le Nouveau Observateur.
Clynes, Manfred. 1983. Expressive microstructure in music, linked to living qualities, pp.76-181 in Studies of Music Performance (J. Sundberg, editor) Papers given at a seminar organized by the Music Acoustics Committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music. Publications issued by the Royal Swedish Academy of Music No. 39 * see alsoClynes & Nettheim 1982 * testing at Yuendumu
Briane, J.F. 1983. Le Paris des aborigènes. Liberation 15/16 octobre. p.37.Aubry, Chantal. 1983. Libé 8/9 octobre.
Bell, Diane. 1983. Daughters of the Dreaming. Melbourne: McPhee Gribble, North Sydney: George Allen & Unwin. 297pp. ISBN 0 86861 472 6. * Reviewed by Eric Kolig Australian Aboriginal Studies. Discussed by Hamilton 1986 * 2nd edition: see Bell 1993
D'un autre continent: l'Australie le rêve et le réel. 1983. Ministère des relations extérieures ARC/ Musée d'Art de la Ville de Paris. 4 octobre - 4 décembre 1983. 90F. (M. Léon Paroissen, Commissaire général)
Michaels, Eric. Television - Drawing the Line: research approaches for the example of remote Aboriginal communities. AIAS Seminar 21 April 1983, 2.30pm. 33pp.
Michaels, Eric. 1983. Aboriginal Australians and the New World Information Order. Presentation to the ANU Public Affairs Conference Aborigines and International Law November 1983, Canberra. 10pp. + 8pp. discussion.
Michaels, Eric and Peter Toyne. 1983. Out of touch: the costs of not having telephone in a remote community. 9pp. [Yuendumu, late 1983.]
Aboriginal Cultural Foundation. 1983. Linking the tribal chain. Yulngu 2.9.47-55. * AIATSIS abstract: account of inter-tribal Festival Gathering at Lajamanu (Hooker Creek)
Russo, Cos & Stephen G. Harris. 1982. Developing an Aboriginal written literature, pp.51-65 in Aboriginal Literacy: bridging the gap, ed. by Ruth Lipscombe & Don Burnes. Adelaide: Australian Reading Association Inc. (P.O. Box 187, Rozelle NSW 2039) ISBN 0 9596613 9 5
Peterson, Nicolas. 1982. Service delivery and dependency, the economic watershed of the eighties, pp.56-61 in Service Delivery to Remote Communities, ed. by Peter Loveday. Darwin: North Australia Research Unit, ANU. ISBN 0 86784 200 8
Peterson, Nicolas & Elspeth Young. 1982. Land Claim to Mount Allan Pastoral Lease. 30pp. Alice Springs: Central Land Council.
Nash, David. 1982. Aboriginal knowledge of the aeroplane 'Kookaburra'. Aboriginal History 6.1,61-73.
Millikan, David. 1982. Zadok Centre News, July 1982.
Lorham, Chris. 1982. Kumajay's case: A NT record of interview. Aboriginal Law Bulletin 3(April),3-4.
Jones, Megan Llinos. 1982. Movements to live by for the Warlpiri women of central Australia. [i]+15pp. typescript Paper presented at the Australian Anthropological Society meeting, Aug. 1982, Canberra(?).
AIATSIS Library annotation: Analysis of the roles, structures and semantics of dance movements in both formal and non-formal contexts; compares women's body movements in gathering and hunting techniques with those used in dance
Eller, John David. 1982. [Map with 381 Warlpiri place names, for area between Lat. 22° 00'S and 22° 45'S, Long 130° 30'E and 132° 00'E. Some additional names added to original by David Nash. Based on field work September-October 1982 primarily with Jack Jakamarra Ross and with the assistance of Wendy Baarda. Index compiled by David Nash.]. Cardboard ms. in two sheets. Yuendumu. Copy held at Yuendumu Community Council (yellow cardboard) and Warlpiri Literature Production Centre (original, orange cardboard).
Gerritsen, Rolf. 1982. Blackfellas and whitefellas: the politics of service delivery to remote Aboriginal communities in the Katheriine region, pp.16-31 in Service delivery to remote communities, ed. by Peter Loveday. Darwin; Australian National University, North Australia Research Unit. * includes reference to Lajamanu * 1981 conference version: 'Thoughts on Camelot : from Herodians and Zealots to the contemporary politics of remote Aboriginal settlement in the Northern Territory'
Clynes, Manfred and N. Nettheim. 1982. The Living Quality of Music: Neuro-biologic Basis of Communicating Feeling, pp.47-82 in Music, Mind and Brain: The Neuropsychology of Music, ed. by M. Clynes. New York: Plenum Press. * testing at Yuendumu
Breen, Marcus. 1982. David Millikan talks to Marcus Breen. Cinema Papers 39 (Aug),332-333,393. * interview about A Shifting Dreaming documentary
Breen, Marcus. 1982. A Shifting Dreaming: a dramatized documentary. Cinema Papers 39 (Aug),330,331,393.
Bell, Diane. 1982. Aboriginal Women and the Religious Experience. The Young Australian Scholar Lecture Series. Number Three. 16pp. Bedford Park, SA: Australian Association for the Study of Religions (Sturt Campus of the SACAE). * also published pp.237-256 in Traditional Aboriginal Society: a reader, ed. by W.H. Edwards. MacMillan.
Bell, Diane. 1982. Oustations: Reflections from the Centre, pp.85-92 in Service delivery to outstations, ed. by P. Loveday. Monograph. [Papers prepared for NARU conference Darwin December 1981]. Darwin: Australian National University North Australia Research Unit. ISBN 0 86784 160 5 xii+97pp. $4.50
Barwick, R.E. 1982. The anatomy of an aircraft: a Warlpiri engraving. Aboriginal History 6 (June/ Dec),74-80. * aircraft engraved on Warlpiri pearlshell pendants
Aboriginal Land Commission. 1982. Warlmanpa, Warlpiri, Mudbura and Warumungu Land Claim. Report by the Aboriginal Land Commissioner to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and to the Administrator of the Northern Territory. Canberra: A.G.P.S.
Aboriginal Land Commission. 1982. Kaytej, Warlpiri and Warlmanpa land claim. Report by the Aboriginal Land Commissioner, Mr. Justice Toohey, to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and to the Administrator of the Northern Territory. No. 14. Australian Government Publishing Service. [cat. no.8206696] viii+66pp.
Faulstich, Paul. 1982. Australian Aboriginal rock art and the sense of place. Am. Indian Rock Art 9,96-113. * AIATSIS Library annotation: Wall engravings and markings representing Dreamtime occurrences; situated at Koonalda Cave, Yuendumu, Black Hill Pool, Carnarvon Range and Pilbara * p.98 The Granites petroglyph, p.100 Ngama
Young, Elspeth. 1981. Tribal Communities in Rural Areas. The Aboriginal Component in the Australian Economy, 1. Canberra and Miami: A.N.U.
Australian Law Reform Commission. 19. Aboriginal Customary Law Offences. Aboriginal Customary Law as a Ground of Criminal Liability. 455. The Lajamanu Submission. * refers to Transcript of Public Hearings Alice Springs (13 April 1981), M Luther, pages 1281-1300.
Koch, Harold, Grace Koch, Petronella Wafer & James Wafer. 1981. A claim to areas of traditional land by the Kaytej, Warlpiri, and Warlmanpa. Alice Springs: Central Land Council, July 1981.
Kimber, R.G. 1981. Some thoughts on stone arrangements Artefact 6 (Dec 1981),10-18.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1981. Le Rêve et la terre: Rapports au temps et à l'espace des Aborigènes australien -- les Warlpiris à Lajamanu, une communauté de désert central. Thése de 3-me cycle. Université Paris VII, Jussieu .
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1981. Affaire de femmes ou femmes d'affaires. Les Walpiri du Désert Central Australien. Journal de la Société des Océanistes (Paris) 70-71[:77-97]. Tome XXXVII. mars-juin 1981.
Gerritsen, Rolf. 1981. Thoughts on Camelot : from Herodians and Zealots to the contemporary politics of remote Aboriginal settlement in the Northern Territory. [Canberra : Australian National University]. * mentions Lajamanu
Bell, Diane. 1981. Daughters of the dreaming. Thesis (Ph.D.), Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National University.
Wafer, J. & P. Wafer. 1980.The Lander Warlpiri/Anmatjirra Land Claim to Willowra Pastoral Lease. Alice Springs: Central Land Council.
Nash, David. 1980. A Traditional Land Claim by the Warlmanpa, Warlpiri, Mudbura and Warumungu Traditional Owners. Alice Springs: Central Land Council, 1980.
Jones, Mary. 1980. The history of sacred and Biblically-inspired dance in Australia. Nelen Yubu 1980; 6; 3-18 * Traditional Aboriginal dance; increasing white interest; recent developments in tribal areas, e.g. Warlpiri at Yuendumu and Lajamanu
Jackomos, Alick. 1980. Yuendumu Sports Weekend 10th, 1-4 August 1980. Typescript article, dated 11.8.80, with list of 6 photographs; "courtesy Alice Springs Star". item 58 in Records of the Aboriginal Publications Foundation, MS3781, AIATSIS Library.
Harris, Pam. 1980. Measurement in tribal aboriginal communities. xvi+141pp. ISBN 0724504575 (pbk.) [Darwin?]: Northern Territory Department of Education.
Hale, Kenneth L. 1980. Warlpiri: Traditional Aboriginal Owners. ARC [Anthropology Resource Center] Newsletter 4.4(December), 5.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1980. Les Aborigènes sortent de leurs réserves. [Aboriginal people come out of the reserve.] Le Monde du Dimanche (17 février),16; repris en anglais 'Out of reserves and into tribal lands', The Guardian March 9, 1980.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1980. En Australie, je suis devenue le rêve d'un lezard. Actuel (1980) 9/10,122-33, col. illus.
Fleming, Rev. Tom. [1980?]. A History of the Aboriginal Missions. 57pp. fscp roneo. [Alice Springs.]
Bell, Diane R. 1980. Desert politics: choices in the 'marriage market', pp.239-69 in Women and colonization: anthropological perspectives, ed. by Mona Etienne & Eleanor Leacock. New York: Praeger.
Aboriginal Land Commission. 1980. Lander Warlpiri Anmatjirra land claim to Willowra Pastoral Lease. Report by the Aboriginal Land Commissioner to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs. Canberra: A.G.P.S.
Wild, Stephen A. 1979. A public song series of Central Australia. Presented to the third national conference of the Musicological Society of Australia, Monash University, 18-21 May 1979. i+22pp. 15pp. plus 3 musical transcriptions of Yam purlapa referring to the site
Yumurrpa, recorded at Hooker Creek 12/11/69 * AIATSIS Library  PMS 2314 * see Wild 1984
Tynan, Barbara Joan. 1979. Medical systems in conflict : a study of power [among the Warlpiri]. Diploma of Anthropology thesis, University of Sydney. [ix]+226pp. * AIATSIS Library, Ms 1333
AIATSIS annotation: Traditional illness and medicine among the Walbiri at Warrabri; effect of western contact on traditional life; establishment of Warrabri, western medical philosophy; western medical practice with Northern Territory Aborigines; Walbiri use of traditional and western services; decision making processes on which service to use and power relationship between the systems.
Peterson, N. 1979. Aboriginal uses of Australian Solanaceae, pp. 171–90 in J. G. Hawkes, R. N. Lester and A. D. Skelding (eds), The Biology and Taxonomy of the Solanaceae. Linnean Society Symposium Series No. 7 London: Academic Press.
Glowczewski, Barbara. 1979. Femmes ou 'business-women' du désert central australien? Des femmes en mouvements Hebdo 5(7-14 decembre),29-32.
Australia. Dept. of Aboriginal Affairs. 1979. Lajamanu N.T. Overview report. [Canberra] : Dept. of Aboriginal Affairs. 23 leaves : 30 cm. * NLA call number Nq 305.89915 L191

Everingham, Paul Anthony Edward. 1978. Hepworth and the blacks. Nation Review 30 March - 5 April 1978; 2 * letter in reply to article by Hepworth on the police chaining of youths at Hooker Creek

Doolan, John Kevin Raphael. 1978. More on Hooker Creek. Nation Review 13-19 April 1978; 2 * letter on police treatment of nine Aboriginal youths

 Northern Territory. Legislative Assembly. Questions — Constable Jennings, Hooker Creek / by R.W.S. Vale : with answer by P.A.E. Everingham]. Northern Territory Parliamentary Record  2/11 May 1978; 4; quest. 449

Education Department of Western Australia. 1978. Mathematics Syllabus with Notes, Pre-Primary to Year 7.
Faulstich, Paul. 1978. Of earth and dreaming abstraction and naturalism in Warlpiri art, pp.19-23 in Comment on Aboriginal land rights, by Eric Pratt. * AIATSIS Library P PRA, PAMPHLET NO. P 015461
Hendershott, Barbara Kay. 1978. Women's subordination as a social process : the Walbiri of central Australia. Master of Arts in the Department of Prehistory and Anthropology, School of General Studies, the Australian National University. 92pp.
Kesteven, Susan Leighton. 1978. A sketch of Yuendumu and its outstations. M.Env.Stud. dissertation, A.N.U. vii+94pp. 2 microfiches. * NLA Nq 320.994 CUR

Peterson, Nicolas, Patrick McConvell, Ste[ph]en Wild & Rod Hagen. 1978. A claim to areas of traditional land by the Walpiri and Kartangarurru - Kurintji, 1978. Prepared at the instruction of the Central Land Council on behalf of the Walpiri and Kartangarurru - Kurintji. Revised Version. vi+102+8+[4]pp. Alice Springs: Central Land Council.

Read, Peter and Engineer Jack Japaljarri. 1978. The price of tobacco: the journey of the Warlmala to Wave Hill, 1928. Aboriginal History 2(2),140-48.
Scheffler, Harold W. 1978. Australian kin classification. Cambridge Studies in Social Anthropology 23. Cambridge University Press. xxi+569pp. * Warlpiri: pp.327-360,504-531
Aboriginal Land Commission. 1978. Claim by the Warlpiri and Kartangarurru-Kurintji. Report by the Aboriginal Land Commissioner to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and to the Minister for the Northern Territory. Canberra: A.G.P.S.

Waterman, Patricia Panyity. 1978. A tale-type index of Australian Aboriginal oral narratives. Thesis (Ph. D.) -- University of California, Berkeley. * lists some published Warlpiri sources * published 1987
Whitbourn, John A. 1978. Emerging patterns in Aboriginal Christianity, with special reference to Christian missions. Warrabri Baptist Church. [ii], 66 l. * AIATSIS Library Call number MS 1440
Wild, Stephen A. 1977/78. Men as women: female dance symbolism in Walbiri men's rituals. Dance Research Journal 10.1,14-22. * based on work at Hooker Creek, NT * AIATSIS Library p WIL
Shannon, Valda Naburula. 1977. I dream. [poem] Northern Perspective 1.2,25.
Peterson, Nicolas. 1977. Aboriginal uses of Australian Solanaceae, in The Biology and Taxonomy of the Solanaceae, ed. by J. Hawkes. London: Academic Press. Paper delivered at conference on Biology and Taxonomy of the Solanaceae, Birmingham, 13-17 July 1976. [27pp. mimeo.]
Peterson, Nicolas. 1977. Aboriginal involvement with the Australian economy in the Central Reserve during the Winter of 1970, pp.136-46 in Aborigines and Change: Australia in the 70s, ed. by RM Berndt. Canberra: AIAS.
O'Grady, Frank. 1977. Francis of Central Australia. 154pp. ISBN 0 85587 114 8 Sydney: Wentworth Books. * about Francis James McGarry 1897–1955 * events of 1945–48 in chapters 'The Torments of Tanami' and  'Mount Doreen and Yuendumu', pages 93-124 *see Francis McGarry papers (1945–48)
MacRae, Graeme. 1977. A Personal Statement on the Administration of Aboriginal Affairs in Central Australia with Special Reference to the Willowra Housing Association. Jan 1977. 5 l.  "available from the architects Andrew McPhee and Associates, Box 75. Alice Springs" * Building Supervisor of Willowra * copy at AIATSIS PMS 783 and in MS 3254 1/4/11
Kimber, R.G. c1977. Australian desert Aboriginals today the Walpiri and the Pintubi. [Kit]. North Sydney, NSW: Aboriginal Arts & Crafts. 1 booklet (60pp.), map and 67 slides in container; 28 x 16 x 8 cm. ISBN 0959697101 "Approved by the Aboriginal Arts Board of the Australia Council." * NLA call number Nmt 25 * available from The Marketing Manager, Aboriginal Arts & Crafts Pty Ltd, 41 McLarent Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Morrison, Sue. 1977. Lajamanu — Hooker Creek : book of the community. [Darwin]: Dept.of Aboriginal Affairs. 13pp. * "A brief description of the physical, social and economic situation of the Lajamanu community, Northern Territory, 1977"--Cover.
Yuendumu Mining Company. 1976. The Tanami Road. Submission to Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works. 17 pages. The%20Tanami%20Road%20submission%20YMC%201976.pdf
Parlette, Llewellyn Morris. 1976. The Walbiri and Px`intubi tribes of central Australia [microform] : desert nomads or settlement wards? 3 microfiches (158 fr.) : negative, maps. Thesis (M.A.) - San Diego: San Diego State University. * NLA Microcopy mcN 289
Middleton, Margaret R. & Sarah H. Francis. 1976. Yuendumu and its Children. Life and health on an Aboriginal settlement. Canberra: A.G.P.S. vi+221pp. ISBN 0 642 02125 2 * Reports the work and findings of the Aboriginal Infant Morbidity Project carried out between 1969 and 1971 at Yuendumu
Meyer-Rochow, V. Benno. 1976. The use of insects as human food. Food and nutrition notes and reviews 33.4,151-152 * mentions the nutritional value of witchety grubs
Holm, Neil & Keith R. McConnochie. 1976 [1977]. Time perspective in Aboriginal children, pp.275-287 in Aboriginal cognition; retrospect and prospect ed. by George E. Kearney & D.W. McElwain. Canberra; [Atlantic Highlands], New Jersey; Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies; Humanities Press
Holm, Neil & Lionel Japanangka. 1976. The mathematics of card playing in an Aboriginal community. The Aboriginal Child at School 4,19-22. linked from
Wild, Stephen A. 1975. Walbiri music and dance in their social and cultural nexus. Indiana University dissertation.
Meyer-Rochow, V. Benno. 1975. Local taxonomy and terminology for some terrestrial arthropods in five different ethnic groups of Papua New Guinea and Central Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 58.1,15-30 * Warlpiri and Pintupi ethnoentomology, from July 1973 visit
Fine, Michael. 1975. An analysis of adopted cults in central Australia: social groups and ritual amonst the Walbiri and Aranda. U. Sydney B.A. (Hons). 60,[6]pp. diag., map. * Coppell 1977:25
Cawte, John. 1974. Medicine is the law : studies in psychiatric anthropology of Australian tribal societies. Adelaide: Rigby. * annotation: "Transcultural psychiatry, child development among the Walbiri at Yuendumu; Aboriginal doctor, medicine and law among Walbiri, …"
Sheehan, Peter W. 1973. The variability of eidetic imagery among Australian Aboriginal children [at Bamyili and Hooker Creek Reserves]. J. Social Psychol. 91,29-36. * AIATSIS Library p SHE
Munn, Nancy D. 1973. The spatial representation of cosmic order in Walbiri iconography, Chapter 11, pp.193-220 in Primitive art and society, edited by Anthony Forge. London: OUP. ISBN 0-19-212953-8 * Papers delivered at a symposium sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, held in Burg Wartenstein from 27 June to 5 July 1967
see Munn 1986 [1973].
Corden, Margaret W. 1973. The dietary situation at Yuendumu and Papunya, pp.10-48 in Some observations on the diets and nutrition of Aboriginal people in central Australia. ts. Commonwealth Department of Health.
Williamson, JJ & MJ Barrett. 1972. Oral health of Australian Aborigines : endemic dental fluorosis. Australian Dental Journal 17.4,266-268. DOI: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.1972.tb04929.x
AIATSIS Library annotation: Study of 202 Wailbri and Pintubi children and young adults at Yuendumu, methods used, results, discussion - incidence of fluorosis, comparison with U.S. children, high water consumption
Meggitt, Mervyn J. 1972. Understanding Australian Aboriginal society: kinship systems or cultural categories?, pp.64-87 in Kinship studies in the Morgan centennial Year, ed. P. Reining. Washington, D.C.: Anthropological Society of Washington. 190pp.
"(Tape 6) Eibl-Eibesfeldt Yuendumu 1972 [Womens ceremony]" audiotape reels deposted at AIATSIS by Nicolas Peterson.  'Nic Peterson Collection [Additions]' PETERSON_N04, AIATSIS.
Peterson, Nicolas. 1972. Derby talks to Nicolas Peterson : (Yuendumu, August 1972). 12 pages typescript. * AIATSIS Library pMS 1389
Anon. 1972. New museum will house sacred Aboriginal objects. Journal of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland 9.3,216-8. * Yuendumu
Peterson, Nicolas. 1971. The structure of two Australian Aboriginal ecosystems. PhD thesis, Dept of Anthropology, University of Sydney. [10], xvi, 422 pp. * http:/​ /​​2123/​7021
Holm, Neil. 1971. Future time perspective in children from three Northern Territory Aboriginal communities. B.A.(Hons.) thesis, University of New England, Armidale, NSW * AIATSIS Library MS 1256 * includes Lajamanu
Barrett, Murray J. & Tasman Brown. 1971. Growth study of Australian Aborigines. Terminal Progress Report. In Collected Papers and Reports, 1953-1973. University of Adelaide, Department of Restorative Dentistry, 1976.
Peterson, Nicolas. [1970]. Buluwandi: a Central Australian ceremony for the resolution of conflict. In Australian Aboriginal anthropology: modern studies in the social anthropology of the Australian Aborigines, ed. by Ronald Murray Berndt. [xiv]+341pp. [Nedlands]: Published for the AIAS by the University of Western Australia Press. * Papers presented at Social Anthropology symposium during AIAS General Meeting, Canberra, May 1968.
Munn, Nancy. 1970. The transformation of subjects into objects in Walbiri and Pitjantjatjara mythology, in R. Berndt (ed.) 1970. Australian Aboriginal Anthropology. Perth: University of Western Australia Press.
[Anon.] [1970]. Yuendumu : Tjaru. Yuendumu Social Club Incorporated. [i], 38 p., b&w photographs * AIATSIS call number p YUE *
[Anon.] 1970. [Stories of the shields]. 12p. typescript. AIATSIS Library MS 594 * deposited by Adrian Fleming * AIATSIS Library Abstract: "Twenty shields from Yuendumu collected for A.I.A.S., for each gives name of artist (Wailbri & Pintubi tribes), brief version of story, associated topographical features near settlement, features of designs symbolising parts of story"
Peterson, N. 1969. Secular and ritual links: two basic and opposed principles of Australian social organisation as illustrated by Walbiri ethnography. Mankind 7,27–35.
Morrison, Albert. 1969. How the frogmouth obtained his flat beak [manuscript]. 1p. * NLA Manuscript Reading Room MS 2745
NLA annotation: Account of an Aboriginal legend from the dreamtime. Albert Morrison is a 15 year old Northern Territory Aboriginal of the Wailbri tribe. This story won for him the first Harney Award, an annual award inaugurated by the Welfare Branch of the Northern Territory Administration in 1969.
Gutwirth, Linda. 1969. The role of male initiation rites among the Walbiri of central Australia. iii+25pp. M.A. Thesis - City University of New York. * AIATSIS Library PMS 3238
AIATSIS Library annotation: Suggests that male initiation rites among the Walbiri of central Australia are an important device for regulating population in relation to natural resources
Mountford, Charles P. 1968. Winbaraku and the myth of Jarapiri. Rigby. xix+116pp.
Blows, Johanna Mieke. 1968. A comparative study of the Gunabibi-Gadjari complex in four Aboriginal tribes of the Northern Territory. 84+[iv]pp. B.A. (Hons.) Thesis - University of Sydney. * AIATSIS Library MS 100; MF121
AIATSIS Library annotation: Meaning of the Murngin myth of the Wawilak Sisters and its association with the Gunabibi ritual; interpretations of the myth by Levi-Strauss and Roheim; occurrence of the myth with the Murngin, Mara, Murinbata and Walbiri
Strehlow, T.G.H. 1967. Review of Gadjari among the Walbiri Aborigines of Central Australia by M.J. Meggitt (Oceania Monograph 14) Australian Book Review 6. 9,140.
Soneira, Abelardo. 1967. Estudio comparativo sobre dimensiones buco-linguales en dientes temporarios y permanentes, y sobre medidas de las arcades dentales de los aboriginenes australianos (Yuendumu) y de los indios Motilones de Tokuko (Venezuela) [Comparative study of the buccal-lingual dimensions of temporary and permanent teeth,and on measurements of the dental arcedes of Australian Aborigines (Yuendumu) and of the Motilones Indians of Tokuko (Venezuela). Instituto de Investigaciones Odontologicas de la Facultad de Odontologia. Universidad del Zulia Annales 1967,[51]-59.
Kidson, M.A. 1967. Psychiatric disorders in the Walbiri, central Australia. Aust NZ J Psychiatry 1.1(March),14-22.
Greenway, John. 1967. [Review of 1965 film] Ngoora: a camping place / produced by the University of Adelaide for the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies. American Anthropologist 69.6,791-792.
Odling-Smee, David. 1967. Observations of the value of boarding schools for Aboriginal boys, based on the experience of Yuendumu boys at Geelong Church of England Grammar School, December 2nd - 15th, 1966. Special Schools Bulletin 4.3,6 9.
AIATSIS Library annotation: Discusses adaptability, choice of boys, problems
Anon. [1967]. 'General details of Papunya and Yuendumu' 3pp. roneo. [NT Administration.] Copy in Series 15, item 46, Records of the Aboriginal Publications Foundation, MS3781, AIATSIS Library.
Meggitt, Mervyn John. 1966. Gadjari among the Walbiri Aborigines of Central Australia. Oceania 36.3,[173]-213; no.4,[283]-315; 37.1,[22]-48; no.2,[124]-147. Oceania Monographs 14, 1967 * out of print * reviewed by Strehlow 1967
Campbell, Thomas Draper. 1966. Aboriginal food on a walkabout in central Australia, pp.151-155 in 'The Ecology of the Aboriginal in South and Central Australia' by J.B. Cleland, pp.111-158 in Aboriginal Man in South and Central Australia, ed. by B.C. Cotton. Handbook of the Flora and Fauna of South Australia, issued by the South Australian Branch of the British Science Guild Handbooks Committee. Part I. Adelaide: S.A. Government Printer.
Prasada Rao, P.D. 1965. Finger and palm prints of the Aboriginal children at Yuendumu settlement in central Australia. Oceania 35.4, 305-316.
Northern Territory Administration. Welfare Branch. 1965. Warrabri Aboriginal Reserve. May, 1965. 26pp. (other editions in 1960, 1961) * copy at AIATSIS Library
Jones, Trevor Alan. 1965. * see wlp-song-ref.html
Hartwig, M.C. 1965. The progress of white settlement in the Alice Springs District and its effects upon the Aboriginal inhabitants 1860-1894. University of Adelaide. Ph.D. thesis. 669pp.
Gresham, H, Tasman Brown, MJ Barrett. 1965. Skeletal and denture patterns in children from Yuendumu, Central Australia, and Melbourne. Australian Dental Journal 10.6(Dec),462-8. DOI: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.1965.tb01674.x * uses 1961 and 1962 roentgenograms
Cawte, J.E. and M.A. Kidson. 1965. Ethnopsychiatry in central Australia II. The evolution of illness in a Walbiri lineage. The British Journal of Psychiatry 111,1079-1085
Brown, T. 1965. Craniofacial variations in a Central Australian tribe: a radiographic investigation of young adult males and females. Adelaide: Libraries Board of S.A. (University of Adelaide M.D.S. thesis, 1963.) xii+182pp.
Barrett, MJ, T. Brown, and Elizabeth A. Fanning. 1965. A long-term study of the dental and craniofacial characteristics of a tribe of Central Australian aborigines. Australian Dental Journal 10.1(February),63–68. DOI: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.1965.tb01603.x * Yuendumu
Munn, Nancy. 1964. Totemic designs and group continuity in Walbiri cosmology. In M. Reay (ed.) Aborigines now: new perspectives in the study of Aboriginal communities, pp. 83-100. Sydney: Angus & Robertson.
Brown, T. and M.J. Barrett. 1964. A roentgenographic study of facial morphology in a tribe of Central Australian aborigines. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 22.1(March),33–42. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.1330220114 * Yuendumu
Barrett, MJ, T. Brown, and K.M. Cellier. 1964. Tooth eruption sequence in a tribe of Central Australian aborigines. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 22.1(March),79–89. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.1330220119 * Yuendumu
Strehlow, T.G.H. 1963. Review of Desert People by M.J. Meggitt (Angus and Robertson, 1962). Nation 110(12 January 1963),22-23.
Munn, Nancy. 1963. The Walbiri sand story. Australian Territories 3.6,37–44. * reprinted in Cohen (ed.) 2016
Lockwood, Douglas. 1963. We, the Aborigines. Cassell Australia Ltd. * Walkabout Pocketbook edition 1970 Ure Smith, Sydney * portraits of several Warlpiri individuals at Yuendumu, Warrabri
Glenn, E. 1963. Warlpiri and State Department graphics. American Anthropologist 65,1113-1115.
Barrett, M.J., T. Brown, and M.R. Macdonald. 1963. Dental observations on Australian aborigines: a roentgenographic study of prognathism. Australian Dental Journal 8.5(October), 418–427. DOI: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.1963.tb02648.x * Yuendumu
Attenborough, David. 1963. Quest under Capricorn. London: Lutterworth Press. ISBN-13: 978-0718810511 * paperback, 1967 * Chap. 10 'Men of the desert'', pp.144-162 * monochrome photographs, and colour frontispiece 'The old men smeared the ochre on their bodies and on the sacred stones: Yuendumu' * The early years: Quest under Capricorn (audio cassette) BBC Consumer Publishing, 2001, ISBN-13: 978-0563535652
Adler, Selma. 1963. Contemporary change in a central Australian society. Urbana, Illinois. iv+85ll. M.A. Thesis - University of Illinois
* Study of the Walbiri community on Mt Doreen station; emphasis on changing family structure and increasing matrifocality. * AIATSIS Library MS 1321
Munn, Nancy D. 1962. Walbiri graphic signs: an analysis. American Anthropologist 64,972-984.
Meggitt, Mervyn J. 1962. Desert People. A study of the Walbiri Aborigines of Central Australia. Sydney: Angus & Roberston. Reprinted 1965, Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press; Toronto: University of Toronto Press. * reviewed by Strehlow 1963
Anonymous. 1960. Warrabri Aboriginal reserve. Dawn 9.8(August),12-19.
Northern Territory Administration. Welfare Branch. 1960. Warrabri Aboriginal reserve, Central Australia. 49pp.,  map * other editions in 1961, 1965
Hartwig, M.C. 1960. The Coniston killings. Unpublished B.A. thesis, University of Adelaide, 1960.
Cran, James Alexander. 1960. The histological structure of the teeth of Central Australian Aborigines and the relationship to dental caries incidence. Australian Dental Journal 5.2 (April), 100-104. DOI: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.1960.tb03159.x
AIATSIS Library annotation: Investigation of histological structure of teeth of 30 adult Central Australian Aborigines from Yuendumu settlement; characteristics of enamel ; low incidence of dental caries due to low content of refined carbohydrate in diet
Cran, James Alexander. 1959. The relationship of diet to dental caries. Australian Dental Journal 4.3(June),182-190. DOI: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.1959.tb01400.x * compares Yuendumu and Koonibba * page 183 Adelaide Expeditions map
Mountford, CP. 1959 - Yuendumu PRG 1218/18 State Library of South Australia 'archival collection (PRG 1218) contains photographs, field notes, diaries, artworks and correspondence'
Bjerre, Jens. 1958. Blandt menneskeaedere pa Ny Guinea. Translated as Die letzten kannibalen. Hamburg : Bei Hand Dulk * "One section on area west of Yuendumu; (Waljbiri); Author spent 7 weeks in desert"
Meggitt, Mervyn J. 1958. Two Australian Aboriginal games and a problem of diffusion. Mankind 5.5,191–194.
Northern Territory. Welfare Ordinance 1953-1955, Schedule : register of wards. Northern Territory Government Gazette 13 May 1957, 19B. 272pp. Sydney: "Truth" and "Sportsman" Ltd., Printers. * AIATSIS Library B N874.04/W1
AIATSIS Library annotation: Lists area of residence, name, tribal name, tribe, sex and year of birth of wards.
Meggitt, Mervyn J. 1957. Notes on the vegetable foods of the Walbiri of central Australia. Oceania 28.2,143–145.
Gartrell, Marjorie. 1957. Dear primitive : a nurse among the Aborigines. Sydney: Angus and Robertson. * Yuendumu : 'Getting acquainted', chapter 1, pages 1-13
Cran, James Alexander. 1957. Notes on the teeth and gingivae of Central Australian Aborigines. Australian Dental Journal 2.5(Oct), 277-282. DOI: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.1957.tb00576.x * from 1956 visit to Yuendumu * map shows 'Desert Ground' one-third distance from Chillawell [sic] to The Granites
Barrett, MJ. 1957. Dental observations on Australian aborigines: tooth eruption sequence. Australian Dental Journal 2.4(August),217–227. DOI: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.1957.tb01770.x * Yuendumu
Mountford, CP. 1956 - Central Mt Wedge PRG 1218/22 State Library of South Australia 'archival collection (PRG 1218) contains photographs, field notes, diaries, artworks and correspondence'
Meggitt, Mervyn J. 1955. Walbiri society, central Australia. MA(Hons) thesis, Dept of Anthropology, University of Sydney.
Meggitt, Mervyn J. 1955. Djanba among the Walbiri. Australia Anthropos 50,375-403.
Cran, James Alexander. 1955. Notes on the teeth and gingivae of Central Australian Aborigines. Australian journal of dentistry (Dec. 1955),356-361. * from May 1955 visit to Yuendumu
AIATSIS Library annotation: Yuendumu; Clinical and bacteriological tests on 118 natives who have adopted civilized food habits
Cleland, Sir John Burton. 1955. Botanical traverses by motor car in Central Australia. The Victorian Naturalist 72.8:122-123. * from Sept 1930; concludes with Alice Springs to Mt Doreen via Yuendumu in August 1951 * no Warlpiri content
Abbie, A.A. (Andrew Arthur) & W.R. Adey. 1955. The non-metrical characteristics of a Central Australian tribe. Oceania 25.3,198-207.
AIATSIS Library annotation: Observations of a single group in the Yuendumu settlement of Njalia [sc. Ngalia] people; Attention drawn to discrepancy in records of the incidence of blondness before and after 1932.
Simmons, Roy T, JJ Graydon & NM Semple. 1954. A blood group genetical survey in Australian Aborigines. American journal of physical anthropology 12.4(December),599–606. * includes 1951 at Yuendumu
Hansen, Ian V. An account of the Ngalia initiation ceremonies at Yuendumu, Central Australia, January 1953. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia Incorporated 77 (July 1954), 175-181. * see Hansen 2002
Cleland, J.B. and N.B. Tindale. 1954. Ecological surroundings of the Ngalia natives in Central Australia, and native names and uses of plants. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia Incorporated 77, July 1954.
Campbell, T. D. (Thomas Draper) and M.J. Barrett. 1953. Dental observations on Australian Aborigines : a changing environment and food pattern. Australian journal of dentistry 57.1, 1-6.
AIATSIS Library annotation: Adelaide University field work 1951, 1952, Yuendumu; Aboriginal life at settlement, diet & diet habits under natural conditions, diet pattern on settlement, special food issues, preparation & consumption, habits
Barrett, M.J. 1953. Dental observations on Australian Aborigines, Yuendumu, Central Australia, 1951-52. Australian Journal of Dentistry 57.3, 127-138.
AIATSIS Library annotation: Age & sex grouping, method of examinations, results & discussion on dental caries, occlusal attrition, condition of gingivae, diet & its effect.
Abbie, A.A. (Andrew Arthur) & W. R.(Ross) Adey. 1953. Pigmentation in a central Australian tribe with special reference to fair-headedness. American Journal of Physical Anthropology n.s. 11, 339-359.
AIATSIS Library Annotation: "Tests on colour of skin, eyes, hair on 100 individuals of Ngalia tribe at Yuendumu; Blondness suggested to be from simple gene mutation" * materials, methods and results of tests taken at Yuendumu in 1951; Ngalia group of the Walbiri
Abbie, A.A. (Andrew Arthur) & W.R. (Ross) Adey. 1953. Ossification in a Central Australian tribe. Human Biology 25.4, 265-278 * AIATSIS Library Annotation: Materials, methods and results of tests taken at Yuendumu; Ngalia group of the Walbiri
Harney, William Edward. 1951. Snakes and Aboriginal lore. Walkabout17.11,29-31. * AIATSIS Library p 6893 * AIATSIS Library annotation: 'waterhole belief of Wailbri at Barrow Creek' is misleading: p.30 mentions 'djila' a permanent water in the desert west of Barrow Creek
Mountford, CP. 1951 - Yuendumu PRG 1218/18 State Library of South Australia 'archival collection (PRG 1218) contains photographs, field notes, diaries, artworks and correspondence'
Harney, William Edward. 1947. Brimming billabongs : the life story of an Australian Aboriginal. Sydney: Angus & Robertson. * fictionalised autobiography of an Iwaidja man; pp.158-72 is set near Central Mount Wedge and "Bigale"; includes a few Warlpiri words
Francis McGarry papers, pictorial material and relics, ca. 1907–1972. State Library of NSW. * see O'Grady 1977
Black, E. Couper & Sir John Burton Cleland. 1938. Pathological lesions in Australian Aborigines, Central Australia (Granites) and Flinders Range. Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 41(5),69-83. * AIATSIS p 7873 Photocopy * see Jones 1987
AIATSIS Library annotation: Describes cases of neoplasms and cysts, muscle, bone and joint diseases; genital and skin diseases, scars, infections, boomerang leg and yaws & eye & ear conditions among the Walpiri and Anjamatana
Stanner, WEH. Aborigines and Tennant’s Creek.  [Letter to editor.] Sydney Morning Herald, 5 August 1936. * about 3/8/1936 item
Tennant Creek/ Production of gold. Pioneers to celebrate. Sydney Morning Herald, 3 August 1936. * about 'Warramulla' coming to Tennant Creek from south-west and north-west
Mountford, CP. 1936 - The Granites PRG 1218/7 State Library of South Australia 'archival collection (PRG 1218) contains photographs, field notes, diaries, artworks and correspondence'
Pockley, FJA. 1933. [Journal of 1933 expedition Hermannsburg to Mt Liebig.] Published 1995 The Flight of Ducks. * includes several mentions like this Ngalia reference
Cleland, Sir John Burton. 1933. The natives of Central Australia. Medical Journal of Australia 20 (11 Mar 1933),322-324. * AIATSIS Library p 5964 ; p 13112 * See Jones 1987
AIATSIS Library annotation: Outline of anthropological work carried out Mount Liebig 1932 among Ngalia, Pintubi & Yumu, section of Luritja tribe; account of spearing & abduction by 7 men; notes of cooperation given to party; 6-item summary of tribes & tribal distribution; European contact to be avoided, physiological observations, metabolism, pulse, blood pressure, blood grouping, pathological observations; collection of lizards, grubs & roots for investigation; anthropometric & general anatomical observations, plaster cast work, photography, legends, songs & stories, climatology; Team included T.D. Campbell, T. Harvey Johnston, C.S. Hicks, H.K. Fry, H.M. Hale, N.B. Tindale, E.O. Stocker, J.H. Gray, E.W. Holden, H. Moore, E. Eldridge
Baume, Eric. 1933. Tragedy track : the story of The Granites. Sydney: Frank C Johnson.
Cleland, Sir John Burton. 1931. Anthropological expedition to Central Australia. Medical Journal of Australia 18 (19 Dec 1931),793-796. * AIATSIS Library p 5997; p 13123 *
AIATSIS Library annotation: Brief outline of investigations carried out Cockatoo Creek 1931; general remarks on environment, type of food, recent killing case and police retaliation, health of children, cases of boomerang leg, 'pot bellies', kindly treatment by elders; good nature, patience, sense of humour; food shared communally, examples, moral behaviour, marriage, role of women, clothing, remarks on rubbery nature of soles of feet, technique of bloodletting, 8 class marriage system common to Anmatjera, Ilpirra, Luritja, Yumi, Ngalia, Walmala tribes; increase rites and ceremonies; methods used to get information, blood grouping, morphology, ophthalmology, cognitive ability tested, basal metabolism; party comprised T.D. Campbell, T. Harvey Johnston, C.S. Hicks, H.J. Wilkinson, R.H. Pulleine, H.K. Fry, R.F. Matters, H.M. Hale, N. Tindale, H. Gray, O. Stocker, A. Rau
Eylmann, Erhard. 1908. Die Eingeborenen der Kolonie Sudaustralien. 494p. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer. * traveller along OTL in 1897 * chapters XIV, XIX and XX compiled by Robin Hodgson translated by Renate Hubel 1994, AIATSIS Library MS 3369 * chapters XVI and XVII translated by Sherlock 1972 * chapters 10, 12, 13, 14 translated by Gerritsen & Gerritsen 2002 * see Eylmann 1897, Courto 1990, Courto 1996, Schröder 2002 * p.160: "Im Westen der Waramunga hat ein Stamm seine Wohnsitze, der Wolperi oder Walperi genannt wird." * included folded map shows 'Wolperi' northwest of Tennant Creek
Elymann 19808 map excerpt
Spencer, W.B. & F.J. Gillen. 1904. The northern tribes of central Australia. London: Macmillan. * pp.100-1, ‘Walpari’ at Tennant Creek may have been speakers of Warlmanpa
Spencer, W.B. & F.J. Gillen. 1899. The native tribes of central Australia. London: Macmillan. Republished 1968 New York: Dover Publications. * pp. 90-91, ‘Walpari’ at Tennant Creek may have been speakers of Warlmanpa; also pp.89, 95
Eylmann, Erhard. 1897-. [Australian notebooks]. Held at Deutschen Kolonial- und Ubersee-Museum zu Bremen. * see Eylmann 1908 etc

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