Last changed 6 September 2024

References about Warlpiri language (including sign language)
or references in linguistics works -- 
published and unpublished

Ordered by year, and alphabetically by author within each year.

Send additions and corrections to the compiler, David Nash.

The Warlpiri Encyclopaedic Dictionary was released in December 2022; order from AIATSIS Shop

The 2012 Warlpiri picture dictionary: Warlpiri yimi kuruwarri-kirli is available from IAD Press.

There is an online interactive Warlpiri dictionary hosted by AuSIL (compiled by Steve Swartz), and a tablet version for download; linked from AuSIL Interactive Dictionary Series.

Corpus under development 2019: 'Speaking, Talking, Telling' Spoken Language and Text Corpora: Warlpiri in ANNIS

The key introduction to Warlpiri language is: Mary Laughren & Robert Hoogenraad. 1996. A Learner's Guide to Warlpiri. Tape Course for beginners. Wangkamirlipa Warlpirilki.cover Based on a tape course prepared by Kenneth Hale & Robin Japanangka Granites. Alice Springs: IAD Press. v+218pp., 5 audio cassettes. ISBN 094965919 (now out of print)  See also Price 1990. The course is complemented by An Elementary Warlpiri Dictionary (Hale 1995).  These resources are out of print, but may be in a nearby library: search in or See also 'Warlpiri Classes' which includes Warlpiri Lessons from IAD c1980s

See also a list of literature in Warlpiri and Warlpiri song; and also lists of non-linguistic references (non-uniform), and of motion pictures and multimedia recordings (CD-ROMs).

Hint: To find a particular author's name, or key term, use your Web browser's Find command.

Historical note:

The earliest extant record of the Warlpiri language is a short vocabulary taken down by the explorer Michael Terry in 1928, published with minor differences in Terry 1930; then the Warlpiri and Ngalia vocabularies recorded by Norman Tindale in 1931 at Cockatoo Ck.

The name was first noted by Erhard Eylmann in his 1897 Australian notebooks; published in 1908:160:

Im Westen der Waramunga hat ein Stamm seine Wohnsitze, der Wolperi oder Walperi genannt wird.

Then Spencer & Gillen 1899:90-91 noted ‘Walpari’ at Tennant Creek, which may well have been a reference to speakers of Warlmanpa (based on the words recorded).

Terry, Michael. 1928. 'Walmulla language' [sc. Warlpiri]. Notebook 2. South Australian Museum archives. (Probably from Terry Expedition 18 June - 29 November 1928) * published with minor differences in Terry 1930
Terry, Michael. 1930. Hidden wealth and hiding people. London & New York: Putnam. Appendix VI "Aboriginal words collected" (page 342), including 'Walmulla' [sc. Warlpiri]. * published version of Terry 1928
Tindale, N.B. 1931. Walpiri (approximately 130 words), Ngalia (8 words); in Expedition to Cockatoo Creek, Central Australia, August 6-27, 1931: journal and field notes. Aug.-Sept. 1931. 290pp. + supplementary data. Typescript + ms. South Australian Museum AA 338/1/7
AIATSIS Library annotation: Four weeks; Anmatjera, Walpiri, and Ngalia tribes; Ethnographic notes, native drawings, foods, ceremonies and songs parallel vocabularies (230 words in each) for Aranda, Walpiri and Ngalia.
Fry, H[enry] K[enneth]. 1932. [Notebook, of field work, Mt Liebig area August 1932.] South Australian Museum (? AA105 Acc225).
Fry, H[enry] K[enneth]. 1933. Body and soul: a study from western Central Australia. Oceania 3.3,[247]-256. * cf. Fry 1932. p.249 text with interlinear translation: "legend of Ngalia – doings of two totem women of Kamberagna"
Pink, Olive M. [1934]. [Warlpiri vocabulary. Over 700 items.] Keyboarded by David Nash, May 1989, with annotations. Printout deposited at AIAS Library, Canberra.
Pink, Olive M. Papers, manuscripts, letters, pamphlets, circulars, press clippings and related material. MS2368, AIATSIS Library, Canberra.
Elkin, A.P. 1936/37. Notes and news. Australian tribal names. Oceania 7, 522. * quotes Miss Pink on meaning of wolmala, and "correct name of these people is the Wailbri"
Fry, H.K. 1936. [Vocabulary etc. notebook, of field work at The Granites, August 1936.] South Australian Museum AA105 Acc225. * cf. Mountford 1950
Cleland, J.B. (John Burton), Sir (1878-1971) & T. Harvey Johnston. 1939. Aboriginal names and uses of plants at The Granites, Central Australia. Trans. Roy. Soc. S.A. 63.1,22-26 = pp.22-26 in Collected papers (University of Adelaide) no. 316 NLA Petherick Reading Rm FERG/1737 * August 1936 field trip, assisted by O. Pink
Coate, Howard H.J. n.d. [1949]. Notes on Walbiri language. Yuendumu. AIAS Ms 1773. 276 leaves. Holograph, typescript and typescript (carbon). Wordlists, notes on grammar, marriage and descent, some  translation. [Includes: 'Brief notes on Walbiri Grammar. R.M.T. [=R.M. Trudinger] altered phonetics H.H.J.C.']
Mountford, Charles Pearcy. 1950. Gesture language of the Walpari tribe, Central Australia. Royal Society of South Australia -- Transactions 73, 100-101 * fieldwork at The Granites, 1936 * reprinted as Mountford 1978
Fry, H.K. 1951. [Vocabulary etc. notebook, of field work at Yuendumu, August 1951.] South Australian Museum AA105 Acc225(?)
Tindale, N.B. 1951. Ngalia vocabulary. [Journal and field notes.] Yuendumu. South Australian Museum AA338/1/18, pages 141-177
Capell, A. n.d. Waneiga [sc. Warnayaka] vocabulary, 10 pages; Box 14 Folder 49 in Capell papers, AIATSIS MS 4577 * also MS 4075 Box 5 Folder 1, and Box 2 Folder 8; also comparative/analysis Box 3 Folder 1
Capell, A. 1952. The Wailbri through their own eyes. Oceania 23.2,110-132. * p.112: brief comparative vocabulary in six languages * reprinted in Capell 1962
Cleland, J. B. & N.B. Tindale. 1954. The ecological surroundings of the Ngalia natives in Central Australia and native names and uses of plants. Royal Society of South Australia -- Transactions 77,81-86. * AIATSIS Library annotation: "Field work Yuendumu area; physical features and vegetation of the region (200 miles N.W. of Alice Springs); approximately 60 names listed with botanical and native names, uses of plants; narcotics included"
Meggitt, Mervyn J. 1954. Sign language among the Walbiri of Central Australia. Oceania 25,1-2
Munn, Nancy. 1956-. Field notes. Yuendumu,
Hale, Kenneth L. 1959. Introduction to Wailbry Domains and Selection. 90pp. Typescript. [photocopy, incl. 500-word list and ms. reverse 176ll.] * see Nash 1988
Hale, Kenneth L. 1959. WaḷpiRi field notes. Yuendumu, etc. 8 sections. Mss. Rewritten in practical orthography, 1979. Typed in practical orthography 1981-82. * keyboarded version has various concordances printed
Finlayson, H.H. 1961. On central Australian mammals: Part IV—The distribution and status of central Australian species. Records of the South Australian Museum 14.1,141–191. * alphabetical list pp.187-190 * includes some Warlpiri terms Finlayson recorded with his identifications
Capell, A. 1962. Waljbiri grammar, p.15-50 in Some Linguistic Types in Australia. Handbook of Australian Languages, Part II. Oceania Linguistic Monographs No. 7. Sydney: University of Sydney. * reprints Capell 1952
West, Lamont. 1963. A terminal report outlining the research problem, procedure of investigation and results to date in the study of Australian Aboriginal sign language. [Sydney] various pagings , maps; tbls. * AIATSIS Call number: MS 2456/1 (Item 3)
Exhibit 1 - Map showing sign language and details of distribution of data collected by other workers;
Exhibit 2 - Alphabetical list of Australian Aboriginal groups for which there is sign language data in writing, either published or in notes; lists of groups transcribed by author, details of film footage exposed;
Exhibit 4 - Spoken language - map shows groups from which material was elicited, list of languages by area;
Barrett, M.J. 1964. Walbiri customs and beliefs concerning teeth. Mankind 6.3(May),95-100. * pp.95-6 tooth-related vocabulary

Reece, Laurie. [1980s] Warrabri hymn book. Including hymns in Wailbri. 24 pages. Mimeograph typescript. Copy at St Mark's Library Special Collections.

Douglas, Wilfrid H. (translator) & Laurie Reece (translator). [c1964]. Yimi Ngutju. [bilingual catechism booklet] Warrabri, N.T.: Baptist Mission. * based on Katunya by Wilfrid H. Douglas, in Ngaanyatjarra and English * copy received at AIAS Library 25 Aug 1964
Hansen, KC. 1965. Warlpiri word list and phrases with Johnny. May 1965. Yuendumu. / Warlpiri word list and phrases with Alex Bryan. May 1965. Warrabri. Both on Field tape 1.2. In HANSEN_K07-001437B in 'Sound recordings collected by K. C. Hansen, 1965-66', AIATSIS archive recordings 001437A 001437B
Hansen, KC. 1965. Wailbri vocabulary. [vocabulary of approximately 725 words] 29p. AIATSIS PMS 2214
Hansen, KC. 1965. Phonology of Wailbri. 17p. AIATSIS PMS 2212  PMS 2213 * 'Consonant contrasts, variants and distribution; Syllable level; Phonological word and clause levels; Data collected June 1965, Amoonguna and Yuendumu'
Hale, Kenneth L. n.d. [196_] Language and kinship in Australia. Mimeo. 6pp. * Cf. 1966. Kinship reflections in syntax: some Australian languages. Word 22, 318-24.
Hale, Kenneth L. 1966. Wal.piRi field notes. Mss., Yuendumu, etc. Copies deposited at Yuendumu and AIAS.
Hansen, KC. 1966. Some differences between Yuendumu and Warrabri Wailbri. Summer Institute of Linguistics, [Brisbane]. 4 p. AIATSIS PMS 2215  PMS 2216 * "Data collected October, 1965 at Warrabri Government Settlement; phonology, examples of contrast, variants, short word list (7 words); notes on vocabulary"
Cawte, J.E. and L.G. Kiloh. 1967. Language and pictorial representation in aboriginal children: Implications for transcultural psychiatry. Social Science & Medicine 1,67-76. * reprinted in 1973 * AIATSIS Library: 'Investigation of pictorial representation by bilingual children in Central Australia to test whether language is an important determinant of such response; Fieldwork at Yuendumu, 1967; Methods & results of tests of Walbiri children'
Hale, Kenneth L. 1967. Language, kinship and ritual among the Walbiri of central Australia. Paper read at the 1967 meetings of the Amer­ican Anthropological Association, Washington DC. * cited by Fischer 1971, Munn 1973
Hale, Kenneth L. 1967. Case and voice in some Australian languages. [Abstract.] p.F17 in Papers presented at section F, Sub-section 4. Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science. Congress (39th : January 1967 : Melbourne) * cf. Hale 1970
Hale, Kenneth L. 1967. Lessons in Walbiri, I-VII. Mimeo., 58pp. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Prepared with the assistance of Sam Japangardi Johnson.
Hale, Kenneth L. 1967-68. Preliminary remarks on Walbiri grammar. I 1967, II 1968. Mimeo., 101pp. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. * AIATSIS Library MS 542
Capell, A. 1969. Économie des changements phonétiques en Australie. Word 25.1-2-3, Part Three (April-August-December),39-58. * Warlpiri pp.49-51 Warumungu p.51
Hale, Kenneth L. 1969. Walbiri conjugations. Mimeo., 14pp. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T.
Hale, Kenneth L. n.d. [196_] "Cousin" and "Fancyman". Mimeo. 5pp.
Hale, Kenneth L. 1970. The passive and ergative in language change: the Australian case. Pacific linguistics C-13, 757-781. Pacific linguistic studies in honour of Arthur Capell, ed. by S.A. Wurm & D.C. Laycock. * Cf. Hale 1967
AIATSIS Library annotation: Attempts to explain a typological correlation in Australia between ergative case systems and nominative - accusative case systems; the accusative - ergative distinction, hypotheses of change; gives examples from Walbiri, Lardil
[sound recording] Lessons in Warlpiri prepared by Kenneth Hale. Six lessons, recorded with Warlpiri men from Lajamanu; stories with English translations. Includes dialogue, stories. Spoken by P[addy?] Japaljarri, Lumi Jakamarra, Maurice Luther Jupurrula. 4 reels recorded by Stephen Wild, Lajamanu. * AIATSIS call number WILD_S01, tape No. A2230
Jagst, Lothar. [Wailbri language 1970]. i+9pp. * AIATSIS Library PMS 864 * AIATSIS Library annotation: Includes covering letter; brief explanation of Wailbri structure & grammar (pronouns & short forms, auxilliaries, reflexive, noun, case endings, possessive, dual & plural, verbs)
Fischer, John L. 1971. Style contrasts in Pacific languages, pages 1129–1162 in Linguistics in Oceania 2 edited by J. Donald Bowen. Current Trends in Linguistics 8. Walter de Gruyter. * cites Hale 1967
Hale, Kenneth L. 1971. in Steinberg & Jakobovits.
Jagst, Lothar (comp.). Warlpiri text concordance. "22 Nov 71". 176 p. computer printout, produced by SIL.  Transferred to AIATSIS Library, accession number MAR04/07, received 13/11/2003.
Perlmutter, David M. 1971. Deep and surface structure constraints in syntax. The Transatlantic Series in Linguistics. xiii+137pp. Holt Rinehart & Winston. * includes examples of Warlpiri pronominal enclitics
Reece, Laurie. 1971. As Wailbri children learn Wailbri. Mankind 8.2,148-150.
Hale, Kenneth L. 1972. Walbiri kinship problem. 15pp. typescript mimeo, MIT, Cambridge, Mass. * copy at AIATSIS Library PMS 3612
Cawte, J.E. and L.G. Kiloh. 1973. Language and pictorial representation in aboriginal children: Implications for transcultural psychiatry. In G.E. Kearney, P.R. De Lacey, and G.R. Davidson, editors, The psychology of aboriginal Australians, chapter 16, pages 186–196. Sydney, J. Wiley and Sons Australasia Pty Ltd * reprinted from 1967 * 83 Yuendumu schoolchildren tested; E: 'Draw a picture in which there is a tree from which you can get fruit; a fruit tree' W: 'Yira kalu wadija gujugangalu miyi mani.' (= 'Draw a picture with a tree where you can get food.' (p.188) [Yirrakalu watiya kuja kankulu miyi ma-ni.]
Hale, Kenneth L. 1973. Deep-surface canonical disparities in relation to analysis and change: an Australian example, 401-458 in Current Trends in Linguistics, ed. by A. Sebeok. The Hague: Mouton.
Hale, Kenneth L. 1973. Person marking in Walbiri, 308-344 in A Festschrift for Morris Halle, ed. by Stephen R. Anderson & Paul Kiparsky. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc.
Hale, Kenneth L. 1973. Walbiri data, I-XIV. Mimeo., separately paginated sections. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T
Hale, Kenneth L. 1974. An elementary dictionary of the Warlpiri language. Mimeo., 97pp. M.I.T. mimeo., Cambridge, Mass. Re-issued by Institute for Aboriginal Development, Alice Springs, 1977, as part of course materials for their Warlpiri Language Course. Revised edition, 1995.
Hale, Kenneth L. 1974. Warlpiri Picture Syllabary. Mimeo. * extended 1986 by Robert Hoogenraad & Ned Hargraves Jampijinpa, and including charts and Gavan Breen's 'The sounds of Warlpiri'
Hale, Kenneth L. [1974?]. Warlpiri Primer. 8 Lessons. Mimeo., 26pp. foolscap. [rare; copy at Willowra retitled 'Ken Hale's Warlpiri Literacy Programme']
Costandi, Abu-Sleman John-Josef. 1975. Homonymic ambiguity, pronominal systems and the clitic-lem in modular linguistics. Berkeley Linguistics Society, Proceedings 1,100-122.
Hale, Kenneth L. 1975. Gaps in grammar and culture, 295-315 in Linguistics and Anthropology, in In Honor of C.F. Voegelin, ed. by M.D. Kinkade et al. Lisse: Peter de Ridder Press.
Jagst, Lothar H. 1975. Ngardilpa (Warlpiri) phonology. Pacific Linguistics A.39:21-57. (Papers in Australian Linguistics No. 8)
Meyer-Rochow, V. Benno. 1975. Local taxonomy and terminology for some terrestrial arthropods in five different ethnic groups of Papua New Guinea and Central Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 58.1,15-30 * Warlpiri and Pintupi ethnoentomology, from July 1973 visit
Proffit, William R. & Robert E. McGlone. 1975. Tongue-lip pressures during speech of Australian aborigines. Phonetica 32.3,200-20. * abstract * recordings at Yuendumu, May 1972 * cited by Butcher 1994
1976. Linguist buried in tribal grounds [obituary of Lothar Jagst]. Today 70.4,21. * AIATSIS Library S 17/11.
Alpher, Barry. 1976. The second S.A.L. course. AIAS Newsletter (n.s.) 6 (June 1976),11-12. * p.12 includes suggested Warlpiri grammatical terminology
Carrier, Jill. 1976. Grammatical relations in Warlpiri. 60pp.Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. (Spring term paper.)
Duncan, David. 1976. A proposal for adjunction in Walbiri. ms. Cambridge: MIT.
Granites, Robin Japanangka, Kenneth L. Hale, and David Odling-Smee. 1976. Survey of Warlpiri Syntax and Morphology [typed version of Odling-Smee ms. Survey of Warlpiri grammar.] 65pp. ts. Cambridge: MIT.
Granites, Robin Japanangka, 1976,  Short essays in Warlpiri linguistics. 22pp. Mimeo. Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Mass.
  1. Ngurrakurrarlu wajilipungu
  2. Luwarnurlajinta
  4. NYA-kurlu
  5. MUKU
  6. Ngapangkarlu panturnu
  7. KAPU-kurlu manu KAPU-wangu
  8. Kapu wangkamiyi
  9. YARDA
  11. YARDA manu JURNTA
  12. MARDA
  13. Kujakarlipa lirra nyarrpajarrimi wangkanjakarra
  14. Yimikirlangu linpa
  15. KAJILPA manu KAJI
Hale, Kenneth L. 1976. Lessons in Warlpiri, I-VIII. Mimeo., separately paginated sections. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. January. Prepared with the assistance of Robin Japanangka Granites.
Hale, Kenneth L. 1976. On ergative and locative suffixal alternations in Australian languages, 414-417 in Grammatical Categories in Australian Languages, ed. by R.M.W. Dixon. Canberra: A.I.A.S.
Hale, Kenneth L. 1976. The adjoined relative clause in Australia, 78-105 in Grammatical Categories in Australian Languages, ed. by R.M.W. Dixon. Canberra: A.I.A.S.
Hale, Kenneth L. 1976. Typological sketch of Warlpiri. Mimeo., 12pp. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T.

1976 [2007]
Ladefoged, Peter. 1976. Sound recording of Albert Jangala Gallagher, 13 May 1976, speaking a list of Warlpiri near-minimal pairs. Published online 2007, The UCLA Phonetics Lab Archive. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Department of Linguistics.
Hale, Kenneth L. 1977. Elementary remarks on Walbiri orthography, phonology and allomorphy. 34pp. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T.
Laughren, Mary. 1977. Pronouns in Warlpiri and the category of number. Yuendumu, October 1977. Presented to the conference of linguists, Department of Education, Darwin, N.T. 18pp. ts., Yuendumu. * AIATSIS Library PMS 2935
Kuipers, Ludo (ed.) 1977. Stories from Lajamanu.  Darwin: Northern Territory Department of Education, Professional Services Branch. iv, 42 p. illus.; map. 2nd edition 1984. [iv]+46pp. ISBN 0724512381 * English version of autiobiographies of some Lajamanu residents
Nash, David. 1977. Stress in some Australian languages — a metrical account, presented to the Linguistic Society of Australia, August 29.
Voegelin, C.F. and F.M. 1977. Classification and index of the world's languages. New York: Elsevier. * pages 261–2: NGARGA group

Wafer, Jim. 1977. Myths and other realities of Aboriginal education. Meanjin 36.4,526–534. *  Willowra * includes Warlpiri poem by Sue Napangardi Martin
Hale, Kenneth L. 1978. The essential features of Walbiri main clauses. 125pp. mimeo., Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Reprinted in Swartz (ed.) 1982.
Laughren, Mary. 1978. Directional terminology in Warlpiri (a central Australian language). Working Papers in Language and Linguistics (Launceston) 8 (December),1-16. *
Mountford, Charles Pearcy. 1978. Gesture language of the Warlpiri tribe, central Australia, pp.407-408 in Volume 2 of DJ Umiker-Sebeok & TA Sebeok Aboriginal sign languages of the Americas and Australia. New York: Plenum Press. * Reprinted from Mountford 1949/1950.
Nash, David. 1978. Flora terms in the Warlpiri, Warlmanpa, and Warumungu languages. iii+16pp. ts. Tennant Creek, August 1978. [Updated as machine-readable database file, with Alyawarr and Kaytej added. Work in progress.]
Nash, David. 1978. Further remarks on Walbiri pronominal clitics. 4pp. ts. 18 February, Tennant Creek.
Swartz, Stephen & Beverley. 1978. Colour term project [coding sheets] [Warlpiri component of World Color Term Survey by Brent Berlin, Paul Kay, and William Merrifield]. * summary of results published in Hargrave 1982
Hale, Kenneth L. 1979. On the position of Walbiri in a typology of the base. 79pp. Mimeo., Mimeo., Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Reproduced 1981.
Leeding, Velma J. & Laughren, Mary. 1979. Report on research of the children's speech at Hooker Creek (Lajamanu), May 1979. Yirrkala, NT: Yirrkala Literature Production Centre. [i], 15 l. Project assisted by the Aboriginal Arts Board and The Schools Commission. * AIATSIS Accession no. p 10283
AIATSIS Library annotation: Describes research done, characteristics of Warlpiri childrens speech; language domains; with transcriptions of tapes
Nash, David. 1979. Warlpiri vowel assimilations, pp.12-24 in MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. Vol. 1. Papers on Syllable Structure, Metrical Structure and Harmony Processes, ed. by Ken Safir. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T.
Reece, Laurie. 1979. Dictionary of the Wailbri (Warlpiri, Walpiri), Language. Oceania Linguistic Monographs No. 19. Part II. English-Wailbri. Oceania Linguistic Monographs No. 22. Sydney: Oceania (The University of Sydney).
Waterford, Jack. 1979. New life for Aboriginal language Canberra Times 1 Aug 1979, 19.
Peterson, Nicolas & Rosalind. 197?. Alphabetical list of Central Australian flora. Photocopied ms. and ts. 6pp. * with Warlpiri and scientific names
Baarda, Wendy. [1980]. It's a slow consumption killing you by degrees. 8pp. ts. * teaching reading at Yuendumu
Dowling, William F. 1980. A lambda-categorial description of simple sentences in Warlpiri. 9pp. typescript. Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Pennsylvania. August 5th 1980.
Kendon, Adam. 1980. The sign language of the women of Yuendumu: a preliminary report on the structure of Warlpiri Sign Language. Sign Language Studies 27,101-12. DOI:10.1353/sls.1980.0005
Nash, David. 1980. Topics in Warlpiri Grammar. MIT dissertation. at MIT DSpace * available from MITWPL * abstract at UMI * slightly corrected version (awith appendices) published 1986 * Verb roots appendix
Nash, David. 1980. Complex verbs in Warlpiri. Presented to the Linguistic Society of Australia, August 27.
Wright, Cheryl. 1980. Walpiri Sign Language. Darwin: N.T. Department of Education. * cf. Wright 1998
Austin, Peter. 1981. Switch-reference in Australia. Language 57,309-34. * compares many languages including Warlpiri
Hale, Kenneth L. 1981. Preliminary remarks on the grammar of part-whole relations in Warlpiri, pp. 333-344 in Studies in Pacific Languages & Cultures in honour of Bruce Biggs, ed. by Jim Hollyman & Andrew Pawley. Auckland: Linguistic Society of New Zealand. ISBN 0-9597603-5-0. NZ$30.00 * reviewed by Chapin 1983 * 12pp. mimeo.
Hale, Kenneth L. 1981. On the position of Walbiri in a typology of the base. 59pp. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Linguistics Club. February. Reproduced, with Postscript, from 1979.
Harrison, S.P. 1981. Recent directions in Oceanic linguistics: A review of the contributions to studies in Pacific languages and cultures. Oceanic Linguistics 20,151-231. * Section 2.3 (pp.165-71) discusses Hale 1981 'Preliminary remarks on the character of part-whole relations in Warlpiri'
Kiparsky, RPV. 1981. Vowel harmony. 52pp. unpublished typescript * Warlpiri pp.32-42 * see (to appear 2023)
Latz, Peter K. 1981. Pintupi, Pitjantjatjara and Warlpiri plant names. 26pp. ts. Alice Springs. 25/2/81. AIATSIS Library PMS004814. * superseded by Latz 1995
Laughren, Mary. 1981. Choosing the appropriate word in Warlpiri. AIAS pMs 3564. [?Paper presented at ALS/AALA conference, Canberra]
Laughren, Mary. 1981. Number Strand -- Warlpiri. 49+2pp. ms. Mathematics in Aboriginal Schools Project. (A joint project of the N.T. Department of Education and the Curriculum Development Centre, Canberra.)
Jones, Megan Llinos. 1981. Unpublished edition: Sign language notes. [14] l. AIATSIS MS * Willowra
Nash, David. (ed.) 1981. Sourcebook for Central Australian Languages. Compiled by Kathy Menning. Pilot edition, November. Alice Springs: I.A.D. Machine-readable version deposited at ASEDA, AIATSIS, including vocabularies in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet * includes two Warlpiri wordlists * see Thieberger 1990
Nash, David. 1981. Eskimo and Warlpiri without pre-affixal syntax. Presented to Australian Linguistics Society Annual Meeting, Canberra, August. 2pp. handout [AIAS]
Nash, David & Jane Simpson. 1981. "No-name" in central Australia, pp. 165-77 in Papers from the Parasession on Language and Behavior, ed. by Carrie S. Masek et al. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.
Riemsdijk, Henk van. 1981. On 'adjacency' in phonology and syntax. NELS XI,399-413. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the North Eastern Linguistic Society, Amherst, Mass., April 1981, ed. by Victoria Burke & James Pustejovsky. * Warlpiri, pp.404-9. Superseded by van Riemsdijk 1982.
Stucky, Susan U. 1981. Word order variation in Makua: a phrase structure grammar analysis. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign dissertation. *
refers to Hale 1979 about free word order
Swartz, Beverly. 1981. Vernacular literacy for Warlpiri adults, pp.101-113 in Literacy in an Aboriginal context, ed. by Susanne Hargrave. Working Papers on Summer Institute of Linguistics - AAB A-6 (April 1981). * Lajamanu * 978kB PDF
Wafer,  J. 1981. A draft simple introduction to central Australian kinship systems. March 1981. [22]pp. foolscap photocopy. Alice Springs: Institute for Aboriginal Development.
Baarda, Wendy. 1982. Reading in two languages at Yuendumu, pp.95-109 in Ruth Lipscombe & Don Burnes (eds.) 1982. Aboriginal Literacy: bridging the gap. Adelaide: Australian Reading Association Inc. (P.O. Box 187, Rozelle NSW 2039) ISBN 0 9596613 9 5
Breen, J.G. n.d. [1982] The sounds of Warlpiri. 12pp. ts. * accompanying cassette tape including minimal pairs, spoken by Derek Jungarrayi Wayne and Connie Nungarrayi Rice (Walit)
Hale, Kenneth L. 1982. Preliminary remarks on configurationality, pp.86-96 in Proceedings of the 12th annual meeting of the North-Eastern Linguistics Society (NELS XII 1981), ed. by J. Pustejovsky & P. Sells. Amherst, Mass., November (?). [11pp. mimeo., Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T.]
Hale, Kenneth L. 1982. Some essential features of Warlpiri verbal clauses. Swartz (ed.) 1982:217-315. * 8.07MB PDF
Hale, K. & M. Laughren. 1982. Warlpiri lexicon project, v.1, 86pp. [Verbs, Body Part Domain, Fauna Domain.] Warlpiri basic course, v.2, 97pp. [collection of Hale material] Warlpiri linguistics, v.3, 221pp. [collection of Hale papers] Tilburg: Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg. In covers: Subfaculteit Letteren I.O. Syllabus. Kenmerk 820.83.227-229 * MPI Nijmegen Library call number 220.7-Hal/1.1-3 *
v.1 = Laughren & Hale 1982.
v.2 = Hale 1976 (Lessons), 1974 (Vocabulary).
v.3 = Hale 1973 (Person marking), 1976 (adjoined relative), 1981 (part-whole relations, mimeo), 1982 (SIL WP 6), 1981 (typology of the base), 1983 (non-configurational, mimeo)
Hargrave, Susanne K. 1982. A report on colour term research in five Aboriginal languages, pp. 201-226 in Language and culture, ed. by S. Hargrave. Darwin: Summer Institute of Linguistics, Australian Aborigines Branch. Work Papers of SIL-AAB (Summer Institute of Linguistics, Australian Aborigines Branch), Series B, Number 8. * AUSIL Bookshop * comparative study of colour terms in Kuku-Yalanji, Murrinh-patha, Martu Wangka, Warlpiri, Kriol part of World Color Survey; list of 56 terms as appendix * 1.89MB PDF
Harkins, Jean. 1982. Toward a semantic description of propositional particles. Linguistics A8 essay, 27pp. ts. * see Harkins 1986
Heath, Jeffrey, Francesca Merlan and Alan Rumsey (eds.) 1982. Languages of kinship in Aboriginal Australia. Oceania Linguistic Monographs No. 24. Sydney: Oceania (University of Sydney).
Jagst, Lothar H. 1982. A tentative description of Ngardilpa (Warlpiri) verbs. Swartz (ed.) 1982:1-68. * 4.95MB PDF
Kendon, Adam. Papers about Warlpiri Sign Language in 1982:- A Study of Sign Language among the Warlpiri at Yuendumu. Summary of Progress. September 1982. 19pp. Connecticut College.- Iconicity in Warlpiri Sign Language. Paper read at the annual meeting of the Semiotic Society of America, Buffalo NY, October 23rd 1982. 14+2+2pp.- Spoken Warlpiri and Warlpiri Sign Language. Paper read at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington DC, Tuesday December 7th 1982. 8+2+2pp.
Larson, Richard K. 1982. A note on the interpretation of adjoined relative clauses. Language and Philosophy 5, 473-82.
Larson, Richard K. 1982. Restrictive modification: relative clauses and adverbs. Doctoral dissertation, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Madison, Wisconsin.
Laughren, Mary. 1982. Warlpiri kinship structure, pp.72-85 in Heath, Jeffrey, Francesca Merlan and Alan Rumsey (eds.) Languages of kinship in Aboriginal Australia. Oceania Linguistic Monographs No. 24. Sydney: Oceania (University of Sydney). *
Errata: p.74 kirda-rlangu needs changing, to something like 'father of some x, and x'; p.80 item (19) gloss needs amending to read '...paternal parent's paternal parent'
Laughren, Mary & Ken Hale. Warlpiri Dictionary. Various versions. Esp. 1982 version in three parts: Verbs (42+109pp.). Body Part Domain. (6+73pp.) Fauna. (2+86pp.) Xeroxed computer output. Master copy at Warlpiri Literature Production Centre Inc., Yuendumu. Copies at M.I.T., A.I.A.S., I.A.D. etc. * See Hale & Laughren 1982.
Laughren, Mary. 1982. A preliminary description of propositional particles in Warlpiri. Swartz (ed.) 1982:129-163. * 4.01MB PDF

Lehmann, Christian. 1982. Universal and typological aspects of agreement, pp.201-267 in Apprehension. Das sprachliche Erfassen von Gegenständen. Teil II: Die Techniken und ihr Zusammenhang in den Einzelsprachen edited by Seiler, Hansjakob & Stachowiak, Franz Josef. (LUS [Language Universal Series), 1, II) Tübingen: Gunter Narr. * s8.2.4 'Walbiri' p.64 based on Hale 1976
Nash, David. 1982. An etymological note on Warlpiri kurdungurlu. Heath et al., eds 1982:141-159.
Nash, David. 1982. Warlpiri auxiliary gapping. Presented to Australian Linguistics Society Annual Meeting, Sydney, August 1982. 7pp. ms. * PDF
Nash, David. 1982. Warlpiri preverbs and verb roots. Swartz (ed.) 1982:165-216. * 5.6MB PDF
Riemsdijk, Henk van. 1982. Locality principles in syntax and phonology, pp.693-708 in Linguistics in the Morning Calm, ed. by The Linguistic Society of Korea. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Company. * supersedes van Riemsdijk 1981
Simpson, Jane & Joan Bresnan. 1982. Control and obviation in Warlpiri. In D.P. Flickinger, M. Macken & N. Wiegand (eds) PWCCFL [WCCFL 1] (Stanford University 22-4 January 1982),280-91.
Swartz, Stephen (ed.) 1982. Papers in Warlpiri grammar: in memory of Lothar Jagst Work Papers of SIL-AAB, Series A Volume 6. Berrimah, N.T.: SIL-AAB. June 1982. * all the articles are about Warlpiri language, by Jagst, Swartz, Laughren, Nash, Hale * PDFs available at * AUSIL Bookshop * reviewed by Bavin 1986
Swartz, Stephen. 1982. Syntactic structure of Warlpiri clauses. Swartz (ed.) 1982:69-127. * 6.5MB PDF
Warlpiri Dictionary. Various versions. Esp. 1982 version in three parts: Verbs (42+109pp.). Body Part Domain. (6+73pp.) Fauna. (2+86pp.) 1985 in two parts: Flora. (2+80pp.). Manufacture. (2+36pp.) Under revision. Photocopies at Warlpiri Literature Production Centre Inc., Yuendumu, M.I.T., A.I.A.S., I.A.D.
Zorc, R David. 1982. The development of Aboriginal writers at the School of Australian Linguistics, pp.30-43 in Ruth Lipscombe & Don Burnes (eds.) 1982. Aboriginal Literacy: bridging the gap. Adelaide: Australian Reading Association Inc. (P.O. Box 187, Rozelle NSW 2039) ISBN 0 9596613 9 5 * p.36 Warlpiri orthography
Austin, Peter (ed.) 1983. Papers in Australian Linguistics No. 15: Australian Aboriginal lexicography. Pacific Linguistics A-66.
Bavin, Edith & Tim Shopen. 1983. An initial report on children's Warlpiri at Yuendumu. February 1983. 39pp. xeroxed ts.
Chapin, Paul. 1983. [Review article on Hollyman & Pawley eds 1981]. Journal of the Polynesian Society 92.2(June 1983):259-267. * Hale 1981
Hale, Kenneth L. 1983. Warlpiri and the grammar of non-configurational languages. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 1.1(January/February):5-47. * 81pp. mimeo. * reprinted in Katamba (ed.) 2004
Hale, Kenneth. 1983. A lexicographic study of some Australian languages: project description, pp.71-107 in Papers in Australian Linguistics No. 15: Australian Aboriginal Lexicography, ed. by Peter Austin. Pacific Linguistics A-66.
Jelinek, Eloise. 1983. Case and configurationality. Coyote Papers 4,73-108.
Kendon, Adam. 1983. A study of the sign language in use among the Warlpiri of central Australia. Final Report to the National Science Foundation. Part I: Background, Description of Project and Summary of Findings to April 1983. 71pp. [Part II:] A list of signs from the sign language in use among the Warlpiri at Yuendumu. lii+348pp. [includes 1099+72 signs]
Laughren, Mary & David Nash. 1983. Warlpiri Dictionary Project: Aims, method, organization and problems of definition, pp.109-133 in Papers in Australian Linguistics No. 15: Australian Aboriginal Lexicography, ed. by Peter Austin. Pacific Linguistics A-66.
Laughren, Mary. 1983. A note on Anna Wierzbicka's comments on the Warlpiri Dictionary Project. pp.145-148 in Papers in Australian Linguistics No. 15: Australian Aboriginal Lexicography, ed. by Peter Austin. Pacific Linguistics A-66.
Levin, Beth Carol. 1983. On the Nature of Ergativity. 373pp. Doctoral dissertation, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, M.I.T. Chapter 4: 'Warlpiri', pp.137-214.
Nash, David & Mary Laughren (comp.) 1983. Warlpiri Human Classification. Draft 4. 27pp. computer printout. [Incorporates human classification section of Hale 1959, and vocabulary of Laughren 1982.]
Nash, David. 1983. Index of Warlpiri terms in Meggitt 1962, Munn 1973. Computer printouts. Yuendumu.
Nash, David. 1983. TESL and Warlpiri Children. N.T. Bilingual Education Newsletter No. 83/1:6-24,2/83:47. * a contrast of Warlpiri and English sound systems
Simpson, Jane & Joan Bresnan. 1983. Control and obviation in Warlpiri. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 1.1 (January/February),49-64.
Simpson, Jane Helen. 1983. Aspects of Warlpiri Morphology and Syntax, Doctoral dissertation. M.I.T., April 1983. 533pp. at MIT DSpace
Simpson, Jane. 1983. Discontinuous verbs and the interaction of morphology and syntax, pp.275-286 in WCCFL 2, Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Volume 2. USC, Los Angeles, February 25-27, 1983. Michael Barlow, Daniel P. Flickinger and Michael T. Wescoat (eds.) Stanford University: Stanford Linguistics Association.
Swartz, Stephen. 1983. Warlpiri Topicalised Clauses. Xeroxed ts., Lajamanu.
Wierzbicka, Anna. 1983. Semantics and lexicography: some comments on the Warlpiri Dictionary Project. pp.135-144 in Papers in Australian Linguistics No. 15: Australian Aboriginal Lexicography, ed. by Peter Austin. Pacific Linguistics A-66.
Papers presented to the annual meeting of the Australian Linguistics Society, 30 Aug - 2 Sept, Alice Springs.
  • Bavin, Edith & Tim Shopen. Warlpiri children's comprehension of discontinuous word order. * 25pp. ms. [November] 1984.
  • Laughren, Mary. Some focus strategies in Warlpiri. 16pp. handout.
  • Michaels, Eric. Can we describe Aboriginal media as a language? Should we?
  • Nash, David. Pronouns & reference in central N.T. languages. 2pp. handout.
  • 1984
    Bavin, Edith & Tim Shopen. 1984. Warlpiri and English: languages in contact. Canberra. 26pp. ms. [November] 1984.
    Corver, Norbert. 1984. De deel-geheel constructie [heelte-gedeelte relatie] in het Warlpiri. 21pp. ms. Katholieke Hogeschool, Tilburg. Goirle, januari 1984.
    Gale, Mary-Anne. 1984. Verbal compounding in Australian languages. 28+19pp. Linguistics B10 essay, November. A.N.U.
    Glasgow, David. 1984. Report on survey of the central Northern Territory, pp.113-152 in Language Survey, ed. by J. Hudson & N. Pym. Work Papers of SIL-AAB Series B Volume 11. June 1984. xi+167pp. Darwin: Summer Institute of Linguistics Australian Aborigines Branch. ISBN 0 86892 312 5 * 4.12MB PDF
    Hale, Kenneth L. 1984. Remarks on creativity in Aboriginal verse, in Problems and solutions. Occasional essays in musicology presented to Alice M. Moyle, ed. by Jamie C. Kassler & Jill Stubington. Sydney: Hale & Iremonger. ISBN 0 86806 148 4 416pp. $30.
    Jelinek, Eloise. 1984. Empty categories, case, and configurationality. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 2,39-76.
    Kendon, Adam. 1984. Knowledge of sign language in an Australian Aboriginal community. Journal of Anthropological Research 40,556-576.
    Kuipers, Ludo (ed.) 1984. Stories from Lajamanu. 2nd edition. See 1st edition, 1977.
    Laughren, Mary. 1984. Remarks on the semantics of body part terminology in Warlpiri. Language in Central Australia No.1:1-9. Alice Springs: Institute for Aboriginal Development.
    Laughren, Mary. 1984. Warlpiri baby talk. Australian Journal of Linguistics 4.1:73-88.
    Lehmann, Christian. 1984. Der Relativsatz. Typologie seiner Strukturen, Theorie seiner Funktionen, Kompendium seiner Grammatik. (LUS [Language Universal Series], 3). Tübingen: Gunter Narr. * s2.2.4 'Walbiri' pp.136-9 based on Hale 1976
    Pipa nyampuju nampapinkikirli manu nyajangukurlu = Bilingual Warlpiri–English mathematics book. Willowra, NT: Warlpiri Literature Production Centre. 101 pages.
    Swartz, Stephen M. 1984. Reports on Warlpiri literacy workshops, pp.133-172 in Papers in Literacy, ed. by B. Larrimore. Work Papers of SIL-AAB Series B Volume 12. December 1984. Darwin: Summer Institute of Linguistics Australian Aborigines Branch. ISBN 0 86892 316 8 * 2.8MB PDF
    Swartz, Stephen M. 1984. Perfectivity vs. Imperfectivity in Warlpiri. Paper presented at the 18 July, 1984 meeting of the Top End Linguistic Circle.
    Wilkins, David & David Nash. 1984. English form - Aboriginal semantics: semantic change in a contact situation. Presentation to CAALG (Central Australian Adult Literacy Group), Alice Springs, 25 May 1984. * see for some similar observations: Rumsey, Alan. 1983. On some syntactico-semantic consequences of homophony in North-West Australian Pidgin/Creole English. Papers in pidgin and creole linguistics No. 3. Pacific Linguistics A-65:177-89.
    Bavin, Edith & Tim Shopen. 1985. Change in progress in Warlpiri: cross-reference clitics in the auxiliary. Ts.
    Bavin, Edith & Tim Shopen. 1985. Children's acquisition of Warlpiri: comprehension of transitive sentences. Journal of Child Language 12.3,597-610.
    Bavin, Edith & Tim Shopen. 1985. The development of narrative by Warlpiri children BLS [Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society] 11,1-13. * Warlpiri children's development of narrative. 13pp.
    Bavin, Edith & Tim Shopen. 1985. Warlpiri and English: languages in contact, pp.81-94 in Pacific Linguistics C-92 Australia, Meeting Place of Languages ed. by Michael Clyne. Canberra. * 26pp. ms. [November] 1984
    Bible. 1985. Genesis-kurlu Jukurrpawangurlawiyi Kuja Kaaturlu Ngurrju Manu Yalkiri manu Walya. Genesis 1:1-25:11. April 1985. 160pp. Berrimah: Wycliffe Bible Translators.
    Bible. 1985. Jesus-kirli ngurrju yimi kuja yirrarnu Mark-rli pukungkaju = Gospel of Mark : Warlpiri. 254 pages. [Darwin] : Wycliffe Bible Translators. * dedicated at Lajamanu on Friday 27 September 1985
    Guerssel, Mohammed, Kenneth Hale, Mary Laughren, Beth Levin, and Josie White Eagle. 1985. A Cross-linguistic Study of Transitivity Alternations, pp.48-63 in Causatives and Agentivity. Papers from the Chicago Linguistic Society Vol. 21, Part 2. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. * Warlpiri, pp.56-59
    Hale, Ken & Mary Laughren. Warlpiri Dictionary Project. ts. June 1985. SPEECH:<
    Hale, Kenneth. 1985. Notes on world view and semantic categories: some Warlpiri examples. 32pp. ts. M.I.T. and Katholieke Hogeschool, Tilburg.
    Hale, Kenneth. [c1985]. Remarks on Warlpiri grammar and the analysis of phenomena.  4pp. typescript. M.I.T.
    Hulst, Harry van der, and Norval Smith. 1985. Vowel features and umlaut in Djingili, Nyangumarda and Warlpiri, pp.277–303 in Phonology Yearbook 2, ed. by Colin J. Ewen and John M. Anderson. C.U.P. * Section 3 'Warlpiri', 294-9 *
    Johnson, Mark. 1985. Parsing with discontinuous constituents. ACL Chicago proceedings, pp.127-132.
    Laughren, Mary. 1985. Warlpiri reflexives, 'inherent' reflexives and grammatical relations. Presented to Department of Linguistics & Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
    Laughren, Mary. 1985. Case Assignment Across Categories in Warlpiri. Paper presented at Linguistics Society of America winter meeting, 27-30 December, Seattle.
    Laughren, Mary. 1985. The Split Case Hypothesis Reexamined: The Warlpiri Case. Paper presented at ALS, August 1985.
    Nash, David and †P. Patrick Jangala. Warlpiri dictionary update. Language in Central Australia 3,23-4.
    Simpson, Jane H. 1985. Wakirti Warlpiri (A short dictionary of Eastern Warlpiri with grammatical notes) Draft 4: 19/11/85. Ali Curung and Tennant Creek. ts. 49pp. [This dictionary was compiled and typed by Jane Simpson from work of participants in a 2-week Warlpiri literacy course sponsored by Batchelor College in September 1985]. [Draft 5: See Nash 1990]
    Steele, Susan. 1985. Disagreeing about Agreement. Paper presented at Linguistics Society of America winter meeting, 27-30 December, Seattle.
    Swartz, Stephen. 1985. Translating the names of God into Warlpiri. The Bible Translator 36,415-418.
    Robert Hoogenraad & Ned Hargraves Jampijinpa. 1986. Extension of Hale 1974 Warlpiri Picture Syllabary * including charts and Gavan Breen's 'The sounds of Warlpiri' (Breen 1982)
    Karlarlakari-karlarlakari-kirli kujarnalu yirri-puraja manu yirrarnu nyurruwiyi turnujarrinjarla Wirliyajarrayi manu Yurntumurla. Warlpiri Triangle Mathematics Workshops November 1985, September 1986. The pattern of decimal numeration and its expression in units for formal measurement of money, length, area, volume and mass. Yuendumu: Bilingual Resources Development Unit, Yuendumu School. 1987. ISBN 0867512431 viii+75pp. * Batchelor College Library 370.71 KAR
    Bavin, Edith. 1986. Review of Swartz (ed.) 1982. Oceania 236-7.
    Bouma, Gosse. 1986. Grammatical Functions and Agreement in Warlpiri, pp.19-26 in Linguistics in the Netherlands 1986, ed. by Frits Beukema and Aafke Hulk. (Papers presented at the 17th annual meeting of the 'Algemene Vereniging voor Taalwetenschap' (Linguistic Society of the Netherlands), Utrecht, January 25 1986.) AVT Publications 2. Dordrecht: Foris. ISBN 90-6765-254-7
    Bouma, Gosse. 1986. Kategoriale grammatika en het Warlpiri. GLOT 8.3,227-55. * drafts: A categorial grammar for Warlpiri. 35pp. ts. 1985; 36pp. July 1985
    Bouma, Gosse. 1986. Warlpiri wildness: a categorial case-study of free word order. Master Thesis. Instituut voor Algemene Taalwetenschap, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. ii+129pp. * mentioned in his c1996 interview
    Brunson, Barbara. 1986. A Processing Model for Warlpiri Syntax and Implications for Linguistic Theory. M.A. Thesis, University of Toronto. Technical report CSRI-208. Computer Science Department, University of Toronto. * abstract *
    Hale, Ken. 1986. On configurational structures. ASJU: Annuario del Seminario de Filologia Vasca <<Julio de Urquijo (Donostia - San Sebastian) XX-2,pp.351-358.
    Hale, Ken. forthcoming [1986] Warlpiri as the unmarked case.
    Hale, Kenneth. 1986. Notes on world view and semantic categories: some Warlpiri examples, pp.233-254 (Chapter 8) in Features and projections, ed. by Peter Muysken & Henk van Riemsdijk. Dordrecht: Foris.
    Harkins, Jean. 1986. Semantics and the language learner: Warlpiri particles. Journal of Pragmatics 10, 559-573. * see Harkins 1982
    Kashket, Michael B. 1986. Parsing a free-word order language: Warlpiri. ACL Proceedings, 24th Annual Meeting. pp.60-66. * Cf. Kashket 1991.
    Kendon, Adam. 1986. Iconicity in Warlpiri Sign Language, pp.437-446 in Iconicity: essays on the nature of culture; Festschrift for Thomas A. Sebeok on his 65th birthday, ed. by Paul Bouissac, Michael Herzfeld and Roland Posner. Problems in Semiotics, Bd.4 ISBN 3-923721-84-6 Tübingen: Stauffenburg-Verlag.
    Kendon, Adam. 1986. Warlpiri Sign Language Dictionary. 6 videocassettes. Demonstrations for Warlpiri sign language at Yuendumu; a video dictionary in five parts. * AIATSIS Audiovisual Archive LV0744-49 * see Kendon 1990 for printed component
    Marácz, László. 1986. On transitivity in non-configurational languages, in Linguistics in the Netherlands 1986, ed. by Frits Beukema and Aafke Hulk. (Papers presented at the 17th annual meeting of the 'Algemene Vereniging voor Taalwetenschap' (Linguistic Society of the Netherlands), Utrecht, January 25 1986.) AVT Publications 2. Dordrecht: Foris. ISBN 90-6765-254-7 * s.3.1 Warlpiri
    McCarthy, John & Alan S. Prince. 1986. Prosodic Morphology. 108pp. ts. October 1986. U.Mass. Amherst. [See McCarthy & Prince 1993]
    Muysken, Pieter & Henk van Riemsdijk (eds). 1986. Features and Projections. xviii+254pp. Dordrecht: Foris. ISBN 90 6765 144 3 (paper) US$.26.90
    Nash, David. 1986. Lexicography. Section 3.14 [4 pages] in Science and technology for Aboriginal development, ed. by Barney D. Foran & Bruce Walker. Alice Springs: CSIRO and Centre for Appropriate Technology. ISBN 0 643 04129 X (CSIRO ISBN 0 9590953 1 4 (C.A.T.) [unpaginated]
    Nash, David. 1986. Topics in Warlpiri Grammar. Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics. Third Series. [Copyright 1985]. ISBN 0-8240-5435-0 263pp. New York, London: Garland Publishing Inc. US$37 * slightly corrected published version of 1980 dissertation
    Nathan, David. 1986. Topics in Configurationality. Division of Linguistics, La Trobe University, BA (Hons) thesis, November 1986. v+79pp.
    Simpson, Jane & M. Withgott. 1986. Pronominal clitic clusters and templates. [Template Morphology], pp.149-174 in The Syntax of pronominal clitics edited by Hagit Borer. Syntax and Semantics, Volume 19. Academic Press.
    Wierzbicka, Anna. 1986. What's in a noun? (or: how do nouns differ in meaning from adjectives?) Studies in Language 10.2,353-389.
    Barton, G. Edward, Robert Berwick & Eric Ristad. 1987. Computational complexity and natural language. MIT Press. 320pp. ISBN 0-262-02266-4 "A Bradford book."
    Bavin, Edith L. & Tim Shopen. 1987. Innovations and neutralizations in the Warlpiri pronominal system. Journal of Linguistics 23,149-175. [Draft 26+[5]pp. ts. La Trobe / A.N.U. Earlier version 'Neutralisation and innovation in the Warlpiri pronominal system' presented at Australian Linguistic Society annual meeting, Brisbane, August 1985.]
    Bavin, Edith. 1987. Anaphora in children's Warlpiri. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 10.2,1-11.
    Berwick, Robert C. 1987. Principle-Based Parsing. Technical report 972, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. June, 1987. 109pp. To have appeared in The Processing of Linguistic Structure, MIT Press. * Warlpiri: Section 3.1 Parsing free-word order languages, pp.44-60 * Cf. Berwick 1991.
    Brunson, Barbara. 1987. Constraints on Discontinuity, pp.1-19 in Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 8, November 1987, ed. by Peter Avery with Hitay Yukseker. C$7. Toronto: Linguistics Graduate Course Union, Dept Linguistics, University of Toronto. [Warlpiri pp.4-9 passim; s3.2.4 Warlpiri Discontinuity, p.15]
    Granites, Kurt Japanangka & Tim Shopen. 1987. Jitirninjakurlangupinki Pina-jarrinjakurlangu. Sections 1-34 of Simple Method of Locating Faults in the Ignition System (Vocational Training Branch, ILO Geneva, ISBN 92-2-104020-8), translated into Warlpiri. Lajamanu, April 1987. 26pp. *
    Green, Tom. 1987. The semantics of temporal clitics in Warlpiri. 28+2pp. ms., University of Sydney, July 1987.
    Jeffers, Robert. 1987. On methodology in syntactic reconstruction: reconstructing inter-clause syntax in prehistoric Indo-European, pp.305-323 in Papers from the 7th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, ed. by Anna Giacalone Ramat, Onofrio Carruba and Giuliano Bernini. Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science, Volume 48. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [Warlpiri relative clause, p.321n18.]
    Kashket, Michael Brian. 1987. A Government-Binding based parser for Warlpiri, a free-word order language. M.S. thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, M.I.T. 165pp.
    Kendon, Adam. 1987. Speaking and signing simultaneously in Warlpiri sign language users. Multilingua 6.1,25-68.
    Koch, Grace & Hosking, Dianne. 1987. Australian Aboriginal language data: the sound recording collection of Kenneth Hale. Australian Aboriginial Studies 1987/1,110-1.
    Laughren, Mary & Ken Hale. 1987. Lexicology and the Warlpiri dictionary project. Paper presented in Section 17 (Lexicography and Lexicology) of the World Congress of AILA (International Applied Linguistics Association), Sydney, August 1987. [17+2pp. ts.]
    Laughren, Mary. 1987. Some innovations in modern Lajamanu Warlpiri. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Australian Linguistics Society, Canberra. 18pp. ts.
    Lofts, Pamela (compiler). 1987, 2011, 2013, 2016. Warnayarra : the rainbow snake /​ told by the Senior Boys Class, Lajamanu School. Sydney : Ashton Scholastic. * Big book published 1993 (Braille), 2011: 1 big book, 4 small books, 1 volume teaching notes *
    Napanangka, Bessie [Dixon]. Tiapitiki: Nyarrpa-jarrimirliparla. [Diabetes: what we can do for it.] Warlpiri yirrarnu Piji Napanangkarlu Lajamanurla 11-4-87 15pp. *
    Nash, David. 1987. Warlpiri dictionary project: Interim documentation. 24pp. MS.
    Sells, Peter, Annie Zaenen & Draga Zec. 1987. Reflexivization Variation: Relations between Syntax, Semantics, and Lexical structure, pp.169-238 in Iida, Wechsler & Zec (eds) 1987. * s.2.5 Warlpiri,192-3; tables 201,214
    Simpson, Jane. 1987. The Warlpiri Dictionary project: entries for affixes. Paper presented Monday, March 23, Department of Linguistics, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh. * abstract in NL-KR Digest Volume 2 No. 17
    Simpson, Jane. 1987. A logophoric suffix in Warlpiri? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Australian Linguistics Society, Canberra. 4(?)pp. handout
    Sproat, Richard & Barbara Brunson. 1987. Constituent-based morphological parsing: a new approach to the problem of word-recognition. Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp.65-72. (Stanford conference, July 1987)
    Tsujimura, Natsuko. 1987. A comprehensive theory of switch-reference (Tairora, Hopi, Warlpiri). PhD dissertation, University of Arizona. 193pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 48/02A, p.383. Publication No: AAC8711648
    Vainikka, Anne. 1987. Case and verbal agreement as argument numbering. U.Mass. Amherst 62pp. ts. December, 1987. * s.2 Dyirbal is not 'split ergative', pp.11-21; s.6 The double-layered system of Warlpiri, pp.42-51.
    Austin, Peter (ed.) 1988. Complex sentence constructions in Australian languages. Typological Studies in Language (TSL). Volume 15. vii+289pp. ISBN 1-55619-016-6 (hb/US) ISBN 90-272-2887-6(hb/Eur) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    Bavin, Edith. 1988. The acquistion of locative terms by Warlpiri children. 36+3pp. ts. May 1988. La Trobe University. * see Bavin 1990
    Bavin, Edith L. 1988. Teaching Warlpiri as a community language, in Language programs in primary schools: some Australian experiences, ed. by EL Bavin & ML Wales. [Geelong], Vic.: Deakin University. 83pp. * Prepared for a course presented by Deakin University School of Education, Open Campus Program. Bibliography: pp.77-79.
    Kendon, Adam. 1988. Sign languages of Aboriginal Australia: cultural semiotic and communicative perspectives. xviii+542pp. US$49.50 Cambridge University Press. * Chapter 14 adapted to Kendon 1995.
    Laughren, Mary. 1988. Toward a lexical representation of Warlpiri verbs, pp.215-242 in Thematic relations. Syntax and Semantics, Volume 21, ed. by [Wendy Wilkins]. Academic Press. *
    Nash, David (comp.) 1983-88. Warlpiri [Vocabulary in the Domain of] Topography. Acacia. Birds. Insects. Mammals. Emotions. Fire. Computer printouts. [Each is based on and incorporates the relevant section of Hale 1959, transferred into modern orthography]
    Plant, Geoff. 1988. Speech test procedures for use with hearing impaired Aboriginal children, pp.334-7 in Proceedings of the Second Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology (SST-88), Sydney, 29 November - 1 December 1988, ed. by Michael Wagner. ISBN 0 9588579 1 1 Canberra: Australian Speech Science and Technology Association. [GPO Box 143] * Warlpiri children at Yuendumu
    Rhodes, Jon, Tess Napaljarri Ross and Helen Napurrurla Morton. 1988. Yuendumu, pp.275-301 in After 200 years : photographic essays of Aboriginal and Islander Australia today, edited by Penny Taylor. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. * test in Warlpiri with English translation *
    Simpson, Jane. 1988. Case and complementiser suffixes in Warlpiri. 13pp. in Austin (ed.) 1988:205-218. * 1985 ms.
    Swartz, Stephen M. 1988. Constraints on zero anaphora and word order in Warlpiri narrative text. May 1988. M.A. thesis in Applied Linguistics from Pacific College of Graduate Studies [Melbourne] in association with William Carey International University. vi+165pp. ts. [See Swartz 1991]
    Bavin, Edith. 1989. Some lexical and morphological changes in Warlpiri, Chapter 18, pp.267-286 in Investigating obsolescence: studies in language contraction and death, edited by Nancy C. Dorian. (Studies in the Social and Cultural Foundations of Language, 7) Cambridge University Press. [1986 38pp. ts.]
    Hale, Kenneth, Mary Laughren & Jane Simpson. (in press 1989). * see 1995
    Jones, Alex I. 1989. Australian and the Mana languages. Oceanic Linguistics 28.2(Winter),181-196. [compares Tamil, Warlpirri [sic], Sedang, Finnish] * See Ringe 1995
    Lajamanu school staff. 1989. Julie Watson Nungarrayi, Valerie Patterson Napanangka, Gracie White Napaljarri, Fiona Granites Napurrurla, Kinjipi James Napangardi and Barbara Tasman Napurrurla, with support from Mary Laughren and Lee Cataldi, translated the Rigby Maths Series Book 1 into Warlpiri
    Laughren, Mary. 1989. The configurationality parameter and Warlpiri, pp.319-353 in Configurationality: the typology of asymmetries, ed. by László (Laci) K Marácz & Pieter Muysken. Dordrecht: Foris. * 34pp. ts. 1987 *
    Nash, David. 1989. [Warlpiri vocabulary. Over 700 items.] * See Pink 1934
    YUENDUMU — Tuesday 11 April 1989 PUBLIC MEETING. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of the Northern Territory. Select Committee on Constitutional Development. * PDF and other Transcripts linked from * see 1996 report * includes many passages in Warlpiri with English translation
    Simpson, Jane. 1989. Warlpiri colour terms. [compilation of dictionary etc data] 15/5/89 15pp. ts. * cited by Wierzbicka 1990
    Alpher, Barry. 1990. Some proto-Pama-Nyungan paradigms: a verb in the hand is worth two in the phylum, pp.155-171 in Studies in Camparative Pama-Nyungan, ed. by D. Tryon & G.N. O'Grady. Pacific Linguistics C-111. xxii+279pp.
    Bavin, Edith. 1990. Locative terms and Warlpiri acquisition. Journal of Child Language 17,43-66. * see Bavin 1988
    Bavin, Edith. 1990. Acquisition of form/ function mappings in the Warlpiri tense/ aspect system. La Trobe Working Papers in Linguistics 3,15-27.
    Bavin, Edith & Tim Shopen. 1990. Cues to sentence interpretation in Warlpiri, pp.185-205 in The crosslinguistic study of sentence processing, edited by Brian MacWhinney & Elizabeth Bates. 512pp. ISBN 0-521-26196-1 CUP. * Warlpiri children's processing of transitive sentences 44pp. ts. November 1985.
    Breen, Gavan. 1990. Salvage studies of western Queensland Aboriginal languages. Pacific Linguistics B-105. xi+166pp. * Chapter 7, pp.154-163. 'Vocabulary comparisons and genetic relationships'; p.156 vocab counts Warlpiri-W Anmatyerr-W Alyawarr-Kaytetye
    Hendrie, Timothy R. 1990. Initial apicals in Nuclear Pama-Nyungan, pp.15-77 in Studies in comparative Pama-Nyungan, ed. by D. Tryon & G.N. O'Grady. Pacific Linguistics C-111. xxii+279pp.
    Herbert, Jeannie Nungarrayi. 1990. Community languages at Lajamanu. Ngoonjook 3 (Sept),1-3.
    Kendon, Adam. 1990. Warlpiri sign language at Yuendumu : demonstrations for a Warlpiri sign language dictionary / by Ruby Nangala Robertson and Winnie Nangala. Indexes for Demonstrations for Warlpiri sign language at Yuendumu; a video dictionary in five parts. * AIATSIS Library PMS 4887 * See Kendon 1986 for video component
    Kendon, Adam. 1990. Sign Languages of Aboriginal Australia: A visual Exposition. 48min, sd., col., Video (VHS). "Location material recorded between 1978 and 1986 at Yuendumu, Northern Territory..." * AIATSIS Audiovisual Archive LV2073 * ANU Library Chifley reserve audio-vis PL7101.W3K46 1990
    ANU annotation: Using the Warlpiri women as a case study, shows the use and structure of sign language as a means of manual communication at certain times, such as when there are taboos on speaking
    Nash, David. 1990. Patrilects of the Warumungu and Warlmanpa and their neighbours, pp.209-220 in Language and history: Essays in honour of Luise Hercus, ed. by Peter Austin, R.M.W. Dixon, Tom Dutton & Isobel White. Pacific Linguistics C-116. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, RSPacS, ANU.
    Nash, David (with LA Hercus, HJ Koch & JH Simpson). 1990. High vowel phonotactics in central Australian languages. Presented at the annual meeting of the Australian Linguistics Society, Macquarie University, 27 September 1990. 5pp. handout.
    Nash, David. 1990. Wakirti Warlpiri. A short dictionary of Eastern Warlpiri with grammatical notes. Kunayungku, Tennant Creek, Alekarenge. Draft 5, May 1990. ts. 61pp. [Draft 4: Simpson 1985]
    Nelson, Alice Napurrurla/ Nangala. 1990. Bushfire Dreaming. Ngoonjook 4 (Nov 1990),40-41. * Jipiranpa
    O'Grady, GN. 1990. Pama-Nyungan: the tip of the lexical iceberg, pp.209-259 in Studies in comparative Pama-Nyungan, ed. by GN O'Grady & DT Tryon. Pacific Linguistics C-111. xxii+279pp.
    Price, David. 1990. Warlpiri Wangkanjaku: A Learner's Guide. M.Litt. thesis, Department of Linguistic, University of New England, Armidale.
    Simpson, Jane. 1990. A note on an inversion marker in Warumungu pronominal clitics, pp.259-269 in Language and history: Essays in honour of Luise Hercus, ed. by Peter Austin, R.M.W. Dixon, Tom Dutton & Isobel White. Pacific Linguistics C-116. Canberra: Linguistics, RSPacS, ANU.
    Speas, Margaret J. 1990. Phrase structure in natural language. Studies on Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 21. 312pp. ISBN 0-7923-0755-0 61.00 Dordrecht: Kluwer. s.3.4.3 The Structure of Warlpiri, pp.159-172, in Chapter 3 Configurationality
    Thieberger, Nick. 1990. AIATSIS word lists. [Wordlists of 12 Australian languages] [HyperCard stack]. Uploaded 2020-08-03 to * includes Warlpiri word list from Nash (ed.) 1981 IAD Sourcebook
    Watts, Lisa (comp.) 1990. Aboriginal languages and communities of the Northern Territory. Produced by Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association (CAAMA). 154 leaves. * AIATSIS Library MS 2861
    AIATSIS Library annotation: Listing of languages and communities in the Northern Territory; includes addresses, approximate locations and population numbers of communities and attached outstations
    Whitehead, Oscar. 1990. Which way is up? A preliminary comparative study of compass point direction terms in Australian languages. Honours thesis, University of Melbourne, December 1990. v+98+xi pp.
    Wierzbicka, Anna. 1990. The meaning of colour terms: semantics, culture, and cognition. Cognitive Linguistics 1.1,99-150. * p.137 cites Heather Brimson, p.c.; p.108n4 cites Simpson 1989:2
    1990. Warlpiri to English vocabulary. Alice Springs: Institute for Aboriginal Development. 97+[14]pp. ISBN 0-949659-54-1 * Based on Hale 1974.
    Bavin, Edith L. 1991. Socialisation and the acquisition of Warlpiri kin terms. Papers in Pragmatics 1.3,319-44.
    Bavin, Edith L. & Tim Shopen. 1991. Warlpiri in the 80's: an overview of research into language variation and child language, pp.104-117 in The language of Australia, ed. by Suzanne Romaine. Cambridge University Press. * 30pp. ts. December 1986.
    Berry, Lyn. 1991. Stress in Warlpiri. Paper for Prosodic Morphology course, LSA Summer Institute, UC Santa Cruz.
    Berwick, Robert C. 1987. Principles of principle-based parsing, pp.1-37 in Pinciple-based parsing: computation and psycholinguistics, ed. by Robert C. Berwick, Steven P. Abney & Carol Tenny. (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, Volume 44) Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. * s.3 Making principle-based parsing work: control and data structures, pp.11-23. * Cf. Berwick 1987.
    Bittner, Maria & Ken Hale. 1991. Syntax and semantics of the ergative construction [project description]. NSF grant BNS-9108381, 9/1991-2/1994 * comparative study with Warlpiri and several other languages
    Kashket, Michael B. 1991. Parsing Warlpiri -- a free-word order language, pp.121-151 in Pinciple-based parsing: computation and psycholinguistics, ed. by Robert C. Berwick, Steven P. Abney & Carol Tenny. (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, Volume 44) Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. * Cf. Kashket 1987.
    Nash, David. 1991. [Warlpiri fire management], p.12 in Management of spinifex deserts for nature conservation, ed. by David Pearson. Proceedings of a Workshop held at the Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA, 11-13 July 1990. Occasional Paper 1/91, May 1991. x+49pp. ISSN 1031-4865 Como, WA: Department of CALM.
    Simpson, Jane. 1991. Warlpiri morpho-syntax. A lexicalist approach. Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory Volume 23. ISBN 0-7923-1292-9 xvii+512pp. A$121
    Swartz, Stephen M. 1991. Constraints on zero anaphora and word order in Warlpiri narrative text. SIL-AAIB Occasional Papers No. 1. ISBN 0 86892 342 7 xv+132pp. $10 * texts: * from Swartz 1988
    Tranel, Bernard. 1991. CVC light syllables, geminates and Moraic Theory. Phonology 8.2,291-302. doi:10.1017/S095267570000141X * Published online by Cambridge University Press 20 Oct 2008 * "Mentions Warlpiri." according to Claire Bowern
    Bavin, Edith. 1992. The acquisition of Warlpiri, pp.309-71 in The crosslinguistic study of language acquisition, Vol. 3, ed. by D.I. Slobin. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. * [v]+90+[7]pp. ms. La Trobe University. December 1990
    Berry, Lyn. 1992. Phrasal stress in Warlpiri. Presented to ALI-92 Phonology Workshop, Australian Linguistic Institute, University of Sydney, 4 July 1992.
    Gale, Mary-Anne. 1992. Dhangum djorra'wuy dhawu the development of writing in Aboriginal languages in S.A. and the N.T. since colonisation. [microform] Casuarina, NT: Northern Territory University. 1 microfilm reel ; 16 mm. Thesis (M.Ed.)--Northern Territory University, 1992. * NLA call number Mfm G27,617 Published 1997.
    Hale, Ken. 1992. Basic word order in two 'free word order' languages, pp.63-82 in Pragmatics of word worder flexibility, ed. by Doris Payne in Typological Studies in Language, 22. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN 1-55619-409-9(pback) US$29.95 [1987 14pp. ts. MIT, October 1987. Presented at Linguistics Dept, Eugene, Oregon, November 1987.] * Papago, Warlpiri
    Halpern, Aaron. Topics in the placement and morphology of clitics. Stanford University dissertation. 331pp. UMI Order No: AAC 9302213 [abstract] * published version 1995 q.v. deals with Warlpiri
    Laughren, Mary. 1992. Secondary predication as a diagnostic of underlying structure in Pama-Nyungan languages, pp.199-246 in Thematic structure: Its role in grammar, edited by IM Roca. (Linguistic models series.) Berlin, New York: Foris/Walter de Gruyter.
    Laughren, Mary (compiler). 1992. Kuyu-pinki-kirli yirdi-kangu-kangu-kurlu. Warlpiri-English wordlist. Fauna: names of animals and insects. Draft October 1992. [ii]+19pp. Photocopy. NT Department of Education, Alice Springs.
    Laughren, Mary (compiler). 1992. Watiya-pinki-kirli manu marna-pinki-kirli manu miyikari-miyikari-kirli yirdi-kangu-kangu-kurlu. Warlpiri-English wordlist. Flora: names of trees, plants and grasses. Draft November 1992. [ii]+20pp. Photocopy. NT Department of Education, Alice Springs.
    Nash, David. 1992. Hot and cold over clockwise, pp.291-297 in The language game: papers in memory of Donald C. Laycock, ed. by T.E. Dutton, M.D. Ross & D.T. Tryon. Pacific Linguistics C-110. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, RSPacS, ANU.
    Pensalfini, Robert. 1992. Degrees of freedom: word order in Pama-Nyungan languages. Honours thesis, University of Western Australia.
    Smith, Henry. 1992. Restrictiveness in Case Theory  (GERMAN, GREEK, JAPANESE, WARLPIRI, KABARDIAN). PhD, Stanford University. 370pp. UMI Order no. AAT 9221667  Abstract * published as Smith 1996; reviewed by Ostler 2000
    [Bible.] Yimi-nyayirni-wangu God-kurlangu [=God's Special Story]. Genesis 1-25:11, Mark, Acts, 1 Corinthinas, Colossians, James and 1 John in Warlpiri and English. 910pp. ISBN 0647141604
    Alpher, Barry Jacob. 1993. Out-of-the-ordinary ways of using a language, pp.97-106 in Language and culture in Aboriginal Australia, edited by Michael Walsh and Colin Yallop. Canberra; Aboriginal Studies Press.
    AIATSIS Library annotation: Differences in speech varieties shown in examples of respect register in Uw-Oykangand, Yir-Yoront and Dyirbal where generic rather than specific vocabulary is used; use of respect registers; features of initiation register, Demin, of Lardil and Warlpiri sign language
    Anderson, S.R. 1993. Wackernagel's revenge. Language. * p.82 quotes Simpson 1991:69 on Aux and agreement clitics in Warlpiri
    Kendon, Adam. 1993. Space, time and gesture. Degrés. Revue de synthèse à orientation sémiologique 21 no.74b 'Verbal, non verbal' (été 1993), 3-16 * pp.10-12: expression of time in Warlpiri sign language
    Kroeger, Paul. 1993. Phase structure and grammatical relations in Tagalog. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
    McCarthy, John & Alan Prince. 1993. Prosodic Morphology I: constraint interaction and satisfaction. Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science Technical Report RuCCS TR-3. [To appear, MIT Press.] [184pp. ts. U.Mass. Amherst and Rutgers.] [See McCarthy & Prince 1986]
    Simpson, J. 1993. Anaphors in Warlpiri. Guest lecture presented at OTS, 10 May 1993. Onderzoekinstituut voor Taal en Spraak (OTS), Research Institute for Language and Speech, Utrecht University.
    Tsunoda, Tasaku. 1993. Typological study of word order (15): Warlpiri and (16): Alyawarra. Studies in Language and Literature (Tsukuba) 24,1-43.
    Warlpiri Dictionary Project. 1993. Warlpiri Dictionary. Work in progress by Mary Laughren and others. Machine-readable data files. Deposited at ASEDA, AIATSIS.
    Gale, Mary-Anne. 1993. A brief history of writing in Aboriginal languages. Aboriginal Child at School, 1-11.
    Australian Phrasebook. (Lonely Planet Language Survival Kit.) ISBN 0-86442-256-3. Hawthorn, Vic.: Lonely Planet Publications. Central Australian Languages, pp.96-121 ("compiled by Jenny Tindale, IAD, with contributions from Lizzie Ellis, Gavan Breen and Robert Hoogenraad, and ideas and assistance from Lorna Wilson, Mark MacLean and Ken Grime."(p.3) * Warlpiri, pp.116-121.
    Baarda, Wendy. 1994. The impact of the bilingual program at Yuendumu, 1974 to 1993, pp. 204-213 in Aboriginal languages in education, ed. by Deborah Hartman and John Henderson. Alice Springs: IAD Press.
    Bittner, Maria & Ken Hale. (1994 in progress). Syntax and semantics of the ergative construction. Chap. 3 'Warlpiri' [57pp. ts. 1994]
    Butcher, A.R. 1994. On the phonetics of small vowel systems: evidence from Australian languages. In: R. Togneri (ed): Proceedings of the 5th Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology. Canberra: Australian Speech Science and Technology Association, Vol I, 28-33.
    Cataldi, Lee. 1994. Independent and compound verbs in Warlpiri, Ngardi and Jaru. Paper presented at a meeting of Kimberley linguists, KLRC. September 1994. * 4pp. draft
    Errey, Renee. 1994. Body part/emotion polysemy. B.A. (Hons) subthesis, Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. * Warlpiri lexical semantics of body-part terms.
    Hale, Kenneth. 1994. Core structures and adjunctions in Warlpiri syntax, pp.185-219 in Studies on scrambling. Movement and non-movement approaches to free word-order phenomena, ed. by Norbert Corver & Henk van Riemsdijk. (Studies in Generative Grammar 41). Hawthorne, NY: Walter de Gruyter. Proceedings of the Tilburg Scrambling Conference, October 1990. * 36pp. ts. 1990; 41pp. ts. * * republished 2002 Mouton Classics. From Syntax to cognition. From Phonology to test. Volume 1. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, chapter 5, pp. 117-152
    Hale, Kenneth L. 1994. Universal Grammar and the necessity of linguistic diversity,11 pages. * Warlpiri is one of several languages considered * compare Hale 1996
    Laughren, Mary. 1994. Grammatical relations and binding in Warlpiri. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, Univ. Qld., September 1991. 14pp. Univ. Qld. ms. Prepared for Proceedings of Workshop on Theoretical Linguistics and Australian Aboriginal Languages, ed. by Austin & Blake.
    Manaster Ramer, Alexis. 1994. From Pitta-Pitta to Proto-Indo-European. Diachronica 11.1,141-146. * p.143 Warlpiri /y/, /w/.
    Rockman, Peggy Napaljarri & Lee Cataldi (transl.) 1994. Warlpiri Dreamings and Histories. Yimikirli. Newly Recorded Stories from the Aboriginal Elders of Central Australia. (The Sacred Literature Series of the International Sacred Literature Trust in association with HarperCollins.) Sponsored by AIATSIS. HarperCollins Publishers. xxiv+193pp. ISBN 0-06-066125-9 US$20 * reviewed by Povinelli 1995 * AltaMira Press edition 2003
    Toyne, Peter. 1994. The potential Impact of Future Telecommunications Developments on Aboriginal People in Australia. Tanami Network Pty Ltd.
    Wild, Stephen A. 1994. Aboriginal use of narrative: the Warlpiri of northern-central Australia, pp.80-83 in Dance and narrative : the Green Mill Dance Project papers 1994 (Papers from the 1994 Green Mill Dance Project), ed. by Hillary Trotter. ISBN 0646191861 vi+132pp. Canberra: Australian Dance Council (Ausdance). dt1994
    Nakamarra, Liddy, Jeannie Nungarrayi Herbert & Christine Nicholls. 1994. The little red hen and her friends: issues surrounding the Lajamanu School Bilingual Literacy Programme. New Literatures Review 28-29 (Winter/ Summer 1994/ 1995), 140-152. * Includes text of Warlpiri version of The Little Red Hen.
    Willowra Health Service. 1994. A good life for old and disabled people in remote Aboriginal communities. [poster and booklet] "Story written by April Nangala Martin, Lillian Nakamarra Spencer, Maggie Nabangardi Williams and Ruth Nakamarra Barker." NT Department of Health and Community Services.
    Ash, Anna et al. 1995. Keeping Warlpiri strong: A report about the different languages spoken at Lajamanu. [Inside: A report about the language situation at Lajamanu.] June 1995. [2]+12pp.
    Bavin, Edith. 1995. Language acquisition in crosslinguistic perspective, pp.373-96 in Annual Review of Anthropology. [cites case study of Warlpiri]
    Bavin, Edith. 1995. Inflections and lexical organisation: some evidence from Warlpiri, pp.39-53 in The development of morphological systematicity, ed. by H. Pishwa and K. Marold. Tubingen: Narr.
    Berbeco, Steven. 1995. Seeing common links: a semiotic approach to Warlpiri Sign Language. Semio-Nordica v.3-4. ISSN 0789-1571 * Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies, Odense, Imatra. Subscriptions from Treasurer: Sven Storelv, Bergen.
    Berry, Lyn. 1995. Constraints on stress in Warlpiri. Presented to the annual meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, 25 September 1996, ANU.
    Bittner, Maria & Ken Hale. 1995. Remarks on definiteness in Warlpiri, pp.81-106 in Quantification in natural languages, ed. by Emmon Bach, Eloise Jelinek, Angelika Kratzer & Barbara Partee. Dordrecht: Kluwer. ISBN 9780792331292 * PDF * 1991 30pp. ts.
    Butcher, AR. 1995. The phonetics of neutralization: the case of Australian coronals, pp.10-38 in Studies in General and English Phonetics: essays in honour of Professor JD O'Connor, ed. by J Windsor Lewis. Routledge.
    Gale, Mary-Anne. 1995. Pirrarni nganimparnarlu yanu... 'Yesterday we went...': storytelling in Warlpiri and its implications for literacy. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 113,37-58.
    Hale, Kenneth L. 1995. An Elementary Warlpiri Dictionary. Revised edition. ISBN 0949659797 Alice Springs: IAD Press. [see 1974, 1977]
    Hale, Kenneth L, Mary Laughren, and Jane Simpson. 1995. Warlpiri. Section 80, pp.1430–51 in 'XXI. Syntaktische Skizzen / Syntactic Sketches' in Syntax. / Ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung / An International Handbook of Contemporary Research. Halbd. 2. Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft series, ed. by Joachim Jacobs, Arnim von Stechow, Wolfgang Sternefeld & Theo Vennemann. ISBN 3-11-014263-5. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter. DOI:10.1515/9783110142631.2.21.1430 * in press 1989 * * reprinted (with many OCR errors) as Chapter 48, pp.1677–1709 in HSK 42.3 Syntax — Theory and Analysis, Volume 3, edited by Tibor Kiss & Artemis Alexiadou. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 10 March 2015.
    Halpern, Aaron. 1995. On the placement and morphology of clitics (CSLI Publications) * pp. 41-43: proposes the prosodic inversion analysis of clitics for Warlpiri * a revision of 1992 Stanford Ph.D. dissertation
    Kendon, Adam. 1995. Sociality, social interaction and sign language in Aboriginal Australia, pp. 112-123 in Human action signs in cultural context: the visible and the invisible in movement and dance, ed. by Brenda Farnell. Metuchen, NJ & London: Scarecrow Press. ISBN 0-8108-2867-7 * Adapted from Kendon 1988, Chapter 14.
    Latz, Peter K. Bushfires & bushtucker: Aboriginal plant use in Central Australia. Alice Springs: IAD Press. ISBN 0949659835 xv+400pp. ill. (some col.), maps ; 26 cm. [incorporates Latz 1981] * reviewed by Eric Sathre Australian Aboriginal Studies 1996/2,69-70. * some vocabulary reprinted in Lister et al 1996
    Laughren, Mary. 1995. Subordinate Object clauses and Object-control clauses in the languages of central Australia. Presented to the annual meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, 25 September 1995, ANU.
    Nicholls, Christine. 1995. Warlpiri nicknaming: a personal memoir. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 113,137-146.
    Povinelli, Elizabeth. 1995. Cultural encounters and emergent cultures in Australia. [Review of three books including Rockman & Cataldi 1994 Warlpiri Dreamings and histories — Newly recorded stories from the Aboriginal elders of central Australia]. American Anthropologist 97.1(March),141-144. DOI 10.1525/aa.1995.97.1.02a00220
    Ringe, Don. 1995. The "Mana" languages and the Three-language Problem. Oceanic Linguistics 34.1(June),99-122. * see Jones 1989
    Searchinger, Gene (producer). 1995. Part One: Discovering the Human Language "Colorless Green Ideas". Part Two: Acquiring the Human Language "Playing the Language Game". Part Three: The Human Language Evolves "With And Without Words". (Human Language Series.) 55min. videos. New York: Equinox Films, Inc. (200 W 72 St, NYC) * Warlpiri in Parts One and Two; interview with Mary Laughren
    Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella (compiled and edited). 1995. Warlpiri karnta karnta-kurlangu yimi = Warlpiri women's voices : our lives our history. / stories told by Molly Nungarrayi ... [et al.] Alice Springs: IAD Press. xv+118pp. ISBN 0949659754
    Austin, Peter & Joan Bresnan. 1996. Non-configurationality in Australian Aboriginal Languages. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 14.2,215-268.
    Beckman, Jill. 1996. Labial opacity as labial attraction. Paper presented to Session 2, Linguistics Society of America annual meeting, San Diego, 4-7 January. [abstract in meeting handbook, p.6]
    Biddle, Jennifer L. 1996. When not writing is writing. Australian Aboriginal Studies 1996/1,21-33.
    Desert schools : an investigation of English language and literacy among young Aboriginal people in seven communities. [Canberra: Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 1996. 3 v. ISBN 0642245681 (v.1) 0642245819 (set) 0642245797 (v.2.) 0642245800 (v.3.) * Vol. 1. Executive overview -- v.2. Research report -- v. 3. Literature review and bibliography. * A National Children's Literacy project funded by the Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs under the 1993/94 Children's Literacy National Projects and undertaken by NLLIA (National Languages and Literacy Institute of Australia) South Australian Teaching and Curriculum Centre, University of Adelaide and University of South Australia.
    * p.90: kurnta-play-back (R Hoogenraad)
    Bittner, Maria & Ken Hale. 1996. The structural determination of case and agreement. Linguistic Inquiry 27.1,1-68. * pp.21-26: 4.2 Samoan and Warlpiri: "Morphological Ergativity" due to transparency.
    Bittner, Maria & Ken Hale. 1996. Ergativity: towards a theory of heterogeneous class. Linguistic Inquiry 27.4,531-604.
    Hale, Kenneth L. 1996. Universal Grammar and the roots of linguistic diversity, pp.137-161 in Papers on Language Endangerment and the Maintenance of Linguistic Diversity, edited by Jonathan David Bobaljik, Rob Pensalfini and Luciana Storto. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 28. Cambridge Mass. * * compare Hale 1994 * originally given as Edward Sapir Lecture at 1995 LSA Linguistic Institute, Albequerque, New Mexico
    Jones, Alex. 1996. The wider relationships of Australasian populations: genetic and linguistic evidence. Oceania 67.2(December),140-151. * Relates "Warlbiri" to Turkish (building on Jones 1989) and Archaic Chinese through relative frequencies of initial consonants.
    Kager, René. 1996. Generalized Alignment and morphological parsing. Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS Working Papers of Theoretical Linguistics (96-009): Utrecht. *  published as Kager 1997
    Laughren, Mary & Robert Hoogenraad. 1996. A learner's guide to Warlpiri. Tape course for beginners. Wangkamirlipa Warlpirilki. Based on a tape course prepared by Kenneth Hale & Robin Japanangka Granites. Alice Springs: IAD Press. v+218pp., 5 audio cassettes. ISBN 094965919 * further information
    Lister, Peter R., Paul Holford, Tony Haigh, David A. Morrison. 1996. Acacia in Australia: Ethnobotany and potential food crop. Progress in New Crops. ASHS Press. * presented in part as a poster at the New Crops Conference at Purdue University, Indiana, 1995 * includes Warlpiri Acacia terminology from Meggitt 1962 and Latz 1995
    McConvell, Patrick. 1996. Backtracking to Babel: the chronology of Pama-Nyungan expansion in Australia. Archaeology in Oceania 31.3(October),125-144.
    Nash, David. 1996. Pronominal clitic variation in the Yapa languages: some historical speculations, pp.117-138 in Studies in Kimberley Languages in Honour of Howard Coate, ed. by William McGregor. München: Lincom Europa. ix+332pp. ISBN 3 89586 054 9
    Errata: In Table 4 (p.121), the footnote superscripts in the '2' row should all be 4 (and not 5 and 6); and delete the superscript 6 in the '12' row.
    Foundations for a common future: The Report on Paragraph 1(a) of the Committee's Terms of Reference on a Final Draft Constitution for the Northern Territory. Volume 5 - Part A — Hansard Transcripts of Public Hearings. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY of the Northern Territory. Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development. * PDF * see also 1989 transcript document * includes many passages in Warlpiri with English translation
    Sathre: review of Latz 1995.
    Simpson, Jane. 1996 presentation.  Published as Simpson 2001.
    Smith, Henry. 1996. Restrictiveness in Case Theory (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, 78) US$59.95 x+328pp. ISBN-13: 978-0521462877 * Warlpiri discussed in §3.3.3 * published version of Smith 1992 * cites Nash 1980, Simpson 1991 * reviewed by NDM Ostler, Language 75.2 (June 1999),357-360.
    Suprat, Khamish. 1996. Universal grammar: its limitations and possibilities in second language acquisition. MA thesis, University of Nevada, Reno. 58pp. * UMI Order no. AAC 1382819 * excerpt from abstract: "... the concept of Universal Grammar as encompassing all languages becomes questionable when an Australian Aboriginal language, Warlpiri or Walbiri or Waljbiri, does not fit this criteria."
    Barry, Johanna. 1997. A reappraisal of the adjoined subordinate clause in Warlpiri. Postgraduate Diploma thesis, Department of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, University of Melbourne. * re-examines the functions of /kuja/ and /ngula/, based mainly on texts in Swartz 1991 * published 2000
    Barry, Johanna. 1997. A discourse based study of adjoined relative clause complementizers in Warlpiri. Presented to Second International Workshop on Australian Aboriginal Languages, Department of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, University of Melbourne, 20th December 1997. 8pp. handout. * cf. Barry 2000.
    Biddle, Jennifer Loureide. 1997. Festerings & flirtations: on mimesis, writing and difference. Thesis (Ph. D.), Department of Anthropology, University of Sydney. [v]+vi-ix+195pp.
    Breen, Gavan. 1997. Taps, stops & trills, pp.71-93 in Boundary Rider. Essays in honour of Geoffrey O'Grady ed. by Darrell Tryon & Michael Walsh. Pacific Linguistics C-136. * p.83 Warlpiri * 19+4pp. ms. 1993
    Butcher, Andy. 1997. What Australian language speakers do with their velums and why: The phonetics of the nasal/oral contrast. Paper presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, UNE, Armidale, 28-30 September 1997. 8pp. handout. * mentions Warlpiri fast speech.
    Gale, Mary-Anne. 1997. Dhangum djorra'wuy dhawu the development of writing in Aboriginal languages in S.A. and the N.T. since colonisation. Underdale: University of SA. * cf. 1992
    Halle, Morris. 1997. Distributed morphology: impoverishment and fission, pp.425-449 in PF: Papers at the interface. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics Volume 30. Cambridge, Mass.: MITWPL (MIT Working Papers in Linguistics) * Warlpiri pronominal clitics, pp.441-7 * published 2000
    Hoogenraad, Robert & George Jampijinpa Robertson. 1997. Seasonal calendars from central Australia, pp.34-41 in Windows on Meteorology: Australian Perspective ed. by Eric K. Webb. ISBN 0-643-06038-3 Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing.
    Hui-chuan (Jennifer) Huang. 1997. Assimilation as the Result of Sequence Constraint Violation: The Case of Warlpiri. Chicago Linguistic Society 33.
    Kager, René. 1997. Generalized alignment and morphological parsing. Rivista di Linguistica 9, 245-282. * on the basis of four languages: Sibutu Sama, Diyari, Dyirbal, and Warlpiri * cf. Kager 1996 * Rutgers Optimality Archive. 22pp. ROA #36-1094
    Kenstowicz, Michael. 1997. Uniform exponence: exemplification and extension. University of Maryland Working Papers in Linguistics 5,139-153 * stress systems of Diyari, Dyirbal, Jingulu, Warlpiri and Pintupi * superseded by Kenstowicz 1998
    Laughren, Mary & Robert Hoogenraad (eds.) 1997. Warlpiri Word List. Warlpiri - English (for limited distribution). December 1996 Draft of Warlpiri Dictionary without Example Sentences. iii+204pp.
    Laughren, Mary. 1997. The origins of Western Pama-Nyungan first person subject bound pronouns. Paper presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, UNE, Armidale, 28-30 September 1997. 8pp. handout.
    Laughren, Mary. 1997. On the nature of basic and derived kin terms in Warlpiri: semantic, morphological and syntactic properties. Seminar, Friday 30 May, Department of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, University of Melbourne.
    Laughren, Mary. 1997. Warlpiri component of Language Tutorial at the Spring Conference of LAGB, University of Edinburgh, 6-9 April 1997.
    MacLaury, Robert E. 1997. Color and cognition in Mesoamerica: constructing categories as vantages. University of Texas Press. * pp.63-4: some Warlpiri data from World Color Survey discussed
    McConvell, Patrick. 1997. Long lost relations: Pama-Nyungan and Northern kinship. Chapter 13, pp.207-235 in Archaeology and Linguistics. Aboriginal Australia in Global Perspective, edited by Patrick McConvell & Nicholas Evans. Melbourne: Oxford UP. * grew out of a conference, 8-12 July 1991, NTU, Darwin * Warlpiri kin terms in Table 13.2 pp.218-9
    McConvell, Patrick, Andrew Butcher & Caroline Jones. 1997. Oral spreading in Australian languages: a phonetic basis? Paper presented to 5th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 8-10 May 1997. * Cf. Butcher 1997.
    Myer, Josef. 1987. Parsing Warlpiri A Constituent-Based Approach Using HPSG. Honours Thesis, Department of Computer Science and Centre for Linguistics, University of Western Australia. October 25, 1997. [download PostScript or LaTeX versions]
    Nash, David. 1997. Comparative flora terminology of the central Northern Territory. Chapter 12, pp.187-206 in Archaeology and Linguistics. Aboriginal Australia in Global Perspective, edited by Patrick McConvell & Nicholas Evans. Melbourne: Oxford UP. * grew out of a conference, 8-12 July 1991, NTU, Darwin
    Sheldon, Mark. 1997. Appendix 5: Common Interview Questions Translated Into Indigenous Languages [Source: The Institute of Aboriginal Development], in Psychiatric Assessment in Remote Aboriginal Communities of Central Australia. August 1997. A dissertation submitted in part fulfillment of the requirements of the Part 2 examination for the Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. * * Warlpiri, Pitjantjatjara
    Swartz, Steve. 1997. Warlpiri yimi kuja karlipa wangka. [a simplified Warlpiri Dictionary suited for use in the various Warlpiri Community Schools] 210pp. 2nd printing, November. SIL-AAIB Warlpiri Translation Project. ISBN 0 86892 435 0 * $25 including postage. The Bible Place, Australian Society for Indigenous Languages Inc., 3/ 38 Elder St, PO Box 8794, Alice Springs NT 0871, Ph. (08)89533057; fax (08)89533047; E-mail: * available online
    Talmy, Leonard. 1997. Lexicalisation patterns. 94pp. ms. Revised version for next edition of his 1985 [reprinted 1987] Lexicalisation patterns: semantic structure in lexical forms, pp.57-149 in Grammatical categories and the lexicon, ed. by Timothy Shopen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - ix+427pp. (Language typology and syntactic description, vol. 3) ISBN 0-521-31899-8 * 1997: Warlpiri added to middle row, Table 2, p.25.
    Walsh Dickey, Laura. 1997. Palatalization and the phonological structure of rhotics. Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (Nijmegen). Paper presented to HILP3, Amsterdam, 10 January. 8pp. handout. * uses Laughren 1984
    Bavin, E.L. 1998. Factors of typology in language acquisition: some examples from Warlpiri, pp. 37-55 in Case, Typology and Grammar, ed. by Anna Siewierska and Jae Jung Song. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins.
    Cataldi, Lee. 1998. A chance to speak. Southerly 58.2,5-19. * Warlukurlangukurlu: The development of domestic drama in a Warlpiri Jukurrpa narrative. Paper presented at a joint session of the 30th annual meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, and 'Land and Identity' ASAL 97 (Association for the Study of Australian Literature), UNE, Armidale, 28-30 September 1997.
    Cataldi, Lee. 1998. Metonymy in the Warlpiri narrative Wapurtarlikirli. Department of Linguistics Colloquium Series, University of Arizona. Friday, February 6, 1998.
    Evans, Nicholas. 1998. Aborigines speak a primitive language, pp.159-168 in Language Myths, ed. by Laurie Bauer & Peter Trudgill. Penguin Books. * p.166: "when a text on nuclear physics had to be translated into Warlpiri, for example, a new compound verb was coined to mean 'cause nuclear fission' by using a rooting meaning 'hit' and an element meaning 'be scattered'. The fact that Warlpiri can now be used to discuss central concepts of nuclear physics is clear testimony to the adaptability of Aboriginal languages."
    Evans, Nicholas & David Wilkins. 1998. The knowing ear: an Australian test of universal claims about the semantic structure of sensory verbs and their extension into the domain of cognition. Koeln: Institut fuer Sprachwissenschaft. 63pp. (Arbeitspapiere von Institut fuer Sprachwissenschaft Universitaet zu Koeln (Neue Folge) ; 32)
    Fabricius, Anne H. 1998. A comparative survey of reduplication in Australian languages. Studies in Australian languages 3. München [Germany]: Lincom Europa. * Warlpiri among the languages surveyed, based on Nash 1982, 1986
    Hale, Ken & Jay Keyser. 1998. The basic elements of argument structure, pp.73-118 in Papers from the UPenn/MIT Roundtable on Argument Structure and Aspect, ed. by Heidi Harley. Held at MIT in spring 1997. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics Volume 32. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. * Warlpiri pp.87,92-94, Lardil pp.98-99
    Janz, Kevin. 1998. Intelligent processing, storage and visualisation of dictionary information. 6 Nov 1998. Final draft thesis. Dept Computer Science, University of Sydney.
    Kenstowicz, Michael. 1998. Uniform exponence: exemplification and extension. 37pp. ms., MIT, March 1998. PDF * discusses stress in Diyari, Dyirbal, Jingulu, Warlpiri, and Pintupi * supersedes Kenstowicz 1997

    Kiparsky, Paul. 1998. Partitive case and aspect, pp. 265307 in The projection of arguments : lexical and compositional factors edited by Miriam Butt & Wilhelm Geuder. CSLI lecture notes; no. 83. Stanford, Calif.: CSLI * 38pp. preprint [undated; downloaded Oct 2021]
    Laughren, Mary. 1998. On the nature of basic and derived kin terms in Warlpiri. University of Queensland Linguistics Seminar, May 1998.
    Nordlinger, Rachel. 1998. Constructive Case: Evidence from Australian languages. Dissertations in Linguistics. x+194pp. CSLI Publications, Stanford University. * Warlpiri passim
    Nash, David. 1998. Motion lexicalisation: Warlpiri and Warlmanpa. Presented to a Motion Workshop at the Third International Workshop on Australian Aboriginal Languages, 28-29 April 1998, MPI, Nijmegen; and to Grammatical Model Group, Faculty of Arts, Tilburg University (Katholieke Universiteit Brabant), 6 May 1998. * Abstract; 5pp. handout.
    King, Heather B. (In progress.) The Intonation of Warlpiri. Doctor of Philosophy (Linguistics), University of Edinburgh.
    Mylne, Tom. 1998. "Incorporating" Adverbs in Modern Greek. Paper presented to the annual meeting of Australian Linguistic Society. [abstract] (Department of English, University of Queensland) * mentions 'pre-verb+verb combinations in Warlpiri' as a 'failure to conform to the "lexical integrity" hypothesis'
    Schwarz, Silvia. MA thesis. Department of Linguistics, University of Adelaide. * "My research area concerns the shift of a non-configurational language to a configurational one, with a focus on Warlpiri and Latin." [source]
    Warlpiri Dictionary Interface developed by Kevin Jansz. Linguistics, University of Sydney. Kirr Kirr demo
    Wright, Cheryl D., Yoshihiko Watanabe, and Tomoko Okada. 1998. オーストラリア・アボリジニの手話 / Osutoraria aborijini no shuwa. Osaka: Osaka choryoku shogaisha kyokai. * Japanese version of Wright 1980
    Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, University of WA, Perth, 28 September - 2 October 1999:
    Baker, Brett. 1999. Word structure in Ngalakgan. A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. December, 1999 * Section 3.2.1 Warlpiri and Diyari stress' in Chapter 3 'Affixation and Prosodic Domains'
    Bavin, Edith L. 1999. Focussing on where: an analysis of Warlpiri frog stories. Unpublished manuscript. * referred to by Bavin 2000 * published Bavin 2003
    Berry, Lynn Maree. 1999. Alignment and adjacency in Optimality Theory: evidence from Warlpiri and Arrernte. PhD thesis, Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. Sydney University digital theses * ROA #:  271-0798 ROA version and abstract
    Corris, Miriam, Christopher Manning, Susan Poetsch, & Jane Simpson. 1999. Dictionaries and endangered languages. Presented to symposium on Endangered Languages, La Trobe University, 29-30 November.  (Earlier version presented at the 1999 Perth Congress of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia.) To appear in David Bradley and Maya Bradley (eds), Language Endangerment and Language Maintenance: an active approach. [PostScript version] [RTF version]
    Donohue, Cathryn and I. A. Sag. 1999. Domains in Warlpiri. Paper presented at HPSG99 ? the Sixth Annual Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. University of Edinburgh. Presented 6 August 1999. 16pp. [ps or pdf]
    Hoogenraad, Robert & Angie Harrison. 1999. Contrastive linguistic analysis and Aboriginal TESL in Central Australia. Paper presented at the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia Congress, Perth.
    Hoogenraad, Robert & Angie Harrison. 1999. Why Warlpiri is hard to read: designing optimal orthographies for minority languages. Paper presented at the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia Congress, Perth. [abstract
    Janz, Kevin, Christopher Manning & Nitin Indurkhya. Kirrkirr: Interactive Visualisation And Multimedia From A Structured Warlpiri Dictionary. Proceedings of AusWeb99, the Fifth Australian World Wide Web Conference, pp. 302-316.
    King, Heather B. 1999. High onset pitch accents? the case of Dyirbal and Warlpiri, pp.2403–2406 in John J. Ohala, Yoko Hasegawa, Manjari Ohala, Daniel Granville & Ashlee C. Bailey (eds) ICPhS99: 14th International congress of phonetic sciences, San Francisco, USA. The Regents of the University of California. proceedings/ICPhS1999/papers/p14 2403.pdf * abstract
    Laughren, Mary & Patrick McConvell. 1999. Down under in central Australia. Presented to American Anthropological Association 98th annual meeting, Chicago, November 17-21, 1999, Chicago.
    McConvell, Patrick. 1999. Spatial Expressions and 'World View' in Ngumpin-Yapa Languages. University of Queensland Linguistics Seminar, 28 October 1999. [abstract]  * Version with Mary Laughren presented to the 98th Annual Meeting of the the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November 17->21, 1999
    Manning, Chris. 1999. Preserving ancient Aboriginal languages. Research at the University of Sydney. Publications Office, University of Sydney. * about computer interface to Warlpiri dictionary
    Northern Territory Deprtment of Education. 1999. Me and My Country. An integrated unit of work for teaching Indigenous students in Early Childhood.  Studies of Society and Environment Science.  Curriculum Support Material for Indigenous Students who have English as a Second Language (ESL). ISBN 0724534504. Darwin: The Dept. * Revised January 2007 PDF * pp.14-15: 8 Warlpiri hand Signs illustrated
    Ostler, N.D.M. Review of Smith 1996. Language 75.2 (June 1999),357-360. * cites Nash 1986, Simpson 1991:350
    Riemer, N.R. 2000. A Study of Semantic Extension of Percussion/Impact Vocabulary in English and Warlpiri. PhD Thesis, Univ. of Sydney. * contains an in-depth study of the semantics of paka-rni/pi-nyi like verbs in Warlpiri, and a more summary look at similar verbs in surrounding languages. * abstract
    Jukujukurlu pinarrikirli kuja yimirryunga jaru. Fox and Hen [Warlpiri] read by Valerie Patterson. 9'18" C-30 cassette. Produced by Steve Swartz. SIL-AAIB Media, PO Berrimah NT 0828. The Bible Place, Australian Society for Indigenous Languages Inc., 3/ 38 Elder St, PO Box 8794, Alice Springs NT 0871, Ph. (08)89533057; fax (08)89533047; E-mail:
    Tirrarlparlu kuja wankaru. Man and Cockatoo [Warlpiri] read by Valerie Patterson. 13'15" C-30 cassette. Produced by Steve Swartz. SIL-AAIB Media, PO Berrimah NT 0828. The Bible Place, Australian Society for Indigenous Languages Inc., 3/ 38 Elder St, PO Box 8794, Alice Springs NT 0871, Ph. (08)89533057; fax (08)89533047; E-mail:
    Bavin, Edith L. 2000. Ellipsis in Warlpiri: an analysis of frog stories. Linguistics 38.3, 569-589.
    Barry, Johanna. 2000. Clause adjunction in Warlpiri. Melbourne Papers in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Volume 0, Issue 1, 3-27.  * cf. Barry 1997
    Corris, Miriam, Christopher Manning, Susan Poetsch, and Jane Simpson. 2000. Bilingual Dictionaries for Australian Languages: User studies on the place of paper and electronic dictionaries. [Postscript version] Presented to 'Dictionary Making and Dictionary Use' session, The Ninth Euralex International Congress, 8-12 August 2000, Stuttgart, Germany. * cf. Corris et al 1999.
    Hale, Ken. 2000. Comments on papers, pp.197-207 in Andrew Carnie, Eloise Jelinek, and Mary Ann Willie, eds. 2000. Papers in Honor of Ken Hale. Working Papers in Endangered and Less Familiar Languages 1. August 2000. x+207pp. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. * from a WCCFL special symposium, 11 April 1999, University of Arizona * Warlpiri pp.201, 205
    Halle, Morris. 2000. Distributed morphology: impoverishment and fission, pp.125-150 in Research in Afroasiatic grammar: papers from the Third Conference on Afroasiatic Languages, Sophia-Antipolis, 1996, ed. by Jacqueline Lecarme, Jean Lowenstamm & Ur Schlonsky. (Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science. Series IV, Current issues in linguistic theory, ISSN 0304-0763; v.202). Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins. * cf. 1997 version
    Harrington, Jonathan, Andrew Butcher & Sallyanne Palethorpe. 2000. An acoustic analysis of word stress in Warlpiri. Presented to Speech Hearing and Language Research Centre, Macquarie University, 20 March 2000. 23 slides. [PowerPoint slides]
    Hoogenraad, Robert. 2000. Contrasts in the structure of English and central Australian language texts. Presented to Second International Conference in Contrastive Semantics and Pragmatics (SIC-CSP 2000), Cambridge, UK. Wednesday, 13 September 2000.
    Laughren, Mary. 2000. Reconstructing a shared innovation in the Yapa verbal paradigm. [abstract] Presented 8 July to the annual meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, 7-9 July, Trinity College, University of Melbourne. 9pp. handout. * Warlpiri and Warlmanpa inceptive
    Laughren, Mary. 2000. In a Warlpiri word. Presented to Stradbroke Workshop on Prosody, Aug. 30 - Sept. 3rd, 2000. * "There are at least three phonological processes in Warlpiri which occur within the same domain: in what I shall refer to as the 'phonological word'."
    Laughren, Mary. 2000. Le développement de l'opposition phonologique entre l'articulation occlusive et le battement dans une langue australienne (le warlpiri). Hommages à Zvonimir Junković, ed. by Jean-Philippe Dalbera. Travaux du Cercle linguistique de Nice, no.20.
    Pentland, Christina & John Ingram. 2000. Stress and duration in Warlpiri. [Abstract] Presented to the annual meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, 7-9 July, Trinity College, University of Melbourne.
    Baker, Mark C. 2001. The natures of nonconfigurationality, pp.407–438 in The handbook of contemporary syntactic theory edited by Mark Baltin & Chris Collins. Blackwell. Published Online: 21 January 2008 * includes a section 'Warlpiri‐type nonconfigurationality as secondary predication' and various references throughout
    [Bible.] Yimi-nyayirni-wangu kaatu-kurlangu. Canberra: Bible Society in Australia, c2001. 1513pp., [16]pp. of plates : ill. (chiefly col.), maps ; 26 cm. ISBN 0647508168 * "Containing Old Testament portions and the New Testament" * Online at
    Bittner, Maria and Ken Hale. 2001. Comparative notes on ergative case systems, pp.67-104 in in Papers on Australian Languages. A volume of MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, edited by Rob Pensalfini and Norvin Richards. From a round table workshop held at MIT in January 1997.  Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.  [PDF]* Inuit, Warlpiri, Hindi * 1993 outline which circulated as a manuscript (‘Ergativity: Toward a Theory of a Heterogeneous Class’) while it grew into our two articles which appeared in 1996, Linguistic Inquiry 27; edited 1997
    Berbeco, Steven. 2001. Some brief remarks on Warlpiri Sign Language, pp.59-65 in Papers on Australian Languages. A volume of MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, edited by Rob Pensalfini and Norvin Richards. From a round table workshop held at MIT in January 1997.  Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.
    Baker, Brett & Mark Harvey. 2001. Word Structure in Australian Languages.  Paper presented to the Australian Linguistics Society annual Conference, Australian National University, Canberra Thursday 27 - Sunday 30 September 2001.
    Cataldi, Lee. 2001. Rhetoric and diction in the oral epic: Molly Tasman Napurrurla’s Jajirdikirli, pp.179- in Forty years on, ed. by Jane Simpson et al. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 512.
    Granites, Robin Japanangka, and Mary Laughren. 2001. Semantic contrasts in Warlpiri verbal morphology: a Warlpiri’s verbal view, pp.151-9 in Forty years on, ed. by Jane Simpson et al. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 512.
    Hale, Ken. Australian languages, pp.273-5 in The Green Book of language revitalization in practice, ed. by Leanne Hinton & Ken Hale. San Diego: Academic Press. xvi+450pp.
    Hale, Ken. Strict locality in local language media: an Australian example, pp.276-282 in The Green Book of language revitalization in practice, ed. by Leanne Hinton & Ken Hale. San Diego: Academic Press. xvi+450pp. * Torres Strait and Yuendumu (Warlpiri)
    Harrington, Jonathan. 2001. [Notes on Warlpiri articulatory phonetics] in The Phonetics and Phonology of Australian Aboriginal Languages course notes. Macquarie University.
    Hoogenraad, Robert. 2001. Critical reflections on the history of bilingual education in Central Australia, pp.123- in Forty years on, ed. by Jane Simpson et al. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 512.
    Laughren, Mary. 2001. What Warlpiri 'avoidance' registers do with grammar, pp.199-225 in Forty years on, ed. by Jane Simpson et al. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 512.
    Laughren, Mary. 2001. The Complex Genitive Construction in northern Pama-Nyungan Languages. Presented 14 August to 15th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Melbourne, 13–17 August 2001. * later version 'Reconstructing a Morphologically Complex Genitive Pattern in Australian languages', 41pp.
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2001. Warlpiri Datives: A High Applicative, A Low Applicative, and an "Applicative". Paper presented at Appl Fest, 27-28 January, MIT. [pdf] * Three Applicative Constructions in Warlpiri. 12pp. MS, MIT. (April 9)
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2001 Symmetry and asymmetry in Warlpiri syntax. Paper presented at The Asymmetry Conference, UQAM, Montreal. * [abstract] Author's summary: Argues against a dual-structure approach to Warlpiri syntax (cf Hale 1983, LFG))
    Leitner, Gerhard. 2001. Australian linguistics: a module in Australian Studies [part 2]. Australian Language Matters 9.1(Jan/Mar 01), 11-14. ISSN 1320-2251 * two quotations from a Warlpiri magazine via Alexandra Welsch * quoted by McArthur 2003
    McConvell, Patrick & Eva Schulze-Berndt. 2001. Complex Verb Convergence and Bilingual Interaction in the Victoria River District, Australia. Paper presented to the Australian Linguistics Society Annual Conference, Australian National University, Canberra Thursday 27 - Sunday 30 September 2001. [abstract] * Programm der AG 8: Language contact and areal convergence. Donnerstag, 1. März 2001, 10:00-10:30 Uhr, Hörsaal 8 [abstract]
    Manning, Christopher D., Kevin Jansz, and Nitin Indurkhya. 2001. Kirrkirr: Software for browsing and visual exploration of a structured Warlpiri dictionary. Literary and Linguistic Computing16.2,135-151. * Paper presented at ALLC/ACH 2000. Word DOC file
    Manning, Christopher & Kristen Parton. 2001. Kirrkirr: A flexible and approachable software interface to indigenous dictionaries. IRCS Workshop on Linguistic Databases, 11-13 December 2001, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. [abstract]
    McGregor, William. 2001. Review of N. Riemer. A Study of Semantic Extension of Percussion/Impact Vocabulary in English and Warlpiri [PhD thesis] GLOT International, Vol. 5 No. 9/10, November/December 2001, 327-333.
    Riemer, Nick. 2001. Interpreting Semantic Extension: Metaphor and Metonymy on Different Levels of Lexical Categorization. Proceedings of the 2001 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society. 10pp. PDF
    Schultze-Berndt, Eva. 2001. Preverbs as an open word class in Northern Australian languages. Presented to a Workshop on Preverbs, 19 January 2001, KU Nijmegen. * "Comparative evidence suggests that preverbs constitute an old feature in Non-Pama-Nyungan languages which has diffused to some Pama-Nyungan languages in the south.
    Shopen, Tim. 2001. Explaining typological differences between languages: de facto topicalisation in English and Warlpiri, pp.187- in Forty years on, ed. by Jane Simpson et al. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 512.
    Simpson, Jane. 2001. Preferred word order and grammaticalisation of associated path in some Australian languages. In Time over matter. Diachronic perspectives on morphosyntax, ed. by Butt, Miriam & Tracy Holloway King. CSLI Publications. Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Leland Stanford Junior University, paperback ISBN 1-57586-282-4, vi+246pp. (Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism)  * Workshop presentation, LFG Conference, Grenoble, 1996. Table of Contents * see Simpson 2002
    Terrill Angela. 2001. 181: Warlpiri., pp.801-3 in Facts about the world's languages: The encyclopedia of the world’s languages: past and present, edited by Jane Garry and Carl Rubino. New York/Dublin: H.W. Wilson Press
    White, Gracie [Napaljarri]. 2001. Language use and the Lajamanu Warlpiri program. Paper presented to Symposium C Session 4: Language Maintenance and Reclamation, AIATSIS conference, Canberra, 18-21 September.
    Asher, Marcia. 2002. Mathematics elsewhere: An exploration of ideas across cultures. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. * mentions Warlpiri subsection structure
    Biddle, Jennifer. 2002. The Walpiri alphabet and other colonial fantasies. Visual Communication 1.3(October), 267-291. [abstract]
    Dixon, RMW. 2002. Copula clauses in Australian languages: a typological perspective. Anthropological Linguistics 44.1, 1-36. * Warlpiri is one of the languages discussed
    Papers presented 17-18 March 2002, University of Melbourne, Blackwood.
  • Simpson, Jane. Do Central Australian languages have depictives? 6pp. handout.
  • Laughren, Mary. Warlpiri non-finite clauses: how many types are there? 11pp. handout.
  • McConvell, Patrick. Grammaticisation of deictics as subordinate complementisers in Ngumpin-Yapa. 4pp. handout. * see McConvell 2006
  • 2002
    Laughren, Mary. 2002. Syntactic constraints in a 'free word order' language, pp.83-130 in Amberber, Mengistu and Collins, Peter, eds, Language universals and variation. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2002. Functional Projections in Warlpiri. WCCFL-21, UC Santa Cruz. * "She argued that Walpiri is not a nonconfigurational language, appealing to a rich functional layer atop the clause to explain word-order patterns, which she correlates with those found in uncontroversially configurational languages. She concluded that the parallels indicate a hidden rigidity to the clausal organization of Walpiri, one that is captured by the 'exploded' functional layer of Cinque (1999) and others working in the Minimalist Program." quoted from a report by Christopher Potts
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2002. Microparametric Non-Configurationality: The Case of Warlpiri. Invited talk, Department of Linguistics Colloquia Series, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

    Legate, Julie Anne. 2002. Split Absolutive. Presented to Ergativity Workshop, University of Toronto, 18-19 October 2002. 9 page handout.
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2002. Discontinuous Constituents and the Warlpiri Scope-Marking Construction. MS submitted 2002 to Australian Journal of Linguistics [.doc] * cited by McConvell 2006 as 'to appear' but not yet accepted by AJL (p.c. the editors, May 2006) * 'The Hows of Wh-Scope Marking in Warlpiri' presented at NELS 33, 2002, MIT, Boston, Mass. [PDF] * see Legate 2009
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2002. Warlpiri: Theoretical implications. MIT dissertation. * available from MITWPL * Chapter 1: (Non)Configurationality. Chapter 2: Warlpiri and the Theory of Reflexivity. Chapter 3: Split Ergativity. Chapter 4: Second Position Clitics
    Riemer, Nick. 2002. Verbal polysemy and the vocabulary of percussion and impact in central Australia. Australian Journal of Linguistics 22.1(April),45-96.
    Simpson, Jane. 2002. From common ground to syntactic construction: Associated path in Warlpiri, pp.287–307 in NJ Enfield (ed.) Ethnosyntax: Explorations in grammar and culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199266500.001.0001
    McGregor, William B. (editor). 2002. Verb classification in Australian languages. xiv+495 pages. ISBN 3-11-017141-4 (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology 25). Mouton de Gruyter.
    Riemer, Nick. 2002. Warlpiri nominals and the coverb construction. Seminar, Linguistics Department, Sydney University, 24 May. 11pp. handout.
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2002. Children’s speech in Lajamanu. 25pp. * University of Sydney Linguistics Department Seminar, 31 May.
    Laughren, Mary. 2002. Syntactic constraints in a ‘free word order’ language. In Language universals and variation, ed. by Mengistu Amberber and Peter Collins. Westport CT: Praeger Publishers. * was: Ablex Publishing Corp. ms. June 2000; 40pp. MS February 2001.
    Baarda, Wendy. 2003. Major Project – Final Report. The design and trial of an interactive computer program Lata-kuunu to support Warlpiri school children’s literacy learning. Submitted as a major project in part requirement for the degree of M.Ed., Northern Territory University, Darwin. vi+133pp. 1.1MB PDF
    Baker & Harvey 2003: see Harvey & Baker 2005
    Bavin, Edith. 2003. Focusing on ‘where’: an analysis of Warlpiri frog stories, pp.17-35 in Relating events in narrative: Typological and contextual perspectives. Volume 2: Typological and Contextual Perspectives, edited by Sven Strömqvist and Ludo Verhoeven. Mahwah, NJ & London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.  ISBN 0-8058-4672-7 [cloth] / November 2003 / approx. 640pp. * Google BooksPsychology Press paperback ISBN 9780415651448 published 2014-09-11 * published version of Bavin 1999
    Butcher, Andrew and Jonathan Harrington. 2003. An acoustic and articulatory analysis of focus and the word/morpheme boundary distinction in Warlpiri, pp.19-24 in Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Speech Production, Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science, Macquarie University. * abstract
    Evans, Nicholas. 2003. Context, culture, and structuration in the languages of Australia. Annual Review of Anthropology (October 2003) 32,13-40. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.anthro.32.061002.093137 * p.21 quotes Hale (1986:233) * p.16 discusses Warlpiri example of Simpson 2002
    Herbert, Jeannie Nungarrayi. 2003. Coniston massacre project. Nyusleta (March 2003),[16]-[17]. (Newsletter of the Katherine Regional Aboriginal Language Centre) * includes bilingual text
    Kay, Paul. 2003. NSM and the meaning of color words. Theoretical Linguistics 29.3,237-245. * pp.242-3 Warlpiri walyawalya (quotes passage from Kay, Berlin, Maffi and Merrifield forthcoming)
    Laughren, Mary. 2003. Cross-linguistic overview of reflexive-reciprocal constructions in some Australian languages. Presented at 15-16 March 2003, University of Melbourne, Blackwood. 12pp. handout.
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2003. The morpho-semantics of Warlpiri counterfactual conditionals. Linguistic Inquiry34.1, 155-162. * 14pp. pdf * 12pp. ms. MIT. March 15, 2000.
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2003. Reconstructing nonconfigurationality, pp.99–116 in Asymmetry in grammar. Volume 1: Syntax and semantics, ed. by Anna Maria Di Sciullo. John Benjamins. * presented at the Asymmetry Conference, 2002?, 12pp. * cf. Legate 2001
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2001. [appeared © 2003] The configurational structure of a nonconfigurational language, pp.61–104 in Linguistic Variation Yearbook 1, ed. by Pierre Pica with Johan Rooryck. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins. * 34pp. [pdf]
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2003. Split ergativity in Warlpiri. Presented at Ergativity Workshop, University of Toronto, October 2002. See Legate 2006 'Split absolutive'.
    McCarthy, John. 2003. Comparative markedness. Theoretical Linguistics 29.1-2,1–51 (Special Issue: Comparative Markedness) * p.12 alternate analysis of labial blocking effects in Warlpiri vowel assimilation * cited by Harvey & Baker 2005:1464.
    McArthur, Tom. 2003. Oxford Guide to World English. OUP. * pp.386-7 illustrates hybridization between English and Warlpiri by quoting examples from Leitner 2001
    Nash, David. 2003. Authenticity in toponymy, pp.36-40 in Maintaining the Links: Language, Identity and the Land, ed. by Joe Blythe & R. McKenna Brown. Proceedings of the Seventh FEL Conference. Broome. Western Australia. 22-24 September. Bath, UK: Foundation for Endangered Languages.  ISBN 0-9538248-5-3
    Pentland, Christina and John Ingram. 2003. Connected speech processes and prosodic constituency in Warlpiri. 6th International Seminar on Speech Production, Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science, Macquarie University. * abstract * (under revision 2004). Fortition-lenition processes and prosodic constituency in Warlpiri. Australian Journal of Linguistics
    Riemer, Nick. 2003. Les nominaux dans les complexes verbaux du warlpiri. Actances (publication of CNRS research group Rivaldi-GDR 749: Relations intercatégorielles: les variations aspecto-temporelles et les structures diathétiques) 12,55-72. * PDF version, with permission of Actances
    Riemer, Nick. 2003. Meaning change in verbs: the case of strike. In Barry Blake and Kate Burridge (eds) Historical Linguistics (ICHL 2001) Amsterdam: Benjamins.
    Rockman, Peggy Napaljarri & Lee Cataldi. 2003. Re-published from 1994.
    Ross, Teresa Napurrurla (compiler). 2003. Coniston Massacre Walpiri oral history project. 1 CD-ROM ; 'Making peace with the past : remembering the Coniston Massacre 1928-2003' booklet (10 p.) * funded by AIATSIS grant ROSS_T01 "See also AVA holdings for this grant" * AIATSIS library call numbers pMS 6390 CD and p CEN
    Corris, Miriam, Christopher Manning, Susan Poetsch, & Jane Simpson. 2004. How useful and usable are dictionaries for speakers of Australian indigenous languages? International Journal of Lexicography 17.1, 33-68. * p.36 "We worked with people from three language groups in the Northern Territory of Australia – Warlpiri  (including  from  Wakirti  Warlpiri,  an  eastern Warlpiri dialect), Warumungu and Alawa"
    Hale, Kenneth L. 2004. Warlpiri and the grammar of non-configurational languages. Chapter 44, pp.71–111 in Morphology : Critical concepts in linguistics. Volume IV: Morphology: its relation to syntax, edited by Francis Katamba. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780415270823 * reprinted from Hale 1983
    Meakins, Felicity and Carmel O'Shannessy. 2004. Shifting functions of ergative case-marking in Light Warlpiri and Gurindji Kriol. Presented Tuesday 13 July 2004 to the Australian Linguistic Society Annual Conference 2004, University of Sydney. abstract
    McConvell, Patrick, Felicity Meakins and Carmel O'Shannessy. 2004. Gurindji Kriol and Light Warlpiri. Presented to the International Working Symposium Language contact, hybrids and new varieties: Emergent possessive constructions, 3-4 September 2004, Monash University. abstract
    O'Grady, Geoff. 2004. Pama-Nyungan under unjustified attack. Mother tongue : journal of the Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory 9:7-109,131-2. * numerous Warlpiri words in correspondence sets
    Pentland, Christina and Mary Laughren. 2004. Distinguishing prosodic word and phonological word in Warlpiri: prosodic constituency in morphologically complex words. Presented Tuesday 13 July 2004 to the Australian Linguistic Society Annual Conference 2004, University of Sydney. abstract * 944kB PDF published in Proceedings edited by Ilana Mushin *
    Pentland, Christina. 2004. Stress in Warlpiri: stress domains and word-level prosody.  MPhil Thesis, School of English, Media Studies and Art History, The University of Queensland, March 2004. xxv+243pp.
    Siewierska, Anna. 2004. Person. Cambridge, England ; New York : Cambridge University Press. * pp.280-1 'Walpiri' citing Bavin (1992:267) on pronouns
    Troy, Jakelin and Michael Walsh. 2004. Terminology planning in Aboriginal Australia. Current Issues in Language Planning 5.2,151-165. * pp.12-13: examples of Warlpiri linguistic terminology
    2004 [appeared 2005]
    Event representation, Chapter 7, pp.87-104 in Annual Report 2004, ed. by Nick Enfield, Ann Keyy and Simone Sprenger. Nijmegen: Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. PDFs for download * pp.101-3 summary of O'Shannessy's Lajamanu child language study
    Flack, Kathryn. (to appear 2005). Lateral phonotactics in Australian languages, in Proceedings of NELS 35 ed. by L. Bateman and C. Ussery. Presented to 35th meeting of the North Eastern Linguistic Society (NELS 35), Storrs, Conn., 22-24 October 2004. * "Figure 2. Waveform with glottal closures (dashed vertical lines) for [ala], from Warlpiri calaŋu " * handout preprint
    Flack, Kathryn. 2005. Lateral acoustics and phonotactics in Australian languages. 2005. In K. Flack and S. Kawahara (eds.) UMass Occasional Papers in Linguistics 31: Papers in Experimental Phonetics and Phonology. * longer version of NELS paper
    Harvey, Mark & Brett Baker. 2005. Vowel harmony, directionality and morpheme structure constraints in Warlpiri. Lingua 115.10 (October 2005), 1457-1474. doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2004.06.007 * published version of 'Vowel harmony and directionality in Warlpiri' presented Sunday 28 September 2003 to the annual conference of the Australian Linguistic Society, University of Newcastle * presented Thursday 3 November 2005 to Linguistics Seminar, School of Modern Language Studies, The University of New South Wales
    Laughren, Mary. 2005. The universal quantifier and the syntax and semantics interface: comparing one’s all in English and Warlpiri. Presented to Stradbroke Island Linguistics and Philosophy Cogitamos, 5-8 November 2005 * two-page abstract PDF
    Laughren, Mary & Susana Eisenchlas. 2005. The role of animacy and definiteness in the pronoun-DP nexus. Presented to the annual meeting of the Australian Linguistics Society, 28-30 September, Monash University city campus, Melbourne. * * parallels with Spanish and Guugu-Yimidhirr
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2005. Two types of nominal split. Presented at NELS 36, U. Mass., Amherst. * abstract (data from other Australian languages but not Warlpiri); abstract, handout
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2005. Morphological and Abstract Case. MS, University of Delaware. Revised draft, Oct 2005. * published 2008
    McConvell, Patrick and Mary Laughren. 2004. The Ngumpin-Yapa subgroup, pp.151-178 in Claire Bowern and Harold Koch (eds.) Australian languages: Classification and the Comparative Method. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2005. Light Warlpiri - a new language. Australian Journal of Linguistics 25.1, 31-57.
    Riemer, Nick. 2005. The semantics of polysemy: reading meaning in English and Warlpiri. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter. (Cognitive Linguistics Research, 30) xvi+487pp. DOI 10.1515/9783110197556 * [publisher's announcement] "This book, addressed primarily to students and researchers in semantics, cognitive linguistics, English, and Australian languages, is a comparative study of the polysemy patterns displayed by percussion/impact ('hitting') verbs in English and Warlpiri (Pama-Nyungan, Central Australia)." * volume reviewed by Zouhair Maalej, LINGUIST List 17.106
    Simpson, Jane. 2005. Depictives in English and Warlpiri, pp. 69-106 in Secondary predication and adverbial modification. Crosslinguistic explorations in the syntax and semantics of depictives, ed. by Eva Schultze-Berndt & Nikolaus Himmelmann. * 2002 MS from workshop on 'Depictive secondary predicates in cross-linguistic perspective' in Bochum, 7-9 June 2001 * volume reviewed by Martin Schäfer, LinguistList 17.114
    Wierzbicka, Anna. 2005. There are no 'Color universals' but there are universals of visual semantics. Anthropological Linguistics 47, No. 2 (Summer, 2005), 217-244. * Warlpiri pp.224-5,239
    Butcher, Andy. 2006. Australian Aboriginal languages: consonant-salient phonologies and the ‘place-of-articulation imperative’, in Speech production: models, phonetic processes and techniques, ed. by Jonathan Harrington and Marija Tabain. Psychology Press. ISBN 1841694371 * preprint * includes instrumental phonetics data from Warlpiri speakers
    Hoogenraad, Robert. 2006. Warlpiri, pp.521-525 in Encyclopedia of Language and Linguisitics, Second Edition. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B0-08-044854-2/05054-9 * abstract available online 16 March 2006 through ScienceDirect
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2006. Split absolutive, in Ergativity. Emerging Issues, ed. by Alana Johns, Diane Massam, and Juvenal Ndayiragije. Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 65. Springer. * reviewed by Patrycja Jablonska, LINGUIST List 19.2107, Tue Jul 01 2008 * prefinal version * presented at The Ergativity Workshop, October 2002, University of Toronto, Canada; * sometimes cited as 2003 'Split ergativity in Warlpiri'
    McConvell, Patrick. 2006. Grammaticalization of demonstratives as subordinate complementizers in Ngumpin-Yapa. Australian Journal of Linguistics 26.1(April),107-137. DOI: 10.1080/07268600500531669 * earlier version presented 17-18 March 2002, University of Melbourne, Blackwood
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2006.  Language contact and children’s bilingual acquisition: Learning a mixed language and Warlpiri in northern Australia. PhD dissertation, Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. * abstract
    van de Visser, Mario Alexander. 2006. The marked status of ergativity. University of Utrecht dissertation. LOT Dissertation Series 141. Utrecht: LOT Publications. Full text available online, or paper copy for purchase. * especially Chapter 3 'Ergativity in nonconfigurational languages' * from publisher's blurb: "Nonconfigurational languages like Warlpiri allow for ergative case marking because of the fact that they realize every verbal argument by a pronominal argument (PA). Adjunct nouns may double the PAs."
    McConvell, Patrick. 2006. Lenition and the identification of loanwords in Gurindji. Presented in the CRLC series, 21 November, Coombs Seminar Room B, ANU. * abstract
    Hall, TA. 2006. Derived environment blocking effects in Optimality Theory. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 24.3 (August), 803-856. DOI: 10.1007/s11049-006-0003-5 * the spelling "Walpiri" is used throughout the paper and references * refers to Harvey & Baker 2005
    Booklets published by Papulu Apparr-kari Aboriginal Corporation, Tennant Creek.  Each with audio PDF on CD-ROM.
    Amberber, Mengistu, Brett Baker and Mark Harvey. 2007. Complex predication and the coverb construction, pp. 209–219 in Language Description, History and Development: Linguistic indulgence in memory of Terry Crowley, edited by Jeff Siegel, John Lynch and Diana Eades. (Creole Language Library 30). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
    Papers presented to the Pearl Beach Workshop on Australian Languages, 16-18 March, University of Sydney
  • Jeffrey Chapman: Some aspects of intonation in Warlpiri
  • Patrick McConvell: Loanwords in VRD
  • Mary Laughren: Another foray into Warlpiri complex verbs; which bit determines argument structure?
  • David Nash: Where do Warlpiri simple verbs come from?
  • 2007
    Hiatt, Les. 2007. The moral lexicon of the Warlpiri people of central Australia. Australian Aboriginal Studies 2007/1,4-30. DOI 10.3316/ielapa.713567674517192 * The moral lexicon of the Warlpiri. Presented to Anthropology Department, Mills 148, University of Sydney, 3-6pm 26 April 2007.
    Papers presented to the Indigenous Languages Conference and Annual Meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, 25-28 September, University of Adelaide
  • Robert Hoogenraad, Fiona Napaljarri Gibson: Kuja karlipajana tiiji-mani Warlpiri kuurlurla: This is how we teach Warlpiri in school    45 mins Thu 1:30pm
  • Georgia Curran: Understanding the meanings of Warlpiri songs. 3pm Thu
  • Mary Laughren: Deriving new verbs in Warlpiri 2:30pm Fri, abstract
  • 2007
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2007. The emergence of a new bilingual mixed language in Australia. Presented 10 November to Michigan Linguistics Society 37th Annual Meeting, Eastern Michigan University.
    Papers presented to OzPhon07: Workshop on the Phonetics and Phonology of Australian Languages, La Trobe University, 3-4 December 2007 * abstracts
  • Janet Fletcher, Andy Butcher, Deborah Loakes: Positional variation in consonant articulation in Warlpiri
  • Jeffrey Chapman: Intonation in Warlpiri auxiliary and complex verbs
  • John Ingram & Mary Laughren: Gradients of lenition in Warlpiri rhotics and phonetic conditions of sound change
  • 2007
    Regier, Terry, Paul Kay, and Naveen Khetarpal. Color naming reflects optimal partitions of color space. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104.4,436. * cf. Regier et al 2009
    Shopen, Timothy (ed.) 2007. Language typology and syntactic description, Volume I: Clause structure (second edition). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-58156-1 * see UD Warlpiri UFAL 2018
    Simpson, Jane. 2007. Expressing pragmatic constraints on word order in Warlpiri, pp.403–427 in Architectures, rules, and preferences: variations on themes by Joan W. Bresnan, edited by Annie Zaenen, Jane Simpson, Tracy Holloway King, Jane Grimshaw & Joan Maling. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
    Papers presented to the Workshop on Australian Languages, ANU Kioloa Coastal Campus, 28-30 March 2008
  • Georgia Curran. Travelling from Warlpiri country into Anmatyerr country: examples of song texts from a Warlpiri initiation song cycle * abstract [poster]
  • David Nash. SplitsTree: a user report. * case study: Ngumbin-Yapa simple verbs
  • 2008
    Baayen, R.H. 2008. Analyzing linguistic data: A practical introduction to statistics using R 1st Edition, Kindle and Paperback. * Exercise 1, p.42 'The data set warlpiri (data courtesy Carmel O’Shannessy) provides information about the use of the ergative case in Lajamanu Warlpiri.'
    Butterworth, Brian and Robert Reeve. 2008. Verbal counting and spatial strategies in numerical tasks: Evidence from Indigenous Australia. Philosophical Psychology 21.4, 443-457. Special issue: Number as a test case for the role of language in cognition * Easy as 1, 2, 3 : People come into the world ready to count its wonders. The Economist Dec 30th 2008 * Warlpiri at Willowra
    Butterworth, Brian, Robert Reeve, Fiona Reynolds, and Delyth Lloyd. 2008. Numerical thought with and without words: Evidence from indigenous Australian children. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) (September 2, 2008) 105.35,13179-13184. * Warlpiri at Willowra
    Ingram, John, Mary Laughren, and Jeff Chapman. 2008. Connected speech processes in Warlpiri, page 94 in proceedings of Interspeech, September 22-26, Brisbane.
    Loakes, D.E., AR Butcher, JM Fletcher, & H Stoakes. 2008. Phonetically pre-stopped laterals in Australian languages: a preliminary investigation of Warlpiri. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2008), 90-93. * Brisbane, Australia, September 22-26, 2008 *
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2008. Warlpiri and the theory of second position clitics. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 26,3–60.  DOI:10.1007/s11049-007-9030-0 * 2004 MS, University of Delaware. * "A common misconception regarding clitic placement in Warlpiri is cleared up: clitic placement does not depend on syllable count. It is also shown that these clitics do not uniformly appear in second position, syntactically or phonologically, making the standard label of “second position clitics” a misnomer."
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2008. Morphological and abstract case. Linguistic Inquiry 39(1). 55–101. * see Legate 2005
    McManus, Hope. 2008. Loanword adaptation: A study of some Australian Aboriginal languages. BA Honours Thesis, Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. 1.23MB PDF * the adaptation of English words in several Australian Aboriginal languages, including Martu Wangka, Gamilaraay and Warlpiri
    Nash, David. 2008. Warlpiri verb roots in comparative perspective, pp. 221–234 in Morphology and language history: In honour of Harold Koch, edited by Claire Bowern, Bethwyn Evans and Luisa Miceli. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 298. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2008. Children's production of their heritage language and a new mixed language. In Simpson, Jane and Gillian Wigglesworth (eds) Children’s language and multilingualism: Indigenous language use at home and school. London, New York: Continuum International Press. pp261-282
    Campbell, Liam. 2008. Japu Japu … featuring Francis Jupurrula Kelly & Annanias Japanangka Woods. [Warlpiri with English translation] Voice of the Land (FATSIL newsletter) 36(March),22-26. * a Warlpiri take on AFL
    Jablonska, Patrycja. 2008. [review of Legate 2006] LINGUIST List 19.2107, Tue Jul 01 2008
    Warlpiri Statement From Yuendumu 27 October 2008. Posted 10 November 2008 on 'Rollback the Intervention' blog. * statement in Warlpiri
    Wierzbicka, Anna. 2008. Why there are no ‘colour universals’ in language and thought. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 14.2, 407-425. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9655.2008.00509.x
    Kay, Paul. 2008. Correspondence. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 14.4, 886-887.  DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9655.2008.00536_1.x * reply to Wierzbicka 2008
    Wierzbicka, Anna. 2008. Correspondence. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 14.4, 887-9. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9655.2008.00536_2.x * reply to Kay 2008
    Audio and video resource. ABC Hindsight's Holding our tongues site. Produced by Lorena Allam with technical production from Michelle Goldsworthy. 
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2009. Clausal Recursion and Embedding in Warlpiri. 14pp. * "This is the core of an argument for clausal recursion and embedding in Warlpiri. In a slightly different form, it appears buried in section 3.2 of a paper accepted to appear in Syntax …" see Legate 2011
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2009. Language variation and change in a north Australian indigenous community, pp419 – 439 in James N. Stanford and Dennis R. Preston (eds) Variation in Indigenous minority languages. Amsterdam/Philadephia: John Benjamins.
    Regier, Terry, Paul Kay, and Naveen Khetarpad. 2009. Short report: Color naming and the shape of color space. Language 85.4(December),884-892. * §3. Warlpiri, pp.888-9, a reply to Wierzbicka 2008 Color naming and the shape of color space * cf. Regier et al 2007
    Simpson, Jane. 2009. Pama-Nyungan: Warlpiri, Chapter 34, pp.609– in The Oxford Handbook of Compounding, ed. by Rochelle Lieber and Pavol Štekauer. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199695720.013.0034
    Wälchli, Bernhard. 2009. Data reduction typology and the bimodal distribution bias. Linguistic Typology 13.1,77–94 DOI: 10.1515/LITY.2009.004 * abstract * Warlpiri is one of the 100 languages in the global sample
    Wierzbicka, Anna. 2009. All people eat and drink: Does this mean that 'eat' and 'drink' are universal human concepts?, pp.65-89 in The linguistics of eating and drinking, edited by John Newman. John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISBN 9789027229984 * extensive discussion of Warlpiri, Kalam
    Curran, Georgia. 2010. Linguistic imagery in Warlpiri songs: Some examples of metaphors, metonymy and image-schemata in Minamina Yawulyu. Australian Journal of Linguistics 30.1, 105–115. DOI: 10.1080/07268600903134061
    Laughren, Mary. 2010. Warlpiri type languages and accusative case? Presented 11 March 2010 to Australian Languages Workshop 2010, Australian National University, Canberra
    Laughren, Mary. 2010. Changes in grammatical case marking in Australian languages: triggers and consequences. Plenary talk to annual meeting of the ALS, 7–9 July 2010, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane. * abstract
    Laughren, Mary. 2010. Warlpiri verbs of change and causation: the thematic core, chapter 7, pages 167–236 In Mengistu Amberber, Brett Baker, and Mark Harvey, editors, Complex predicates: Cross-linguistic perspectives on event structure. Cambridge University Press. * reviewed by Eva Schultze-Berndt
    Lenarcic, John. 2010. The salience of the hues: colour cognition from an indigenous Australian perspective. Graduate School of Business and Law, RMIT University, Melbourne. PhD dissertation. * builds on World Colour Survey
    Lo, Justin Wei. 2010. Possible constraints and allophonic voicing in Australian Aboriginal Languages: Evidence from Bardi, Kayardild, Warlpiri, and Yan-Nhangu. Bachelor of Linguistics thesis, Department of Linguistics, Yale University * for Warlpiri, used 186 tokens from 1996 Learner's Guide to Warlpiri, by three speakers CH, KH, and TR
    Ken Hale audio recordings 1959 uploaded on September 19, 2010 to Lomax Collection Recording of Warlpiri, contributed by the Rosetta Project of The Long Now Foundation. (2m) (4m)
    Meakins, Felicity and Carmel O’Shannessy. 2010. Ordering arguments about: Word order and discourse motivations in the development and use of the ergative marker in two Australian mixed languages. Lingua 120.7,1693-1713.
    Nash, David. 2020. UniLang Forum post on the etymology of modern Warlpiri number names. Thu 2010-02-04, 14:48
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2010. Competition between word order and case-marking in interpreting grammatical relations: a case study in multilingual acquisition. Journal of Child Language, Available on CJO 08 Nov 2010 *
    Jaru-kurlu: Warlpiri stories &​ songs from Wirliyajarrayi, Yurntumu, Lajamanu &​ Nyirrpi, edited by Carmel O'Shanessy, Myfany Turpin and Angela Harrison. 2011. [Victoria, B.C.] : Trafford Publishing. * with accompanying audio CD * 21 stories recorded in 2000 and transcribed and translated by Warlpiri teachers and students *
    Laughren, Mary. 2011. Problem <E> 'Flapping around in Warlpiri', pages 12–14 in OzCLO 2011 NATIONAL ROUND
    Legate, Julie Anne. 2011. Warlpiri wh-scope marking. Syntax 14.2(June 2011), 97–121. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9612.2011.00151.x * for section 3.2 see Legate 2009
    Levin, Beth. 2011. The Lexicon Project and its legacy. 32 slides. Stanford University.
    Papers presented to the Australian Languages Workshop, University of Queensland Moreton Bay Research Station, 11-13 March 2011
  • Felicity Meakins and Carmel O'Shannessy 'Typological constraints on co/verb integration in two Australian mixed languages'
  • Patrick McConvell and Jane Simpson 'Moving along the grammaticalisation path: Locative and allative marking of non-finite clauses and secondary predications in Australian languages'
  • Mary Laughren and Myfany Turpin 'Edge effects in Warlpiri Yawulyu songs: resyllabification, epenthesis & final vowel modification' * published 2013
  • 2011
    Tabain, Marija, Janet Fletcher, and Andrew Butcher. 2011. An EPG study of palatal consonants in two Australian languages. Language and Speech 54.2,265-282. doi:10.1177/0023830910397502 * Arrernte and Warlpiri
    Warlpiri-patu-kurlangu Jaru Inc. Submission 121 (PDF 833KB) 27 September 2011. To House of Representatives, Commonwealth of Australia. Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs inquiry"Language learning in Indigenous communities". ( 29 page PDF)
    Zentz, Jason. 2011. Progressive front vowel harmony in Warlpiri: A serial harmony approach. Handout, CUNY Phonology of Endangered Languages. 18 pages *
    House of Representatives, Commonwealth of Australia. Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs. Hansard. 4 April 2012, ALICE SPRINGS. "Language learning in Indigenous communities" Report [was]
    Graetzer, N. Simone. 2012. An acoustic study of coarticulation: consonant-vowel and vowel-to-vowel coarticulation in four Australian languages. PhD thesis, School of Languages and Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, The University of Melbourne. * 'Acoustic phonetic experiments were conducted with the aim of describing spatial coarticulation in consonants and vowels in four Australian languages: Arrernte, Burarra, Gupapuyngu and Warlpiri.'
    Hoogenraad, Robert and Mary Laughren (compilers) with Warlpiri people from Yurntumu, Lajamanu, Wirliyajarrayi and Nyirrpi. Warlpiri picture dictionary : Warlpiri yimi kuruwarri-kirli. Alice Springs: IAD Press. ISBN 9781864650877. x+189pp. * launch at Lajamanu, 27 August 2012
    Laughren, Mary. 2012. Asymmetrical distinctions in Waanyi kinship terminology. Presented to annual meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, 5-7 December 2012, The University of Western Australia. * Waanyi and Warlpiri compared * published Laughren 2018
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2012. The role of code-switched input to children in the origin of a new mixed language. Linguistics 50.2,305–340 doi:10.1515/ling-2012-0011 * Light Warlpiri at Lajamanu
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2012. The role of multiple sources in the formation of an innovative auxiliary category in Light Warlpiri, a new Australian mixed language. Draft 23 April 2012.
    Barwick, Linda, Mary Laughren & Myfany Turpin. 2013. Sustaining women's Yawulyu/Awelye: Some practitioners' and learners' perspectives. Musicology Australia 35.2,191-220.
    Bavin, Edith L. 2013. The acquisition of ergative case in Warlpiri, pp.107-131 in The acquisition of ergativity, edited by Sabine Stoll and Edith L. Bavin. Volume 9, Language Arts & Disciplines. John Benjamins Publishing. * book reviewed by Jane Simpson Language 92.4(Dec 2016),989-992. https://muse-jhu-edu/article/641212/pdf
    BRDU (Bilingual Resources development Unit), Yuendumu school. Warlpiri Classes  - Home [website]. * includes Warlpiri Lessons from IAD c1980s
    Bowler, Margit. 2013. Majority rules effects in Warlpiri vowel harmony. 14 October 2013 * "a first-year grad student in Phonology II with Bruce Hayes"
    Garde, Murray. 2013. Culture, interaction and person reference in an Australian language: An ethnography of Bininj Gunwok communication. John Benjamins. * mentions Warlpiri especially kinterm information pp71, 98-99, 102n9
    Hale, Ezra. 2013. Warlpiri : About Dad, in Bringing our languages home: Language revitalization for families, ed. by Leanne Hinton. Berkeley, California: Heyday Books. ISBN: 978-1-59714-200-7
    Laughren, Mary. 2013. A revised analysis of Warlpiri verb inflections plus auxiliary combinations and their make-over in 'Light' Warlpiri. Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society, edited by John Henderson, Marie-­Eve Ritz and Celeste Rodríguez Louro, 2013 * handout * Presented to annual meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, 5-7 December 2012, The University of Western Australia.
    Laughren, Mary. 2013. From Linguistic Research Findings to Useful Products for Australian Aboriginal Communities. etropic 12.1,73-83. TransOceanik Special Edition.
    Laughren, Mary and Myfany Turpin. 2013. Edge effects in Warlpiri Yawulyu songs: resyllabification, epenthesis, final vowel modification. Australian Journal of Linguistics 33.4,399-425
    Papers presented to the 12th Australian Languages Workshop, University of Queensland Moreton Bay Research Station, 8-10 March 2013
  • John Ingram and Mary Laughren 'Anticipatory vowel assimilation as a connected speech process in Warlpiri'
  • Felicity Meakins 'Nominals as adjuncts or arguments: Further evidence from code-switching' * Gurindji, Bilinarra, etc compared with Warlpiri
  • 2013
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2013. The role of multiple sources in the formation of an innovative auxiliary category in Light Warlpiri, a new Australian mixed language. Language 89.2,328-353. doi:10.1353/lan.2013.0025
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2013. A case study of Light Warlpiri speakers. Presented at AIATSIS, 29 May 2013 * webcast
    [media reports on O’Shannessy 2013:]

    Egan, Joanna. 2013. New Aboriginal language born in the NT. Australian Geographic June-20-2013

    Khazan, Olga. 2013. How the world's newest 'Mixed' Language was invented : Light Warlpiri in Northern Australia blends English with an indigenous tongue. The Atlantic June 2013. * online Jun 18 2013, 1:46 PM ET

    Bicket, Jeane. 2013. Warlpiri language vulnerability. Mon 24 Jun 2013. Indymedia Australia.

    Alan Dench discuses the birth of the Light Warlpiri language

    Memmott, Mark 'Light Warlpiri,' The new language in Australia. July 16, 2013 4:42 PM

    Liberman, Mark. Four-quark matter and linguistic insights. and further links there

    Bakalar, Nicholas. Linguist finds a language in its infancy. New York Times July 14, 2013. * with video

    [interview with Carmel O'Shannessy] Lost and found languages. Tuesday 20 August 2013 10:40PM

    Borrell|. Brendan. 2014. Studying the Birth of a New Language. While working in schools in northern Australia, Carmel O’Shannessy realized the children there had invented an entirely new language. Discover Magazine Friday, February 28, 2014

    Pearlman, Jonathan. 2014. Mark their word, two new languages. The Straits Times Monday, Nov 10, 2014

    Woolford, Ellen. 2013. Ergativity and Transitivity - University of Massachusetts Amherst.
    Bavin 2003 Psychology Press paperback 2014
    Bowler, Margit. 2014. Conjunction and disjunction in a language without ‘and’. Semantics and Linguistic Theory 24,137–155.
    Box, Lance. Report on Study Leave Semester II 2007: Perspectives on Education Issues in Lajamanu. 54 pages.
    Carew, Margaret, and Jennifer Green. 2014. Iltyem-Iltyem Sign Languages in Central Australia. Includes Warlpiri,
    Disbray, Samantha. 2014. Evaluating the bilingual education program in Warlpiri schools, pp.25-46 in Language description informed by theory, edited by Rob Pensalfini; Myfany Turpin; Diana Guillemin. Studies in Language Companion Series 147. Amsterdam : John Benjamins B.V.
    Goddard, Cliff and Anna Wierzbicka. 2014. Words and meanings: Lexical semantics across domains, languages, and cultures. Oxford University Press, USA. *, * Warlpiri pages 86-100 in 'From "colour words" to visual semantics: English, Russian, Warlpiri'. Chapter 4; 'Pain' pages 143-4
    Graetzer, Simone, Janet Fletcher & John Hajek. 2014. Prosodic effects on vowel spectra in three Australian languages. International Speech Communications Association. 5 pages. * Burarra, Gupapuyngu, and Warlpiri
    Koch, Harold. 2014. Loanwords between the Arandic languages and their western neighbours: Principles of identification and phonological adaptation, pp.311-334 in Selected Papers from the 44th Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society, 2013, edited by Lauren Gawne and Jill Vaughan.
    Laughren, Mary, Myf Turpin, and Georgia Curran. 2014. Verbs in Warlpiri yawulyu. Presented by Mary Laughren at 13th Australian Languages Workshop, Sunday 9th March 2014, ANU Kioloa Campus.
    Nash, David. 2014. Alternating generations again again: A response to Wierzbicka on generation moieties, pp.77–101 in Selected Papers from the 44th Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society, 2013, edited by Lauren Gawne and Jill Vaughan.
    Nicholls, Christine. 2014. Warlpiri Wirntaru: performative, persuasive, purposeful oratory, presented 22 May 2014. [abstract] p.16 in schedule of The Linguistics of Rhetoric and Debate, 59th Annual Conference, International Linguistic Association, May 22-24, 2014. Paris, France, Université de Paris II, Panthéon-Assas
    O'Shannessy, Carmel. 2014. Reduced variation in Light Warlpiri. Presented at Australian Languages in Contact since Colonisation. 6-7 March 2014, Seminar Room 1.02 (Sir Roland Wilson Building), ANU.
    Snijders, Liselotte. 2014. Non-reflexive binding in Warlpiri. Proceedings of the LFG14 Conference, ed by Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King. CSLI Publications 21pp. PDF * presented to Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) Conference 2014, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 17-20 July 2014 * abstract
    Turpin, Myfany. 2014. Bibliography of Mary Laughren, pp.15–24 in Language description informed by theory, edited by Rob Pensalfini; Myfany Turpin; Diana Guillemin. Studies in Language Companion Series 147. Amsterdam : John Benjamins B.V.
    Turpin, Myfany and Mary Laughren. 2014. Text and meter in a Lander Warlpiri song series, pp.398-415 in Selected Papers from the 44th Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society, 2013, edited by Lauren Gawne and Jill Vaughan.
    Warlpiri Bible and Concordance. * also Warlpiri Standalone Bible.msi (11MB)
    Papers presented to the 14th Australian Languages Workshop, Australian National University, Canberra and Kioloa, 6-8 March 2015
  • Mary Laughren, David Nash & Jane Simpson: Adding value to language documentation by linking related elements: Ken Hale's Warlpiri corpus
  • Carmel O'Shannessy: Indexing a community of practice drives language differentiation and stabilization * see O'Shannessy 2021
  • Margit Bowler: The status of degrees in Warlpiri (published 2016)
  • Rachel Hendery, Lila San Roque & Antoinette Schapper: Mapping patterns of polysemy * Warlpiri one of many languages surveyed
  • Patrick McConvell, Harold Koch & Sebastien Lacrampe: Geography, chronology and terminology * Warlpiri one of several languages surveyed
  • Patrick McConvell & Bill McConvell: Mapping pragmatic equivalence of sections and subsections across Australia
  • Harold Koch & Jane Simpson: Junior skin names in Central Australia* Warlpiri one of several languages surveyed
  • 2015
    Bowler, Margit. 2015. §17.6 Warlpiri, pp. 438–447 in Edinburgh handbook of evaluative morphology, edited by Nicola Grandi and Lívia Körtvélyessy. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748681747
    Bowler, Margit. 2015. Degrees and modification in Warlpiri. 2pp. PDF. Presented Friday June 5th, 2015 at TripleA 2, Potsdam.
    TripleA, a workshop series for semantic fieldworkers – The Semantics of African, Asian and Austronesian Languages
    Bowler, Margit. 2015. Quantification in Warlpiri. 37pp. PDF * see Bowler 2017 for published version
    Graetzer, Simone, Janet Fletcher & John Hajek. 2015. Locus equations and coarticulation in three Australian languages. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137.2,806–821. * Burarra, Gupapuyngu, and Warlpiri
    Hale, Ezra. 2015. Ken Hale Warlpiri Recordings. [9 audio files with transcription. Recorded 1994.]
    Hale, Kenneth L, Mary Laughren, and Jane Simpson. 2015. Warlpiri. Chapter 48, pp.1677–1709 in HSK 42.3 Syntax — Theory and Analysis, Volume 3, edited by Tibor Kiss & Artemis Alexiadou. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 10 March 2015. * * reprint of Hale, Laughren, and Simpson 1995; different pagination, and with many OCR errors
    Laughren, Mary. 2015. Possession in Kuku-Thaypan through a comparative lens, pp.179-198 in Land and language in Cape York Peninsula and the gulf country, edited by Jean-Christophe Verstraete & Diane Hafner. (Culture and Language Use 18). John Benjamins Publishing Company. * “a cross-linguistic study of possession constructions, examining data from Kuku Thaypan (Rigsby 1976), Waanyi and Warlpiri”
    DOI: 10.1075/clu.18.09lau
    Macklin-Cordes, Jayden Luke. 2015. Phylogeny and phonotactics: Quantifying historical signal in sequences of sound. A dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Linguistics, University of Queensland. * Ngumpin-Yapa phonologies  *
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2015. How languages get new structure. 20:35 duration video. Published on 30 Mar 2015. Recorded on 2/20/2015.
    University of California Television (UCTV) part of
    CARTA: How Language Evolves: How Languages Get New Structure 58:21 duration video.
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2015. React locally: How language creation can be a response to global language pressures. Presented to College of Arts & Social Sciences, ANU, 4pm 17 March 2015.
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2015. Social practice and language differentiation. Presented to Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language, ANU, 3:30pm 20 March 2015. * Light Warlpiri examples
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2015. Multilingual children increase language differentiation by indexing communities of practice. First Language 35,305-326, doi:10.1177/0142723715609227 * abstract *
    Warlpiri Basics. Beginners book and audio. (book and CD). Bilingual Resource Development Unit (BRDU), Yuendumu. *
    Bowler, Margit. 2016. “Might be something”: Information protection in central Australia. Proceedings of CLS 51, 33-45.
    Bowler, Margit. 2016. The status of degrees in Warlpiri. Proceedings of The Semantics of African, Asian and Austronesian Languages 2, 1–17, edited by Mira Grubic & Anne Mucha. Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam.
    * presented to ALW 2015
    Ennever, Thomas & David Osgarby. 2016. Inflecting verbs and conjugation classes in Ngumpin-Yapa languages. Poster presented at CoEDL Fest 2016, 9 February, Western Sydney University, Bankstown.
    Graetzer, Fletcher & Hajek] Graetzer, Simone, Janet Fletcher & John Hajek. 2016. Hyperarticulation in short intonational phrases in three Australian languages. Speech Prosody 2016 173–177. 31 May – 3 Jun 2016, Boston, USA * Gupapuyngu, Warlpiri, and Burarra
    Laughren, Mary. 2016. The Warlpiri verbal complex. Presented to Ngumpin-Mirndi Language Contact Workshop, 8 April 2016, St Leo's College, University of Queensland.
    Laughren, Mary. 2016. Best to deny it all in Warlpiri. Problem 4, OzCLO2016 Round 2
    Nash, David. 2016. Warlmanpa verb roots in comparative perspective. Presented to Ngumpin-Mirndi Language Contact Workshop, 8 April 2016, St Leo's College, University of Queensland.
    'NT minister gives historic speech in Warlpiri language' The New Daily 10:41pm, Jun 27, 2016
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2016. Distributions of case allomorphy by multilingual children speaking Warlpiri and Light Warlpiri. Linguistic Variation 16.1, 68–102. DOI: 10.1075/lv.16.1.04osh
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2016. Multilingualism and the emergence of Light Warlpiri, an Australian mixed language. Keynote, 5:30pm 20 October 2016. Bilingualism Forum 2016, University of Illinois at Chicago, 20–21 October 2016
    Tabain, Marija, Andrew Butcher, Gavan Breen and Richard Beare. 2016. An acoustic study of multiple lateral consonants in three Central Australian languages. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139.1(January), 361-372. * Arrernte, Pitjantjatjara, and Warlpiri
    Tabain, Marija, Gavan Breen, Andrew Butcher, Anthony Jukes, and Richard Beare. 2016 Stress effects on stop bursts in five languages. Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology 7.1,16, pp. 1–23, DOI: * English, Makasar, ­Pitjantjatjara, Warlpiri, and Arrernte
    Tabain, Marija, Andrew Butcher, Gavan Breen and Richard Beare. 2016. An acoustic study of nasal consonants in three Central Australian languages. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139.2 (February), 890–903.] * Arrernte, Pitjantjatjara, and Warlpiri
    Papers presented to the 15th Australian Languages Workshop, Australian National University, Canberra and Kioloa, 5-7 March 2016
  • Jennifer Green, Alice Gaby, Elizabeth Marrkilyi Ellis & Anastasia Bauer: Pointing to the body: kin signs in Australian Indigenous sign languages
  • Mary Laughren & Myfany Turpin: Form and symbolism in Warlpiri women’s songs from the Lander River region
  • Carmel O'Shannessy: Code-switching as a way of talking
  • 2016
    Wierzbicka, Anna. 2016. "6 'Theory of person' in Australian languages Yolngu and Warlpiri", pp.470ff in 'Two levels of verbal communication, universal and culture-specific', Chapter 23, pp.447–481 in Verbal Communication edited by Andrea Rocci & Louis de Saussure. Walter de Gruyter. * Warlpiri pirlirrpa and manparrpa pages 473–4
    Warlpiri. Syntactic Structures of the World's Languages (SSWL), created by Chris Collins and Richard Kayne (NYU) .
    Bliss, Heather. 2017. Radical non-configurationality. In M. Everaert & H.C. Riemsdijk (eds) The Wiley Blackwell companion to syntax, Second edition, 1–30. John Wiley & Sons. doi:10.1002/9781118358733.wbsyncom098. * "…Other work on non‐configurational languages such as Warlpiri, Mohawk, the Salish languages, and the Algonquian languages have paved the way for a microparametric view of non‐configurationality…"
    Bowler, Margit. 2017. Quantification in Warlpiri, pp.963–994 in Handbook of Quantifiers in Natural Language: Volume II, edited by Denis Paperno & Edward L. Keenan. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, vol 97. Springer. (The first volume: Synthese Language Library, Volume 90. Springer Verlag, 2012)
    • Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella and Jim Wafer. 2017. ‘Bilingual Time’ at Willowra: The Beginnings of a Community-Initiated Program, 1976–1977, pp.35-48
    • Gale, Mary-Anne. 2017. Boom and then Bust: Lessons Learnt from My Time Teaching in Three Bilingual Schools in the Northern Territory, pp.73-84
    • Ross, Tess and Wendy Baarda. 2017. Starting Out at Yuendumu School—Teaching in Our Own Language, pp.247-257
    In History of bilingual education in the Northern Territory: People, programs and policies, edited by Brian Clive Devlin, Samantha Disbray, and Nancy Regine Friedman Devlin. Singapore: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-2078-0
    Jones, Nicola. 2017. Do You See What I See? Sapiens 9 Feb 2017
    * subtitle: 'Cultural groups throughout the world talk about color differently—some don’t even have a word for color. So is color perception a universal human experience or not?' * cites Wierzbicka on Warlpiri
    Kodner, Jordan, Spencer Kaplan, Hongzhi Xu, Mitchell P Marcus & Charles Yang. 2017. The automatic characterization of grammars from small wordlists. In Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on the use of computational methods in the study of endangered languages, 76–84. * testing with corpora of Turkish, Finnish, Hungarian, Uyghur, and Warlpiri
    Laughren, Mary. 2017. A comparative study of sentential negation in Ngumpin-Yapa languages. Presented to Ngumpin-Yapa workshop, 10 August 2017, St Leo's College, University of Queensland.
    Laughren, Mary. 2017. The ergative in Warlpiri: A case study. In Jessica Coon, Diane Massam & Lisa deMena Travis (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Ergativity. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198739371.013.39
    Nash, David. 2017. High vowels in Ngumpin-Yapa. Presented to Ngumpin-Yapa workshop, 10 August 2017, St Leo's College, University of Queensland. * superseded by 2017 poster
    Nash, David. 2017. ‘*iCu’ in Australia: Phonotactics beyond the syllable level. Poster presented 13 December 2017 at ALT2017 12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), ANU, Canberra. * expanded from 1990 presentation
    Nicholls, Christine Judith, and Mary Laughren. 2017. Jukurrpa-kurlu Yapa-kurlangu-kurlu. The Conversation AU July 5, 2017 6.09am AEST Updated July 5, 2017 8.40am AEST * Warlpiri version of * “This article was co-authored by Valerie Napanangka Patterson”
    Roberts, Séan G & Stephen C Levinson. 2017. Conversation, cognition and cultural evolution. Interaction Studies 18.3,402–442. 2449769 6/component/file 2511754/content * pp.420-421 mentions Warlpiri word order
    Schultze-Berndt, Eva. 2017. Two classes of verbs in Northern Australian Languages: Implications for the Typology of Polycategoriality, pp.243–271 in
    Vapnarsky, Valentina & Edy Veneziano (eds), Lexical Polycategoriality. Cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisition approaches. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
    Wierzbicka, Anna & Cliff Goddard. 2017. Talking about our bodies and their parts in Warlpiri. Australian Journal of Linguistics 38,31-62. Published online: 03 Dec 2017 * see Nash & Wilkins 2021
    Bosch, Marianna, Josep Gascón, and Pedro Nicolás. 2018. Questioning mathematical knowledge in different didactic paradigms: the case of group theory. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 4.1(April 2018) , 23–37. * p.33 cites
    Asher 2002 on Warlpiri
    Brown, Evan Nicole. 2018. Millennial Aboriginal Australians have developed their own language.
    Spoken by Warlpiri under 35, it emerged from code-switching in one remote community. October 11, 2018.
    Browne, Mitch & David Osgarby. 2018. The morphosyntax of apprehension in Ngumpin-Yapa languages. Presented at Workshop 4: 'Lest we miss them', 4 September 2018, in Syntax of the World's Languages 8, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris
    Browne, Mitch, David Osgarby, and Thomas Ennever. 2018. Strategies for apprehension in three Ngumpin-Yapa languages (Australia). 2:30-3pm, 7-8 November 2018. Linguistic discoveries: The CoEDL Shape of Language Showcase, University of Melbourne.
    Browne, Mitch. 2018. Now then: another analysis of =lku in Warlpiri and Warlmanpa. Presented at the 2018 meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, University of SA, 10am Tuesday 11 December.
    Bundgaard-Nielsen, Rikke & Carmel O’Shannessy. 2018. Obstruent voicing distinctions in Light Warlpiri. Presented at the 2018 meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, University of SA.
    Disbray, Samantha, plus Gretel MacDonald & Barbara Martin (via Skype). 2018. The Warlpiri Triangle workshops & Jinta-jarrimi (becoming one) for Warlpiri educators in NT Bilingual Education Programs. Presented at the 2018 meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society, University of SA.
    Gosford, Bob. 2018. Essential documents from Aboriginal Australia: 7 – the 2008 Yuendumu Petition. [includes Warlpiri petition text]
    The Northern Myth [blog] Mar 4, 2018
    Laughren, Mary. 2018. Asymmetrical distinctions in Waanyi kinship terminology, pp.391-429 in Skin, Kin and Clan: The dynamics of social categories in Indigenous Australia, edited by Patrick McConvell, Piers Kelly and Sébastien Lacrampe. ANU Press, The Australian National University, Canberra. * cf. Laughren 2012
    Mikić, A. 2018. Lexicon of pulse crops. Boca Raton: CRC Press. * includes some Warlpiri terms; also wabidi assigned incorrectly to Warlmanpa
    McDonald, Gretel. 2018. Speaking VET language (...can we speak it in Warlpiri?). Presented to Central Australian Linguistics Circle (CALC) Meeting, Thursday 5 April, 2018.
    Osgarby, David, Mitchell Browne, and Thomas Ennever. 2018. Comparing form, ordering and neutralisations of complex bound pronouns in Ngumpin-Yapa languages. Poster presented Wednesday 7 February, CoEDL Fest 2018. * Walmajarri Ngardi Jaru Wanyjirra Gurindji Mudburra Warlmanpa Warlpiri Warumungu *
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2018. Small Talk. Linguistic Intelligence [Advertisement feature] The Economist
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2018. Bilingual acquisition and language change: a case study of Warlpiri and Light Warlpiri. Workshop on Bilingual Development, Macquarie University, Sydney, 26-27 July 2018.
    Simpson, Jane. 2018. Verbs of speech and noise-making in Australian languages. Presented at WS 18 'Valence Orientation in Contact: a Cross-Linguistic Perspective', 31 August 2018, in 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 29 August – 1st September 2018, Tallinn University, Estonia
    Tyson, Daniel. 2018. Swiftkey adds support for five new languages including Warlpiri. Ausdroid 23 April 2018
    UD (Universal Dependencies) Warlpiri  ÚFAL (Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University, Czech Republic). 2018. [website] 2018-07-01 v2.2 * "A small treebank of grammatical examples in Warlpiri, taken from linguistic literature" * Contributor: Daniel Zeman "The initial set of example sentences is taken from" Shopen 2007 Language Typology and Syntactic Description, Volume I: Clause Structure (second edition) *

    [media reports on Light Warlpiri]
    Brown, Evan Nicole. October 11, 2018. Millennial Aboriginal Australians Have Developed Their Own Language.
    Brown, Evan Nicole. October 11, 2018. Millennial Aboriginal Australians Have Developed Their Own Language.
    Scotti, Ariel. October 16, 2018. Aboriginal Millennials in Australia Talk in Their Own Language. This under-35 crowd speaks "Light Warlpiri" almost exclusively.
    ANU Summer Research Scholars presentations, Wed. 23 January 2019, Baldessin Precinct Building, ANU
    9.30 -10.30          Romi Hill and Eleanor Jorgensen - ‘Two projects: Computational methods for corpus and dictionary-making: Warlpiri corpus and Dhurga dictionary’ (supervisor: Jane Simpson)
    10.30     Kirsten Culhane - ‘Case forms in contemporary Warlpiri: Morphophonological change in progress?’ (supervisor: Carmel O’Shannessy)
    11.30     Amelia Carter - ‘"Findim” and “gedim": Detecting transitivity in Light Warlpiri’ (supervisor: Carmel O’Shannessy)
    12          Connor Brown - ‘Alone or together: Expressing reciprocity and reflexivity in Light Warlpiri’ (supervisor: CarmelO’Shannessy)
    12.30     Caroline Dedear - ‘Sign and gesture input to Light Warlpiri-speaking children’ (supervisor: Carmel O’Shannessy)
    Bowler, Margit and Jesse Zymet. 2019. A count effect in Warlpiri vowel harmony [poster]. May 25, 2019. 27th Manchester Phonology Meeting MFM 2019
    Bundgaard-Nielsen, Rikke L. & Carmel O’Shannessy. 2019. Voice onset time and constriction duration in Warlpiri stops (Australia). Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). 5 pages.
    Bundgaard-Neilson, Rikke and Carmel O’Shannessy. 2019. A happy marriage: The stop and affricate Inventory of the mixed language Light Warlpiri (Australia). * 'Warlpiri and Light Warlpiri stops and affricates', presented to the 18th Australian Languages Workshop 15–17 March 2019, University of Melbourne, at Marysville
    Disbray, Samantha. 2019. Language learning in the desert. Presented 24 May 2019 12:00pm–1:00pm in Second Language Cluster Seminars, School of Languages and Cultures,The University of Queensland
    Svoboda, Elizabeth. 2019. Tracing the birth of new languages—as older tongues fade away. The Genetic Literacy Project (GLP) April 9, 2019.
    Browne, Emma. The value of first language education: Teaching and learning in Warlpiri in three bilingual classes at Yuendumu school. PhD Mid term review, via Zoom presented Friday, June 7, 11.30 - 1pm, ANU - CoEDL Linguistics Seminar.
    Browne, Emma. 2019. Multimodal tools for exploring communicative practices among multilingual students in remote central Australia. Babel 54(1/2). 28–33.;dn=717095603222752;res=IELHSS
    Bundgaard-Nielsen, Rikke & Carmel O'Shannessy. 2019. A happy marriage: the stop and the affricate inventory of the mixed language Light Walpiri (Australia). Presented Thursday 8 August 2019 to 'AusPhon: Phonetics and phonology of Australian and Oceanic languages' session of International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne.
    O'Shannessy, Carmel. 2019. Interview: Light Warlpiri and the emergence of new languages. Interview on BYU Radio, Utah, USA 9 March 2019.
    O'Shannessy, Carmel, Kirsten Culhane, Siva Kalyan & Emma Browne. 2019. Language maintenance and change in morphophonology in four Warlpiri communities. Presented 12 noon, Wednesday 11 December at 2019 Annual Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society, Macquarie University.
    O'Shannessy, Carmel. 2020. Warlpiri and Light Warlpiri. Chapter 26 in The Oxford Handbook of Language Contact, edited by Anthony P. Grant. OUP. ISBN 9780199945092.
    O'Shannessy, Carmel, Samantha Disbray, Barbara Martin & Gretel Macdonald. 2019. (Re)turning research into pedagogical practice: A case study of translational language research in Warlpiri. In Archival returns: Central Australia and beyond, edited by Linda Barwick, Jennifer Green, and Petronella Vaarzon-Morel, 139–151. Language Documentation and Conservation Special Publication 18. Honolulu & Sydney: University of Hawai’i Press & Sydney University Press
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2019. Why do children lead contact-induced language change in some contexts but not others?, pp.321-335 in E. Doron, M. Rappaport Hovav, Y. Reshef and M. Taube (eds) Linguistic Contact, Continuity and Change in the Genesis of Modern Hebrew. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
    Baker, Brett. 2020. Morphology in Australian languages. Oxford research encyclopedia of linguistics. Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Linguistics, OUP USA. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.013.632 9780199384655-e-632#acrefore-9780199384655-e-632-bibliography-0002 * exemplified by Warlpiri passim
    Bowler, Margit. 2020. Conjoined comparatives and crisp judgments. 17 pages; Q&A video Presented to Triple A 2020, July 2020. * comparatives in Warlpiri and Washo
    Koch, Harold. 2021. Associated motion in the Pama–Nyungan languages of Australia. In Antoine Guillaume & Harold Koch (eds), Associated motion (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT] 64), chap. 7, 231–324. De Gruyter Mouton.
    Osgarby, David. 2021. Mudburra associated motion in an areal perspective. In Antoine Guillaume & Harold Koch (eds), Associated motion (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT] 64), chap. 8, 325–356. De Gruyter Mouton.
    2020 in prep
    Browne, Mitchell, Thomas Ennever, David Osgarby. Apprehension as a grammatical category in Ngumpin-Yapa languages (Australia). 43pp. draft chapter, August 2020.
    Bundgaard-Nielsen, Rikke & Carmel O'Shannessy. (accepted pending minor revisions) Voice onset time and constriction duration in Warlpiri stops (Australia). 37pp. draft, September 2020.
    Coronavirus (Covid-19) posters in Warlpiri. Coordinated by Chips MacKinolty of AMSANT; translated by Bess Nungarrayi Price and Steve Swartz. * first at
    Disbray, Samantha, C. O’Shannessy, G. Macdonald & B. Martin. Talking together: How language documentation and teaching practice support oral language development in bilingual education programs. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
    Koch, Harold and Jane Simpson. 2020. Junior skin names in Central Australia: Function and origin, pages 165–190 in 'Part 3: Language in historical and cultural context' in More than mere words: Essays on language and linguistics in honour of Peter Sutton, edited by Paul Monaghan and Michael Walsh (and Julie Finlayson Frances Morphy). ISBN 978 1743057551 Adelaide: Wakefield Press. *
    Nash, David. 2020. Wheeled vehicle terminology in Australian languages, pages 214–234 in 'Part 3: Language in historical and cultural context' in More than mere words: Essays on language and linguistics in honour of Peter Sutton, edited by Paul Monaghan and Michael Walsh (and Julie Finlayson Frances Morphy). ISBN 978 1743057551 Adelaide: Wakefield Press.
    Nash, David & David Wilkins. 2020. Where we part from NSM: understanding Warlpiri yangka and the Warlpiri expression of part-hood. Chapter 24, pages 461–489 in Meaning, life and culture: In conversation with Anna Wierzbicka, edited by Helen Bromhead & Zhengdao Ye. ANU Press. ISBN (print): 9781760463922 ISBN (online): 9781760463939 * response to Wierzbicka & Goddard 2017
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2020. Language contact in Warlpiri and Light Warlpiri. In Grant, Anthony, ed. Oxford Handbook of Language Contact. Oxford: Oxford University Press.  DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199945092.013.27
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2020. How ordinary child language acquisition processes can lead to the unusual outcome of a mixed language. International Journal of Bilingualism DOI: 10.1177/1367006920924957 *
    Laughren, Mary & Maïa Ponsonnet. 2020. Ear and belly in Warlpiri descriptions of cognitive and emotional experience. Pragmatics & Cognition 27.1,240–271 doi:10.1075/pc.00016.lau.
    Reinöhl, Uta. 2020. What are and what aren’t complex nominal expressions in flexible word order languages. STUF – Language Typology and Universals 73.1,57–79. doi:10.1515/stuf-2019-0027 * Sanskrit, Warlpiri
    Reinöhl, Uta. 2020. Continuous and discontinuous nominal expressions in flexible (or “free”) word order languages – Patterns and correlates. Linguistic Typology 0(0). doi:10.1515/lingty-2019-0029.
    Simpson, Jane. 2020. Qualitative comparison in Warlpiri: semantic case, adposition and/or derivational affix? [poster] LFG'20 The 25th International Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference  *  pages 349–362 in Miriam Butt & Ida Toivonen (eds) Proceedings of the LFG’20 Conference, On-Line. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
    Tabain, Marija, Andrew Butcher, Gavan Breen, and Richard Beare. 2020. A formant study of the alveolar versus retroflex contrast in three Central Australian languages: Stop, nasal, and lateral manners of articulation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147, 2745–2765.  DOI:10.1121/10.0001012 * Arrernte, Pitjantjatjara, and Warlpiri
    Welsh, Gina. 2020. Linguistics Honours: Automatic morphosyntactic analysis of Light Warlpiri corpus data. Presented at ANU Linguistics Honours & Masters thesis seminar day, 2 October.
    Baker, Brett, Mark Donohue & Janet Fletcher. Prosodic systems: Australia and New Guinea, Chapter 25, pages 384-395 in The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody edited by Carlos Gussenhoven and Aoju Chen. Oxford UP. * Warlpiri is referred to several times
    Browne, Emma & Fiona Gibson Napaljarri. 2021. Communities of practice in the Warlpiri Triangle: Four decades of crafting ideological and implementational spaces for teaching in and of Warlpiri language. Languages 6.2 doi:10.3390/languages6020068 471X/6/2/68
    Browne, Mitchell. 2021. On the integration of dative adjuncts into event structures in Yapa languages. Languages Special issue `Australian languages today'  6, 136. 20 pages. * Warlpiri and Warlmanpa
    Bundgaard-Nielsen, Rikke L. & Carmel O’Shannessy. 2021. When more is more: The mixed language Light Warlpiri amalgamates source language phonologies to form a near-maximal inventory. Journal of Phonetics 85 101037. doi:10.1016/j.wocn.2021.101037
    Bundgaard-Nielsen, Rikke L. & Carmel O’Shannessy. 2021. Voice onset time and constriction duration in Warlpiri stops (Australia). Phonetica with supplementary material * published online 13 April 2021
    Koch, Harold. 2021. Associated motion in the Pama–Nyungan languages of Australia. In Antoine Guillaume & Harold Koch (eds) Associated motion (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT] 64), chap. 7, 231–324. De Gruyter Mouton.
    Osgarby, David. 2021. Mudburra associated motion in an areal perspective. In Antoine Guillaume & Harold Koch (eds) Associated motion (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT] 64), chap. 8, 325–356. De Gruyter Mouton.
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2021. Mixed languages, pp.325-348 in Routledge handbook of language contact ed. by Yaron Matras and Evangelia Adamou. London / New York: Routledge.
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2021. Code-switching as a way of speaking—From language shift to language maintenance. Chapter 2, pp.36–65 in Anna M. Babel and Mark A Sicoli (eds) Contact, structure, and change: A Festschrift in honor of Sarah G. Thomason. Ann Arbor, MI: Maize Books. EPUB  * partly from presentation to the Australian Languages Workshop, Australian National University, 2015
    Wilmoth, Sasha & John Mansfield. 2021. Inflectional predictability and prosodic morphology in Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara. Morphology doi:10.1007/s11525-021-09380-y * inflectional interpredictability in Warlpiri conjugations mentioned
    Bowler, Margit. Conjoined comparatives in Warlpiri. GALW1 First Global Australian Languages Workshop (Session 6: Semantics & Syntax/Morphology) Uploaded 29 May 2021
    McDonald, Gretel, Ormay Nangala Gallagher, and Otto Jungarrayi Sims. 2021. 'I don't only speak Warlpiri, I AM WARLPIRI'. Presented in Department of Linguistics Research Seminar Series, Macquarie University, 26 March 2021 * abstract * 'about first language education, and our current work on curriculum development for Warlpiri schools'
    Bowler, Margit. 2021. Warlpiri similatives. Triple A 8 (Eighth TripleA workshop for semantic fieldworkers), National University of Singapore, 1am 25 June 2021 * 3 page abstract * video * 21 page handout
    Jacques, Guillaume. 2021. L’harmonie vocalique en Warlpiri et ses implications comparatives. Hypotheses [blog] 26/07/2021
    Knobloch, Nina. 2021. The encoding of BAD and EVIL: A cross-linguistic study using a parallel Bible corpus. Master’s thesis, Programme in Language Science with a specialisation in Typology and Linguistic Diversity.Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University.
    Mansfield, John. 2021. Aboriginal linguistic exchange in an Australian city. 26 July 2021. 27 pages. SocArXiv doi: 10.31235/ * Darwin; cites Burke 2018
    Nash, David. Liquid anomaly: r-initial words in Warlpiri. GALW1 First Global Australian Languages Workshop (Session 1: Historical Linguistics & Multilingualism I). Presented 17 May 2021.
    O’Shannessy, Carmel & Connor Brown. 2021. Reflexive and reciprocal encoding in the Australian mixed language, Light Warlpiri. Languages 6.2,105.
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2021. Conventionalised creativity in the emergence of a mixed language – a case study of Light Warlpiri. In Enoch O. Aboh and Cécile B. Vigouroux (eds) Variation rolls the dice: A worldwide collage in honour of Salikoko S. Mufwene. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. *
    Vollmer, Maria. Understanding morphosyntactic variation in a temporally and spatially representative Warlpiri corpus. A preliminary report on word order in clauses. GALW1 First Global Australian Languages Workshop (Session 6: Semantics & Syntax/Morphology) Uploaded 29 May 2021
    Babinski, Sarah. 2022. Archival phonetics & prosodic typology in 16 Australian languages. Dissertation defense, Yale University 31 January 2022. 46 slides. * including Pama-Nyungan languages Warlpiri, Warnman, Wanyjirra, Yannhangu, Yidiny * see Babinski 2023
    Babinski, Sarah. 2022. Archival phonetics & prosodic typology in sixteen Australian languages. Dissertation, Yale University. Spring 2022 xviii+226 pages * including Warlpiri *
    O’Shannessy, Carmel. 2022. Developing an early years word list for Arrernte, Warlpiri and English in central Australia. Presented to Friends of the Strehlow Research Centre 'Journeys Symposium', Saturday 14th May 2022, Alice Springs Language Centre, 56 Milner Road, Gillen upcoming-events/
    Vollmer, Maria. 2022. Language contact, language change, and flexible word order in Warlpiri. Presented at International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Oxford, 1-5 August 2022. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.35144.19207
    Vollmer, Maria. 2022. Language change in the flexible word order language Warlpiri. Presented at Emerging Research in Australian Studies - Interdisciplinary Workshop for Early Career Researchers, University of Cologne, Centre for Australian Studies. Friday 16 September 2022.
    Luk, Ellison. 2022. Multifunctional converbs in Australian languages: a typological study. Presented at Emerging Research in Australian Studies - Interdisciplinary Workshop for Early Career Researchers, University of Cologne, Centre for Australian Studies. Saturday 17 September 2022.
    Bundgaard-Nielsen, Rikke, Carmel O’Shannessy, Alice Nelson, Jessie Bartlett, and Vanessa Davis. 2022. Warlpiri IDS: Expanding the path to communicative success. 5 pages. SST, ANU. * Infant Directed Speech
    O'Shannessy, Carmel, Amelia Carter & Siva Kalyan 2022. Transitivity marking in Light Warlpiri, an Australian mixed language. Languages 3, 235
    Browne, Emma. 2022. Linguistic innovation and continuity: Teaching in and of Warlpiri language at Yuendumu school.  PhD thesis, SLLL, ANU.
    Morris, Tiger Tjapaljarri, Angela Harrison & Fiona Napaljarri Gibson. 2022. Ngulajuku - landscape. Batchelor, NT: Batchelor Press Institute. * in English and Warlpiri
    in press
    Browne, Mitchell, Thomas Ennever, David Osgarby. Apprehension as a grammatical category in Ngumpin-Yapa languages (Australia). In Apprehensional constructions in a cross-linguistic perspective, edited by Marine Vuillermet, Eva Schultze-Berndt, and M. Faller. Berlin: Language Science Press. * 43pp. draft chapter, August 2020
    Laughren, Mary with Kenneth Hale, Jeannie, Egan Nungarrayi, Marlurrku Paddy Patrick Jangala, Robert Hoogenraad, David Nash, Jane Simpson. 2022.Warlpiri Encyclopaedic Dictionary. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. December 2022 release * launched at Yuendumu, 8 March 2023
    Bundgaard-Nielsen, Rikke L., Alice Nelson, Carmel O’Shannessy, Jessie Bartlett, Vanessa Davis. 2023. A new study of Warlpiri language shows how ‘baby talk’ helps little kids learn to speak. The Conversation June 27, 2023 6.06am AEST
    Bundgaard-Nielsen, Rikke L., Carmel O’Shannessy, Yizhou Wang, Alice Nelson, Jessie Bartlett, Vanessa Davis. 2023. Two-part vowel modifications in Child Directed Speech in Warlpiri may enhance child attention to speech and scaffold noun acquisition. Phonetica 80(1–2),1–42
    Ennever, Thomas B & Mitchell Browne. 2023. Cross-referencing of non-subject arguments in Pama-Nyungan languages. Australian Journal of Linguistics 43.1,1–32. Accepted 8 February 2023
    Kiparsky, Paul. 2023. A stratal OT perspective on vowel harmony, Chapter 18 in Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony edited by Nancy A Ritter and Harry van der Hulst. Oxford: Oxford University Press. * preprint * §18.2.3 Warlpiri * from Kiparsky 1981
    Laughren, Mary. 2023. Reflexive constructions in Warlpiri, pp.587–619 in Reflexive constructions in the world's languages, edited by Katarzyna Janic, Nicoletta Puddu, and Martin Haspelmath. Studies in Diversity Linguistics. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7874974
    Laughren, Mary & James McElvenny. 2023. Interview with Mary Laughren on Central Australia languages and Ken Hale. 24m56s  podcast episode 34, released 1 July.
    Meakins, Felicity, Thomas Ennever, David Osgarby, Mitchell Browne, and Amanda Hamilton-Hollaway. 2023. Ngumpin-Yapa languages, Chapter 76, pp.918-932 in The Oxford guide to Australian languages, edited by Claire Bowern. OUP
    Nash, David. A note on an Australian HOMOPHONE LOANSHIFT, pages 258–271 in Endangered languages in the 21st century, edited by Eda Derhemi & Chris Moseley. London: Routledge. eBook ISBN 9781003260288 DOI 10.4324/9781003260288-20 * includes Warlpiri example
    O'Shannessy, Carmel, Jane Simpson, Otto Sims Jungarrayi. 2023. Six decades, 210 Warlpiri speakers and 11,000 words: how a groundbreaking First Nations dictionary was made. The Conversation Published May 25, 2023 6.10am AEST * reprinted in Ogmios newsletter 75 (June 2023),12-13
    Vollmer, Maria. 2023. A corpus-based study of flexible word order, language contact and language change in Warlpiri. Presnted 15 June  at 'GRelSpoC 2023: Grammatical Relations in Spoken Language Corpora' 15-16 Jun 2023, INALCO, salle 3.05, 65 rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris * Abstracts booklet pp.43-46
    Vollmer, Maria. 2023. How word order does (not) change: Warlpiri flexible word order and contact with English. 10th European Australianist Workshop, 14 August 2023, Köln/Cologne.
    Ward,Ingrid, Maïa Ponsonnet, Luisa Miceli, Emilie Dotte-Sarout & Jason Rustandi. 2023. How linguistic data can inform archaeological investigations: An Australian pilot study around combustion features. Open Archaeology 9. 20pp. * mentions Warlpiri yunta
    O'Shannessy, Carmel, 2024. Longitudinal corpus of language contact and change: Warlpiri and Light Warlpiri. Australian Journal of Linguistics pp1–19. doi:10.1080/07268602.2024.2380670 * presented to Workshop on Language Corpora in Australia, organised by Catherine Travis & Li Nguyen. Online 3 July 2023, 3-3:25pm AEST.
    © 2024 David Nash