Publications listed in assending date order.
J. Braithwaite, Rape Shame and Pride, Stockholm Prize Address given at the inaugural Stockholm Criminology Symposium and again in Canberra in June 2006.
J. Braithwaite , and H. Strang, Restorative Justice and Family Violence, in H. Strang and J. Braithwaite (eds), Restorative Justice and Family Violence. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002.
V. Braithwaite and J. Braithwaite, Early Steps: Regulatory Strategy and Affirmative Action. Canberra: Report to the Department of Workplace Relations and Small Business, 1998. [report]
J. Braithwaite and K. Daly, Masculinities, Violence and Communitarian Control, in T. Newburn and B. Stanko (eds), Just Boys Doing Business, London: Routledge, 1994. (Reprinted in M. Valverde, L. MacLeod and K. Johnson eds., Wife Assault and the Canadian Criminal Justice System, 1995, and translated to Servian in Temida, 4(2) 2002: 29-44).
J. Braithwaite and D. Biles, “Women as Victims of Crime: Some Findings from the First Australian National Crime Victims Survey”, Australian Quarterly, 52, 1980, 329-339.