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Criminological Theory

Publications listed in assending date order.

J. Braithwaite (2011) "Foreword", in M. Boswroth & Carolyn Hoyle (eds.), What is Criminology? (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

J. Braithwaite (2010) 'Loose Talk of Just War', Pakistan Journal of Criminology 2(1), iii-vii

N. Shalhoub-Kevorkia & J. Braithwaite (2010) 'Victimology Between the Local and the Global', International Review of Victimology 17, 1-8.

S. Dinnen & J. Braithwaite (2009) 'Reinventing Policing Through the Prism of the Colonial Kiap', in Grabosky, Peter (ed.) Community Policing and Peacekeeping, CRC Press, Boca Raton, revised version of Policing & Society, 19(2):161-173, 2007.

E. Ahmed and J. Braithwaite, "Shame, Pride and Workplace Bullying", in S. Karstedt, I. Loader and H. Strang (eds), Emotions, Crime and Justice, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2008.

J. Braithwaite , V. Braithwaite and E. Ahmed, Reintegrative Shaming, in S. Henry and M. Lanier (eds), The Essential Criminology Reader, Boulder, Westview Press, 2005, 286-295.

J. Braithwaite, “What’s Wrong with the Sociology of Punishment?”, Theoretical Criminology, 7(1), 2003, 5-28.

J. Braithwaite, “Transcontinental Migration of Convicts: A Contribution to the Sociology of Punishment“ (Transkontinentale Migration von Strafgefangenen: Das Beispiel Australien), Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 43, 2003, 413-440.

J. Braithwaite , Domination, Quiescence and Crime, in S. Nagel (ed) Policymaking and Peace: A Multinational Anthology. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 2003.

E. Ahmed, N. Harris, J. Braithwaite and V. Braithwaite, Shame Management Through Reintegration, Melbourne, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

J. Braithwaite, “Crime in a Convict Republic”, The Modern Law Review, 64(1), 2001, 11-50.

N. Harris and J. Braithwaite, Guilt, in N.J. Smelser and P. B. Baltes (eds) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Oxford: Pergamon, 2001, 6445-6448.

J. Braithwaite, “The New Regulatory State and the Transformation of Criminology”, British Journal of Criminology, 40(2), 2000, 222-238.(Reprinted in D. Garland and R. Sparks (eds) Criminology and Social Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000).

J. Braithwaite, “Shame and Criminal Justice”, Canadian Journal of Criminology, 42 (3), 2000, 281-298.

J. Braithwaite, “Charles Tittle’s Control Balance and criminological theory”, Theoretical Criminology, 1997, 1(1), 77-97.

J. Braithwaite , Reintegrative Shaming, Republicanism and Policy, in H. Barlow (ed.), Criminology and Public Policy: Putting Theory to Work, Boulder: Westview Press, 1995.

J. Braithwaite , Inequality and Republican Criminology, in J. Hagan and R. Peterson (eds), Crime and Inequality, Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1995.

J. Braithwaite, “Beyond Positivism: Learning from Contextual Integrated Strategies”, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 30, 1993, 383-99.

J. Braithwaite, “Pride in Criminological Dissensus”, Law and Social Inquiry, 18, 1993, 501-12.

J. Braithwaite, “Shame and Modernity”, British Journal of Criminology, 33, 1993, 1-18. (Reprinted in Parker, David, Rosamund Dalziell and Iain Wright (eds) Shame and the Modern Self, Australian Scholarly Publishing, Melbourne, 1996.)

B. Fisse and J. Braithwaite, Corporations, Crime and Accountability, Cambridge University Press, 1993.

J. Braithwaite, “Reducing the Crime Problem: A Not So Dismal Criminology”, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 25, 1992, 1-10.

J. Braithwaite, “Poverty, Power, White-Collar Crime and the Paradoxes of Criminological Theory”, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 24, 1991, 40-50. (Revised version reprinted in K. Schlegel and D. Weisburd (eds), White Collar Crime Reconsidered, 1992, Boston: Northeastern University Press. Unrevised version reprinted in M. McShane and F. Williams III (ed), Criminal Justice: Contemporary Literature in Theory and Practice, Hamden, ct.: Garland Publishing, 1997.)

J. Braithwaite, Preface, in R. Scheff and S. Retzinger, Shame, Violence and Social Structure, Lexington: Lexington Books, 1991.

J. Braithwaite and P. Pettit, Not Just Deserts: A Republican Theory of Criminal Justice, Oxford University Press, 1990.

J. Braithwaite and B. Fisse, “On the Plausibility of Corporate Crime Theory”, Advances in Criminological Theory, 2, 1990, 15-38. (Reprinted in Japanese in Kokushikan Law Review, 1992, 15: 149-177) and also Reprinted in G. Geis, R.F. Meier and L. Salinger eds White- Collar Crime: Classic and Contemporary Views, 3rd Edition, New York Free Press).

J. Braithwaite, Crime, Shame and Reintegration, Cambridge University Press, 1989.

J. Braithwaite, “Criminological Theory and Organizational Crime”, Justice Quarterly, 6, 1989, 333-358. (Reprinted in D Nelken (ed.) White Collar Crime, Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1994.)

J. Braithwaite, “The State of Criminology: Theoretical Decay or Renaissance”, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 22, 1989, 129-35. (Reprinted in Advances in Criminological Theory, Vol. 2, 1990, 155-166.)

J. Braithwaite, “Review Essay: The Mesomorphs Strike Back”, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 20, 1987, 45-53.

J. Braithwaite , Retributivism, Punishment and Privilege, in W.B. Groves and G. Newman, (eds), Punishment and Privilege, New York, Harrow and Heston, 1986. (Reprinted in R.G. Kasinsky (ed.) Crime, Oppression and Inequality, Needham Heights, MA, Ginn Press.)

J. Braithwaite, “Reply to Dr. Ernest van den Haag”, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 73, 1982, 790-93.

J. Braithwaite, Comment on “The Criminal Law as a Threat System”, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 73, 1982, 786-89.

J. Braithwaite, “Challenging Just Deserts: Punishing White-Collar Criminals”, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 73, 1982, 723-63.

J. Braithwaite and G. Geis, “On Theory and Action for Corporate Crime Control”, Crime and Delinquency, April, 1982, 292-314. (Reprinted in part as “Stricter Penalties Would Reduce Corporate Crime”, in Crime and Criminals: Opposing Viewpoints, 2nd ed. Edited by C. Debner, T. O’Neill and B. Szumski. St Paul: Greenhaven Press, 1984, 115-119; A. Duff (ed) Punishment. Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1993, 280-311; N. Shover and J.Wright (eds.), Crimes of Privilege: Readings in White-Collar Crime, New York, Oxford University Press, 2000).

J. Braithwaite, “The Myth of Social Class and Criminality Reconsidered”, American Sociological Review, 1981, 46: 36-57. (Reprinted in J.F. Sheley (ed.) Exploring Crime, New York Wadworth Publishing Co, 1989.)

J. Braithwaite, “Merton’s Theory of Crime and Differential Class Symbols of Success”, Crime and/et Justice, 7/8, 1980, 90-94.

J. Braithwaite, Inequality, Crime, and Public Policy, London and Boston, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. [Out of Print - Manuscript available in pdf]


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