Publications listed in assending date order.
J. Braithwaite (2015), ‘Cascades Across an Extremely Violent Society: Sri Lanka’, International Journal of Conflict and Violence
J. Braithwaite (2014), ‘Traditional justice’. In Jennifer Llewellyn and Daniel Philpott (eds.) Restorative Justice, Reconciliation and Peacebuilding. New York: Oxford University Press.
J. Braithwaite (2014), ‘Foreword’. In D.Cornwell, J. Blad & M. Wright (eds.) Civilising Criminal Justice: An international restorative agenda for penal reform. New York: Oxford University Press.
J. Braithwaite and A. Gohar (2014), ‘Restorative Justice, Policing and Insurgency: Learning from Pakistan’, Law and Society Review 48(3), 531-561
J. Braithwaite and T. Rashed (2014) ‘Nonviolence and Reconciliation among the Violence in Libya’, Restorative Justice: An International Journal 2(2), 185-204
J. Braithwaite (2013) 'Maluku: Anomie to reconciliation', in E. Aspinall, R. Jeffrey, and A. Regan (eds.) Diminishing Conflict in Asia and the Pacific: Why some subside and other's don't, London; New York: Routledge.
J. Braithwaite (2013) 'Truth, reconciliation and peacebuilding', in R. King, V. MacGill & Roger Wescombe (eds.) Peace in Action: Practices, perspectives and policies that make a difference, Wagga Wagga: King MacGill Wescombe Publications.
J. Braithwaite and A. Wardak (2013) 'Crime and war in Afghanistan. Part 1: the Hobbesian solution', The British Journal of Criminology 53, 179-196.
A. Wardak and J. Braithwaite (2013) 'Crime and war in Afghanistan. Part 2: A Jeffersonian alternative?', The British Journal of Criminology 53, 197-214.
J. Braithwaite (2012) 'Cascades of violence and a global criminology of place', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 45(3), 299-315.
J. Braithwaite (2012) 'Evaluating the Timor-Leste peace operation', Journal of International Peacekeeping 16, 282-304, republished in Daniel Druckman and Paul F. Diel (eds.,)
Peace Operation Success, Leiden; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, (2013). J.Braithwaite and Ray Nickson (2012) ‘Timing truth, reconciliation, and justice after war’, Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, 27(3), 443-476.
J. Braithwaite and Bina D'Costa (2012) 'Cascades of Violence in Bangladesh', Canberra: ANU.
J. Braithwaite (2011) "Partial truth and reconciliation in the longue duree", Contemporary Social Sciences 6(1), 129-146.
J. Braithwaite & A. Wardak (2011) Is Killing Taliban a Good Idea? Inside Story, Dec 7 2011, click here
J. Braithwaite (2010) 'Anomie and Violence in Indonesia and East Timor 1997-2009', Asian Journal of Criminology.
J. Braithwaite (2010) 'Loose Talk of Just War', Pakistan Journal of Criminology 2(1), iii-vii
J. Braithwaite (2009) ‘Conclusion: Hope and humility for weavers with international law’, in B. Bowden, H. Charlesworth and J. Farrall (eds.), The Role of International Law in Rebuilding Societies after Conflict: Great expectations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 270-289.
J. Braithwaite, Peacemaking Networks and Restorative Justice, in J. Flemming & J. Wood (eds), Fighting Crime Together: The Challenges of Policing and Security Networks, Sydney, UNSW Press, 2006, 195-217.
J. Braithwaite, Rape Shame and Pride: Address to Stockholm Criminology Symposium, 16 June 2006, Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 7, 2006, 2-16. [note: this pdf is the submitted version only and may contain errors]
J. Braithwaite , "Pre-empting Terrorism", Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 17(1), 2005, 96-114.
J. Braithwaite , Domination, Quiescence and Crime, in S. Nagel (ed) Policymaking and Peace: A Multinational Anthology. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 2003.
J. Braithwaite, Thinking About the Structural Context of International Dispute Resolution, in M.R. Bustelo and P. Alston (eds) Whose New World Order: What Role for the United Nations? Sydney, Federation Press, 1991.