Third International Workshop on Australian Aboriginal Languages

This page supports the Third International Workshop on Australian Aboriginal Languages
April 28-29, 1998, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Final programme

Convenor: David Wilkins, with David Nash and Jane Simpson
Workshop announcement

Event representation, verb semantics and/or argument structure in Australian Aboriginal languages

The discussion group on the first morning will examine patterns of motion lexicalisation and motion description in Australian languages, structured by a questionnaire (also available as Word 5.1 file: questionnaire.rtf).

There is a model answer to the first two modules of the questionnaire for Arrernte: Arrernte.I-II.rtf (a Word 5.1 file), another answer to Module II: two Warlpiri motion-rich text fragments, and an answer to all four modules for Jaminjung is available on request from Eva Schultze-Berndt.

Final programme

Day 1

David Wilkins
On the subclassifcation and semantics of motion verbs in Arrernte Abstract
David Nash
Contrastive motion lexicalisation: Warlpiri and Warlmanpa Abstract
Motion Workshop: discussion of results of motion questionnaire
(including Rachel Nordlinger Thoughts on Wambaya motion)
Jane Simpson
'Greedy girl': convergent discourse patterns in Central Australia Abstract
Hennie Brugman
(MPI TG presentation)
MediaTagger: Macintosh-based video transcription Abstract

Day 2

Peter Austin
Argument coding and clause linkage in Australian languages Abstract
Eva Schultze-Berndt
Closed-class verbs as classifiers of events in Jaminjung Abstract
Stephen Wilson
Coverbs and complex predicates in Wagiman (Honours thesis, Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney, 1997) Abstract
Edith Nicolas
Semantic comparison of Bunuba and Bardi verbal classifiers: elements for a common semantic verbal classification Abstract
Bill McGregor
The Verb -ji ~ -ju ~ -j ~ -d(i) 'say, do' in Nyulnyulan Languages Abstract
Nick Evans
How to learn 130 prefixes in an hour: Regular polysemy in the pronominal argument paradigms of Dalabon and Mayali. Abstract

Related links:

Previous "International Workshops":
First Workshop announcement and programme
Second Workshop announcement

Australian languages

Date created: 15 March 1998
Last modified: 24 April 1998

© 1998 David Nash