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Restorative Justice

Publications listed in ascending date order.

J. Braithwaite (2014) ‘Foreword’, in P. Raynor, Reintegrative Justice in Practice: The Informal Management of Crime in an Island Community, xiii-xv

J. Braithwaite (2014), ‘Traditional justice’. In Jennifer Llewellyn and Daniel Philpott (eds.) Restorative Justice, Reconciliation and Peacebuilding. New York: Oxford University Press.

J. Braithwaite (2014), ‘Foreword’. In D.Cornwell, J. Blad & M. Wright (eds.) Civilising Criminal Justice: An international restorative agenda for penal reform. New York: Oxford University Press.

J. Braithwaite (2014), ‘Evidence for Restorative Justice’, Vermont Bar Journal 40(2),18-27

J. Braithwaite and A. Gohar (2014), ‘Restorative Justice, Policing and Insurgency: Learning from Pakistan’, Law and Society Review 48(3), 531-561

J. Braithwaite and T. Rashed (2014) ‘Restorative Justice: Lessons from Libya’, Restorative Justice: An International Journal, February 2014, Special Report, 1-8

J. Braithwaite and T. Rashed (2014) ‘Nonviolence and Reconciliation among the Violence in Libya’, Restorative Justice: An International Journal 2(2), 185-204

J. Braithwaite (2013) ‘Foreword’, in T. Gavrielides, V. Artinopoulou (eds.), Reconstructing Restorative Justice Philosophy, xiii-xv

J. Braithwaite (2013) ‘Flipping markets to virtue with qui tam and restorative justice’, Accounting Organizations and Society 38(6-7) 458-468

R. Nickson and J. Braithwaite (2014) 'Deeper, Broader, Longer Transitional Justice', European Journal of Criminology 11(4), 445-463

J. Braithwaite (2013) 'Western Words', Restorative Justice: An International Journal 1(1), 20-22.

J. Braithwaite (2013) 'Foreword' in D.Cornwell, J. Blad & M. Wright (eds.) Civilising Criminal Justice: An international restorative agenda for penal reform, United Kingdom: Waterside Press.

J. Braithwaite and A. Wardak (2013) 'Crime and war in Afghanistan. Part 1: the Hobbesian solution', The British Journal of Criminology 53, 179-196.

A. Wardak and J. Braithwaite (2013) 'Crime and war in Afghanistan. Part 2: A Jeffersonian alternative?', The British Journal of Criminology 53, 197-214.

J. Braithwaite (2012) ‘Foreword’, in J. Bolitho, J. Bruce and G. Mason (eds.), Restorative Justice: Adults and Emerging Practice, viii-xi

J. Braithwaite (2012) ‘Preface’, in T. Gavrielides (ed.), Rights and Restoration within Youth Justice, 1-4

J. Braithwaite (2012) 'Responsive freedom' (chapter 1.8.), in Sam Muller and Stavros Zouridis (eds.) Law and Justice: A strategy perspective, The Hague: Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublishers

J. Braithwaite (2012) 'Paradox and civic republicanism vision', Nevada Journal of Law, 12(333), 333-340.

Hsiao Fen Huang, Valerie Braithwaite, Hiroshi Tsutomi, Yoko Hosoi and John Braithwaite (2011) 'Social capital, rehabilitation, tradition: support for restorative justice in Japana and Australia', Asian Journal of Criminology.

J. Braithwaite (2009) ‘The Effect of Restorative Justice’, Journal of National Prosecutors College China 17(4), 41-45.

J. Braithwaite (2009) 'Restorative Justice', in H.J. Schneider (ed.), International Handbook of Criminology, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter.

J. Braithwaite (2009) ‘Restorative justice for banks through negative licensing’, The British Journal of Criminology 49(2), 439-450.

E. Ahmed and J. Braithwaite, 'Shame, pride and workplace bullying', in S. Karstedt, I. Loader and H. Strang (eds), Emotions, Crime and Justice, Oxford, Hart Publishing, forthcoming.

J. Braithwaite (2007) Building Legitimacy Through Restorative Justice, in T. Tyler (ed.), Legitimacy and Criminal Justice: International Perspectives, Russell Sage, NewYork, 146-162.

J. Braithwaite (2007) "Encourage Restorative Justice", Criminology and Public Policy, 6 (4), 689-696.

J. Braithwaite, (2007) 'Foreword', in B. Morrision, Restoring Safe School Communities, Leichhardt, Federation Press, v.

J. Braithwaite, "Doing Justice Intelligently in Civil Society", Journal of Social Issues, 62(2), 2006, 397-407.

J. Braithwaite, "Narrative and “Compulsory Compassion”", Law and Social Inquiry, 31(2), 2006, 425-446.

J. Braithwaite, "Responsive Regulation and Developing Economies", World Development, 34(5), 2006, 884-898.

J. Braithwaite, Accountability and Responsibility Through Restorative Justice, in Michael Dowdle (ed), Rethinking Public Accountability, Cambridge University Press, 2006. [note: this pdf is the submitted version only and may contain errors]

J. Braithwaite, "Shufukuteki Shihou" (Restorative Justice: Overview of the Concept), in Hosoi, Yoko, Nishimura, Haruo Kashimuri Shirou, and Tatsuno Bunri (eds), Shufukuteki Shiho Sougouteki Kenkyu (Restorative Justice: An Overview of Research) Tokyo , Kazamashobo, 2006, 24-34.

J. Braithwaite, Peacemaking Networks and Restorative Justice, in J. Flemming & J. Wood (eds), Fighting Crime Together: The Challenges of Policing and Security Networks, Sydney, UNSW Press, 2006, 195-217.

J. Braithwaite, "Between Proportionality and Impunity: Confrontation => Truth => Prevention, The American Society of Criminology 2004 Sutherland Address", Criminology, 43(2), 2005, 283-306. (Reprinted in C. Slakmon, Machado & P. Bottini (eds), Novas Direções no Goverança da Justiça e da Segurança (New Directions in the Governance of Justice and Security), Brasília-D.F.: Ministry of Justice of Brazil, United Nations Development Programme – Brazil & the School of Law of the Getulio Vargas Foundation – São Paulo, 2006, 371-388.) (Reprinted in Revista Argentina Teoria Juridica Volumen 7, 2007 as "Entre la Proporcionalidad y la Impunidad")

E. Ahmed and J. Braithwaite, "Forgiveness, Shaming, Shame, and Bullying", Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology , 38(3), 2005, 298-323.

J. Braithwaite, E. Ahmed and V. Braithwaite, Shame, Restorative Justice and Crime, in F. Cullen, J. Wright and K. Belvins (eds), Taking Stock: The Status of Criminological Theory, Advances in Criminological Theory, 15, 2005, 397-417.

J. Braithwaite, “Families and the Republic”, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, XXX1(1), 2004, 199-215.

J. Braithwaite, “Emancipation and Hope”, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 592, March 2004, 79-99. (Reprinted in C. Slakmon, Machado & P. Bottini (eds), Novas Direções no Goverança da Justiça e da Segurança (New Directions in the Governance of Justice and Security), Brasília-D.F.: Ministry of Justice of Brazil, United Nations Development Programme – Brazil & the School of Law of the Getulio Vargas Foundation – São Paulo, 2006, 389-410)

N. Harris, L. Walgrave and J. Braithwaite, “Emotional Dynamics in Restorative Conferences”, Theoretical Criminology, 8(2), 2004, 191-210.

J. Braithwaite, “Restorative Justice and De-Professionalization”, The Good Society 13(1), 2004, 28-31.

J. Braithwaite, “Holism, Justice and Atonement”, Utah Law Review, 2003(1), 389-412.

J. Braithwaite , Principles of Restorative Justice, in A. von Hirsch, J.V. Roberts, A.E. Bottoms, K. Roach and M. Schiff (eds) Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice: Competing or Reconcilable Paradigms?. Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2003, 1-20.

J. Braithwaite , Domination, Quiescence and Crime, in S. Nagel (ed) Policymaking and Peace: A Multinational Anthology. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 2003.

J. Braithwaite , Restorative Justice and Corporate Regulation, in Elmar G.M. Weitekamp and Hans-Jürgen Kerner (eds). Restorative Justice in Context. International Practice and Directions, Willan Publishing, Devon, UK, 2003, 161-172.

J. Braithwaite, Does Restorative Justice Work? In Gerry Johnstone (ed), A Restorative Justice Reader: Texts, Sources, Context. Willan Publishing, Devon, UK, 2003, 320-352.

J. Braithwaite, Restorative Justice and Responsive Regulation, New York, Oxford University Press, 2002.
H. Strang and J. Braithwaite (eds), Restorative Justice and Family Violence, Melbourne, Cambridge University Press, 2002.

J. Braithwaite, “Setting Standards for Restorative Justice”, British Journal of Criminology, 42(3), 2002, 563-577.

J. Braithwaite, “Restorative Justice and Therapeutic Jurisprudence”, Criminal Law Bulletin, 38(2), 2002, 244-262.

J. Braithwaite, “Restorativna I reaktivna u cilju uspostavljanja mira u svetu”, Temida , 2(4), 2002, 3-28.

J. Braithwaite , and H. Strang, Restorative Justice and Family Violence, in H. Strang and J. Braithwaite (eds), Restorative Justice and Family Violence. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002.

J. Braithwaite , In Search of Restorative Jurisprudence, in L. Walgrave (ed.), Restorative Justice and the Law. Collompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, 2002.

J. Braithwaite , Linking Crime Prevention to Restorative Justice, in J. Perry (ed.), Restorative Justice: Repairing Communities Through Restorative Justice. Lanham, Md.: American Correctional Association, 2002.

J. Braithwaite , Restorative Justice, in P. Bean (ed.) Crime: Critical Concepts in Sociology. London: Routledge, 2002.

E. Ahmed, N. Harris, J. Braithwaite and V. Braithwaite, Shame Management Through Reintegration, Melbourne, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
H. Strang and J. Braithwaite (eds), Restorative Justice and Civil Society, Melbourne, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

J. Braithwaite, “Crime in a Convict Republic”, The Modern Law Review, 64(1), 2001, 11-50.

J. Braithwaite, “Youth Development Circles”, Oxford Review of Education, 27(2), 2001, 239-252.

J. Braithwaite, “Restorative Justice and a New Criminal Law of Substance Abuse”, Youth and Society, 33(2), 2001, 227-248.

J. Braithwaite, Intention Versus Reactive Fault, in N. Naffine, R. Owens and J. Williams (eds), Intention in Law and Philosophy. Ashgate-Dartmouth, Aldershot, 2001.

J. Braithwaite, Reconciling Models: Balancing Regulation, Standards and Principles of Restorative Justice Practice, in H. Mika and K. McEvoy (eds), International Perspectives on Restorative Justice Conference Repor t. Queen’s University, Belfast, 2001.

J. Braithwaite, and D. Roche, Responsibility and Restorative Justice, in G. Bazemore and M. Schiff (eds), Restorative Community Justice: Repairing Harm and Transforming Communities. Anderson Publishing Co., Cincinnati, 2001.

H. Strang and J. Braithwaite (eds), Restorative Justice: Philosophy to Practice, Aldershot, Dartmouth, 2000.

J. Braithwaite, “Survey Article: Repentance Rituals and Restorative Justice”, Journal of Political Philosophy, 8(1), 2000, 115-131.

J. Braithwaite, “Shame and Criminal Justice”, Canadian Journal of Criminology, 42 (3), 2000, 281-298.

J. Braithwaite , “Restorative Justice and Social Justice”, Saskatchewan Law Review, 63(1), 2000, 185-194. (Reprinted in E. McLaughlin, R. Fergusson, G. Hughes and L. Westmorland (eds) Restorative Justice: Critical Issues. London:Sage, 2003).

J. Braithwaite, “Decomposing a Holistic Vision of Restorative Justice”, Contemporary Justice Review, 3(4), 2000, 433-440.

J. Braithwaite, Democracy, Community and Problem Solving, in G. Burford. and J. Hudson (eds), Family Group Conferencing: New Directions in Community-Centered Child and Family Practice. New York, Aldine de Gruyther, 2000.

J. Braithwaite, “Restorative Justice: Assessing Optimistic and Pessimistic Accounts”, Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Vol. 25 (ed. M. Tonry), 1999, 1-127.

L. Walgrave and J. Braithwaite, “Guilt, Shame and Restoration”, Justitiele Verkenningen, 1999, 25 (5), 71-80.

J. Braithwaite, “A Future Where Punishment is Marginalized: Realistic or Utopian?” UCLA Law Review, 1999, 46 (6), 1727-1750.

J. Braithwaite and C. Parker, Restorative Justice is Republican Justice. In G. Bazemore and L. Walgrave (eds), Restorative Juvenile Justice. Palisades, New York: Criminal Justice Press, 1999.

J. Braithwaite, Education, “Truth, Reconciliation: Comment on Scheff”, Revista Juridica Universidad de Puerto Rico, 67(3), 1998, 609-614.

J. Braithwaite , Restorative Justice, in M. Tonry (ed), The Handbook of Crime and Punishment. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998, 323-344.

J. Braithwaite, “Conferencing and Plurality”, British Journal of Criminology, 1997, 37(4), 502-506.

J. Braithwaite, “Commentary: law, morality and restorative justice”, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 1997, 5(1), 93-98.

J. Braithwaite, “Restorative Justice and a Better Future”, Dorothy J. Killam Memorial Lecture, Dalhousie University, 17 October, 1996.

J. Braithwaite, “Searching for Epistemologically Plural Criminology (And Finding Some)”, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 29(2), 1996, 142-146.

J. Braithwaite, “Restorative Justice and a Better Future”, The Dalhousie Review, 76(1), 1996, 9-32. (Reprinted in E. McLaughlin, R. Fergusson, G. Hughes and L. Westmorland (eds) Restorative Justice: Critical Issues. London:Sage, 2003).

J. Braithwaite, Resolving Crime in the Community: Restorative Justice Reforms in New Zealand and Australia, in C. Martin (ed.), Resolving Crime in the Community Mediation in Criminal Justice, London: Institute for the Study and Treatment of Delinquency, 1995.

J. Braithwaite, Diversion, Reintegrative Shaming and Republican Criminology. In Günter Albrecht and Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer (eds), Diversion and Informal Social Control, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1995. 141-158.

J. Braithwaite, Restorative Justice. F.W.M. McElrea (ed.), Re-thinking Criminal Justice vol 1. Justice in the Community. Auckland: Legal Research Foundation, 1995.

J. Braithwaite, “Applying Some Lessons from Japanese and Maori Culture to the Reintegrative Shaming of Criminal Offenders”, Japanese Journal of Criminal Psychology, 32, 1994, 181-96.

J. Braithwaite and S. Mugford, “Conditions of Successful Reintegration Ceremonies: Dealing with Juvenile Offenders”, British Journal of Criminology, 34, 1994, 139-171. (Reprinted in D. Karp (ed.), Community Justice: An Emerging Field. New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998 Reprinted in K. Laster, Law as Culture, Sydney: Federation Press.)

J. Braithwaite and K. Daly, Masculinities, Violence and Communitarian Control, in T. Newburn and B. Stanko (eds), Just Boys Doing Business, London: Routledge, 1994. (Reprinted in M. Valverde, L. MacLeod and K. Johnson eds., Wife Assault and the Canadian Criminal Justice System, 1995, and translated to Servian in Temida, 4(2) 2002: 29-44).

J. Braithwaite, Thinking Harder About Democratizing Social Control, in C. Alder and J. Wundersitz, (eds) Family Conferencing and Juvenile Justice: The Way Forward or Misplaced Optimism? Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 1994.

J. Braithwaite , What Is to be Done about Criminal Justice? in B. Brown and F. McElrea (eds) The Yough Council in New Zealand: A New Model of Justice, Auckland: Legal Research Foundation, 1993.

J. Braithwaite, "Reducing the Crime Problem: A Not So Dismal Criminology", Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 25, 1995, 1-10.

J. Braithwaite, Crime, Shame and Reintegration, Cambridge University Press, 1989.

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